; CL I ENT# [MATTER# - (SUBFILE" [CLIENT ' ---------- ............—— ........................................ AOOl4—107.“002- Alts Gold Co- _______ ,_ ' x- Sun/nvside Mine/Env. — Pur- Corr. /Notes— ---------------------------................................................................................................... e f SunnijS¡de (jù/d Corporal Cm <£c¿,0 ôcUf 3*ïC . 3 3 d ò t A a n u l i Q . P / # c /d/Pô - /o/ St. B^c/rribñ t4>/7 A / J > e r /¡3 (?¿?*¿2¿/¿L 7 ~ 5 J ~ 3 S < ¿ S P - (ÿî£àü>ftu Cûrt(AduL^- &I c V u g <ú D ¡ £ - J ) o L j c n * - | p A l u m á . f i C U T i f ?^ ECHO BAY MINES, INC. CHANGED ITS CORPORATE NAME TO ALTA GOLD COMPANY (ALL CORRESPONDENCE,. DOCUMENTS, FILES, ETC. , SHOULD NOW REFLECT THE NEW CORPORATE NAME) R OB E R T F. W E L B O R N ATTO R N EYS AT LAW RANDALL J. FEUERSTEIN PHILIP G. DUFFORD 1700 BROADWAY S, KIRK INGEBRETSEN THOMAS G.BROWN DIANE L.BURKHARDT DALE TOOLEY (1933-1985) DENVER,COLORADO 60290-1199 STEPHEN J. SULLIVAN DAVID W. FURGASON JOHN M. SPILLANE WILLIAM C. ROBS (303) 861-8013 E L L E N T O L L JOHN F. WELBORN DOUGLAS P. RUEGSEGGER WILLIAM A-McLAIN EDWARD D. WHITE BEVERLY J- QUAIL PEGGY J. ANDERSON RICHARD L.FANYO KATHRYN L. POWERS JOHN F. MECK THEOOORE B.ATLASS November 21, 1985 COUNSEL PHILLIP D. BARBER GREGORY A. RUEGSEGGER Colorado Division of Mines 1313 Sherman Street Denver, CO 80203 Re: Sunnyside Mine Ladies and Gentlemen: On November 19, 1985, Sunnyside Gold Corporation acquired the real and personal property associated with the Sunnyside Mine near Silverton, Colorado. Accordingly, enclosed for filing with your Division are the following applications executed by Sunnyside: 1. Application to Store, Transport and Use Explosives; and 2. Application for Diesel Permit (Underground Operations). Should any questions or problems in connection with this filing arise, please feel free to contact Bill Robb or me at 861-8013. Thank you for your assistance. Very truly yours, WELBORN, DUFFORD, BROWN S. TOOLEY carla St. Romain Title Clerk/Legal Assistant CS:crh Enclosure ; JLORADO DIVISION OF MI :S DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 1313 Sherman Street, Denver, Colorado 80203 Telephone 8 6 6 - 3 4 0 1 R,CHGAov ern ;rLAMM APPLICATION TO STORE, TRANSPORT AND USE EXPLOSIVES Dat0 November 19, 1985 The following application is made ¡n conformance with Chapter 34, Article 27, Sections 101 through 110, Article 47, Sections 103 and 104, and Chapter 9, Article 7, Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, as amended. Sunnyside Mine - American Tunnel Name of Operation Gladqfnnp m San Juan Address of Operation Sunnyside Gold Corporation County 303-387-5533 Name of Operator Telephone: P.O. Box 177, Silverton CO 81433 Address of Operator ...............— --------------- — — 76 or More Name of Person in Charge Total No. Employees: 75 or Less_____ X T42N 21 7W Location of Magazine: — ---------------------- -------------------- - -------- Township Section Range Surface ( ) Underground ( 5e) Mine Location Gladstone/ San Juan County, Colorado Kind of Explosives Dynamite, AN/FO and Blasting Emulsions Maximum Amount to be Stored 5 0 , 0 0 0 l b s 2.5 miles Distance from Main Workway, County Road 2 • 5 miles Highway Distance from Nearest Inhabited Building_________ 2 miles 10 miles Railroad Distance from Other Explosives or Detonator Magazine over 200 ft N u m b e r of Shot Firers or Employees W h o Will Use Explosives 20 (twenty)___________ Magazine Construction: (Explain) stub drifts with wood floors and ventilation with warm air Operations having more than 75 employees must submit a fee of $120.00 with application. Sketch of Location; (Show nearest inhabited building, roads or highways, drifts, tunnels and crosscuts. Attach sketch if on another sheet.) C jLORADO division o f m , j b s DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 1313 Sherman Street, Denver, Colorado 60203 Telephone 866- 3 4 0 1 John D. Ward - Acting Director R IC H ARD D LAMM APPLICATION FOR DIESEL PERMIT Governor (Underground Operations) Date November 19, 1985 The following application is made in conformance with Chapter 34, Article 29, Section 136, Article 47, Section 131, Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, as amended. Name of Operation Sunnyside Mine Mine ( x) Tunnel ( ) Location: County San Juan District Rnretafotal No. Employees: ^ --- y - Name of Operator______ Sunnyside Gold Corporation Telephone ; 303-387-5533 Address of Operator P«0» Box 177, Silverton CO 81433 DIESEL INFORMATION: Make of Engine caterpillar_________ ^Horsepower Ratingl49 Sea Level Number of Cylinders 6_________Number of Cycles___^ Motor No. 58B6361 UNIT INFORMATION: Type of Unit Locomotive (20-Ton Unit #1) (Locomotive, Shuttle Car, Etc.) Manufacturer Plymouth Locomotive Works Serial No. 6361 Conditioner 42 Water SCRUBBER INFORMATION: Manufacturer Jype Capacity Reserve __ £2 (Water, Catalytic) Name of Property Owner ...sunnyside,.Gold .Corporation. Address Address P.O. Box 177, Silverton CO 81433 Operations having more than 75 employees must submit a fee of $J0,00 with application. Title (The Following to be Filled in by the Inspector) Type of Ventilation CFM Incast or Outcast at the Portal or Collar_ CFM Being Delivered to the Working Area_______ Average Number of Men Working in the Area Where Diesel will be Operated_ Course Traveled by Exhaust Gases to Reach the Surface____________________ Condition of Diesel Equipment______________ Condition of Scrubber Based on Ventilation and Other Safety Precautions, What is the Maximum Amount of Diesel Horsepower that can be Approved for use Underground at any one time at this Property__ Does the Operator Understand the Rules Governing the use of Diesels Underground_________ In your Opinion will the Operator Adhere to these Rules___________________________________ I recommend that this application be (approved) (rejected). District Mine Inspector District No. Echo Bay Inc. ^ 3300 Manulife Place 10180-101 Street Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5J3S4 November 19, 1985 Standard Metals Corporation 645 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022 Res Transfer of Water Discharge Permits Sunnyside Mine San Juan County, Colorado Gentlemen: In connection with the sale of Sunnyside Mine and related assets by Standard Metals Corporation ("Standard Metals") to Sunnyside Gold Corporation ("Sunnyside"), a wholly owned subsidiary of Echo Bay Inc. ("Echo Bay"), on November 19, 1985, Standard Metals requested the transfer to Sunnyside of Water Quality Discharge Permit Nos. C0-0027529 (American Tunnel), C0-0000426 (Mayflower Mill), and CO-0036056 (Terry Tunnel) issued by the State of Colorado (the "Permits"). 5 C.C.R. 1002-2-6.9.6 of the regulations of the Colorado Water Quality Control Division (the "Division") require that 30 days' notice be given before a permit transfer may become effective. Accordingly, unless the requested transfer is specifically made effective on an expedited basis by the Division, Standard Metals will remain the permitee of record and will remain responsible for permit compliance and liable for permit violations until December 19, 1985. In order to allow Sunnyside immediately to commence operations at the Sunnyside Mine and related facilities, in consideration for the right to assume Standard Metals* rights under the Permits, Echo Bay hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Standard Metals for any and all penalties, orders and other responsibilities, duties or liabilities stemming from or related to the Permits which are attributable to conditions, events or omissions occurring within the period from November 19, 1985 until December 19, 1985, or until such other time as the transfer of the Permits officially becomes effective. ECHO BAY INC. Approved this 19th day of November, 1985, by STANDARD METALS jGORP OR AT I ON is Gresov, President Echo Bay Inc. 3300 Manulife Place 10180-101 Street Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5J3S4 November 19, 1985 Standard Metals Corporation 645 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022 Re: Transfer of Water Discharge Permits Sunnyside Mine San Juan County, Colorado Gentlemen: In connection with the sale of Sunnyside Mine and related assets by Standard Metals Corporation ("Standard Metals") to Sunnyside Gold Corporation ("Sunnyside"), a wholly owned subsidiary of Echo Bay Inc. ("Echo Bay"), on November 19, 1985, Standard Metals requested the transfer to Sunnyside of Water Quality Discharge Permit Nos. C0-0027529 (American Tunnel), CO-0000426 (Mayflower Mill), and C0-0036056 (Terry Tunnel) issued by the State of Colorado (the "Permits"). 5 C.C.R. 1002-2-6.9.6 of the regulations of the Colorado Water Quality Control Division (the "Division") require that 30 days* notice be given before a permit transfer may become effective. Accordingly, unless the requested transfer is specifically made effective on an expedited basis by the Division, Standard Metals will remain the permitee of record and will remain responsible for permit compliance and liable for permit violations until December 19, 1985. In order to allow Sunnyside immediately to commence operations at the Sunnyside Mine and related facilities, in consideration for the right to assume Standard Metals' rights under the Permits, Echo Bay hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Standard Metals for any and all penalties, orders and other responsibilities, duties or liabilities stemming from or related to the Permits which are attributable to conditions, events or omissions occurring within the period from November 19, 1985 until December 19, 1985, or until such other time as the transfer of the Permits officially becomes effective. Approved this 19th day of November, 1985, by STANDARD METALS^CQRPORATION B v f i i Boris Gresov, President R OB E R T F. W E L B O R N ATTO RN EYS AT LAW RANDALL J. FEUERSTEIN PHILIP G. DUFFORD 1700 BROADWAY S. KIRK INGEBRETSEN THOMAS G.BROWN DIANE L.BURKHARDT DALE TOOLEY (1933-1985) DENVER,COLORADO 60290-1199 STEPHEN J. SULLIVAN DAVID W. FURGASON JOHN M. SPILLANE (303) 861-6013 WILLIAM C- ROBB E L L E N T O L L JOHN F. WELBORN DOUGLAS P. RUEGSEGGER WILLIAM A.MCLAIN EDWARD D. WHITE BEVERLY J, QUAIL PEGGY J, ANDERSON RICHARD L.FANYO JOHN F.
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