RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXXV, NO. 20. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1952 10c PER COPY SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 16. New Shrewsbury JCP&L to Increase Honor Local Merchants for Long Service Five Fair Haven, Pierce Wounded Stevens Concedes Dems Oppose Borough's Voltage Rumson Homes ,On Triangle Hill UNION BEACH—Voltage in this HEADDEN'S CORNER—Mr. and State Wins Tiff borough will be increased from Mrs. George E. Pierce of Sleepy School 'Divorce' 3,400 volts to 4,160 volts by the Jer- Sold During Week Hollow rd., near here, have received sey Central Power & Light com- word that their son, P.F.C. George Over Parkway Rigby, Erickson, pany Sunday morning between 6:30 Hay VaiiHorn Hcports H. Pierce, has been wounded in ac- and 9:30, the company announced tion with the 17th Infantry regi- Tells of Progress Epps, Willelt Ask this week. g Full Market ment near Triangle hill in Korea. In Water Project, The project is part of the com- Voters' Rejection pany's program of "keeping far l''or Local Places Zone Code Changes ahead of the electric needs of its V NEW SHREWSBURY—F our customers," James Warner, district The demand for good homes at NEW SHREWSBURY — Mayo: newly elected Democratic municipal superintendent, said. To effect the air prices continues throughout corgc Stevens last Thursday night officials this week asked borough changeover, Mr. Warner said, the he Red Bank-Rumson area, ac- onceded to the borough council votors to voto "no" in the Nov. circuit must be shut down tempor- ordlng"to Ray Van Horn, Fair hat the Garden Stato Parkway 25 referendum to split the Shrews- arily, "The nature of the work re- Haven realtor, who reports tho ommlsslon had won its way in a bury township school district, quires extreme safety precautions •cccnt sale of flvn more homes to ILspute over the routing of the. "The separation of the present for men in the field and at the sub- ocal ahd uut'uf-to-.vn buyers. uperhighway through this munici- school district will impose financial station," he said. The six-room riverfront homo of lallty. and educational problems on the Mr. Warner said all customers Mrs, Emilio Fanjul, with an acre He advised residents "to make borough which we all, as taxpay- of the utility in-the area to be f ground, located on East River he best of the situation" and ac- ers, wish to avoid," they said in affected will bo informed of the d., Rumson, has been purchased ept the "few concessions" In park- a statement prepared by Mayor- change. He said the project -will >y R. Park Lamborn of Rumson way alignment allowed by the com- elect J, Lester Rigby. be undertaken Sunday, Nov. 23, in hrough tho Ray Van Horn agency. mission, but let it be known that The referendum was scheduled by the event of inclement weather. Vlr. Lamborn recently sold his e and others were not altogether the board of education in compli- arger riverfront home through tho 'leased ov.er decisions made i:i ance with a unanimous resolution same brokers to Pcmberton Lincoln renton. by the borough's present mayor and council, adopted at a meeting f New York city. Besides the Cost estimates for parkway con- Oct. 15. It leaves to New Shrews- Every Employer- ewly remodeled home, a two-car truction across a nine-mile belt bury voters to decide if they want garage Is on the recently bullt- if New Shrewsbury, on routes their own school board, apart from hoadod and nicely landscaped •ecommended by tho borough and the township board, which now Worker Should Be grounds. Mrs. Fanjul purchased the he communion, show a consldcr- serves both this borough and the property through Ihe Van Horn ible spread. "Their (the commis- firm In 1910 from Marjorio T. ion's) figures are different from township (Vail Homes). At This Meeting Kllng. The statement says it represents P.F.C. George H. Pierce urs," the mayor said. But, he the position on the proposal as The Unemployment his daughter, Miss Alene Patterson, James school. He worked in the Another Rumson transaction added, "I don't suppose any more Harry H. Patterson, left, vice closed by the same broker Is the P.B'.C. Pierce was wounded Oct arguing would do any good." He taken by Mr.- Rigby and Council- president of John B. Allen Co., 93 Red Bank;fHerman D. Woolley and former Hollywood drug store for mcn-olect Arthur A. Erickson, Co- Compensation Law to two daughters, Mrs. Mahlon A. eight months before starting his almost new colonial homo owned 21. His father said this week that then advised against the taking of le tto M. Epps and Herbert L. Wil- Broad st., and Herman D. Woolley, Grimes, Jr. and Mrs. Wallace Ben- long career In the shoe business. by Mr. and Mrs. William K. Her- word Informing them of tho fact, urther action In the matter, lett, 3d, Democrats. Be Fully. Explained secretary, right, were honored at nett, Fair Haven; Mr. and Mrs. He resides at 220 Maple avc, bert, which has been purchased by indicated that their son was in a Local Plan Rejected a dinner Saturday night at Colt's Arthur L. Lee, Red Bank; Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Norman L. Wyckoff hospital In Korea. They havo re- Mayor Stevens' comments were Reference is made to a report to Mr. Woolley started In the Clar of Fair- Haven. The property Is ceived no further communication the voters now being prepared by Under the auspices of the Red Neck inn given by the shoe firm in Mi's. Eustace White, Eatontown, ence White shoe store In March prompted by a letter from Rans- Bank Community Chamber of Com- and Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Whit- located on a tract of four lots on slnco the terse message received ord J. Abbott, parkway commis- the school board containing finan- recognition of their 50 arid 47 years 1905, and became secretary of the Oct. 29. cial data which the Demoorats' merce, an unemployment compen- son, Colt's Neck. John B. Allen Co. Aug. 16, 1931. tho north side of Rosalie avc, with sioner, which, in effect, rejected a if service, respectively, In the a view of the river.' A feature of A graduate of Middletown town statement said "will show without sation meeting will be held at the Mr. Patterson took a position He was born Oct. 31, 1884 in Free- cheme prepared by borough offi- borough hall Wednesday night, Nov. ihoe business on Broad st. this attractive site arc giant Oak ship high school, where he was an cials that would have pushed the question that separation would bo Nov. 4, 1902, in tho former Clarence hold, where he attended publl trees estimated to be over 100 years financially disastrous," . 19, at 8 o'clock to whioh the public school and was employed at th honor student, P.F.C, Pierce was parkway to the west of Tlnton is Invited. John B. Allen, president of the White shoe store at 0 Broad st. old, which shade the pretty bain employed by Koppers Coke prior to Falls. Alignment decided upon by Louis A. Steinmuller, school board company, is shown presenting gold He became vice president Aug. 16, P^errine store in the county sea rod cottage with attached garage. his entrance into the Army in July, president, already has come out Practically every employer and wrist watches to the two firm mem- 1931, of the John B, Allen Co., when ftorough from 1897 to 1905. He live. hn state will put the road about worker throughout the Red Bank In Little Sliver the Ray Van Horn last year. He arrived in Korea in hree quarters of a mile oast of strongly against .the proposed bers to whom he paid a fitting trib- the business -was purchased from |t 20 Lake avo., Fair Haven, June, Mr. Pierce said, school separation. area is effected by the new unem- agency sold for Richard W. Broun- Tlnton avc. ute. Tho recipients acknowledged Clarence White. Mr. Patterson was ' Eustace White has been*a clerk ley his two-year-old colonial home However, at tho Oct. 15 meeting ployment compensation law passed the gifts with a few words of ap- born Sept. 17, 1885, at Atsion, N. J. In the shoe store for 19 years. Mrs. Mayor Stevens told council and by the legislature at the last ses- located on Crest dr, in the Fox Hill ts audience of the major effort several persons spoke out In favor preciation. and. moved with his parents tho Lee has been bookkeeper for the section. The buyers arc Mr. and of having the township district sion. Golden shoe emblems served as following year to Brldgeton, where flrm 13 years and Mrs. Whitson that had been made since 1950 by The increase in benefits made pos- Mrs. George F. Apgar of Mlllburn, Firemen's Ball borough officials to spare the town split in two parts so they could ilace cards for the dinner attended he attended public school. He came •has been employed at the store who several years ago wore resi- have one set up for the borough, sible by this law is already in ef fm lime to lime at clerical worli loss of hundreds of acres of its feet and the administrative and by Mr. and Mrs. John B. Allen, Mr. to Red Bank in 1896 and attended dents of Rod Bank. Mr. Brounley a Register reporter recalls, and Mrs. Harry H.
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