Exhibit 1 UtiliSave, lLC www.UtiliSave.com UtiliSave· 129 W27 St 11th Floor T: 718 382 4500 F: 718 645 4100 INFO.INSIG HTS INCO ME New York, NY 10001 Friday, August 14, 2020 Mrs. Anna M. Stark Con Edison 4 Irving Place New York, NY 10003 RE: Simone Development Company, LLC Account: 590002460200027 & 544837435750037 Address: 3010 Westchester Ave 2en, 3000 Westchester Ave Ent Harrison, NY 10528 Purchase, NY 10577 & Harrison, NY 10528 Dear Mrs. Stark: Simone Development Company, LLC has retained us to audit their utility bills. Encl osed is a duly signed Letter of Authorization. Previously we had advised Con Edison of the incorrect GRT applied to accounts located in the tow n of Harrison and the hamlet of Purchase. Con Edison has been assessing the village GRT rate w hen these localit ies are designated as tow ns or defaulting to tow n status. The previous letter and governmental handbook are provided for reference. We are requesting that the difference in the two GRT rates be refunded from 12/ 10/2013 forward. If your findings reveal that our client was incorrectly billed, please send a check for the adjustment w ith any applicable interest to our office for delivery to our client as indicated in our letter of authorization. Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (718) 382-4500 ext. 208 or email me at [email protected]. Sincerely, Matthew Sands UtiliSave, LLC Encl. Private & Confidential- UtiliSave Work Product - Please Do Not Disseminate Dec. 16. 2009 3:29 PM No. 072 3 P. 2 SOUND SHORE PARTNERS LLC Managcme■t Oftlce 300I Westchester Avenue Purchase, New York tOS7' Telephone (914) 694-6990 Fai: (914) 694-13 l 7 Ll!:TTER OF AUTHORIZATION Property Address: One Sonad Shore Drive For multiple propcrtic.q/ a(X)()WllS, please see EXHlBlT A 'Ibis letter a to Mlthorize VtitiSaw:, LLC and its affiliates, to act as our agent to audit and otherwise review our aooou.nts and services provided by your entity. The specific accouut'l and / or block and lot numbers covered by this authorizatio.n ftrc listed in the attached Appendix, and may be updated by ll$ with written notification to your company. This authoriation includes providing UtiliSave with acteSS to EDI, CD ROM or similar electroruc or digitial historical U1age, hilling, payment and credit information thot we arc entitled to receive, or that UtiliSave jg entitled to receive as 1111 apPt()J)rifltely licensed eneri}' services busiru:s8 in your state or jurisdiction. Upon their request, please provide directly to UtiliSave'ij rcprc:..11er11B.Lives whatever information and materials we are entitled to receive from you, including anypc~onat ldcnlification Number (PIN) code8 requited to access any and all utility related inhlrmalion that your comp1111y provides to u.~ in hard copy format or via ouline systems. This letter shall al!«l authorize UtiliSave to attach Telemetmng l::iquipmcnt to meters at properties we control for purpooe, nf collecung consumptiou and billin~ data. They may also request meter upgrades on our behalf (at UtiliSave's cost) to accommodate such equipment UtliliSave. ILC and its affiliates, are autboriud to investigate our records ruid neiotlate any adjustments in past or future billings, to selcc:t alternate service cla.ssifications for our accounts and to apply for any ~fimii~ including SCRIE credits (NEW YORK. CITY ONLY). We also re.quest thal any refund, i83lled lo our account be in the form of a check made payable to our oiyanizlltion and mailed to UtiliSave, LLC. One Radisson Plaza, New Rochelle, NY 10801 for delivery to us. This autlulr1ZBLion remains in effect uutil it is revoked in writing. Yovr--an~-=-S,gn,t= ~ Print Name: L,s,4 II lnclllJLUl) Title: ~ty /ilw,,J-(4. Date: 1;;/ll,/1J 9 Property Add. Service Add. lit different/ Borough -Block - Lot Account Number Exhibit 2 Friday, December 13, 2019 Mrs. Anna M. Stark Con Edison 4 Irving Place New York, NY 10003 RE: Multiple Clients (see appendix) Incorrect GRT rate Dear Mrs. Stark: The referenced entities have retained us to audit their utility bills. Enclosed are duly signed Letters of Authorization. During the course of our review and analysis of the billing for the above referenced account, we discovered that the incorrect GRT rate was being assessed to multiple clients. Equinox Holdings, and Jewish Home and Hospital of New York have accounts in Mamaroneck, a town in New York State. Their accounts' however are not being assessed the town rate, rather they are being assessed the village rate. Diamond Properties has several accounts located in Mount Kisco. Mount Kisco was formerly a village, but effective January 1, 1978 it became a town. Presently, Diamond Properties' accounts are being assessed the village rate instead of the town rate. Community Housing Management has an account located in West Harrison, a hamlet in Harrison New York. Ham lets by definition are unincorporated settlements within towns. In this case, Harrison was established as a town and to present day effectively remains a town. As such, the hamlet of West Harrison, neither a village nor town, would default to the town/village status of the surrounding area. Therefore, this account should be assessed the town GRT not the village GRT. Manhattanvill e Co ll ege has accounts in Purchase, which is a hamlet in Harrison, New York. The same scenario for West Harrison applies to the accounts in Purchase. We respectfully request that these discrepancies be rectified for all bi ll s having a "to date" on or after 12/13/2013 as this information that Con Edison would have and not our clients. If your findings reveal that our client was incorrectly billed, please send a check for the adjustment with any applicable interest to our office for delivery to our client as indicated in our letter of authorization. Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (718) 382-4500 ext. 208 or email me at [email protected]. 1'.lvate /& C ::1:ide1 1al U~ liSa.-e Wo:k 'roduct - lea,e Do Not ,e1 111ate Sincerely, Matthew Sands Ut iliSave, LLC Encl. Appendix Customer Equinox Holdings Inc. Jew ish Home and Hospital of New York Jew ish Home and Hospital of New York Jew ish Home and Hospital of New York Jew ish Home and Hospital of New York Jew ish Home and Hospital of New York Jew ish Home and Hospital of New York Jew ish Home and Hospital of New York Jew ish Home and Hospital of New York Diamond Propert ies Diamond Propert ies Diamond Propert ies Diamond Propert ies Diamond Propert ies Diamond Properties Diamond Propert ies Diamond Propert ies Diamond Properties Diamond Propert ies Diamond Propert ies Manhattanville College Manhattanville College Manhattanville College Manhattanville College Private & Confidential - UtiliSave Work Product - Please Do Not Disseminate Exhibit 3 ii Local Government Handbook COLLABORATORS TITLE : Local Government Handbook ACTION NAME DATE SIGNATURE WRITTEN BY Division of Local March 13, 2018 Government Services REVISION HISTORY NUMBER DATE DESCRIPTION NAME 7.0.0 March 13, 2018 7th Edition DoL I I I I I Local Government Handbook iii Contents 1 The Origins of Local Government and the Federal System 1 1.1 The Heritage of History . 1 1.2 Some Basic Beliefs . 3 1.3 The Federal System . 9 2 The State Government 13 2.1 The Legislature and the Legislative Process . 13 2.2 The Governor . 17 2.3 Lieutenant Governor . 19 2.4 State Comptroller . 19 2.5 Attorney General . 19 2.6 State Agencies . 19 3 The Judicial System 21 3.1 Court of Appeals . 23 3.2 Appellate Division . 24 3.3 Appellate Term . 25 3.4 Supreme Court . 25 3.5 Court of Claims . 26 3.6 County Court . 26 3.7 Surrogate’s Court . 27 3.8 Family Court . 27 3.9 Criminal Court of the City of New York . 28 3.10 Civil Court of the City of New York . 28 3.11 District, Town, Village and City Courts . 29 3.12 Court Financing . 31 3.13 Disciplining of Judges . 31 3.14 Court Administration . 31 iv Local Government Handbook 4 Local Government Home Rule Power 33 4.1 Constitutional and Statutory Sources of Local Authority . 34 4.2 Local Legislative Power . 41 5 County Government 45 5.1 What is a County? . 45 5.2 Historical Development . 46 5.3 The Changing Nature of County Government . 48 5.4 The County Charter Movement . 49 5.5 County Government Organization . 51 5.6 The Functions of County Government . 56 5.7 Elections . 56 5.8 Transfer of Functions . 57 5.9 Summary . 57 6 City Government 59 6.1 What is a City? . 59 6.2 Home Rule and the Cities — Historical Development . 60 6.3 Home Rule and the Cities — In the 1900s . 61 6.4 The Forms of City Government . 61 6.5 Contents of City Charters . 64 6.6 Decentralization and Urban Problems . 65 6.7 New York City . 66 7 Town Government 69 7.1 The Beginnings of Town Government . 69 7.2 Characteristics of Towns . 70 7.3 Government Organization . 71 7.4 Operations and Services . 74 7.5 Summary . 79 8 Village Government 81 8.1 What is a Village? . 81 8.2 Historical Development . 82 8.3 Creation and Organization . 83 8.4 Financing Village Services . 87 8.5 Village Dissolution . 87 8.6 Trends . ..
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