SEVEN NEW PRINCES IN CONSISTORY MARCH 28 SPECIAL VOCATION ISSUF Supplement to the Denver Catholic Register N ational N ational ALl-TIME HICH S ecdob THE Section CARDINALS' COLLEGE REGISTER Vatican City. —With the appointment of I I I liH H seven new Cardinals by Po m Joim XXIII, the (Name Re^stered In the U. S. Patent Office) membership of the Sacred College stands at a M W MR 09 AUNT DURIAU 09 aUCULATION* . »-v^ d . This f aoir to CeawMM with HCRC Wesbtadse News BaadrawUn by Ito Owa Leeavd Wb% Bm B e Owe ■-*»< record high of 85. New Princes of the Churdi SlUiSil Deevtoe, M IR ow Newt lervtoa. toMMi twvtsii. Rwstonf New* Pbolei end NCWC Ptotme getrias indude the first Negro, the first Filipino, and the FRTd AY; MARCH 11, I960- SECTION TWO first Japanese to be named to the Cardinalate. When the Cardinals-designate are devated at a 'Pray the Lord of the Harvest. ' ^ i Vatican Consistory March 28, Pope John will have created 38 Princes of Uie Church in tbrM consistories in r r ^ i his 16-month reign. In their order of precedence Uie new CanUusIi ire Aidi- blAiops Luigi TragUa, Vicegerent of Rome; Peter Tatsuo Doi Im rw&f iiifUed of Tokyo; Joseph Lefebvre i t Bourges, France; Bernard Al- frink of Utrecht, Tbe Netberlanda; and Rufloo J. Santos of _ i s M Manila; Bishop Laurtan. Rugambwa of Rutabo, Tanganyika; and Monsignor Antonio Bacd, Secretary of Brieti to Princes, M o n r s At the death of Pius Xlt there were 52 CardinaU. In the first coulatory of Pope John'i reign, Dec. 19, 1968, the Sacred ike Ijiril ^ College was increased to 74 members by the elevation of 23 Cardinals- One of the old Cardinals hid died before the cm- ik e io H m ilstory. In the second consistory condocted by the Pontiff, Dec. 14, 1999, membenhip in the Sacred College was brought f o r i k U fm rs it iio fTATIOJIS' FIRST CRBDIHJILS to a new high of 79 (since three bad died) with the elevation J l i e of eight new Cardinals. The death of Cardinal Aloysiui Stepi- THREE OF THE SEVEN new Cardi­ Peter Tatsuo Doi, Archbishop of T ob o, Japas; nac of Yugoslavia Feb. 10 reduced tbe number to 78. < J i u t i i 9 , 3 7 -5 8 nals \n Pqw John XXIII are in Lsniian' Rugambwe, Bishop of Bntai», Tfenfan- jrika, East Africa; and fiiit Negro Cardinal, at Secpml Cordiool lor Airiea eoantrtM sever M o n teptwwrted in the Sacred Bishop Rugambwa, the first Negro to be omned a Prince least in. modem times; apd Bufloo i . SaBtos, of the Church, if tbe second Cardinal for Africa. The other Archbishop of Manila, the Philippines. They are. left to ri^ t, CardlnalaKleai^te one is Hti Eminence Teodoeio Clemente de Gouevla, Arch- -5 S W * biahop of Lorenjo Marques, in Hosambique, Portuguese East '4; - Africa. Cardinal-designate Rugambwa speaks English. Italian, 5^2 S w a ^ , and Klbaya, bis native tongde. Pope Visitinc Ar^biihop Doi Is the first Cardinal for Japan. Arch- V bUhop Santoe, tbe first Csrdlnal for the Pbtllpplnas, speaks English and Spanish, u weU u Tagalog, the national language Poor at Newy of tbp Philippines. With two Italian nominees for tbe Cardinalate, tbe num­ ber of Italian Cardinals stands at S3. France will have eight Built Churches Cardinals. The U.S. h u six, Spain has five, Uermany has ftair, and Brazil has three. Argentina, Canada, Britain, and Portogual Bome.»SliMc most of the an- each has two Cardinals. dent Lenten stational churches Coqnttjes with one Cardinal each are Ireland, Belgium,' a n in die heart .of the Eternal Hungary, Poland, Armenia, Syria, Austria, India, China, Aus­ a t)', where compirathwly ftw tralia, Mexico, Uruguay, Ecuador, Cube, iTh^ Netherlands, I penoos B n , John X X m this the Philippines, Japan, and Tanganytiu. The latter country is a year is eisitiiig the new d wwhei United Nations trust territory in Africa under British ad­ on the outsUits c f tte dty. ministration. It is scheduled to beemne aelf-govemlng year irtiere the poor and middle and fully independent in the future. (NCWC iM io and Wire] classes reside. Most of the arsis be will vUt 38 HONORED Df 16 MONTHS in Lent reflect the congestioo bom of World War n . MigranU from poor and on d en lop ^ sec- dons of Southern Italy nocked IS/X PRECEDENTS MADE into these districts, where are fuind the greatest nomber af L unemployed, many of whom be- IN N E W c a r d i n a l s ! c r ie Communists. TO SEND FORTH LABORERS INTO HIS HARVESr IN 8TSONGHOLDS Vatican City.-~At least six vemba, 1969, membership in precedents have been made tbe Saaed 0>l'ege reached an OF COMMUNISM such a .storming o t heaven by praya, many by Pope John XXIQ in nun- THE IBfPORTANCE of prayer to ob­ All-Ume high i>( 79. Catholic'youths wlU find the courage and i n ^ a - On March < he obsem d the log three groupe of new Car­ With seven new Cardinals tain sufficient vocations to the relirious Lenten station in the p c^ o u s and eceleaiasUeal Ufl'la stressed by Jeeui Christ tion to enta the service of God u priMs, dinals, for a total of 38. in designated this month, the brothers, and aiitert. Today's youths, at those Centocelle district at the Cap^ leas than , 16 months. This Dumba of Cardinals is at a (Matt lx, 38). This la a role that averyone can uehln Cburdi o f San Felice di take in the obtaioing of su ffid n t laborers f a in genaatlani before them, will accept the chal­ could be a record t<a, fre­ record high o t 86. Under lenge to service and sacrifice; but they will do Catalld. On Sonday, March 13, quency of such appointments. Pope John tbe number of the Lord’s harvest, for everyooe can pray. the Holy Father will go to Onr Strengthened and inspired by tbe outpouring so more readily if supported by tbe pesyas and Breaking from long-estab­ American Princes of the encouragement of all members of the CSiurch. Ledy of Help Church In the lished traditions, tbe Pontiff Church has increased to six, o t God's grace that will be consequent upon heavily populated Tiburtiito dis­ first raised tbe membenhip the highest in history. t i l a itrcmgbold of Commun­ of tbe Sscred College to tbe Departing from a provlxioo ism. Protestant preachers are highest number in nearly 400 of Canon Law, which ben also actin in the parish, where yean. When he appoint^ 23 naming a new Cardinal who NEW YORK 'CRASH' PROGRAM poverty and moral misery are Cardinals in November, 1998, already has a brother in the rife. including two Americans, and Sacred College, tbe Pontiff The Pontiff on Sunday, March the first Cardinal from Mex­ made an exception in desig­ FIGHTS BIG VOCATION LAG 20, will vitU the Chnrch of Our ico, he increased the membe^ nating Archbiriiep Amleto Gv New Y a k .- A “crash” Voca­ net increase of 336 priests. But cent, has come n e v the total Lgdy of Hoalth, which has 19, abip in the College to 75. Cicognani, then Apostolic Del­ tions program is unda way in during the same y e a Catholic Cathdic population increase of OM parishioners living in a sec­ NEW SVROFSRR CKRDIRRLS Under Pope Gregory x m egate to the U.S., a Prince of the New York Ardidiocese, population Increased by 1.460,- 38.1 p a cent. / tion almost as depretaed as Ttb- (1572419),.the number of Car­ the Church in Novemba, afta ■ a study of statistics 126. This w u m>e new priest 'A e New York “crash” pro­ urtino. 'The four uew Princes of ^ Church from Europe dinals readied 76. His succes­ 1958. He is a brotba of Cardi- showed that f a every 4346 new CatboUcs. gram includes: 1) An adult edu­ rOn the last Sunday of the sor, Sixtus V, fixed tbe num­ nal Gaetano Cicognani of tbe are, left to right, top row, Cardinals-designate Bemart vocations were Teaching Nuns cation program on voettions; mentb, March 27, be will go lo Alfriok, Archbishop of Utrecht, Holland, and Luigi TrtgUs ber St 70 on Dee. 8, 1588. His Roman Curia. lagging far be­ 2) a sustained long-range pro­ the Omreh of St FraacU Xdr- Vieegamt of Rome; botimn row, Cudinalsdeslgnste Joseph edict remained in force u^Ul With tbe 1959 a^lnt- hind the in­ Are Too Few gram; and 3) a program dioce­ ier in ^ Garbetella d iitr ^ Lefebvre of Bourges, France, and Antonio Bacd, Secretary of When Pope John named (Bents, (he number ef Eag- crease of Calh- Ten yean ago there were san wide—and ahned at-satun- near SL Paul's Outside the Briefs to Princes. eight new Cxrtinals in N » lish-ereMdng Cardinals rose oUc popula­ 4300,000 students unda Cath­ tion coverage. It it being di­ |.Walls. The 2SJXK) parishioners to 1^ •ntonmberiBg f a the tion. The story olic instruc’ kin. and 80306 rected by MonaigDa Tbomaa A. ate generally better off flnanc- INDIAN TKITHTVL RISE 2 5 % IN DECADE first time thOM. ef- all otb a of the program is told in an t e e i n g staters. Today there Donne Ian. Chancellor of the itUy than those of TlburtinO.
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