Altai State Pedagogical University Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute International Committee for Museology of ICOM International Committee for Museology of Asia and Pacific of ICOM cuLTUraL HERITAGE IN AsiaN couNTRIES: FRom THEORY TO PraCTicE MONOGRapH Pavlodar 2015 УД К ББК Reviewers: Doctor of History V.А. Lamin Doctor of Science (PhD) Khash-Erdene Sambalkhundev Doctor of History О.N. Shelegina Editorial board: Doctor of History Truevtseva O. N. Doctor of Science (PhD) Vieregg H.K. Candidate of Science on History Aliyasova V. N. Cultural heritage in Asian countries: from theory to practice. The collective monograph / ED-in-Chief editor О.N. Truevtseva? Vieregg H. K. Pavlodar: Edition of Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, 2015. 227 p. ISBN The monograph, devoted to problems of identification, studying, conservation, and popularization of cultural heritage, is prepared by museologists from ten countries of Europe, Asia and the Pacific Islands. It examines the role of institutions of science, education, and museums in this process. Particular attention is paid to the issues of international cooperation, collaboration of scientists and museum practices within the framework of non-governmental organization International Council of Museums, as well as to the development of a professional code of Museum Ethics. © Altai State Pedagogical University © Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute Publication is made with financial support of the Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute and grant of the governor of Altai Krai No. 195-WG 16 October 2014 CONTENTS FoREWORD .......................................................................................................................7 PREFACE .............................................................................................................................9 Theory and science: problems of study and presentation of historical-cultural and scientific heritage Hildegard K. Vieregg 1.1. WORLD HERITAGE AND EducaTioN: PERspECTivES FOR THE FUTURE ............................................................................................................................ 11 Schärer, Martin R. 1.2. ICOM CodE OF ETHics – A VERY impoRTANT TooL FOR musEUMS........................................................................................................................ 27 Lamin, V.A., Simonov, D.G. 1.3. REALIZATION OF THE RESEARCH PROJECT “HISTORY OF SIBERIA: SIBERIA IN PRESENT AND FUTURE .............................................. 35 Vieregg, H.K., Chen, Kuo-ning, Truevtseva, O.N. THE COMMITTEE OF MUSEOLOGY OF THE ASIAN - PACIFIC COUNTRIES AND ITS ACTIVITIES. THE ORGANIZATION OF INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN THE FIELD OF PRESERVATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE ...................................................................................... 43 Truevtseva O.N. HERITAGE IN DANGER: INTERNATioNAL AND DomESTic PRESERvaTION EXPERIENCE OF CONSERvaTION .................................. 59 Sambalkundev, Khash-Erdene 1.6. CONTRibuTioN OF MONGOLiaN Nomadic EmpiRE TO THE WORLD CIVILizaTION ........................................................................................... 71 E. Mizushima 1.7. PLANNING OF Risk MANAGEMENT FOR A HisTORicaL BuiLdiNG: A CasE STudY OF THE HaGia SopHia MusEum, ISTANbuL, TuRKEY ................................................................................................... 81 The particular problem of archaeological heritage Martinov, A.I. 2.1. MODERN ISSUES OF MUSEEFICATION OF ARCHEOLOGICAL MONUMENTS .............................................................................................................107 Aliyassova, V.N. 2.2. PRESERVATION AND VISIONS OF MUSEEFICATION OF A NATURE SANCTUARY “GUSSINIY PERELET” (“GOOSE FLIGHT”) ...................................................................................................114 Tsumei Huang 2.3. JadE as AN objECT OF cuLTUraL HERITAGE OF NORTHEasTERN CHINA ......................................................................................124 Modern technologies of preservation of heritage in Asian countries Kuo-ning chen 3.1. PRESENTATioN AND INTERPRETATioN OF CHINESE TraDITIONAL ARTS ................................................................................................137 Peng Wan 3.2. MY DESTINY CARRIED FoRwaRD INHERITANCE OF GuQIN ART AND CULTURE ............................................................................................................142 Kreydun Y.A. 3.3. SomE QUESTioNS OF viRTuaL REcoNSTRucTioN OF THE LosT LISTEd cHURCH buiLDINGS ................................................................153 Tourism as a motivation to the development of the heritage of the Asia-pacific regions Chen Kuo-Ning 4.1. CULTURE -TouRism AND THE PRESERvaTioN AND UTILizaTioN OF CULTURE: EXPERIENCES ON CULTUraL TowNS CREATED IN TaiwaN..............................................................................................163 Kubrina G.A. 4.2. CULTURAL RESOURCES OF ALTAI KraI AND THEIR USE IN TOURISM ......................................................................................................................168 Koveshnikova E. 4.3. USE OF CULTURAL HERITAGE OBJECTS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF TOURISM IN KUZBASS ....................................................................................173 Belousova, N.A. 4.4. PROMOTION OF KUZBASS HISTORICAL, CULTURAL AND NATURAL HERITAGE IN REGION’S DOMESTIC TOURISM BY MEANS OF INTERNET TECHNOLOGY ...........................................................................178 Chen Chung-huang 4.5. THE REASON TO FOUND THE MUSEUM OF FINE ART .................182 Activities on updating heritage Shelegina O.N., Shuvilova I.V. 5.1. RUSSIAN MUSEUMS’ INTEGRATION WITH REGIONAL SOCIO-CULTURALSPACE: OPEN INTERDISCIPLINARY PROJECT ON STUDYING OF PROBLEMS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF HERITAGE ..............................................................................................................189 Orlov, S.B., Shelegina, O.N 5.2. CREATIVE PROJECT “MUSEUM OF SIBERIA” AS INNOVATIVE FORM OF DECODING REGIONAL HERITAGE ............................................200 Naizabekova, A. 5.3. SOCIO-CULTURAL PROJECT: CULTURAL CAraVAN “ART OF THE SILK ROADS” ...............................................................................................................209 INFORmaTION abouT THE auTHORS .......................................................218 Foreword The story of ICOFOM is largely attached to the East. We know the seminal role of Jan Jelinek, President of ICOM and first president of ICOFOM. Jelinek was a very important link between East and West, seeking to generate theoretical connections between sometimes very different practices, underpinned by a necessarily very different Cold War ideological context. Both numbers of Museological Working Papers (1980 and 1981), edited by Vinos Sofka, show the immediate interest of many European countries but also of some Asian ones, for theoretical reflection: Czechoslovakia G( regorová, Neustupny and Stránský), Poland (Swiecimski), the Soviet Union (Piščulin, Razgon), but also Japan (Tsuruta). Not all of these countriest are part of ASPAC territory, but it is undeniable that they had a decisive influence on the design of the museum field within ICOFOM for many years, and they continue to significantly influence the museum world. It is especially important to underline how this revolutionary concept of the museum field was diametrically opposed to the Anglo-Saxon museum practice. We remember, at that time, the opposition of George E. Burcaw to Eastern museum thinking1, noting its too theoretical and ideologically oriented approach. Without going back to the fundamentals of this discussion, analyzed by many ICOFOM authors, it should be noted that the International Committee for Museology, bringing together the international dimension of the museum field, remains the only place to confront these different ways of seeing and thinking the museum phenomenon. In 1977, the year of ICOFOM’s creation, the world was not the same as the one we know today. Of course, Russian museology is based on a long museum tradition that was already discussed during the eighteenth century2. We also know that the history of collections and scholars’ cabinets in China and Japan is 1 Burcaw G.E., Réflexions sur MuWop no 1, MuWop/Do Tram, 2, 1981, p. 86-88. 2 Bacmeister J., Essai sur la bibliothèque et le cabinet de curiosités et d’histoire naturelle de l’Académie des sciences de Saint-Pétersbourg, s.l., Weitbrecht & Snoor, 1776. 7 particularly old1. For geopolitical and economic reasons, however, the late 70’s were essentially based on a on a confrontation of the two Cold War giants: the United States and the USSR, who led much of the theoretical debates. That era is over, and we know how the new industrialized countries (BRICS) are reshaping the global economic landscape. These changes have inevitably important influences on world culture, including the museum phenomenon’s growth. Much of the future of museums, their conception and management, might be decided in ASPAC countries within the next decades. This book, produced by ICOFOM ASPAC and gathering many authors from these countries is particularly important, as it illustrates the potential for museum thinking in this part of the world. I have no doubt that this potential will develop further in the coming years. François Mairesse President, ICOFOM 1 Hongjun W., “Museum and regional history and culture -also the first museum in the world and the origin of museum”, Icofom Study Series,
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