Birding at Scenic State Park STATE PARK BIRDS Sp S F W DATE STATE PARK BIRDS Sp S F W DATE STATE PARK BIRDS Sp S F W DATE The Fire Tower Trail, leading through this magnificent forest, GEESE, SWANS, DUCKS CORMORANTS FLYCATCHERS has always been a sought-after area for birders. This is one Canada Goose U U U Double-crested Cormorant R Great Crested Flycatcher U U U of the few places in the state where one can see Spruce Grouse with relative ease. Ruffed Grouse, Canada Jay, Boreal Trumpeter Swan U U U BITTERNS, HERONS, EGRETS, NIGHT-HERONS Eastern Kingbird O O O Chickadee, and the occasional Black-backed Woodpecker Wood Duck U U U American Bittern O O O Olive-sided Flycatcher U U U are other treats along the trail. Red Crossbills can be heard Blue-winged Teal U U Great Blue Heron U U U Eastern Wood-pewee U U U during any season. Winter Wren and Hermit Thrush greet the birder with their beautiful songs. Mallard U U NEW WORLD VULTURES Yellow-bellied Flycatcher U U U Ring-necked Duck U U U Turkey Vulture U C U Alder Flycatcher U U U Scenic is a great place for warblers; 24 species are regularly Lesser Scaup O O OSPREY Least Flycatcher C C C recorded in the park during migration and during the Osprey U U U Eastern Phoebe C C C breeding season. The rare Connecticut warbler is found Common Goldeneye U U in the park. Merlins nest near the cabin along Coon Lake. Hooded Merganser U U U KITES, HAWKS, EAGLES VIREOS Loons are common on the lake. Common Merganser U U U Northern Harrier O O Yellow-throated Vireo O O O Red-breasted Merganser O Sharp-shinned Hawk U U Blue-headed Vireo U U U PARTRIDGE, PHEASANTS, GROUSE, TURKEYS Northern Goshawk O O Red-eyed Vireo C C C Key Ruffed Grouse C C C C Bald Eagle C C C O JAYS, MAGPIES, CROWS, RAVENS Occurrence Spruce Grouse U U U U Broad-winged Hawk C C U Gray Jay U U U U Sp - Spring (Mar—May) S - Summer (Jun—Jul) GREBES Red-tailed Hawk U U U Blue Jay C C C C F - Fall (Aug—Nov) Horned Grebe O O Rough-legged Hawk U U O American Crow C C C C W - Winter (Dec—Feb) Red-necked Grebe O O TYPICAL OWLS Common Raven C C C C Abundance NIGHTJARS Great Horned Owl O O O O MARTINS, SWALLOWS C - Common (Present, relatively easy to find) Common Nighthawk U O U Barred Owl U U U U Tree Swallow U U U U - Uncommon (Present, not certain to be seen) SWIFTS Northern Saw-whet Owl U U O O Northern Rough-winged Swallow U U U O - Occasional (Infrequent, may not return each year) R - Rare (Observed at least once, may not return) Chimney Swift U O U KINGFISHERS Barn Swallow U U U HUMMINGBIRDS Belted Kingfisher U U U Cliff Swallow U U U Date: Enter the date you saw the bird. Ruby-throated Hummingbird C C C WOODPECKERS CHICKADEES, TITMICE SANDPIPERS AND ALLIES Yellow-bellied Sapsucker C C C Black-capped Chickadee C C C C Bird Identification Tips Least Sandpiper O Black-backed Woodpecker O O O O Boreal Chickadee U U U U American Woodcock C C C Downy Woodpecker C C C C NUTHATCHES When you observe a bird, make note of at least three characteristics. Wilson's Snipe U U U Hairy Woodpecker C C C C Red-breasted Nuthatch C C C U Spotted Sandpiper U U U Northern Flicker C C C White-breasted Nuthatch U U U U Location: Where did you see the bird? (water, forest, feeder, lower branch, tree trunk, etc.) GULLS, TERNS Pileated Woodpecker U U U U CREEPERS Bonaparte's Gull U U FALCONS Brown Creeper U U U Body size and shape: Compare to a known bird. (smaller Ring-billed Gull U U U American Kestrel U U U WRENS than a...bigger than a...plump like a...slender like a...) Look at tail, legs and bill. (long, short, thick, thin, curved, straight) Common Tern O O Merlin U U U Winter Wren U U U LOONS KINGLETS Colors and markings: Look on wings, tail, back, belly, rump and head. (stripe above eye, white spot on tail, etc.) Common Loon C C C Golden-crowned Kinglet C U C Ruby-crowned Kinglet C O C Sounds and movements: How do they act and sound? (travel alone or in groups, in-flight wing position - soaring, flapping, flap and glide, etc.) STATE PARK BIRDS Sp S F W DATE STATE PARK BIRDS Sp S F W DATE THRUSHES WARBLERS Veery C C U Ovenbird C C C Swainson’s Thrush U U U Northern Waterthrush U U U Hermit Thrush C C C Golden-winged Warbler O O American Robin C C C Black-and-white Warbler C C C WAXWINGS Tennessee Warbler U U BIRD CHECKLIST Cedar Waxwing C C C Orange-crowned Warbler U U SCENIC STATE PARK FINCHES Nashville Warbler C C C Evening Grosbeak O O O Conneticut Warbler U U U Pine Grosbeak U U U Mourning Warbler C C C Purple Finch C O C U Common Yellowthroat C C C Common Redpoll U C C American Redstart C C C Red Crossbill U U U U Cape May Warbler U U U White-winged Crossbill O O O U Northern Parula C C C Pine Siskin U O U U Magnolia Warbler C C C American Goldfinch C C C Bay-breasted Warbler U O U TOWHEES, SPARROWS Blackburnian Warbler U U U Chipping Sparrow C C C Yellow Warbler U U U Clay-colored Sparrow U U U Chestnut-sided Warbler C C C Fox Sparrow U U Blackpoll Warbler U U Dark-eyed Junco C U C Palm Warbler U U U White-crowned Sparrow U U Pine Warbler U U U White-throated Sparrow C C C Yellow-rumped Warbler C C C Song Sparrow C C C Black-throated Green Warbler C C C Checklist created by Robert B. Janssen, Jerry Bonkoski Lincoln’s Sparrow U U Canada Warbler U U U and MNDNR. Data was gathered from MNDNR staff observations, public observations and Minnesota Swamp Sparrow U U U TANAGERS, CARDINALS, GROSBEAKS Ornithologist’s Union records. Nomenclature and BLACKBIRDS, ORIOLES Scarlet Tanager O O organization of checklist based off of the Check-list Baltimore Oriole O O O Rose-breasted Grosbeak U U U of North American Birds (7th edition) as currently Red-winged Blackbird U U U supplemented. Brown-headed Cowbird U U Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Parks and Trails, Common Grackle U U U 500 Lafayette Road, St. Paul, MN 55155-4039. Phone: 651-259-5600. The Minnesota DNR prohibits discrimination in its programs and services based on race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, public assistance status, age, sexual orientation or disability. Persons with disabilities may request reasonable modifications to access or participate in DNR programs and services by contacting the DNR ADA Title II Coordinator at [email protected] or 651-259-5488. Discrimination inquiries should be sent to Minnesota DNR, 500 Lafayette Road, St. Paul, MN 55155-4049; or Office of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of the Interior, 1849 C. Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20240. © 2019, State of Minnesota, DNR.
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