Canadian Mineralogist Vol. 21, pp. 517-528(1983) GRUNERITEFROM THE SHINYAMA ORE DEPOSIT,KAMAISHI MINE, JAPAN ETSUO UCHIDA,8 GeologicalInstitute, Facalty of Scienc?,University of Tokyo, 7-3-l Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113,Japan ABSTRACT on compositionsof amphibole determinedby the electron-probemicroanalyzer, reveals that most are, Most of the clinopyroxenein the clinopyroxeneskam that in fact, cummingtonite-grunerite containing only a contains the 4D copper orebody of the Shinyama ore small calcium component,Grunerite is common in deposit(Japan) was alteredto amphibole owing to late-stage metamorphosediron-formations (cl, Mueller 1960), decreaseoftemperature. Two amphibole speciesare found: Ca-amphibole and cummingtonite-grunerite; the latter is and cummingtonite is widespreadin metabasicrocks rarely found in skarn-typeore deposits.In exoskarnsderiv- in the amphibolite facies. But cummingtonite- ed from limestone, the following zonal arrangementis grunerite is rare.in skarn-typeore deposits.In this observed from the limestone to the igneous rock: paper, the amphibolesoccurring in skarns around cummingtonite-grunerite skarn, Ca-amphibole skarn, the 4D orebody of the Shinyamadeposit are describ- (clinopyroxene skarn) and garnet skarn. This arrangement ed, and their thermochemicalconditions of forma- is attributable to the increasein the chemicalpotential of tion are elucidated. CO2 toward the limestone. GEOLoGYoF THE KAMATSHIMINING Keywords: cummingtonite-grunerite, Kamaishi mine, Shinyama deposit, skarn, zonal arrangement,phase Drsrnrcr ANDDEscRrprroN oF THEDEposrrs equilibria, thermochemicaldata, X(CO), Japan. The Kamaishi mine, located in the easternmargin Souuernr of Kitakami massif,is typical of iron-copper skarn- type depositsin Japan.The mine is locatednear the Le gite 4D du gisement cuprifbre de Shinyama (Japon) Hayachine-Goyozan tectonic zone. Mesozoic to se pr6sentedans un skarn i clinopyrox0ne.Ce pyroxdne Paleozoicsedimentary formations and igneousrocks s'esten grandepartie alterden amphibolei la suite d'une baissetardive de la temp6rature.Deux espdcesd'amphi- are distributed around the mining district. The ore bole sont repr6sent6es:I'une, amphibolecalcique et I'au- depositsof the Kamaishimine occur nearthe boun- tre, membre de la s6riecummingtonite-grun6rite, rarement dary betweenthe Nagaiwa-Onimaru limestonewhich trouvde dansles gisementsde type skarn. Dans les exoskarns is of Carboniferousage and the Ganidakeigneous d€riv6s de calcaire, on observeles zonessuivantes. du cal- complex of Early Cretaceousage. The Iimestoneis caire vers la roche ign€e: skarn d cummingtonite-grundriie, the host rock of the skarns. The Shinyama ore skarn i amphibolecalcique, (skarn i clinopyroxdne)et skarn depositis located on the west side of the Ganidake d grenat. On peut attribuer cette disposition en zonesi igneouscomplex and is the largestin the Kamaishi l'augmentation du potentiel chimique du CO2 en direction du calcaire. mining district. It is composedof thirteen orebodies (Traduit par la R6dacrion) which may be subdividedinto three types: iron, cop- per and iron-copper. The skarn can be roughly divid- Mots-cl4s: cummingtonite-grundrite, mine de Kamaishi, ed into clinopyroxeneskarn and garnet skarn; the qrsq-n9ntde Shinyama, skarn, distribution en zones, former containscopper orebodies and the latter iron 6qujlibre de phases, donn6es thermochimiques, or iron-copper orebodies. Grunerite occurs in X(CO), Japon: clinopyroxeneskarn, which enclosesthe largestcop- per orebody, called 4D, in the Shinyamaore deposit. IurnooucrroN The readerwill find a more detaileddescription of the Kamaishi mining:district in Hamabe & Yano Clinopyroxeneskarn of the 4D copper orebody (r976). of the Shinyamadeposit of the Kamaishi mine under- went strong late-stage alteration. Most of the THE SKARNSAnouNo THE4D AND7D OREBoDIES clinopyroxenein the skarn was altered to arnphibole, previously consideredto be Ca-amphibole(actinolite The skarns.uound the 4D copper and 7D iron- to common hornblende).The presentstudy, based copperorebodies of the Shinyamaore deposithave beendescribed in detail by Uchida & Iiyama (1982); only a summary is given here. *Presentaddress: Laboratoire de Min6ralogieet G6ologie The skarns are formed along the boundary be- Appliqude, Universitd Catholique de Louvain, 1348 tween limestone and diorite to diorite porphyry Louvainla-Neuve, Belgique. belonging to the Ganidake igneouscomplex (Fig. l). 517 518 THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \z \z \u \ /\ z\ /\ /\ / /r u r zt /\ \/ \/ \/ \/ \ \/ \/ \/ \/ ++++ /\ ,\ /\./\ / /\ /\ /\ /\ %r. ore body \/ \/ \/ \/ \ \/ \/ \/ \/ \ ++++ /\ /\ /\ /\ ,/ /\ /\ /\ /\ / \/. \/ \/ \./ \ \,/ \/ \/ \,, \ @re-cuarewat FFFFf, )< )( >(,.,. > ffi Cu ore body \/ \/ \/ \/ \ ,\ a\ a \ /\ / cometstom \/ \/ \/ \/ \ Il3 /\ /\ z\ /\,7 )( ,'( )( \/ \/ \,, \/ \ cnr stcrn \ /\ /\ /\ / )" )')( @ FJT Limestone E \/ \/ \/ \ t\ 2\ 1':' 71 F=i 51q1s ><)v4< -l Homfels a a a.l\ -500 -4@ -300 -zn Frc. l. Gbologicplan at the 5O&metrelevel in the vicinity of the Shinyama4D copper and 7D iron-copper orebodies (after the Kamaishi Mining Company, Ltd.). They show the following ,[rangement of zonescross- OCCURRENCE AND DISTRIBUTION OF AMPHIBOLE ed perpendicularto the boundary, from the limestone toward the igneousrock: clinopyroxeneskarn (that Amphibole occurs in all skarn zones, but is enclosesthe 4D copperorebody), garnet skarn, the especiallyabundant in clinopyroxeneskarn, garnet 7D iron-copper orebody, garnet-clinopyroxene skarn,the iron-copper orebody,epidote-amphibole skarn, epidote-clinopyroxene skarn, epidote- skarnand plagioclase-amphiboleskarn. Amphibole amphiboleskarn and plagioclase-amphiboleskarn. in the former three skarns is consideredto be an The latter three are not well developed,compared alteration product of clinopyroxene,and that in the with the former. latter two skarnsis consideredto be derived from Clinopyroxeneskarn is well developedin the up- diorite to diorite porphyry. Amphibolitization of per levels and narrows abruptly toward the lower clinopyroxeneis weak in garnet-clinopyroxeneand levels.Most of the clinopyroxeneis strongly altered epidote-clinopyroxeneskarns. to amphibole and is, at present,rarely found, Garnet The presenceof relict clinopyroxeneand of Ca- skarn, Iocatedon the limestoneside of the 7D iron- amphibolepseudomorphs after clinopyroxene@ig. copper orebody, consistsmainly of coarse-grained 38, D) shows that clinopyroxeneskarn was once anisotropic garnet with a moderate amount of composedmainly of clinopyroxene.This skarn is, clinopyroxene. Garnet-clinopyroxeneskarn, located at present,composed mainly of amphiboles,calcite on the igneous rock side of the 7D iron-copper and quartz. Clinopyroxeneis observedlocally near orebody, is composedmainly of isotropic to slight- the networksof anisotropicgarnet. Such strong am- ly anisotropic garnet and clinopyroxene.Clinopyrox- phibolitization is a typical featureof the 4D copper enein garnet and garnet-clinopyroxeneskarns is not orebody and is not observedin the other copper so strongly alteredto'amphibole. Judging from the orebodies(2D, 3D,5D and 8D) of the deposit. TiO2 content, and from the size and form of the Three types of amphibole, cummingtonite- garnet crystals,garnet skarn is consideredto be deriv- grunerite, actinolite and hornblende,are identified ed from limestone, and garnel-clinopyroxeneskarns in the clinopyroxeneskarn. The following regulari- from diorite to diorite porphyry (cf Uchida & Iiyama ty of distribution is recognizedfor theseamphiboles; 1982).A network of anisotropic garnet is formed becauseit is not very easyto distinguishsome Mg- locally along fractures in clinopyroxeneskarn; the poor actinolite from common hornblende, thesetwo garnetis similar to that composingthe garnetskarn. amphiboles are called Ca-amphibole for conve- GRUNERITE FROM THE SHINYAMA ORE DEPOSIT. JAPAN 519 500M1N430 --+N o OO OOOO a a o a a$Y - E ,""" .6 !v 'o oo ro oi )o ol ooo .c/.i or ^s' ooo F {f $g 5s *'"1t?'50 Ftc.2.-Distribution of amphibolesin clinopyroxeneskarn near N430 of the s@-metrelevel of the Shinyzrmaore deposit. This areacorresponds to that surroundedby dotted linesin Figure l. Parenthesesindicaie a small quantity. Numbers are samplenumbers. Legend: seeFigure l. nience.Figure 2 showsthe distribution of theseam- Ca-amphibole is generally idiomorphic to phiboles in the clinopyroxeneskarn near N430 of the hypidiomorphic and may contain relics of 500-metrelevel. Many garnet networks are observ- clinopyroxene (Fig. 3D), whereas no relics of ed here (Fig. 3A). There is a tendency for Ca- clinopyroxene are observed in cummingtonite- amphiboleto dominate where garnet networks oc- grunerite. The color of the Ca-amphibolevaries from cur, whereascummingtonite-grunerite dominates colorlessto dark greenaccording to its Al content. elsewhere.Since the garnetsare formed along frac- Ca-amphiboleis accompaniedby small amountsof tures in clinopyroxene skarn, the formation and calcite,quartz and magnetite.Though it is not easy distributionof the amphibolesare thought to be con- to distinguishactinolite from hornblende in some trolled by the fracture system. cases,there is a tendencyfor hornblendeto dominate wheregarnet networks occur. The amount of acti- Cummingtonite-gruneriteis not common in skarn- nolite increaseswith distancefrom the networks. Ac- type ore deposits.It hasbeen reported only from the tinolite rimmed with hornblendeis sometimesobserv- Obira and Mitate mines in Japan (Miyahisa 1958, ed, which may indicatethe replacementof actinolite
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