Do this quiz before buying your next car. When driving your son to school, does he: a) Hide under the dashboard b) Ask you to drop him off a block away 0) Insist on going to school in his friends dads car d) Wear a disguise e) Proudly ask you to drive him right to the front gate If your answer was a, b, c or d, may we humbly suggest a visit to Sandown Motors. If however, you answered e, youre probably a Sandown Motors customer already. (By the way, when you do come, it might be a good idea to bring your son with you.) Servtcrng and parts availability on Saturdays lrom 08h00 - 13h00 'Centrally located '24 hour breakdown servtCe 32 sen/ice bays '8 electrical service bays 'Futly trained service technicrans. Sandown Motors sell and service the full range at Mercedes Benz. Chrysler. Jeep. Honda and Coll. x _= SAN I)()\~VN motors sunniu Mniniu VII t \(tt ('l (m , l<l\t)\tt\ Ritr\l)_ swnmvx tl,l.li|l|()\li mitt 83.47910!) / valuN woo See beyond me norm. anon: mun ma lac-mad yuuurce. u! a hlghly specialised hunklug group dedlcntad to "mung a boner soluon. quick". ne m We mp 70 gvoups Msled on me JuhaHHL-slmrg Slow Emmngu :mxl rankm! many. m wmhl \ mu )0 banks mm Banker My 1999 leavc B-mvmu A550! Mmmgemum CL) .mmu- rnmm Sut'x mnwn ance Securmes haumg Haaswy Imvmavvmml ammng Cnipnvdu Buukmg 3- \cr>,\ mm,» WWW» INVESTEC aperw Scrvmes mvesm Bank mecu Julmnnvsbmg101h785 mm Cape Town myn .am mm mm..." V( II H 81 '\\L)|| II R INNK mm .455 4700 Premlla (0)21 427 8300 POM Eumm-m (M1, 39) 9mm mu» ,mww va<n¢c com Speech Day "A (magazme) where M nothing goes wrong is either in denialorhypocritical," I apologise for any mistakes in this magazme. Although we try to MARK DOWN EY (The Editor) avoid such mistakes. it is inevitable that some peoples names writ be spelt incorrectly Last year a tow Mame pupils left beiore their Vaiete photographs had been taken: we thus took the liberty oi placmg Gr. 7orGr. 8 photographs lrom their tiles in the Valete. Unfortunately. there are still a few photographs missing, as not every boy had a photograph in his tile. Lastly, l apologise. for any sports team photographs and clubs and sometias' photographs which have Artworks by Llyod Piaters been omitted: the ommisions were unavaidable asthese photographs went missmg nearthe beginning ol production at the magazine. To paraphrase Mr McLachlan on RHODES UNIVERSITY ll lltl't' [mt/iii Li'iiiii 2011th Rhodes l'niwrxiiv explodes iiii<i action! \\i|ll\iililt il mt .umu-ini "git-iiitt-wuuiit. \m-irl i .ii iit-iii» Klli)tlt"\~lilltlillt\llk\\ 4i irn tillltvl lllt ~ii| ii \\-ii|i|~il mt .iiituuti iililiiiihxiltli ,i tviitiimiintni_.i ,iiiil imnm mm .ninnmiimi mmm uni lilllli m Mlltlltx 4i..i minim \\itli utii \t|tlilith.i|lltllllltsluutlill m.mi.- tmii.murmur twittiitiii it- .tim \lltltllll t ' i lxliuilnl ill\tl\tl\ i» lilt iiimi I I'ipul ii .4it- \ .uu-u .»i hiullnninu» .i. llt t\\ \mitli \IIIA i \\ IYA'IIK" VIYII \\,«iil ti-r Rllmlt'x l't>|:t0lli7li 1i i: ' \4»nill@r|l. I 4n IIihl London To]: (ll-L 70-! 7000 Ft: 1043} 704 7] l2 FiiItIiI: \i|lll\lll@lllva-II Artwork by Adrian Kuhlmann or check out our website: http:/I uw.ru.iic.zu The Stythian 99 Prize | M House Repon Magazine f N. Camp.Gener 0 o a Squash Termi< V r . Matric Vamp St ns . Colle uncnl College Trustees Members «Council Iandaia (Presiding Bishop oi the Methodist Church of Sou (Represented by Prof. I Mosaia) Bishop P Verryn (Bishop of the Central District) hairman Mr D L Schroenn (Representative of the Trust) an Mr W J Carter (Representing the Superintendent Cen > Methodist Church Representatives C Bimray. Mr P J Labum, Mr Fl McAIIister, Mr E Mokh Parents Association Representatives J 0rd, Mr M Rothbletz. Mrs M Venn, Dr M Walt Old Boys' Representatives Mrs I Acquisto, MrM de Buys, Mr en, MrsJ Jones. Mrl McLachlan, Mrs L Rivett-Carnac. Mr D J Ryan. Ms J Smith, Mrs A C van Zyi. Mr AH Wyborn By Invitation from the Student Body B Jacob (Head Prefect 7 Boys' College), Marika Engelen (Head Prefect - Girls College) The Stythian '99 College St ns Col luff Rector Mr David Wylde... .BA(Hons)(UCT)MPhiI(Oxon)BEd(Wits) 'Sc HDE(Natal) I er0(>m)THOD I ons )( London) ,,,,,,, Post Matrlc Grade 12 Grade 1] Grade 10 Grade 9 Grade 8 Af kaans( ls! Lang ) Geography History ..lnfonnzui0n Technology ...Lulin alhemaf walr Mr Bren Udal Mrs Mary Reynnlll ' RP 'n 10 C6mm Mrs Wendy Kerr anrprise Education Mr Don HP'm cience Mrs Lizetle Fourha 7qu The Stythian 99 5 Boarding Houses Collins House Mr [)anc Illen ........,.._Scnior Housc Muslcr Mr Paddy Moon.....,.....................,.....................Sgniur Assistant House Muster Mounlstcphons Huusc Mr licl \zm londungm Housc Muster Mr Lcml Nurljc......,.,..........................,.....,.,..........ScninrAssislunl House Muster Day-Boy Houses Mczu's l Iousc .............................................................................. Mr Dcn/cl Wilsun Pcnr} n House ............................................................................ Mr Genll'Holmes Pills Hnuxc ............................................................................. Mr Dmc Luchenichl Tucker Huusc .................................................................................. MrJuhn Knight Webb House ................................................................................. Mr Peter Wright Weslc} House ................................................................................ er Rose Diuck Heads of Hop-Arlnwnls Bickow: Mr G Murray, Mr S McFarland, MrJ Hutton: Mr F Rumboll: Mr B Uda. Mr M ergeway. Mr H Bezurdenhout, Mr D, McGaw: Mr D Hean. anLRoyv: Mrs H. Franklskos, Mrs L Fourre, Mrs D. Dicks. Mrs M, Reynods, Mrs W. Kerr; Mrs J, Fodor: Mrs I van Achlerbergh. The Stylhran '99 Teachers Mr Ian Auuridgc.. .BAIRAU} H |)ipiiri(|[3i(Wi1sl . Milli. Dircrlm' : (Elude I | Mr Hcrnmn Bczuulcnhuu ...M/\1UP) BlultUIl i [DHUPI - HUI): Aliikuuns Is! Mrs Jenny Brunch ..... BA! 1 WT} . /\\\I\lkll\|l.lhl';|l'iL1n Mrs [\nnc Brudcnkznnp BSctNululI S'l'l)(("l'l 7 Biirlug) Mrs Mliliclil Brink ..... ....lir\ illil)( lilucml'nnlcini - Afrikaans Rm szmgu Busmrm B'iliikhmicsi B 'I llHrmxHUNlS/M SHMVNH) ~ ('hupluin er AI isnn ('hnmhcr ............... BAKHUIDMRI]UL1C\) HDILKWihir [:n\ ish Mr Rick (lzuku .BAillrrnsi Hl)I:1N:ll:|lJ . lunglish Mrs Ruse Dinckn {St N Dip lid - Hinlng) Boys' College Sta Back Holt Mrs S MacKenzre. MrJ Knigh1,MrM Ridgeway. Mr L Name: Mr B. Udai, MrC Marriott MrH Bezuldenhout Alhgw: Mrs D. Dicks, Ms M Kamps: MrG MacCullurn: Mr P Wrrghi. Mr E Nozarc Mr L Hartley. Mr G Hams: Mr V Elierbeck. Dr C Wrrmoi Mrs L Laui, Mr S, MacFariand 3rd ng: Mr L, Keel: Mrs L. Upton. Mrs R Markanlonrs. Mrs H Frankrskos. Mr D Hedn. Msi van Achterbergh. Mrs E Wagenaar. Mrs A Blcdenkamp. Mrs W Kerr, MrsJ Branch. Mrs J Fodor. Mrs M Reynolds 2nd Row: Ms L Pleass, Mr F, Rumboli. Mrs L Fourre. Mrs R. Drack Mr G Holmes: Mr D Gear Mr G, Murray; Mr D MCGaw, Mr J Verner. Mrl Anerldge. Ms J Worth, Mr J Hutton: Mr D. Wrison: Mr H Huggell Front Row: Mr D Pitcairn: Rev D. Maregele: Mr D. Ryan, Mr H Jansen. Mr i MCLachlan. Mr D, Wylde. Rev 8 Bosman: Mr K Hoveimclel. Mrs R Jackson. MI P van Tender Mrs Dchorzlh Dicks ...... BA! I Inns} MAM'IussicsllNzilzil ) . HUD: Lunn Mr Viclnr [illurhuuk MS: Sci i inns} NDHI'LIUI mi Ni [[lei'lNA ) . KMums Mr Marc Fulcnncr; .................. B.»\1ilunsHN:Il:|lr T\I.\1Rhm|c~| . lingiish The Siyllnan 99 7 . ..,.tt...MA(BucIiarest) Cen FR Alliance - HoD: French . h) HED MA PU l'orCHEtPolchetslrmm) - HoD: Zulu Mrs Heather F nk ku RA(Hons) H Dip Ed(Wits) - Maths Mr Dave Gc .................................................. BSC(Hons)(Wi1s) HED(UN1SA) Geography Mr Luke Harlley RAt Rhodes) HDE - Geography Mr Don Hcan ................................ BAt UNlSA) B Ed(Wits) TCtRhodesia) - Director: Physical Science MrGeoffHolmes........t..HummuBAt RAU) DLCtLoughhorough) Cen Ed(Nouingham ) FDEtPrctoria) - Director: Mathsi Spon Mr Ken Hovelmeier.............................................................................. TDD - Director: Student Affairs Mr Hugh Huggett ............................................. BA B Ed(UNlSAlTlD Dip Ed chhiYork) M Ed(Wits) - Director: Grade 12. English Mr John Hullttnr . ...BA(Witsl(Hons)(Natal) HED(UNlSA) - HoD: Art Mr chnie Janse lroom) THOD ~ Senier Deputy Headmastert Afrikaans Ms Marion Kamps TTHDUCE) FDE(Prctoria) - Maths Mr Leon Keel. .DST CTHDtStellenhosch) - Director: Grade 8. Afrikaans Mrs Wendy Kerr ..... BAtNalal) HEDt UNlSA) A HoD: Enterprise Education Mrlohn Knight MA(0x0n) - Maths Mr Dave Lachenicht iiiiiiiii On Step Tech Diploma H Dip Ed(Wits) » HOD: Design & Technology. Maths Mr Bany Lumh on RSc(Wits) H Dip Ed - Science Mrs Lorraine Lauf RSc HDEtWits) ~ Maths MrGrahan MacCallum .................................................... BA(Wits) B Ed(RAU) TTHDUCE) ~ History Mrs Sue MacKenLi * BAiWils) (Hons)(UNlSA) MAiPsychologyltRAU) 7 Student Affairs Mr Steve McFarland. ...... BA H Dip Ed(PG)(Wits)(Hons)(Hist)(UNlSA) - HoD: History Mr Ian Mcl 'whl'm RSc HDE(Nata|) - Headmaster. Maths Mr Dave McGaw........................................................................ BA UED( Rhodes) - HoD: Geography MrChurlcs Marriott Dip FA » Art. English Mr Paddy Moore HDE( Wits) » PE Ml Gareth Murray ..................................................................... BSc( Hons) HDE(Wits) , HoD: Biology MrLeon Noni? RA HOD PGtOFS ) Afrikaans Mr Bruce Nozaic ................................................................... BSct Hons)( Natal) HDE( Natal) - Science Mr Dave Pitcairn RSc H Dip Ed PG(Wits) - Science Ms Leigh Pleass ..................BA NHOD(RAU) BA(Hons) MSctWits) - Maths Mrs Mary Reynold SAFAtNatal) H Dip Lih(UNlSA)- HoD: Resource Centre Mr Matthew Ridgeway ...................................................................... BSctNalal) HDE( Natal) - Biology Mrs Sandy Rllit RSi:( Honstits) BA(Rhodes) 4 Hons)( Wits) H Dip Ed . HoD: English Mr Dav; Ryan ,dt Hons )( London) - Deputy Headmaster. HoD: Maths ' BA( Hons) HDE PG MSc » Director: Post Matric, Geography Mr Piet van Tondu'...................................... BN Honslt Rhodesia) Teachers I)ip(Bulawayo) Afrikaans Mr Sam Torrance RA(Massey) Dip Sport HDE PE Ms Isabel van Achlcrbergh ..BAtStellenhosch) STD- HoD: Alrikaans 2nd MrJimmy Verner...m......
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