SPAR VOLUME 125, NUMBER 13 -- Serving San Jose State University since 1934 N1ON1)AY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2005 "Wasted Days and Trapt CD review, Wasted Nights," Opinion Page 2 A&E Page 4 Sports Page 7 Clark Hall A.S. encourages to open in student groups Spring 2006 Renovation cost to give relief about $16 million BY LYDIA SARRAILLE BY ILBRA BEITPOLOUS Daily Staff Writer Associated Students has plans to help coordinate the Hurricane Katrina relief effort on campus .ind to Renovations to Clark Hall. for- match donations made by San Jose State ltuiersity merly known as Clark Library, will students. cost the state about $16 million. The A.S. hoard passed it resolution Wednesday that The renovations began March allocated $15,(NHI to be used to match donations dol- 3 and according to construction lar for dollar. manager Daniel No, Clark Hall The h....Rohm as presented to the Board of is expected to be completed on rDniurnesk..tiaiir tdlierelichteorrati:(1,'ne.otihne- March 3, 2006. William F. Shum, director of resolution sits iii,inmic,usly passed. planning and construction, said Angham said the resolution was an effort to orga- the California State University mit: the inth ulna] errors ot S.Itit students and stu- chancellor formulates a request dent meant/allow, to use Money into a larger. more that is then submitted to the state s thesis e effort. for funding. "r Fundraising) ettolls ate usually moie successful Clark Hall renovations were cc lien they are vollaboratii ngkhain said. part of the request in 2002. The A.s plans to p1 n rde to -reputable lhanties- PHOTOS BY PHIL BEDHOSSIAN / DAILY STAFF state granted the request and is students can dn.'s,: to titillate to by placing funds in -paying for the project. Shum said. From the 18th floor of the new City Hall, Councilman and San Jose State University political science lecturer Ken Yeager, ays omit at general semi Ives Mese donations will The state funding provides points to the Fourth Street parking garage as a shared parking facility for both SJSU and the new City Hall. he mats lied. dollat tot dollar. bs A S. means for the renovation planning. In addition. A S ha, ple4cd to contribute Si for construction, and the furniture and eerv .tudern ccl ii e.tnsteis to ote durnp; the upcom- equipment. Currently, the con- ing "is',iegisiilootl di" e on "0"P", struction's cost is at $16 million. New City Hall may give Alfonso De Ai lm. c icc iii tic dliet.lor of A.S., said but this figure is subject to change. the plan is to yin monthly died., to each charity until Shum said. the cap ot $ -;.(1(11I met. "Construction includes the proj- De Allm ;titi this effort is ill he entirely based on ect management fees and all those student pat tic ipatuin and that only donations made by expenditures to ensure that the students new opportunities $ Sti students through A.S. is ill be ,ounted project is complete." he said. ppy sant taco. A.S. director ot ,onnininity affairs, The building is multifunctional. BY SOPHIA SEREMETIS said A.S is te,ing mass ad\ C1'11,11117 to help 'NISI. clubs There will be classrooms for lec- Daily Staff Writer and organizations collaborate is tilt each other and tures and labs, faculty and admin- istrative offices and department From the 18th floor of the new City Hall. the mayor's corner office "We got sonic ot the clubs it on Friday to suites. No said. offers one of the most spectacular views of downtown San Jose. A bird's- let them know oui plans And thew it ill he ;mother On the first level, there will be a eye view of the city's developing skyline and San Jose State University. ifleeting on Tuesday.- Sant tap "11Ye're going to Student Success Center that has an from the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Joint Library to the newly opened advertise for them on one big flier every Monday so area for informal group gatherings Campus Village. everyone can see NY hat's going on that week." and computers available for all stu- The new structure was built with public use in mind. The top floor of Tuesday's meet ne is ill he held at 6 p.m. at the dents to use, Shum said. the Fourth Street garage houses a banquet facility and the City Hall build- A.S. House. Packets explaining how to participate in The student center is a key ele- ing rents conference rooms as well the controiersial Rotunda, which is the I undraising ii ill he distributed and extras is ill he ment in the building's planning. available for anything from weddings to Christmas parties to corporate available to any interested student at both the Student By placing it on the first level, it functions. Life and Leadership t Wise and the A.S. House after becomes more accessible to the "Our weekends are going to be busy." Facilities Manager Matt Morley said. the meeting. students. No said. Councilman Ken Yeager donned a hard hat and entered the Rotunda De Alba mentioned at the board meeting that A. S. Adjacent to the Student Success for the first time on Friday. would like to see 51tilf faculty and staff members Center, there will be the Student "It's much bigger than I thought it was going to be," he said. "The de- come forts :lid to help Is sic'11 Life and Leadership Office, where sign of it compels you to look up. It really has all of that feeling of great "We would like to ens turage the faculty and staff students can learn more about the domes in the world." to conic up %s tilt a similar system to (raise money for social activities offered on cam- Having been to St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. St. Paul's Cathedral in fY.ttrina relict).- lie Alba said. pus. Shum said. the United Kingdom, and the U.S. Capitol, Yeager said the Rotunda has Alex Ramos. A S contiollet% told the board that Students will be able to go to "created that kind of feel" and grandeur. he had been cttimuled by a student about a possible the success center for technical Nancy Stake, director of governmental and media relations for SJSU corporate sponsoi that might he willing to match stu- support. said the university is considering using the Rotunda for some events. dent donations up to $250,0(5). Ramos did not know "There will be an I.T. support The proximity of the new City Hall to SJSU has created many new op- any specifics about ii Inch corporation had stepped from the Academic Affairs, it's portunities for collaborations between the two institutions. it old. but It the board that this might be a good almost like a technology resource "We are really excited to have the City Hall downtown and adjacent Aseillie to explore. center," Shum said. to campus." said Kim Walesh. the assistant director of economic and cul- "(Having a corporate sponsor) would really in- Clark Hall will have labs that tural development for the city. crease the total donation." Ramos said. are designed with the most modern Walesh is working with Bill Nance. vice provost for academic plan- De Alba said ally Yuyil COrpot;ne sponsor \you'd he and sophisticated standards, which ning and budget at SJSU, on a project that would involve more students welcome to contritsute in any is they like. and the will really benefit the students. in public service. They are working with a joint group of senior leaders potential sponsoi \you'd need to he contacted. There is "We have a number of language from the university and city on the tentatively named the Public Sector tp,Uirrtientlayten.okip continuation that any such sponsor will labs and we have a number of com- Career Initiative. munication labs." Shum said. Although the initialise is still in the planning stages, the goal is to pro- De Alba gave the resolution his support and praised The construction's planning was vide SJSU students is tilt structured internship programs, project advisers the board for supporting the efforts of the student body. able to incorporate six department and guest lecturers from the city. Construction on the City Hall Rotunda will be "I am very proud to see that you I :it AS. are doing suites on one floor. According to completed by the end of the month. The opening what you can to help.- De Alba said -I am very happy No. these departments include, see CITY HALL, page 3 ceremony is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 15. Ii' be a part ot this foreign languages, humanities. library and information sciences. political science, anthropology and linguistics. New class teaches art of metal casting "The building will provide a convenient place for students to after taking a two-week course on ma- agreed to do the collaborative effort. stop to get their questions an- Archeology professor terial science and material culture at Schiltz, who said he has taught art and swered by the departments. Also, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. design classes for 22 years, said he has by placing the departments on one offers students In the program. he learned about the been coming to class and offering what- floor adjacent to each other, hope- ways of material culture by making prod- ever information he van to help. fully that will help with the oppor- ancient techniques ucts, such as a bronze bell.
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