Section rosse Pointe ews A ---~---------- - -~---- ------------------------------~ _ .. ----------------------------_._-------------- ----_._.-- VOl. 43-NO, 13 h~U.h.~ d eJ.,. M.tte, .t III. '011 0"1 t O.... lt, MI,hl, .. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRil I, 1982 lOe ,., c." 36 Pages-Three Sections-plus Insert ---------------- $11 ,., TN' -- ---------------------,-----------------_._----------- ----------------------------- State will trap elusive gypsy moth here in spring They ('amI' to Michigan at. tlial hateh In late April when llie teeled at high alti tudes. agricu Itural inches wide loosely to the tree and eggs will lie dormant until the fol. areas were sprayed last May, slate tached to the trailer of a Michi. bud~ on trees begIn 10 open that do officials say, Windstorms can dis, folding the cloth back over the string lowing April. officials say, and it looks like they gan sailor returning from serv- thl' damag!' The faterpillars feed on trtbute hatching populations over so the caterpillars can crawl in either may have eradicated the moths. In leaves of trees and shrubs of as large areas. but people. Cdrs and other Egg masses found in the area iCe in New England during the from the side or from beneath. addition. a small part of Livonia was lIlallY a~ 500 dlrrerent varieties, In movers do the bulk of distribution. should be reported to the Department early 1970s. state Agricultural sprayed ab<>ut the same time. Department officials say. Since the late "tages of lIa'ir development officials said. Another effeclive trap for the of Agriculture's Detroit office. The a l'aterpillar ('an eat several leaves fourth stage caterpillars is a sticky phone number 366-2230, The location The Pointes' proximity to the water then. gypsy moths have defoli- a day, orrkial~ said. After distribution. the larvae begin ~ubstance painted around the base of of egg masses helps officials locate may make the job. a little more com, ated acres of Miehi~,m's forests. their feasting when they come to good each tree. Officials say larvae caught centers 01 infesta,tions and plan their n1i,..?t~'" -10.,. thp c::.~tp hIlt """'("CI' ."'''H'~ Eggs are laId in late J uJy on trees feeding plants. The species favored Infestations in southeast ?>Ikhigan should be dropped in cans of either next move against the moths, ~i~'gs . ;nd 'oih'~r . p~;ii~id~s"~~ld- ~be Of anYII here l'lse the moths can by the insect include 500 dmerent bleach or kerosene, hne been diswvered in Liv<mia, used without harming either the lake d('J){J'ilt theIr 70 to 1,000 eggs. The trees and shrubs. About the only Although the trees are not killed Grosse Isle and llloomfieid Township or the residents. masses look Ilke rust.colored fell trees the moths don't seem to like After fattening themselves, the outright by the defoliation. the loss of through trapping programs by the larvae pupate, or form hard, mahog- strips about on(' to two inches long. are the yellow or tulip poplar, offi. the leaves does force the tree to use department. Trappings in the Grosse any colored cases around themselves Talk of pesticides, sprayings and cials said. more energy to sustain life during' Pointe and Harper Woods area last Batching enmasse in late April, which are attached either to the tree such are premature, state officials the growing season, cutting down year turned up nine male moths. but The damage is done to trees as the or on anything they can get to, The note, since they won't be eollecting the caterpillars are buH<olored at what is left to keep the tre.e going- a walk.through search or the area moths feed through their five stages female pupae are usually larger than their traps until mid.August to deter- birth. but qukkly turn black. They through the winter. In 1971, New found no eggs. officials said. of development. Early stages eat holes those cf males, But the males make mine whether there is a problem in remain around the egg mass if tern. Jersey officials reported that three p('ralures are below 40 degrees or if in the leaves. while later-stage moths up for it by emerging first, after the area. The task now, they stress. Allhough ~ncern about an infes. straight years of defoliation because it is raining, feed at leaf edges, migrating to the about two weeks. is to keep the traps in place. away of the moths kllled over a mlllion tation ma)' be premalurE', agriculturo underside of leaves and branches from prying fingers and vandals. trees. officials say Ihey arc returning this Wlien the lime is right, the larvae when not feeding, The female moth doesn't fly but year to trap the area at a rate ab<>ut will spi n lhreads of silk and lay down draws its mates by sending off a The most effective weapon against The orange.tent-shaped traps should 16 llmea more dense than earlier a trail of it wherel'er they Ira Alter the fourth stage, the cater- scent that brings males from around vel. the moths is the pesticide Sevin, be appearing throughout the area in trappings in hopes of locating Ihe \Vhen they reaeh the outer branches pillars begin feeding at night, then the area, The same attraction is used which New Jersey officials document mid.June, so they are in place be. center of any possible infestat!on. move down the trees in HIe morning by the Agricultural Department in its of trees and shrubs, the threads be. as being safe for use in residential fore the moths pupate, Collection come their aerial ticket to new areas. to find shade, In late May. the mi. tent.traps, The female then deposits data from the trappings will deter. The moth itself does not eat, but areas, grating larvae can be caught by tying her new egg mass usually in or near mine the state's ne'd move against simply reproduces, It is the laf\'ae Gypsy moth larvae have been de. a piece of cloth about six to eight the same place she pupated, and the Bloomfield Township's infested the moth, Pay freeze ordered Woods council cites economy.., budget shortfalls By MJke Andrzejczyk kept at its $49,000 level. city "Wb looking Into ways to hold the line In terms of expenses," Citing the state's economic The council meets yearl)' to review condition in general and expect. the performance of ill two appointed That, Lovelace said, would be of officials, and sets compensation. Pet. direct benefit 10 residents, As the ed revenUe shortfalls for Grosse e1t)' held down expenSe5, it could Poi n t e Woods in particular, ersen said his salary has not cbanged since July, 1980. also hold property tax levels down, councilmembers in that citv have he saId. decided to freeze compensation Included wilh the salaries is a Councilman Robert Novltke said the for its two top officials at fiscal fringe benefit package which 11 cur- rellJOn for not giving the two a raise 1981-82 levels, rently being negotiated, The new was "revenue shortfalls we are ex. package will include some provisions periencing thi. )'ear and anticipated At • March 22 meeting of the com. that were bargained into contracts cutbacks during the coming year," millee.of,the ......hole. councilmembeu for general employe unions. city of. The councll is expeded U> act on rmewtd the performanct of City ficlals sa ld, Comptroller: Aneuor Frederick Horn. the recommendation! of the commit. tee at Its April 5 meeting. fi.ber Ind recommended the council The fringe benefit package for ap- bold the line 0tI 1).11 IItar)' In the up- pointed officlals II still with City Peteraen', total salary of $49,000 eominl fiIUl year, ~lfnnln, JuI)' I. Allorne)' George Catlin. wbo wu puts him at the top of the Pointe city asked by the council to make chanses admlnutrator lilt, The city manager An earlier meeting of the commit. in the disability retirement clause in Grosse Pointe City has a fueal tee-01.lbe.whole recommended the and other .reu. That package will 1981 salary lIsted at $45,000, be said. City Manager's Chester Peterft'n's be come back before the council In open The Park City Manager reported a session when they will take action $4-2,000 salary for the same period. to repeal the 1977 agreement and The Shores Village Manager said hi5 adopt the new agreement simultane. salary for fiscal 1981 was S40,000. The Inside ously. Farms city manager receives $48,000, BUSiness .... ,' , .... ,.... , .. 7A he said. HOLDING TIlE line on salaries is Cable, TV, Local. .4.'\ Hornfisher's $34.500 salar)' for Classified 3C not a move to force out any employes, 1980-81 fell farther down the list. council members stressed, but was a ~.'~ ......:z,.,.' Editorials '" 12A Grosse Pointe Park'. clerk-assessor direct response to the cit(s need to ~;;.;:?:.~. Feature . , 12.B receh'es $39.000 yearly, while Grosse Leiters to Editor " . , , .. 12A hold down costs in areas it had direct Pointe City's finance director re- Photo by Tom Greenwood control over. Obituaries ,. .,., .. 8'\ ceives $35,000, The Farms clerk-asses- Practice makes perfect, and from the looks and teammate Cheryl Huelsenbeck. Thanks to Prime Time . .. 6A of intense concentration on these two members The counCIl made its reeommenda. sor makes $38.000 a )'ear-. warm weather (finally), most of South's spring- School News , IOA All councils review the salaries of of the South High School girls track team, per. oriented sports were able to move their activ- Sode~' , 1.7B lion after "looking at the total econ- omic climate of the area:' Councilman their appointed officials on a yearly fection isn't too far off.
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