C,,H ,B"€, Elasti6il 1e ,V€gatrr€ Mfi,1 f?obot?an I I I I tuMa i @r + W I E6asdB0'' Amth€r vras H l-ary Trairrcr, who One was a young boy namBd - fiicil GarfiBld t$- k2uru &AtdlilS 10 tum -€i ,-: had rafutne E a rB.* sf q. gan, hnp wfu had gaind fts porrBr to U"ens. gJlBif0i*gred MaCa-+ t,-, i Th€ originat Omm Pafi€l was a t€am of pG{rr€ b unlsEiyn solar rEdi{tiIl. Th6 fum himssil infic any animai. The Dscrii h6r0rth6 Brofl:sfiod :rE'. Euper-potfr€red s€lt{tylsd "misfits" tfiat Chktf da$gnd fp Wrsl banda€E g}d Parral eellsd him 8sast8oy, hut Loqefu 'fraino, €oug,e). Cautdei a.r Eo-ie q ws 6rg€ni?6d by thsir "chist " Br. Nik€ rcr€ b eilie*d cfi€(s i'slt hls radr+ id6rpin€d tl€ T€on Titafts undsr the attractbn lor eact ot er l-': -" Caulder [s6e I}e 8]rlei), b bde and de 1bn. Trainffould rs# r€h€s€ ftom his, nafil€ Chafigsling (sae Giangsrinq, rV@it €ru€lituarly succ€gJ€d I -!!-rrj- iHd rfianaces to hurft.8nity. b@ a beiq of prre ernqy ca.lleri Abge Iaen lrhns). Eillbnairo sei6ntisi &.ive nai pstsonaltty. l-l}/'B'td :€ i Mar, (s€6 foftrirral to a wt|€i6lchEjr, eauiejer da. fiE t*egEd€ Man) Dayton d€signed a helril*r g6vr, f ' fiat ti!rl ueqi seienf'fc mean= r r,-= crdsl fi3 forfir a team of suparpoarercd be ihe third ums sportsr,an Clifl SI*te, roiekinetic and illusion*astikg aliiti€€. o$l Madane Ho*4e !E:s-r : iil$s, trl6 Deofl! PEtft:,i. hesed at hie Mid- 'Jyhose body was ddroyerd in a racing cBt tthe,"t ir€ B,are k, he qrll8d him$eit i,{erai sudaca. caxght b€fr'€6 :* tr way ,}llrffi Chy man*ion, ne'6tirild direcl in a0cid€n!. Cauhei' ranspiafi€d his brain irentoi. f,ayton r1 :',., :'. - Ll isSe eve' ue"ly ee,:* anri ha'be iOr C,a-ms opiffiing th8 anminal m tenfiiftd crenerai into a rotlo'( bory, ard thus St6€1e f€c€ufie Fafi, and the ,.- ,-. tr,.6 Of tr,u! t :ri. :J--r- i irind s,xaFod. knmsrtu$ (s€e G6risr8/ i,flrnr},?t r."gJ aftd fiafutnan(s€€R*ntnan ltl. pnangd Lsgan. *i€8 agEijr! f'l€ s,'. V'{E -r $iher cuch r*6neB*. Alithree regarded tisnrsei\r€a es rfiis*E The eioorft Patr*l's ma,s1 iriip:ai;qliia &aMilie iotred tsces *= rr* Ona of eauHar's rerui.is was Flita Fa(, end IrBaks. but Cauldar gew them nar n€lrBgas werc in€ritlBaB art a)ri$iiiat -, tf€ tnts ma'l*€ ce.'nr.r,and€r Ca=ai wilo becams Elas,€lr/ (sffi ElasS4r4. pilrpos€ in liia Es m€mber* of hrs Dgom Brothertood o{ Evii, i€d [ry $is |nysl€rfiur$ hrs aFarn sco'c te S€ i6: :-l Ferr$,a* an actress whonr strangn gesao PaM. dis€mbodlBd Bfain (sa6 8{a,,?, grDtlsf*oof, "fhe s&"tursd fls Chlg. L:a-=-:' had giv*n the a!:ilify fo qr.ow and $hrink in iour offrcial rnambars ol 0re Doom of €u;I). The Bmin hsd Eltered frc sli-).l eryj !"lJn and Fetctrar a-.: li' si?.e. PeN lrero et tirn€s ioin# by t$,s alti€s. bo{ty sf ttls ireautjful Pari$i&n ae{.rBss r5?in tFai uil,ess E-€ J:cr : = E \ t kiuftr CeMlllg to tuiR her inio ti16 e!ii $uBersfilr€raj fuladafne noug€, a nrGfii- b€r o, th8 Blo'flBrhmd (s€€ Maoa-ale fi'o€s). Cauldsr snd fuugs telt a gro,vrn€ $ attmctbn tcr 6ach o*}er, and Caukjar €)'ra!"dua.lly sucEedad in resbrirq her ongr & nai pore:nality" Ho*arcr, tl€ Brothadpod usBl seianti{}o ms&ns t0loic€ neMilb's +vil Madanu H$t4o por$o,-!a back to flg sJrfacs. ce.L€hl bet*'iesn tlre Brain's influ h€rns€hG e bs killed, ho suld Uoiy up e{?gsd lh8 odl€rs' deafle wttst fi'€y E-,:s ar'!d h€r ldue rsr e*u!dsr, DsMille's fE srall villa€B cf God8r./illo, l'lairc, vtirr h{€ht XladarIllo R&rg6 and Zehl, u,ho bodr nindc,na(@. 'ss fpuldio.l o,tulrbm. TIEfro{Jr O6n dkd ifl lhoerreountor. Todary Robffiian b GncE agBin ths svil Madams Reljg€, Pd m€rnba.B eo.rragd$ly a€r€€d b a rnsmb€rof lhs nsr Dcom Pdd, whi6h $sMill€ ioinBd i3rdffi {i!th tormsr Nazi sub smifrce Sleir lils86 b 6a\,€ the vi$ago,8. was oryanizad by Cauldads wib Arani, marir€ effnrnardff C€stein Zabl, $flo had Os lradan's Bongg's p{otsstB, ZBhl bl6w who b aho lffin as C.€kius (ses C€btuq hi* erdo scorc to ssttle with C€udsr. ltr€y up the hrd srficr€ ths Doom md w68 tuti&dolD. &3ptu!'ed $}e Chisi, Ela$ii.€i''!, Nsgnll€ €isrdir€. f,ks(/spa.an€i MY GREATEST AB Man, and Fbbotrnan, andZdl! intomed Th€ only krffii surutvo. is RobouTran. VENTURE#80 III*PJ that uiliess the kElm Fatroi allsred Years later, hs and ul€ Changtsling g his body unden,/ent an even mor6 startlins r Genoral Zahl. l-ater on, Gar Logan lsam€d meEmorphcis. Gar Logan disco/er€d , that Oliff St€ele was the solo survivor of the that he could alter his inrc Atter Ega: Logan ky lh6 form oi ' Doom Pdrol. any animal h€ could think of. &xupatian: Protessional Adventurer Young and brash, Gar Logan ansrvereo ' Yearspassed, and after Markand Marral.Stai./s.. Desperate Marie the sumrnons when Hollyu,ood called, and I Logan died in a boating accident, th€ child lhe Knawn Relatives: Mark & Marie Logan (de )outhful shape<hanger got a iob ptay- was rais€ci by King Tawaba, chief coas6d); Rita Fan (deceaseo of a loc,al ing th€ alien metanrcrph Tor,x on fre and btewn Alrican trib€. telovi- Daytron (adoptive parents) sion sholv qoaca Tre* 2022. But TV fem€ But Gar Logan's animakhanging Gtoup Affihation : Th€ Doom parrol (former was fleetkg and the sho\rv was soon can- po,!€rs brought him to th€ attantjo[of member), The Nor Teen Titans (cunent sev_ celed. aral criminais who usd the child member) to commit Back to tiving with StEv6 Dai,ton (see various crimm. Soon after th€ criminals MYYL9at, . Eass o, @6rafibns. Titans Tou/6r, Manhat- LrxJan. wr-'o nofl calhng htft died, Gar l_ogan and his trust fund $ere tan. Nsw York sett The Changeling, soon irined another put in ah€ nands of an unscrupulous guarG group Firs/. A{ffiaran@: DOOM PATFIOL #gg of super-hero adr/Bnturers, thls time ian named Galtry. group Hcight:5'3. lyerbfht. 125 oounds a closar to his age. To date, GarHd log€n remained with Gaitry, hating Eyas: Green Halr Green his l-ogan remains a charter member ol The guardian. until h€ m6t Rira Fan anO ne. New Teen T]tefis (s€6 legr, frfar?s). new husband, millionair€ Ste\,€ Oayton. ffi Wanling to adopl th€ shapeshifter, ;oung As a cilld, young Gartieid Log,an was Fan and Dayton waged a coufl baile Drought lo the Alrican Country ct Upper against Gattry. Fan and Dayton illon and Larnurnba by his parents, sci;ntisls Mark soon adopted Ga Logan. Garfield LoEan has rh6 unique abilrty rc and Marie Logan. Once there. young Oar C_alling himsett Bea^{ Boy, joined change his fonn into that oi any mysteriouslv caught a rale Logan animal he tropical dis the D@m patro{1ano picture 6ase,-SaKU:ia, Patroi (s€6 D(r,rn can in his mind. The smaller the an- that oniy animals could sur_ tought alongsids this famad team imal, the longer Gar is vrve. Io sa\e his dying son, professoa Le ot heF able to keep ih ro€s until Fan (s€e EtastiGtnl, shape. The greater th6 animal's gan treated the infant w;th an untestad Larry Trainor mass, the (see.{qgauva ,vfan), Nilas Cauldor lhe shortsr time Gar can hold that form. n machine h€ deleloped to ieotate the com- lsee Also, Chbr, and Ctiff St€ete (see Robofnsn /4 lhe iarger his shap+,shifting chang€ is, mon genetic bond betlxe€n numanB and the 6nimais, apparenfly di€d at the hands of a formei 'rreaxer uar Logan will beL.ome, and the - memb€r of Th€ Botherhmd of Evil (see longer it will take for the lByearcld to onoe Garlield Logan was cure6, but hi$ skin E: Stdethod of EviD, Madame again use his look on a oemlanent green piqmeRt Boug€ (s€€ powers I and Madama Ror€e), I and Nazi war crimina, \ 1. : :*, ' :: ir' i.iia i t.t_ r,, .,, - s i : lat.,-,, o t B I t *j s I F I ] I I It j, ?) f\* I t. L-r C ll t 25 I I I.
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