At Issue this week... Marriage by Phyllis Schlafly May 13, 2015 2016 Election Justice Kennedy learns a new word Morris (30) Will (8) Baltimore upreme Court Justice Anthony M. The same-sex-marriage advocates like to majority opinion that judges should limit Buchanan (17) Kennedy learned and used a new say that as many as 37 states have already their rulings to “fundamental rights and lib- Chavez (18) word during the Supreme Court’s made same-sex marriage legal, and they use erties which are, objectively, deeply rooted in Elder (18) oralS argument about Marriage. He said, “The the argument of inevitability to pressure the this Nation’s history and tradition” — which Erickson (4) word that keeps coming back to me in this assisted suicide, like same-sex marriage, Harsanyi (16) rest of us to go along. The truth is that only Limbaugh (15) case is millennia.” eleven of the fifty states authorized same-sex clearly is not. Lowry (23) He wasn’t talking about the new voting marriage by the legislative process, Two years ago, when the Supreme Court Shapiro (17, 24) bloc of young people called the millennials. heard California’s Proposition 8 case, Justice Blacks in America He was referring to the thousands of years in Scalia famously asked gay marriage attorney Buchanan (20) which the public has honored marriage as the Phyllis Ted Olson, “When did it become uncon- Massie (21) union of a man and a woman. stitutional to exclude homosexual couples Williams (21) Schlafly Britain “And suddenly,” as Justice Stephen F. from marriage? 1791? 1868 when the 14th Barone (31) Breyer said, “you want nine people outside (c) 2015, Creators Syndicate Amendment was adopted?” After much Greenberg (28) the ballot box” to change that by judicial hemming and hawing Olson finally admitted, Thomas (30) fiat. That sounds like somebody is seeking and only three of those were ratified by a “I can’t answer that question.” Clinton, Hillary government by judicial supremacists instead vote of the people; the others were dictated Echoing the gay advocates, Obama’s So- Barone (9) Saunders (10) of by “We the people” (as our Constitution by judges, who are now being asked to im- licitor General Donald Verrilli told the Su- Cop-Haters says). pose the same rule on the U.S. Territories of preme Court that “it is simply untenable ... to Malkin (22) Guam and Puerto Rico. wait until the majority decides that it is ready” Dear Mark THE VERDICT of history that extends for same-sex marriage. In other words, good- Levy (19) even farther back than the U.S. Constitution THE BEST precedent for what the Su- bye to government “of the people and by the Democrats is why Kennedy said “the word that keeps people” and welcome to government by un- Tyrrell (10) preme Court should do about gay marriage Economy coming back to me in this case is millennia.” is the assisted suicide case of 1997 known as elected judges. Kudlow (13) Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. added, “Ev- Washington v. Glucksberg. At a time when Lambro (14) ery definition that I looked up, prior to about assisted suicide was illegal in every state, a ASKING THE Court to reject the will Fast Track a dozen years ago, defined marriage as unity lawsuit asked the Supreme Court to rule that of the American people and impose a new Morris (11) between a man and a woman as husband and suicide with a doctor’s assistance is a form rule that is not “objectively, deeply rooted in Gender Equality wife.” this Nation’s history and tradition” means, as McCaughey (26) of individual liberty protected by the Four- Isakson, Johnny It was not only the longevity of the hus- teenth Amendment to the Constitution. Rehnquist warned in 1997, that our beloved Towery (9) band-wife definition of marriage that trou- Although the Justices were as deeply di- Constitution would be “subtly transformed Leadership bled the Justices, but also its universality. vided on social issues then as they are today, into the policy preferences of the members Cushman (6) Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. pointed out that, the Court unanimously declined the invi- of this Court.” Greenberg (6) “until the end of the 20th century, there never tation to create a new constitutional right. Lambro (12) was a nation or a culture that recognized mar- May 5, 2015 Leftists Then-Chief Justice Rehnquist wrote in his Hollis (5) riage between two people of the same sex.” Limbaugh (3) Alito noted that in ancient Greece, for ex- Prager (4) ample, only opposite-sex couples could be Lusitania married even though same-sex relationships Will (29) were openly tolerated. That proves the defini- Marriage Schlafly (1) tion of marriage is not borne of prejudice or Thomas (11) “animus” against homosexuals. MSNBC The same is true of the non-Western so- Coulter (7) cieties of Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Obama’s Drones Incidentally, have you noticed that only Napolitano (27) Christian small business people have been Okinawa Bay (26) harassed and sued for refusing to participate Texas Attack in same-sex marriages, even though our fast- Bozell (25) growing immigrant populations of Muslims, Lowry (25) Hindus, and other faiths are also opposed to Murchison (24) that concept? Trivia Bits Paquet (14) The use of same-sex marriage to attack Welfare State Christian businesses, but not businesses run Farah (2) by members of other religions, demonstrates Sowell (13) what is really driving the demand for a new Wolf Hall constitutional right to same-sex marriage. It Krauthammer (23) is simply the latest attempt to destroy Chris- WWI Bay (29) tian institutions and discredit Christian be- liefs. 2 Conservative Chronicle WELFARE STATE: May 6, 2015 ‘The Moynihan Report’ after 50 years s Baltimore smolders in the the black family — one worse, in some black family been destroyed as Moyni- Is this phenomenon worth re-explor- wake of Ferguson, Tray- ways, than even slavery. han predicted but also the whole of the ing 50 years later, with our cities more von Martin and unprovoked As he observed later, “the work be- American family has been. dysfunctional than ever before and some blackA mob attacks on nonblacks in cities gan in the most orthodox setting, the Moynihan’s report concluded that of them in flames? across America, it’s time to consider the U.S. Department of Labor, to establish the structure of family life in the black Yes. possibility that the promise of the civil at some level of statistical conciseness community constituted a “tangle of pa- What are the chances America will rights movement of the 1960s has been what ‘everyone knew:’ that economic thology ... capable of perpetu- make an effort to put the American fam- betrayed. conditions deter- ating itself without ily back together at the very moment the This year marks the 50th anniversa- mine social condi- assistance from the national dialogue obsesses over the ur- ry of what has become known as “The tions. Whereupon, Joseph white world” and gent need for “same-sex marriage?” Moynihan Report,” actually titled in it turned out that Farah that “at the heart Slim to none. 1965 “The Negro Family: The Case for what everyone of the deterioration But there are people making just that National Action,” an official publication knew was evident- (c) 2015, Creators Syndicate of the fabric of Ne- last-ditch case. of the U.S. Labor Department written ly not so.” gro society is the Moynihan is gone. But Phyllis by the late Daniel Patrick Moynihan, What Moynihan discovered has still deterioration of the Negro family. It is Schlafly has been beating this drum on who later became a U.S. senator from not been acknowledged by the very peo- the fundamental source of the weakness the national stage since the 1960s. Her New York. ple most adversely affected by the prob- of the Negro community at the present newest book, Who Killed the Ameri- lem: Rates of black male unemployment time.” Further, the report argued that the can Family?, is there for us to read and MOYNIHAN WAS a sociologist and welfare enrollment, which had al- matriarchal structure of black culture embrace. Of course, nobody can force and Democrat who focused on the root ways run parallel, started to diverge in weakened the ability of black men to Americans to look reality in the eye causes of black poverty and concluded 1962 in a way that would come to be function as authority figures. and accept it. Many Americans today that the destruction of the nuclear fam- called “Moynihan’s scissors.” weren’t around 50 years ago to remem- ily was at the heart of the problem. He In 1965, Moynihan foresaw the HE CONCLUDED in his report, ber “the good old days,” and they were suggested that neither economic nor po- coming destruction of the black fam- “The steady expansion of welfare pro- better for nearly everyone — black or litical equality could ever be achieved ily because the black out-of-wedlock grams can be taken as a measure of the white. without addressing the advantage of birth rate was 25 percent. Americans steady disintegration of the Negro fam- Paul Kengor has also provided new families with both mothers and fathers were shocked by that statistic 50 years ily structure over the past generation in insight into the death of the American present in the home. ago. But today the number is over 72 the United States.” family, with his newest book, Take- Moynihan noted that attacks on the percent among blacks. Among Hispan- Did anyone listen? down.
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