Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1966-12-16 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1966). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 2194. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/2194 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. - -· ~ 1.·.:.r ·.•.• ···• • e- l?llLS CINCINNATI, 01110, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1966 Ten Cents 20 ~ \'ol. LI, No. 10 O'Mara Discusses Ca1npus Radical; Seeks '~Fu11dan1ental'' Social Change· By ~UKE HENSON, News Associate Editor mental change; the liberal choos• "The Place of the Radical in the Academic CommunityH es lo r cm a i n in the present was the subject of a talk Monday at 1 :30 in the Univer­ framework. sity Center. Mr. Phillip O'.Mara, professor of English at "A liberal begins veering to• 'l'ougaloo College, Tougaloo. Miss., has an extensive past ward rallicalism when he re;ilizc1 history in radical movements, including Cursillo, demon­ &hat human values are more een• strations at Notre Dame, the 1963 March on Washington tral to existence than econom'­ and membership in the Students for a Democratic Society. values.'' "The academic rndical w i l1 lie repeatedly insisted on the look at the world from a consis- applying." The radical must look necessity or creating a new Corna tent perspective," he slated, "and at himselC and his ideas. of the academy, a form whiell his w o 1· k in the academy, his would be "educational" rather judgment of the academy will be • "Radical criticism is exten· than "training or manag·erial." sivc." It looks into all fields, cspe• based thereon. His concern will "The school can be a catalyst be directed to his institution and eially economic, political, a n d cultural. in the change. Not, however, it\ his society; his students, theit• the sense of the chemical catalyst present and future; his field, its • "Radical c1·itieism is orient­ in which the results are brought n at u re and direction. His life ed to both activity and theory." about without a change in the should represent his conviction, He gets things going and tries to catalyst. The academy m us t ·A MERRY CHRISTMAS is extended from Lord Gravelle, News a life of acce1>tance of his friends change." fo1• themselves, voluntary pO\'­ Executive Editor, Fall Weekend Queen Pat Maloney, and Eileen The reason for the imporlnnce erty, dialectical approach in re­ Rahe, Secretary to Robert LaMonte, Unive1·sity Center Director. of the academic radical lies illJ search, and democratic activit- -News (Engel) Photo the fact that a large number of ism." free people, people whose ideas "The academic radical is al his ha \'C not necessarily been funned best dealing with sheer irration­ can be found in the academy. Santa Brings Christmas ality, like racism, rather than l\ofr. O'Mara described the rea• with rnlional, but immoral op­ sons for his own turn toward To Children at Longview tions like the typical urban re­ radicalism as "Disaffcclion with By PHIL SCHMIDT, News Reporter newal project. When these op­ the systematic injustice that is A certain air of mystery in· cars roared across the floor bang­ :tions become systematic, a n d embodied in the society of Am­ habited the recreation area of the ing into jeeps, trucks, and walls; grow to the size of the society, erica and other countries, suc:h children's ward of the Long- dolls cried as .they we1·e torn like the war in Viel Nam, he is things as racism, the arms raee, · view Stale Hospital last. Sunday. apart; little tots, big tots, and once more at his best, because the profit-centered ethic of pro• A crowd of college students from giant tots alike gleamed as they their irrationality is made clear." ductivity, subjection of natural Xavie1', Good Samaritan Hc;is­ -stuffed themselves with. Christ- The functions of the academic and human resources lo prh·<1te pital, Mount St. Joseph College, mas cookies and candies. radical are adi\•ism, the lliseoV:- and irresponsible control. Gen• -e1·y of radically democratic and erally, the systematic dcpri\'a• and Ou1· Lady of Cincinnati were The party ended. The college long-range solutions to the po­ tion of freedom, of even the pos­ present exchanging p u n c h e s, kids returned with empty coke shooting baskets, ·and watching liti<'al, sociological problems or sibility of mature freedom for· a cases, left-ovc1· toys, b L' o k e n &lie community, and communica­ large portion of society. The mid· TV with the kids. Suddenly, as cookies, and smashed c<ikes to tion to his students. -News (Kelley) Photo die class is bribed by a gadgetry ·everyone was herded into the their campuses. The children re­ To do this, he can join an al­ PHILIP O'MARA to deny its freedom; the poor games i·oom, a blue and white mained in their wards, perhaps ready radicallized community; he are excluded f 1· om decisions station wagon screeched through hugging an eyeless teddy beat•, can work to form a new rcdkal­ decide what the good society is about their own lives and fro1n the stone gateway and came to a kissing a headless doll, or rub­ halt in front of the ward. With li:>.ed community, or he can join to be. even the gadgetry." bing a packed stomach, but more a conventional community and a "Yo, ho, ho, and a 11/Ier-r-r--ry important, smiling because they In explaining the relationship Christmas," Santa jumped out attempt to disrupt it. of the radical lo the libernl, knew someone cared for them A major part of the function and entered the ward with a ·in a special sort of way, O'Mara stated, "The radical is huge bag on his back. The kids of the radical is in criticism. an ex-liberal. He distrusts sys­ O'Mara described radical criti­ cla.mo1·ed around him and as they tems more than he once did .. , did he handed each one a toy cism as h a v i n g the following The radical once thought he could from his sack. Haskins Award characteristics: work within the structure of so­ Afte1; a.hard houi·'s work Santa • "Radical criticism of Amer­ ciety. As n result, he feels un­ climbed back into his car and Goes to Legeay ican society is moral." The rad­ comfo1·1<1ble around liberals, be­ teal is not saying &hat soeiclty is took off for the N o i· t h Pole. cause so many of them obviously Last evening in the University making mistakes: he is saying· Late1· Santa ''Bruce Duffey" Claus sold out." In many cases, how­ Center the annual presentation claimed the kids had roughed that it is committing sins. ever, they remain co-workers. him up a bit but it was well of the Haskins and Sells Award • "Radical criticism is self· This is because they have Eev­ worth it. It was evident that took place. The award, made by cral common characteristics. One Bruce played the part well when a 1 c. ca!. l y prominent Certified of these is a cornmilmenl lo ac­ a couple of Mounties sat on his Public Accounting firm, consists ing Accounting student. H has tion. '·To hold a view is not lap, thinking he was the real . of a grant of $500.00. been awnrrled lo Michael 'l'. Le­ enough; a politicnl view docs not thing. This is presented to the Senior gcay. The ::ward was presented become real until it is brought And the party continued: race who is voted the most oulsland- by Mr. Irwin Stadler, a partner in the firm, al last night's meet­ into the prnclica!." BOA CONSTRICTOR a l t :i ck s ing of the Accounting Sccicly, o( In addition, li11any of their mor­ Xavier Student? No, it's just which Legeay is President. al judgments arc alike. The basic Jerry Mcveigh (See story of hill He cunently curries a 3.6 ac­ difference is tlrnt the rad i ca l pc ls on page 6.) cumulative ave1·age, seeks lo be an agent o[ funda- -N('lt's ( Kdl<'!il Plwi~ Accident l(ills Jeffrey Barclay; Two Injured in HighwaJ: Accide11t By BRUCE DUFFEY, News Ueporter According lo lhc driver of th~ A 20-year-old Xavier student frnm Chicago, Ill., was truck, Mr. Marvin R. Dw1c~111 o~ killed and lwo companions. also Xavier students, were in­ Richmond, Ind., Barclay·~ \'(•hide ju1·ed in a broadside collision wilh a. truck on rain-irnakell skidded into his path and w:i:; US 127 highway just north of Ohio 128 early last Sun­ stl'uck in the side by his truck, day, December ll. The car belonged to the Hertz Rental Co. Pronounced dead on al'l'ival at a 21-year-old jun i o 1· from La· Fort Hamilton Hospital was the Sen·ices [01· D;1rc!a,\' were held Grange, Ill., and a membc1· of d1'i\•e1· of the car, Jeffrey E. Bar­ al St. Ignatius Church in Chi• the News Spo1·ts Staff, who suf­ clay, a sophomore resident of cage al 12:00 p.m. !\Ionclay, De .. fered a concussion and a leg frac• Elct Hall enrolled in the College &ure; and John Purdy, 20-year• cembcr 12.
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