r -------------------------------------------------------------------------——- r " • r . : ---------------------'.............. ---------------- - “ ' ‘ ^ -----— r~^— — - ..... ........-.- ^ ............. Final ^ PaVthr°€teodyy^--^-~ 7 * ^--- B ' ' B B ^ U io it H Warmer hi'-------------------------------- ------ ------------------- )T?1TAV, T^TARVH 29. 19B5 —TEN -CEN I^ ^1 ~ 4 0 r o r 3 4 8 ____ 2___________________ TtailroadiVM ISi s r g e r H ^ • m . S a % E a ^Beeoffim enSesnded • . ? ___ ___ S H e r T jiBdeKaLAgei >tfP?^M ert;ci uf the Penn ----- : 'i..... • IBl ^ 4 ■ J*.- ■ylvHniii and New York Centralintral ruilrrrailroads was ree­ ommended todiiy by examinersl's lfor o r ththe e iinterstate com- ip — » % merce oonimisaion. If tinally appruN’edapprQ\ed b;by thp K T, the BlIIIjllfBB ______ __ (See photmi on1 pagepage 8>8> ^ 'nited Slates’ largest rail SAXTTTVnrr-rhilc, Matvh ai>ai» (U(UPl)-^New, lljrht Penn-Central^would^^ uxro'\afcf dnu*^‘ irlv today in the wake of e laid dowitHy-one-of w hich-----1'' ------ - ^ ■rTj" -Tgw- ■' Earthuth trcitremors shook Chile early toda ^o\iH rw]iiire the two railroada[is to providprovide freight serv’- ^ ^ y^sicruay'is m ‘m fr3 ~ 'n tll!<s!vt) tiuiik o -wi-ln liitili ch -fcik i! lled n t lea nt 817--------- Ir-P over the lines of the Newr Haven rairailroad. But the ‘rtwtvB. Stiinm oloni.st a s a id i l ioin new IEarth movements 'Mi. examiners-^contrary to ex- uld be considered customary aftetshaftetshocks. There were ilties or damage. National V .stations in the railroad f^ fe R r no1 immi'diato reports of ca.siialties or industrydid nut lewiii- Bomb____ [loiii-oilice offiioflici.illy listed ns deadi 21-1 resresidents of the vil- lUjjjj mend that the ^^rped , -p ^ la Repre oof f I.e t iibre wiiicii was i Penn-Central system sup- ItC C l I\i . j j f l C ijietl out by tons of m ud oort tlM! New Haven's- bankrupt ^cd Radar BH ul water when a dam A^oiir O lll Persons || irst. Klsewhere, S3 per- i,-- Sr^V.®" InstaU;[iistallations ins were known dead, in- fx O S U ^ e n t operating deficits on a Illlill! fiHifinir cach In Qantlngo lospitalized loiind economic basla.'' SAIOON.SAIOON, SoS outh V let Nam. id V«U>aral!>o — Chile's two i ^ — T O merg g g rlf a pp r ove d by -tHa 88 CB t^vv f jghter-K rtm h^r* *t, r i i c k ifltf^r Wrpipks J„ll .-nmmmion. would create n tiftvv tlchter-b BBjBpEjp.' ^ ~ o 10 631-mlle system that «-ould asftlnsain todaytoday atat North Vlet Nam's thata t nuirem ore 'l'th a n 350 persons h ad FourF o u r peoplepeop were listed In from operate In 14 statea. thfc District radaxidax InstallaInstallations I on Bach vn killed In the quake. Some fairilr to goodgoo condition Monday oX Columbia and Canada. Lonsong Island, followingfo up a raid eomuiutiUle?niuiunltles were .still cut off ufterncKinfternoon ata Maglo Valley Me- It a'ould serve most major Fridayriday agalnatagainst that military tar- WOMAN AN"n BOV look at thaa front of H ^mmunltlca, ripped open a 230-foot.hl|foot.high dam. drowning 3&0 an^lit offlelaofficials siUd delayed ro- mortallorlal (lospltolJiosp where they wers ’ nopuI$Qon*”ceitrcre™ bcvw**n tne- g e t iii -tne o u u '*lo~' <00' perBoni; Ttmusands wcie made h irl. frnm <h^ riMmlry.Irti. roiilrl ilfnn fi.1lr.nfiillmL’ln f Iwn srrin ra te a c - East Coast and tho Mississippi Enemy grour In SantU^o, Chlje, after a fiant earthqua Enemy ground flro downed a central Chile Sunday. The quake0 ahatjkred^ahattered home* In acorea of trophe. (i(AP wlrephoto by radio fromom Santiago)San pu^hish thollie totoll even h ig h er. elddents en ts wesIwest of Twin bSiUIs Su iw I ~ iiw r.------ --------------- k-rharri r I n *~rn Thn _ge_n^l_ Cnih -----a------- ..........."___ - ..Jtiill WnahlWyil^gteil. atftjg. rlnyiy_and-_ nnri M<M onday,_______________ ' Examiners Jerome K. Lyle and pHotHot was reportedrepor rescued unln- *jf mentent offlcluofflclal.s who coniactea uie ^ 5Mr. r. andancP M i^Josepn L. Olil'- H' Henry C. D arm stadt*r. who con- jured. s. cnibas!iy In Santiago said well.cll. Filer, were listed In good ducted extensive hearings on the TThe he attackattack vwas the 13th In a I O CQ ere were .UQ reports so far of conditionindltlon ata tlie hospital after _ ^ complex proposal, included: seriescries ofof raidsraids launched against" N.Y. Paperr Parade1 C assia School001 ^Bond N. anyly Amerlc;Amerlcnns Injured, killed or Qur^ralliur\rall apparentlyap loot control H -It Is our belief that tho ■over- j^orth'orth VleLVIeL.Nam Ns Feb. 7. Bach m m mLnsingLsslng In tho earthquake. ofr tlie steer:steering on the 1061 Chev- H ril benefit* to be derived tm m i^„g^one, only go80 imiles west of Red "T T t<(niuhimatlnn of thfl proposed i--hir,n'. Hntv'n;HilY'nr.-lslnnd nnd 100 A wall of muck formed of the rolet>lct >10ho waawt driving about 3:33 ■! \ £ iiirly llgulil wnntfl Trom a cop- n ■ m.m BiindlivKund atH:r one-half of 1: merger clearly o u tw lg h any In- milesilles aouthsouth of tthe Chinese main- Vote» V \ Slatedi ^Ti e s d a y ^ ^ ^tmnauts.^j^£^r mill smashed through thc a.mllo east Jury which haa not nor cannot land. Is the nc per mill si .mile oast of Curry on highway ind. Is the northernmost point NEW YORK, March 29 (/P)—Thi■)—The skies were somber damim and sswept over the more 3 0 . T h e ve: be protected through th e lm.- to be hll. BURLEY. March 29 — Cassia'assia comcounty residents will NEW 3. Tho vehicle struck a power ^ > be hit. BUBLL'! ; a glory of its own today thanlan 80 hhomes In I,« Cobre, pole,ole. Wl position of conditions" sic. RadioRadio PekinPeking . charged that faceface the futurefu of the county;y educaticeducational system when frray, but Broadway radiated a glo The examiners did not recom- eight U.S. mllfti in honor of Amerlca’a first buddiesbudd in space trav el. irylng inhInhabltnnls under up to AccordingAccordlnj to tho Investigating , W Ight U.S. mlUtary planes Intrud- theythey vote Tue.sday1 on a proposedlosed $1,25$1,250,000 school bond iree feet of the sticky matter, deputy,cputy, QurwellOl was traveling H mend Inclusion of the financially «d1 Into CommunistCommi China's ter- q^uic Virpil I. Grissom and John W.V. YounKYoi took their bows [P'^ng tl ttoubled^le-J^ckawanna rail- rltorlal air sp; issue. This will mean a 3.9 millmill increaincrease in assessment, •. It was Iho worst earthquake west'est on tlio highway. The vehicle jU itorlal air space nenr Hainan i m.s TlS the city offered the fervent,nt, flamboyantfla tributes bf dLsasiorLsast<?r tnin quakc-prono Chile Jumped'' a mad m the mergM Penn-centrgl. ilandin Lwo-iin Lwo -gxoup*-4upln»-thja aCCQrtUUCiccordiag 1l.o_fiKure!Ljelea9ed id bbv y jjiethe <ccntral school of- limped' a curb, sheared off a H n nn1ritm^T\4tttoti¥rh-the^-weatherh er wiWHSrdHr-lt-Aml-tir-iaxly, ftiHoe-May.Hoe- May,—1960. when a serlca 4»l«phon«-{?l«phon«-pol»-and-apu>v-aK>und ----- ^ But they left the recor"a-^en ay.xh^ The Chine Chinese maintain their fice.fice. If the bond issue is passedissed fundfunds wilTl>eTisea to' , bands and ch eers alonK ' shocks killed an estimated facingacing oast.eas Telephone service t for 10 years to permit future con- aterand and air airs] space rlgh^ extend buildbuild six additionuL'ToaiM£ iitAt Burley hiidl schoo!. an it waa ’bright with banners, band tlderatlon of such action If the 12 miles from t Broadway' — the “Street of HerocHeroes” — as thousands IQQ persona. wnains dlarupldisrupted In thoJCmxy-ao!* ■ 2 miles from their coasts. o^lHifinnnladditional two roo^s aiyCeclosclo hiprh school and three Broadwc Yesterday's quake hit during for a shor Erie-Lackawanna Ifl not success- ixjday'sToday’s raidraid was led by Cmdr. aqaiuonai saluted a lu te d tho Gemini astro- u,o nwn i or a short time following tho W; (ul In lU a ttem p t to be adm itted H enry P. Oil: ---------------- - 7 rooms at Raft River high 10 noon hours with shocks so accidcnt.ccld cn t. S [enry P. Oilndeman. C oeur iiiuts. Cloudbursts of to rn strongrong theythe rambled up and a Rcxbu 10 the NorfoU and Western raU- d'Alene.‘Alene. Ida.,Ida,, sklpp>ers of alrwlng P i school, foifor the seventh and i' L - L e A Rexburg youth and a Twin ' lapcr outdid the rain as downDwn this :narrow South Amerl- Falla''alia womanworn were hospitalized C-y0 81O ent to ------- -eisrtttit—gl gee MERGEK, Pa*e 2, Column 6 Oilndeman.oilndeman, -who^ flew directly Tie pai? rode t h ro u prh' Lfter a three-ear accident, about— |K provide two rooma for the f All 'Twin FalLs county : P|] Ild across the Andes to the 2:301:30 a. m. Monday1 on U. 8. high- I ----------------------------- to> Saigon follovfollowing tho raid, said elementary students. rI legislators will attend the massednassed, applauding ranks. lores ot the Atlantic In Argen- way 93 atx Is primary objective had been vay 93 ab o u t one an d cme h a lf II Confer With • Also present plans include an I,‘ weekly legislative luncheon UmbrelltJmbrello-sheltered throngs lined f na.„ “ miles soutl- subsUnllallyLibstantlally didamaged. ^ a t noon Tuesday In the thehe streestreetsidos.
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