MASON, MIOHiaAN, WEDNESDAI, APRIL ^,2, 1908. NO. 17. VOL. XXXIII DOOOOOOOOOOOOOCX>OOOOOCXXX)$ Ward School Agitation. Death of Mrs. Eugene Tyler, RTTTVrrTTTTTTTTrTTTTTTTTTTT: JTli TTTTTTTTTTTTTIITTTT^ A. Last Friday night was a very sad 8 Tjik Eyk Spkcialist, Tliere was a fairly good attendance TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS J at the high school room last Friday event in the lifci of Eugene A. Tyler o J. w. gould; Most People Know evening io discuss the matter of doing of Alaiedon tnwnslilp. His wife and The postal aiithorlLles have iriade a rtilinu Lhatis of vital interest 8 Willreturn May'l3tli, 1908. away with the ward school.. John N. newly born babe passed on to the great | Z to newspaper publishers and tlieir subijtiribers. They say that a pub- 8oooooooooooooooooooooooo£ Thorburn, presidentof the board, call• unknown and his mother was stricken I We are looking for the few who Z lisher cannot send his papcr.to a subscriber who is over one year in ed the meeting to order and stated its with paralysis at about the same time.' do not—that the Chef Brand of - arrears without putting a one-cent stamp on each week. Of course, The laller ill the lime of the burial j Ira Nelson nf Eden has his pension object, He said Dr. F. E. Thomas, Food Products are the best qual• " this will be impossible where the rate is $1.00 per year. The ne.xt secretary of the board, had prepared not knowing of tlie death of her' increased from $17 to $2-1 per niontli. ity po-ssible to pack—handled Z alternative will be to discontinue such papers. This ruling 'oes Into facts and (Igures to present to the daughter. L W. F, ^enr has given his block, oc• meeting, but was hurriedly called into ii'uneral services wore held al the by the largest distributor of can• elTect April IsL, 1!I08, but the publishers have a short time to get their Z cupied by F. J. Brown, a coal of paint. Z lists in shape. We doubt the wisdom or legality of such ruling, but Z tlie country and was unable to attend. Baptist church Monday afternoon at ned goods in the United States, A social diince at Eden Gleanci' hull Z the postal departtnent has made.it and it Is for the publishers to obey. Z The president stated the board look• two o'clock, being conducted hy her backed by 69 years experience in April 24lli. Miisic.byl"'arkcr'sorches• ed at the matter from a business pastor Rev. J, ii. Stewart. Tliey were The IDKMOCit.AT has several names upon the list who are in arrears more tra of Lansing. the gi'ocery trade, is it any won• standpoint. They intiiuated il would attended by a large concourse of lier than a year. We liave not been and are not now afraid to trust them, C. 0. Hardenbiirg is making Iro- make a saving to the district (if over friends and tiio Baptist Sunday scliool der that the acme of perfection but in, the future we cannot do so for more than one year. We do not provemenis to his residence near Ma• $800 lo abolish the ward school, that vvas out in a body, escorting the re- has been reached. Try a can of want to lo.sc them from our list, but if such arrearages are not paid ple Grove cemetery. the board wanted to be guided by the nialns to their last resting place in vegetables, fruit or fish and be before July 1st, iitOS, we sliall be compelled to discontinue tliern. All AtLansiuL' last Friday the-Mblon wishes of tlie majority of llie taxpay• Maple Grove cemetery. Tlio floral convinced. Send the little ones persons can see fnmi the mark on their papers how they stand and if liigh school team defeated the local ers in the district. tokens were profuse and beautiful. to W. C. Walter, local agent for Z tliey are in arrears more than one year they miist.'^ettle before July 'j* high boys by a score of 8 lo 0. Supt. Fullerton was called upon to Olive M.Call was born atPost Creek, ^ 1st, This is a matter that is now nut of our hands, Uncle .Sam's mail q the Chef line, for a copy of the David G. Brown was arrested at explain the matter from the stand• •Schuyler cniinly, N. Y., Oct, 10, 1807, - men have said we must do so and they are the court of last resort. -j Lansing Sunday for deserting from point of the educator. L. T. Hemans, Her mother died when she was born. famous "Mother Goose Jingles," a inemberof the board for many years, When four years of age she came lo Very truly yours, W. L. CLARK, Publisher. Z\ llie reyiilararray at Fort Andrew, Me. conceded to be the tastiest piece explained there w*ould be a Dnancial Micliigan with her fatlier and lived T n f 7 t ..t.t-t..t,l-L ..t.t J.l.tIllJJ-lS .'Vt Willianisiiin last Saturday tho /; T T T T T T h't T T T T T. T I..T .I-I..T -I .T.I.T.11 saving, but there was some sentiment with the family of Lucas Hawkins, of advertising matter yet out. local high .scliooi loam hciit Lansing's atlaclied to it. Quite a number of an uncle. She taught In district high school boys by 11 score of 2 to 1. IHKHKMHHIWKMMHHXI tMHKMMKMI DOOOtKKHl D0O(irHMK>f>0O0(HM>OtMMm others talked on the matter, asked schools and graduating from the Ma• Good game, GEO. H. LEVERETT ^ I LOCAL NEWS ^ questions, etc, when the meeting was son high school with the class of'87. Eelalives, friends iind neighbors of adjourned for one week. Forseveriil years she was a teacher in W. e. WALTER >onoonoot>nOOn A. M. Petty helped hira celebrate his ..Cash Grocer.. There Is one matter that must be ourscliools. .OOth birthday at his home on Mill st. In 1S03 site was married to .Eugene taken al Its face value, il costs about The Grocer House and lot for sale or rent. In• BOTH PHONES last •Saturday evening. $;.H per capita toeducale the pupils at A. Tyler and has lived in and about quire of A. J. Hall. 10w2p Dlllard Online is entered In the Le^ the ward school, wlllle at the main Mason ever since. Three children 25 lbs Mess Rose Flour, 70c Easter was a bright and beautiful vcrdo Cigar stake for 2:08 pacers. This building it costs about $\h. For tui• have been born to this union, iill of 25 lbs Morning Glory Flour, 70c day, but rather windy. is for a purse of $2,000 at tlie Kalama• tion the board charges 40 cents per whom are dead. When aboutlOyears Excursion Sunday, April 26, 25 lbs Gold Medal Flour, 78c Ason was burn to Mr, and Mrs. Bion zoo imieling, Aug. 3 to 7. week in the high school and .30 cents of age slie united with the Baptist Wil Micliigan Central 10 Lansing, 2r)c; Salt Pork, per lb, 9c Harper of North Aurelius Sunday. In the lower grades, making an aver• church of Aurelius and since her resi• County Clerk Allen and wife enter pwosso,G,5c; Bay City, $1.40, return Pure Lard, per lb, 12c age of $14 per year. This is a question dence here has been connected with E. C, Dart, real estate, loans and col• lained a large company of friends at trip. 3 bo.xes Parlor Matches, sc the Baptist Church and Sunday school. lections. Onice in Lawrence Block. * an Easter party at their home just of hard business vs, sentiment. Hard Freeman & Burkliart of Chelsea Seeded Raisins. i ic soutli of tliecily last evening business will abandon the ward school For many years she has been the pri• A little daughter was born to Mr. have purchased learns of Foy Chase, Currants, nc and save the district from mxnlo eight mary superintendent and Iter place and Mrs. John J. Miller last Saturday i'orter Weed, a former resident of Lyman Siiiilli and M. A. Randall. Mapl-Flake, per pkg, 12c hundml dollavn per i/car, sentiment will not be easy to fill. morning. this City, died In the White Cross san• Shredded Wheat, per pkg, 12c will keep tilings as they are. Which G, \V. Donsiiiort! of Ypsilanli pur- itarium at Jackson Sunday morning. Mrs. Tyler has been a very exem• 'Clarence Shaw goes to Albion to cliascd CJreenbacks horses of Philip Soda, per lb, 5c do the taxpayers want? plary woman, she has devoted a good work for Geo. P. Griilin the first of His remains were taken to Toledo, 0., deal of lime lo lier church and Sunday I4ice and L. W. Lincoln of this city All kinds of Garden Seeds now for Interment. A few years ago lliere were almost ne.xt nionlli. and J. C. Gunii of Jfolt. on hand. constant warfare between the "Cana• school and doing good among the The plans for the beet crop the com• The L. A. .S. of Eden wiil meet at dians" and the school board, the west needy. It can be said with trutli the il. li. Marsh is putiliig a steel lire ing season are well under way. Eu• tllCcliurcli Wednesday, April 29tll, for side parents wanting their children world, is very much better for what escape on, the Donnelly House. It gene Edgar, field manager, having 700 tea.
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