Indonesia NNATIONALATIONAL AACTIONCTION PPLANLAN FFOROR DDISASTERISASTER RRISKISK RREDUCTIONEDUCTION 22010010 - 20122012 State Ministry for National Development Planning NATIONAL ACTION PLAN FOR DISASTER RISK REDUCTION 2010 - 2012 Indonesia State Ministry for National Development Planning FOREWORD As the implementation of NAP-DRR for 2006-2009 has been completed, the book on the National Action Plan for Disaster Risk Reduction (NAP-DRR) 2010-2012 has been prepared with due observance of the mandate of Law Number 24/2007 on Disaster Management and Government Regulation Number 21/ 2008 on the Implementation of Disaster Management. Th e preparation of the NAP-DRR 2010- 2012 also constitutes the Government’s continued commitment towards the 1999 Resolution of the UN Economic and Social Council, appealing to the respective governments of all countries to maintain and strengthen the realization of their Disaster Risk Reduction National Action Plan with the aim at supporting and ensuring the achievement of the goals and objectives of sustainable development, and in elaboration of the 2005-2015 Hyogo Framework for Action for Disaster Risk Reduction, calling on all countries in the world to establish an integrated disaster risk mechanism with institutional support and adequate capacity of resources. Th e various disasters occurring over the past fi ve years have encouraged and strengthen government commitment towards changing paradigm of the disaster mitigation from being responsive to preventive. Th e fact that disaster management has been determined as one of the national priorities in the National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) for 2010-2014, more specifi cally under priority number 9 on the Environment and Disaster Management, is another proof of the Government’s serious commitment on disaster management. Th e NAP-DRR 2010-2012 formulation has been through sequential process, several consultative and participatory phases based on coordination, consultation and consolidation among stakeholders at the central as well as the regional level over the past six months. Th e results of this process have been stipulated in the form of the Decision of the Head of BNPB No. 5 Year 2010. It is expected that the NAP-DRR 2010-2012 document will serve as a basis and reference for stakeholders in implementing disaster risk reduction measures as expected. Furthermore, from the Government’s point of view, particularly of NAP-DRR 2010-2012 iii ministries/agencies, the NAP-DRR 2010-2012 document can be referenced in the formulation of the Government’s and the Ministries’/Agencies’ Annual Work Plan. In addition, it is expected that the respective regional governments will be able to follow up on this NAP-DRR in the Regional Action Plan for Disaster Risk Reduction (RAP-DRR), both at the Provincial and the Regency/Municipality levels. Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to all parties and stakeholders for having supported the preparation of this Book on the 2010-2012 National Action Plan for Disaster Risk Reduction, particularly to UNDP and the World Bank, for having provided fi nancial support for the preparation of this NAP-DRR. We wish that this book will serve as a collective document for government and non- government institutions, in turn also as a basis for further common guidance and reference in the implementation of disaster risk reduction eff orts in Indonesia. Jakarta, January 2010 State Minister for National Development Planning/ Head of the National Development Planning Agency Armida S. Alisjahbana iv NAP-DRR 2010-2012 National Agency for Disaster Management FOREWORD Th e implementation period of the National Action Plan for Disaster Risk Reduction (NAP-DRR) 2006-2009 has completed. Th e further process is the formulation of the National Action Plan for Disaster Risk Reduction (NAP-DRR) 2010-2012, legitimized by the Regulation of the Head of National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) No. 21/2008. Th e formulation of NAP-DRR 2010-2012 is mandated by the government regulation No. 21/2008 on the implementation of the disaster management. Th e NAP-DRR is formulated by a forum comprising of relevant Ministry/Agencies at national level, NGO, university, private sector and other relevant stakeholders jointly coordinated by BNPB and Bappenas. Th is document is also embodiment of the Indonesia government commitment to the implementation of Hyogo Framework Action Plan for Disaster Risk Reduction 2005-2015, building resilience of nations and communities to disaster. Th e activities and programs in the NAP-DRR 2010-2012 are expected to serve as the basis and reference for all relevant stakeholders in the implementation of the disaster risk reduction eff orts. For the government offi ces particularly the ministries and institution at the national, regional provincial and city levels implementing the disaster risk reduction eff orts, it is expected that the NAP-DRR 2010-2012 also serves as the basis and reference in formulation of the working plans. We eventually express our great and sincere gratitude for the contributions and active participation of the ministries and agencies; NGOs, University, private sector and other parties in formulation of the NAP-DRR 2010-2012. Expectedly, the NAP- DRR 2010-2012 serves as the jointly agreed document by the government and the other stakeholders in the implementation of the disaster risk reduction at national and regional level. Head Dr. Syamsul Maarif, M.Si. NAP-DRR 2010-2012 v EXECUTIVE SUMMARY NATIONAL ACTION PLAN FOR DISASTER RISK REDUCTION (NAP-DRR) 2010-2012 INTRODUCTION Th e purpose of the National Action Plan for Disaster Risk Reduction (NAP- DRR) is to serve as guidelines and reference for all parties involving in the elaboration of the disaster risk reduction policy at the national level during the determined period of 3 (three) fi nancial years, containing the foundation, priorities, action plan, implementation mechanism and institutional framework for the implementation of the action plan. Th e NAP-DRR serves as a strong and systemic basis for cross-sectoral and cross-regional priorities in reducing risks of various disaster hazards. Th e NAP-DRR 2010-2012 document articulates the interests and responsibilities of all related parties in the dissemination and implementation of disaster risk reduction measures at the national level resulting from a process involving coordination, consultation and participation in line with the global agreement on disaster risk reduction in the Hyogo Framework for Action (hereinafter referred to as HFA) for 2005-2015. Th e NAP-DRR 2010-2012 is the continuation of the NAP-DRR 2006-2009 prepared under coordination by the State Ministry for National Development Planning (Bappenas) in collaboration with the National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB), involving the relevant ministries/agencies at the national level, as well as various related stakeholders such as universities, donor agencies/states and non-government agencies related to disaster risk reduction. Th e NAP-DRR has been formulated based on the mandate of Law Number 23/2007 on Disaster Management and Government Regulation Number 21/2008 on the Implementation of Disaster Management, which is an articulation of the National Disaster Management Plan (Renas-PB). vi NAP-DRR 2010-2012 DISASTER CONDITION IN INDONESIA Data on events and the impacts of disaster with reference to historical data during the past two decades shows the existence of several dominant disaster hazards in Indonesia, namely: 1) earthquake; 2) tsunami; 3) landslide/soil movement; 4) volcanic eruption; 5) fl ood; and 6) drought. In addressing various types of disaster and the increasing intensity over the recent fi ve years requires disaster risk assessment and analysis. Disaster risk assessment or analysis aims at identifying high disaster risk areas. Th e outcome of such analysis then serves as a reference in planning disaster risk reduction priority eff orts. One of the elements of disaster risk analysis is institutional capacity in disaster response, both in the government as well as in the non- government sector, at the central as well as regional level. DISASTER RISK REDUCTION PLATFORMS Disaster risk reduction in Indonesia is a part of international disaster risk reduction eff orts, as the collective responsibility of government and community, including the international community. As part of the commitment of the Indonesian, the platform for the formulation of the NAP-DRR refers to international agreements and Indonesian laws and regulations. Parallel to the shifting paradigm in disaster response in Indonesia, which is no longer on the emergency response aspect, but places more emphasis on overall disaster mitigation management, mainstreaming disaster reduction in development is now required. Th e main focus is on the integration of disaster risk reduction into the subsequent fi ve year national development priorities, by including disaster risk reduction as one of the policy aspects for the achievement of development objectives. LESSONS LEARNED IN DISASTER RISK REDUCTION Th ere are several lessons to be learned from the implementation of disaster risk reduction policy in Indonesia, including regulation, policy, and institutional reform, strengthening coordination and network, community participation, lessons learned from natural disaster response, implementation of damage NAP-DRR 2010-2012 vii and loss assessment, the process of implementing post-disaster recovery, and a more suffi cient disaster management funding. EVALUATION OUTCOME
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