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DURING HIS BRIEF STAY ON CAMPUS, HE HAS WON A WARM PLACE IN THE HEARTS OF ALL WHO KNOW HIM. cai¥EraT$ BOOK ONE • • • COLLEGE BOOK TWO • • • CLASSES BOOK THREE • • ATHLETICS BOOK FOUR • FRATERNITIES BOOK FIVE • ORGANIZATIONS BOOK SIX • • • FEATURES v/)hen ENOUGH TIME HAS PASSED TO DIM THE MEMORY OF THE YEARS AT WILLIAM AND MARY. IT IS HOPED THAT THIS COLONIAL ECHO WILL SERVE TO RECALL EVERY PRECIOUS MOMENT TO YOU. IN PREPARING THIS VOLUME, THE MATERIAL WAS SELECTED THAT WOULD MOST VIVIDLY PORTRAY THE EVENTS WHICH WE FEEL WERE REPRESENTATIVE OF THIS YEAR. AND INSTEAD OF MEMORIES GROWING DIMMER. MAY THIS BOOK KEEP THEM CONSTANTLY FRESH BEFORE YOU. IT IS WITH THIS PURPOSE IN VIEW THAT THE 1939 COLONIAL ECHO HAS BEEN PUBLISHED. \^ he College of William and Mary, char- tered in 1693 , is the second oldest college in this country. Founded with the purpose of bringing a higher education to a struggling young country, it now carries on its tradition in a mature nation by turning out men and women who will be good citizens and leaders. * mm *i3 ttH i^ %^ «(,f*' ^AlMI %^V«f f^ ^^i Il ilfMORI/l Peter Paul Peebles Ullll €iref«i 4arn\oii y^ he vine covered buildings, the shaded brick walks, and many vistas of impressing beauty, are but the outward symbols of the true life and spirit of the college which flow in a deeper and hidden vein. R(^FR»v "^m ,. Mm JOHN STEWART BRYAN o PRESIDENT HEN a class graduates, trials and disappointments. The world outside a new door is opened through which there is can only intensify these experiences; it cannot no returning. Like any other violent change, essentially change them. But William and this severing of accustomed bonds has in it both Mary, in its influence and training, can and a sense of loss and the exciting stimulus of does give to its students the will to go forward, novelty. No matter how happy and peaceful the courage to endure, the power to rise, and college life may be, we all know— faculty and the resilience to recover. There is no substitute students—that no one can remain an under- for the will to win, and no energy can replace graduate forever and keep on growing. Equal- indomitable spirit. That is what Edmund ly deep is the certainty that he who would have Burke meant when he cried, as the class of 1939 the fullness of life must have the fullness of must cry in its day and generation: opportunity to fall as well as the chance to rise. "Let us pass on! In God's name. Here at William and Mary the class of 1959 Let us pass on!" has had a foretaste of honors and successes, of John Stewart Bryan [21] BOARD OF VISITORS James Hard^ I^iiiard Rector CJeORnt Waukr Mapp rice-Rector To March 7, IQ40 Ai.vAN Herbert Foreman' Norfolk, Virginia Lui.u U. Metz Manassas, Virginia A. Obici Suffollv, Virginia Gabriella Pace Richmond, Virginia Jonv Archer Wilson Roanoke, Virginia Tcj March 7, IQ42 James Har»v Dili.ard Charlottesville, Virginia J. Gordon Bohannan Petersburg, Virginia George Walter Map? Accomac, Virginia Homer Lenoir Ferguson Newport News, Virginia CiiANNiNG Moore Hall Williannshurg, Virginia The State Superintendent of Public Instruction Ex-Ojficio Sidnev B. Hall Richmond, Virginia Secretary to the Board or Visitors CiiARi ES J. Duke Williamsburg, Virginia [22] OFFICERS OF ADMINISTRATION JoHx Stewart Br'^an M.A., LL.B., LiTT.D., LL.D. President of the College James W. Miller, Ph.D. Charles J. Dlke. Jr., B.S. Dean of tJie Faculty Bursar and Assistant to President Theodore S. Cox, A.B., LL.B. Dean of the Department of Jurisprudence Albion Guilford Ta\lor, I'li.D. Assistant Dean of the Marshall-lf'ythe School of Gov- ernment and Citizenship and Head of the Department of Economics K. J. HoRK. Ph.D. ALargl ERiTE \Vy.\ne-Roberts, B.S. Dean of the Summer Session and Assistant Dean of Women Head of the Department of Education John K. Hdci tt, B.S., ALSc. Grace Warren Landri .m, Ph.D. Assistant Dean of Men Dean of ll'omen Kathleen Alsoi', A.B. J. Wilfred Lambert, A.B. Ret/istrar Dean of Men E. G. SwEM, A..\L, Litt.D. Vernon L. Nlnn, B.S. Librarian Auditor (23 1 John Minor Stetson B.A.. Ph.D. Professor of Mathematics Charles H. Stone B.S., M.A.. B.L.S. Professor of Library Science Earl Gregg Swem B.A.. M.A.. Litt.D. Librarian Alb:on Guilford Taylor B.A.. M.A.. Ph.D. Professor of Political Economy Anthony Pelzer Wagbner B.A.. Ph.D. Professor of A ncicnt Languages Helen Foss Weeks B.S.. M.A.. Ph.D. Professor of Education Dudley Warner Woodbriuge B.A., J.D. Professor of Jurisprudence ROSCOE CONKLING YouNG B A.. B.S.. M.A.. Ph.D. Professor of Physics GconcE H. Armacost B.A.. M.A. Associate Professor of Education Martha Elizabeth Barksdale O.D.. B.A.. M.A. A ssoctate Professor of Phyrical Education James David Carter, Jr B.A.. Docteur de I'Univcriite de Toulouse A iiociate Professor of French Joseph C. Chandler B.S.. M.A. A (fociate Professor of Physical Education Graves Glenwood Clark LL.B.. B.A.. M.A. Associate Professor of En',{i.h jAMHb W. MILLLii Hibbert Dell Corey B.A., M.A. Dean of the Faculty Associate Professor of Economics Charles Duncan Gregory B.S.. M.A. Associate Professor of Mathematics Charles Trawick Harrison B.A., M.A.. Ph.D. OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION Associate Professor of English Andrew Edward Harvey B.A., Ph.D. Associate Professor of Modem Languages John Stewart Drvan DA.. M.A.. LL.B.. Litt.D.. LL.D Prfudcnt Althea Hunt B.A., M.A. Associate Professor of Arts of the I heater Daniel James Blocker B.A., M.A.. B.D.. D.D. Professor of Sociology Victor Iturralde B.A., Doctur en Letras, University of Madrid Associate Professor of Spanish and French Theodore Sullivan Cox B.A.. LL.B. Professor of Jurisprudence W. Melville Jones B.A.. M.A. Associate Profesior Englnh Lillian A. Cuhmings B.A.. M.A. of Professor of Home Economics Den Clyde McCary B.A.. Doctcur de I'Univcnite de Toulouse Donald Walton Davis B.A., Ph.D. Associate Piofestor of hrench Professor of Biology Donald Meiklejohn B.A.. Ph.D. John Roberts Fisher B.A.. M.A.. Ph.D. Associate Professor of Philosophy Professor of Modem Languages William W.^lter Merrymon B.A.. M.A.. Ph.D. Wayne Fulton Gibbs B.S.. M.S.. C.P.A. Associate Professor of Physics Professor of Accountiincy James Wilkinson Miller B.A.. M.A.. Ph.D. William George Guy N.B., B Sc. B.A.. Ph.D. Associate Professor of Philosophy Professor Chcmislry of Peter Paul Peebles B.A,. B.S.. M.A.. B.L.. LL M. Inga Olla Helset>i B.A.. M.A., Ph.D. Associate Professor of furisprudence Professor of Education Beulah Russell B.A.. M.A. Kremer J. Hoke B.A., M.A.. Ph.D. Associate Professor of Mathematics Professor of Education George M. Small Mus.B. Jess Hamilton Jackson B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Associate Professor of Alusic Professor of English John Rochelle Lee Johnson BA.. M.A. Professor of English L. Tucker Jones B.S. Professor of Physical Education Grace Warren Landrum B.A.. M.A.. Ph.D. Professor of English Charles Franklin Marsh B.A., M.A.. Ph.D. Professor of Economics Richard Lee Morton B.A.. M.A.. Ph.D.. Litt.D. Professor of History William Warner Moss, Jr. B.A.. M.A.. Ph.D. Professor of Ciovernment James Ernest Pate B.A.. M.A.. Ph.D. Professor of Political Science Robert Gilchrist Robb B.A.. B.S.. M.A.. S:.D Professor of Organic Chemistiy Archie Garnett Ryland B.A., M.A.. Ph.D. Professor of French ^i:^ Shirley Donald Southworth B.A.. M.A.. Ph.D. Wilfred Lambert Grace Warren Landrum Professor of Economics Dean of Alen Dean of Women [24 1 Jban J. Stewart B.S.. M.A. Josephine Beverly Massei B.A. Associate Professor of Home Economics Doctore in Lettere, Dell Univctsita di Firenze. Italia Instructor in Siodern Languages T. J. Stubbs, Jr B.A.. M.A. Afsocidte Professor of Hisiory Cecil R. Morales B.A.. M.A. Instructor in Spanish Raymond Leech Taylor B.S., M.S., Sc.D. Eraser Neiman A s fociale Profcisor of Biolof^y B.A.. M.A. Instructor in Engliih Kathleen Alsop B.A. Edwin C. Rust Assistant professor of SeiietjTijl Science BFA Instructor tn Fine Arts Alfred R.
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