Lakeside Middle School Seattle, WA “Fostering community connection, social May 28, 2021 responsibility, and civic engagement.” Volume I, Issue 07 CLOSING LETTER FROM THE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Dear Readers of The Lakeside Leo, report on the 2020 election. Together, well as Ms. Reem Abu Rahmeh. In closing, The Lakeside Leo was pred- these issues encompass more than 80 icated on a daring hypothesis that a As our school year draws to a close, I It has been a privilege and a joy to pages and 170 articles from 49 indi- cohesive team of motivated students write to express my profound gratitude serve as your Editor-In-Chief for the vidual authors (including contributors could come together to champion lit- to you – the Lakeside community – for inaugural year of The Lakeside Leo. not on the regular Leo reporting team), eracy and student engagement in their your support of this bold experiment in Establishing the framework and chart- or approximately 18% of the Lakeside own community and beyond. Thanks student journalism. Nine months ago, ing the vision for The Leo has been a Middle School student body. These to your support, and to the tireless ef- we launched The Lakeside Leo, a stu- distinct highlight of my Lakeside expe- statistics of engagement do not include forts of The Leo reporting team, this dent-run initiative to, as I described in rience, and I thank my reporting team the various community members who enterprise has proven a resounding our Inaugural Letter, “foster commu- for this remarkable opportunity. Now, graciously agreed to be interviewed, success. I could not be more proud, nor nity connection, social responsibility, at the conclusion of my tenure, I am for whose time and voices we are more grateful. and civic engagement.” To fulfill this excited to announce that Paul Mackay, grateful. mission, we assembled a team of 52 re- currently Managing Editor of The Leo, Sincerely, porters, section editors, photographers, This monumental undertaking would will assume the role of Editor-In-Chief and contributors, each of whom were not have been possible without the for the 2021-2022 school year. Paul’s passionate about journalism and com- ceaseless support of the Lakeside com- consistent contributions have helped Anushka Noori mitted to answering the call-to-action. munity, faculty, and administration. mobilize our work this year, and I Editor-In-Chief To date, our team has produced seven In particular, I would like to extend am confident that he will continue to full-length issues which comprise Vol- my appreciation to the faculty advisor propel The Leo forward in the year to The Lakeside Leo ume I of The Leo, as well as a special of The Leo, Mrs. Susie Mortensen, as come. RACISM ISN’T OVER AND ASIAN-AMERICANS ARE THE NEW TARGETS BY CAILEEN W. crimes decreased by 7% in 2020, inci- has a long history in the U.S., dating Long, denied all claims of the murder In early February this year, a 61-year- dents against Asian-Americans rose by back centuries. A few examples in- being motivated by anti-Asian bias. old Filipino man had his face slashed 150%. Many of the hate crimes were clude HIV, which was called the “4H After his arrest, he claimed that it was with a box cutter while riding a New concentrated in major cities like New disease,” referring to Haitians, homo- simply a way to get rid of his so-called York City subway. On February 3rd, York City and Los Angeles. A report sexuals, heroin users, and hemophil- “sexual addiction.” Although less se- a 91-year-old was brutally shoved to from the NYPD showed the frequen- iacs; the bubonic plague, also known vere, many similar cases have not been the ground in Oakland Chinatown. On cy of these incidents in New York City as the Black Death, was thought to be regarded as hate crimes, leading to a February 5th, a 64-year-old Vietnam- increased by a whopping 1,900%. Ste- spread by Jews; in the 1800s, typhoid minimal amount of arrests compared ese grandmother was assaulted and reotypes that surround those of Asian was blamed on the Irish; and in the to the sharp increase when accounting robbed of one thousand dollars’ worth descent further induce racist behavior. 1900s, the Germans were blamed for for public opinion. Additionally, many of Lunar New Year money. And recent- For example, Asian women are gener- the start of the influenza pandemic. of the crimes are robberies of Asian- alized as meek and submissive, which owned stores, which can be interpreted ly, a mass shooting in Atlanta resulted Anti-Asian crimes tread on a blurry highlights them as “easier” victims of as a common robbery. in the deaths of eight people, six of line. Many believe that the racist in- hate crimes. which were Asian women. cidents have an underlying theme of Although your voice may seem small, Hate and racism against Asian-Ameri- Much of this behavior has been spurred Asian hate and should be recognized you can make a change. Spread aware- cans has become increasingly frequent, by COVID-19, a contagious and dead- as hate crimes, but there is little evi- ness about this social issue, and make with over 3,800 cases of racist inci- ly virus originating in Wuhan, Chi- dence of the criminal’s true motives, sure that your friends and family are dents between March 19th, 2020, and na. During his presidency, Donald J. resulting in the case’s dismissal. One well-educated on the subject. If you February 28th, 2021, as reported by Trump repeatedly called the virus the example is the mass-shooting that re- have Asian-American friends, make NBC News. Racist behavior includes “China virus,” blaming the worldwide cently occured in Atlanta, Georgia, as sure to support them as best as you can shunning, racial slurs, and physical pandemic on a single country. The act described in the first paragraph. The throughout this difficult time. Remem- harassment. Although overall hate of using diseases to justify xenophobia shooter, 21-year-old Robert Aaron ber, you can make a difference. “Cinco de Mayo is a celebration of Mexican “One of the best feelings is the brush “We’ve all heard the words “Terraz- heritage and tradition. Taking place on the fifth of of wind against your face as you glide zo,” “Macrame,” and “Plaster” before, May, or Cinco de Mayo in Spanish, this celebra- down the slopes, the sight of symmet- but not a lot of us know how they be- tion gained more and more popularity in the U.S. rical tracks forging through the snow... gan-- and their history is fascinating.” around the mid-1900s. The celebration of Cinco Skiing is not only something fun to do, de Mayo is to commemorate the Mexican army’s but it helps build community, teaches victory over France at the Battle of Puebla. ” kids a lifelong skill, and creates lasting memories.” LIFE, PAGE 3 OPINION, PAGE 6 ARTS, PAGE 11 2 THE LAKESIDE LEONEWS • MAY 28, 2021 • VOL. I, NO. 7 TODAY’S POLITICS & THE LAKESIDE LEO THE ME TOO MOVEMENT BY SARAH C. nor, who was known for his often first to refuse to step down in the The U.S. Food and Drug Administration unkind ploys for power, has now face of allegations, and he will not may approve a new drug, Aduhelm (adu- Some of us may know Democratic had six women speak out against be the last. canumab), in early June. Aduhelm, adminis- Governor of New York, Andrew him for inappropriate verbal or tered via an injection, will be proposed for Cuomo, for his famous daily press When Former President Donald physical behavior. The latest of the treatment of Alzheimer’s, a debilitating briefings at the beginning of the Trump was running for office in these being Alyssa McGrath, Cuo- condition affecting 6.2 million Americans. COVID-19 pandemic. In the last 2016, a tape of him from 2005 mo’s current aide, who, according few months his reputation has surfaced. This included demean- to the New York Times, accused turned rather infamous. ing language toward women, and him of “ogling her body, remark- a confession to forcing himself The governor’s actions sparked ing on her looks, and making upon women, declaring, “I moved A major and horrifying second wave of outrage when the method in which suggestive comments to her and on her like a b****.” COVID-19 has overwhelmed India, affecting COVID-19 deaths at nursing another woman in his office.” -De hundreds of millions of families. In New Del- homes in New York were tracked Despite everything that has been spite the significance of this event, hi, morgues are receiving so many bodies that came into question. The state had released against these men, Trump the Governor refuses to step they are forced to perform mass cremations. only been counting the nursing was still elected, and 55% of the down, and denies the allegations, There are currently 29.5 million cases. home seniors that died inside of expressing that, “A lot of people participants in a University poll the homes, and not the deaths in allege a lot of things for a lot of say that the governor should not hospitals or another facility. This reasons.” These tactics seem to be resign. strategy is highly unusual, and working, because due to a recent Many politicians share the sen- not known to be employed by any On May 11th the FDA approved Pfizer’s survey, around 56% of New York- timent that Donald Trump ex- other states.
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