September 28, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6293 b 1915 Mr. KILMER. Mr. Speaker, I want to of the Members of the Congressional PUGET SOS ACT thank my friend and cofounder of the Black Caucus. Puget Sound Recovery Caucus, Rep- Let me thank our chairman, Chair- (Mr. HECK of Washington asked and resentative HECK, for his partnership man G.K. BUTTERFIELD, for continuing was given permission to address the on the Puget SOS Act. this tradition and for his continued House for 1 minute and to revise and As you heard from him, the Puget leadership, encouragement, and avoca- extend his remarks.) Sound is truly a gift that we need to tion for Members and for the stories of Mr. HECK of Washington. Mr. Speak- restore and protect. Generations have those who have been such leaders in er, to explain the significance of the enjoyed the ability to swim, fish, and our Nation and such major issues that Puget Sound in 1 minute is impossible. dig for clams in this iconic body of we have been able to contribute to for But I will tell you this: With every 60 water. They have built lives and made the understanding of our colleagues. seconds that goes by, the Puget Sound livelihoods on the Puget Sound. Let me also make mention of my col- is being damaged more than it is being But for the millions of residents that leagues, Congresswoman KELLY and fixed. With every minute that goes by call Puget Sound home and for future Congressman PAYNE, who have led us that we fail to collectively do some- generations, we absolutely have to on this Special Order for the Congres- thing, we are all losing money. take action to fight for the Sound. sional Black Caucus. I thank them for Puget Sound is a resource, but it is That is why I invite my colleagues to their leadership and service. more than that. It is an American sponsor the Puget SOS Act. This bill A very special thanks to those of you treasure. Puget Sound is a body of raises the profile of Puget Sound by who are watching at home and have water that deserves national recogni- naming it a nationally significant body often watched at home and have fol- tion. of water. It enhances the Federal Gov- lowed the Congressional Black Caucus Congressman KILMER and I have ernment’s coordination in addressing through social media, social network, brought together numerous stake- these issues. It respects tribal treaty and also know that our major issues of holders that agree on very few things rights. This bill is an important step. criminal justice reform, civil rights, to agree on this: We need to do more. I look forward to continued work for the restoration of the Voting Rights The Federal Government needs to step Puget Sound. Our kids, including my Act, and many others have been to up to the plate to get recovery moving. two little girls, are counting on us. speak to the vulnerable. Tonight we The Puget SOS Act is that plan. We f again speak to you, but we speak of do it for the Great Lakes. We do it for those heroes that we have lost over the the Chesapeake Bay. Now is the time CONGRATULATING TROOPER J.D. last couple of months. to bring forth this effort for our Puget BERRONG Tonight we pay tribute to Amelia Sound, the largest estuary in America. (Ms. FOXX asked and was given per- Boynton Robinson, Congressman Lou Let’s clean the Puget Sound up. mission to address the House for 1 Stokes, and, of course, Julian Bond. Join us in cosponsoring this bill, minute.) Our Nation was built on the values of along with Mr. REICHERT, Mr. Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, today I rise dealing with the issues of freedom, jus- NEWHOUSE, Mr. MCDERMOTT, Mr. RICK to congratulate Trooper J.D. Berrong, tice and equality, values and principles LARSEN, Mr. ADAM SMITH, and Ms. who recently won the Jimmy K. that were perfectly embodied by the DELBENE. Clean up the Puget Sound. Ammons North American Inspectors service and sacrifices of these three f Grand Champion Award. leaders. This is the first time a North Caro- Mr. Speaker, over the last week we AMERICAN HERO DR. SIDNEY lina trooper has ever won this competi- have watched the Pope make his way PHILLIPS, JR. tion, which recognizes the Nation’s top through a number of American cities (Mr. BYRNE asked and was given roadside inspector. Berrong, who re- and use words that are music to the permission to address the House for 1 sides in the community of Mulberry, ears of Members of the Congressional minute.) competed against 51 other roadside in- Black Caucus. Let me take just one of Mr. BYRNE. Mr. Speaker, I rise spectors representing jurisdictions many citations that I will utilize to today to remember an American hero, across the United States, Canada, and characterize these three individuals: Dr. Sidney Phillips, Jr., who passed Mexico. ‘‘The complexities of history,’’ said away in Mobile over the weekend at Trooper Berrong is stationed in Pope Francis, ‘‘and the reality of the age of 91. Wilkes County and is a 14-year veteran human weakness notwithstanding, Dr. Phillips was a veteran of World of the North Carolina State Highway these men and women, for all their War II, where he served in the Marine Patrol. He is currently assigned to the many differences and limitations, were Corps. At the young age of 18, Sid Phil- motor carrier enforcement section, able, by hard work and self-sacrifice, lips took part in the famous battle of troop F, district 9. some at the cost of their lives, to build Guadalcanal in the Pacific. Troopers who perform motor carrier a better future.’’ Dr. Phillips was one of the most well- enforcement duties ensure that all I would offer to say that Amelia known and respected veterans in Ala- modes of travel, including commercial Boynton Robinson, Congressman Lou bama. His career was profiled in Ken motor vehicles, are consistently mon- Stokes, and Julian Bond, through the Burns’ PBS documentary ‘‘The War’’ itored in order to improve highway sacrifice of their individual families and Steven Spielberg’s HBO series safety. and their lives, were able to make a ‘‘The Pacific.’’ Congratulations, Trooper Berrong, better future for us. To many of us from the Mobile area, and thank you for serving the public We know the civil rights activist we remember Sid Phillips as a local good and helping maintain the safety Amelia Boynton Robinson, 1965, was a family doctor, a patriotic family man, of the highways of North Carolina. leader of the Bloody Sunday march and and a strong advocate for our Nation’s f personified the optimism, determina- veterans. tion, and courage that are at the heart Mr. Speaker, on behalf of all of my A TRIBUTE TO AMELIA BOYNTON of the American spirit. She truly made constituents in Southwest Alabama, I ROBINSON, CONGRESSMAN LOUIS our lives better. want to share my condolences with Sid STOKES, AND JULIAN BOND Known as the matriarch of our Na- Phillips’ family and friends. He em- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. tion’s civil rights movement, Ms. bodied the American spirit, and he will ROUZER). Under the Speaker’s an- Boynton Robinson fought courageously be sorely missed. nounced policy of January 6, 2015, the to ensure that every American citizen f gentlewoman from Texas (Ms. JACKSON had the right to vote. Her drive to se- LEE) is recognized for 60 minutes as the cure universal voting rights was amaz- PUGET SOS ACT designee of the minority leader. ing, and certainly she risked her life (Mr. KILMER asked and was given Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, when she crossed the Edmund Pettus permission to address the House for 1 thank you very much. I am very privi- Bridge. In her words, her son said civil minute.) leged tonight to lead the Special Order rights was her entire life. VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:42 Sep 29, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K28SE7.057 H28SEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6294 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 28, 2015 We now understand that Congress- Again, these individuals, at the cost This year, as we celebrate the 50th man Lou Stokes made an amazing and of their lives or their own futures, built anniversary of the Voting Rights Act impactful statement legislatively and a better future for us. of 1965, we remember the selfless ac- throughout his life. He was a consum- With that, I am delighted to yield to tions of individuals like Amelia Boyn- mate public servant, a trailblazer who the chair of the Congressional Black ton Robinson who fought against sys- broke down barriers for generations of Caucus, Mr. G.K. BUTTERFIELD, a tems of injustice so that future genera- African Americans. former high superior court judge—I am tions would have opportunities that He was the first African American calling him all kinds of names—but, in were not possible to generations past. Congressman from Ohio who served 30 any event, a dynamic leader of the Tonight we honor Mrs. Boynton Robin- years. Representing a portion of Cleve- Congressional Black Caucus. Again, I son for her legacy which continues in land, he prioritized the advancement of yield to the gentleman from North each of us. our Nation’s most vulnerable popu- Carolina. Finally, Mr. Speaker, tonight we lations. Mr. BUTTERFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I honor Julian Bond, a forefather of He advocated for more funding of thank Congresswoman SHEILA JACKSON America’s civil rights movement and education, housing, development LEE for her friendship, for her leader- one of our country’s greatest advocates projects, access to health care.
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