Ml tba News of WE DO BED BAKU anfl SuMoundtag Towns OUR PART Tola Fearlessly ana Without Blae. Issued %Te9kly. Entered G3 Second-CUss Uuttar at tbo Fout- RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1934. Subscription Prlca: One Year §1.50 VOLUME LVII, NO. 23. at Red Bank. N. J., under the Act of March 3, 1870. Six Months SI.00. Singlo Copy 4c. PAGES J TO 1?,, THEIR WEDDING ANNIVERSARY GIRL SCOUTS MEET. New Manager For Sir. and Mrs. Benjamin C. Cook En- Plan To Stuff Gingham Puppies and tertaln Friends At Dinner. Fill Christinas Baskets for Needy. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin C. Cook ol ears At the regular meeting of Girl One Middletown Faction Strives Branch avenue celebrated their 25th Fair Haven Company Celebrates Paul Schoellner's Place and Most Scout troop No. 24, which met last William E. Musser Succeeds Wil- Two Vajuable Animal* Owned wedding anniversary last Sunday Friday night in the reception room Middletown Tavmship Board cf by Edward Schimmel of Leon* for Appointment of Walter night at their home. Tho occasion Anniversary With Dinner, of Its Contents Destroyed by of the Presbyterian church, plann liam S. Weeks nt Local Tele- Education Drops Suit to Com' : ardo Tortured I© Death a» Re- Hamilton—Another Faction was also tho twelfth birthday an- Show and Dance—Six of Fire of Mysterious Origin- were furthered for the stuffing of phone Office—Mr. Weeks pel Suspended Principal tn niversary of their son, Jesse. Tho 1904 Incorporators Living. Mr. Schoellner Burned. gingham puppies and tho filling of salt of Gunning on His Farm. ' Opposes. Christmas baskets for the needy as Goes to Newark Office. Render Accounting. Edward Solilmel, a dairy farmer In couplo received gifts of silver as well According to a report which to !Fire of unknown origin Thursday their part of the local welfare work. Middlotown townahlp, near Leonardo, as money and flowers. More than 300 persons had a de- William E. Musser has heen ap- The Middletown township board tit current In Middlotown township and Dinner guests were Mrs. I*. B. Van- lightful time at the thirtieth anni- noon destroyed Paul Schoellner's Holiday out-of-town activities were pointed manager at Red Bank for education ha3 dropped the chanctty posted his lands against hunting at which has received considerable cre- vorsary celebration of the Fair Har fountain pen nnd pencil factory at tha outset of tho aeaoon, but a num- Neat, Lee VanNcnt and Mr. and Mrs. planned and it was announced that .he New Jersey Bell Telephone com- suit vrtilch It started last September dence, something like an endurance Percy Hicks and children, Graco and von flro company Saturday night at Port Monmouth and caused Injuries the next scheduled meeting was post- pany, J. G. Webster, district mana- to compel Paul I. Itedcay, principal ber of gunners paid no attention *~ contest has developed between two David, of Rumeon; Mr. and Mrs, Ben- tho Elks home on Broad street. The for Its owner. The building was onponed'until the following week. A ger for the Monmouth county area, of tho township high school at Leon- tha notices.. They ripped the rig factions of tho members of the town- jamin C. Cook, Jr., of Eatontown, affair consisted of a lino turkey din- Walling avenue a shore distance from spaghetti dinner will be given for announced this morning. ardo, to make an accounting of off and made ao much uoe ot tho ship boapd of education. Duo to the and Mr. and Mrs. William Curchln ner, an excellent door show under the Port Monmouth postofllce. Eleven those who will be in town during the money turned over to him. It waa al- farm to hunt gams aa if they had resignation eoveral weeks ago of and children, Dorothy and William, tha direction of Tony Hunting, and persona were employed there. Ther- Thanksgiving holiday. leged by the board, through Ita coun- •Seen Invited to do DO. Charla3 Frledlander, the board has Mr. and Mra. William Heyer and dancing with music by Larry LaRos mometer caties were manufactured in Alice Townsend was appointed to sel, Miss Florence F. Forgotson, that rr-'About a week or so ago Mr. eight members Instead of the cus-daughter, Jean, and Audrey, Eleanor, and his orchestra. addition to fountain pens and pen-represent thn troop and offer its ser- Mr. Redcay had received money from " Schlmmol noticed that ono of his best tomary nine. The endurance contest, Jeaae and Gloria Coolt, all of Rod Tho flro company wa3 organized In cils. vices for the Rivcrvlew hospital for pupils for lost and damaged boota milk cows waij missing. Ho and hlaor whatever it may bo callcd.ls with Bank. March, 18O1, at a public meeting Tho flre was discovered by Mr. any work thoy could do to assist the and for valious other things and that employees searched "high and low"regard \f tho appointment of a new called for the purpose of "discussing Schoellner shortly nfter the eleven hospital. he had not made a proper report to member 0 succeed Mr. Frledlander. tho feasibility of forming a flro com- employees of the place had left for the board of education about this for the animal, but they wero unable fund. to find It. It Is not unusual for cows, Tho si >ry has It that four of the pany to protect life and property." dinner. Mr. Schoellner was badly member: of tho board, including Mrs. Tho company was legally Incorpor- burned on his hands and face in a Mr. Redcay, through hla counsel, when they arc about to become moth- .kloffat, tho president, favor ora, to' seek seclusion in woodland Adeline ated June 1 that year, and steps wero vain attempt to put out the blaze; Annual Sale Of •Theodore D. Parsons, claimed that tho app' ntment of Walter Hamilton Immediately taken to raise funds for The fire was far advanced when he he had made a full accounting and and Mr. Schimmel thought that come do, who is engaged in busl- thing of this kind had occurred. I of Loon a flrehouoo and equipment. left tho building and he had a nar- Christmas Seals | had turned over to the board nil tho neao at lew York, to succeed Mr. now escape from being killed. big tract of wooda on his place wa "Hansel and Gretel" to be Pre- Thero were sixteen incorporators, money he had collected. Application Frledln.nd.ar. Mrs. Moffat's support- of -whom six aro living. The The Port Monmouth firemen and was made by Mr. Redcay for a bill combed, but no traco of the animal ers are Joseph W. Thompson, Oliver sented Twice by the Sixth It Was Inaugurated for Mon- of particulars setting forth in what waa found. following men wero the Incorporators, the firemen "of adjoining communities Williams and Harry Loach. The Grade—Motion Picture Show with tho asterisk denoting thoso who wero sent for. They made quick timo mouth County Monday after- manner he had failed to render s However, later during tho week th other four members of tho board are December 6. are deceased: in getting to the conflagration, but noon at a Tea at the Home of proper accounting. Mr. Redcay al- cow waa accidentally found by Mr. said to bo opposed to the naming of Rufus, Merritt*, Thomas P. Morrls- from the outset it was apparent that Mrs. Lewis S. Thompson. leged in this application that hla of- Schimmel whllo walking through th" Mr. Hamilton not because they aro Two performances of the operetta aey», Robert Chandler*, Forman R. the building was doomed. Tho fire- fice at the high school had been en- woods. It "was dead and the caUB personally opposed to him but be- "Hansel and Gretel" will be present- Smith, William Curchin, John R. fighters did splendid work in prevent- The annual sale of Christmas tered during his absence and that •was plain, for thoro waa a gaping cause thoy aro against somo of tho ed by tho sixth grade of tho Rum-Scott*, Henry J. Schneider', Frank ing the flames from spreading to ad- seals in Monmouth county waa in- various records and papers were un- gunshot wound in Its sldo. Tracks on pollcljCO of Mrs. Moffat and do not son public school. Tho first will be Mulvihlll, Walter J. Parker", P. H. joining buildings. augurated at a tea given for com- lawfully taken from hia dealt. Ho •want her to receive more support. given Friday morning, December 7, the ground ohowed where tho cow Fielder*, Robert W. Schumann*, C. About twenty machines were In tho munity representatives and other also said that the door of his office had painfully walked through under- Theso four members are Irving in the school auditorium before the Pitt Worthley*, George H. Smith*, interested helpers at the home of ha<J been locked so that ho waa un- Hoop, Albert LJndenBtruth, Curtis J. students of tho high school and will building, some of which cost as much brush. It had probably laid exhaust- .John J. Hendrlckson, Chris D. Chand- as $1,000 each. Many of the machines Mrs. Lewia S. Thompson at Brook- able to enter it. ed In the woods several days before : Walling and John Spencer. bo repeated Tuesday evening, De- ler and Harry H. Mlnton. dale farm, Lincroft, on Monday af- The bill of particulars was asked cember 11, for tho Parent-Teacher aro damaged beyond repair, but Mr. It died. It had been duo to calve All tho recent meetings of tho Schoellner, believes that somo of ternoon.
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