The Library Clir ^a'iu Hampshire V O L . 31. Issue 16 ' Z 413 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, DURHAM, NEW HAMPSHIRE, NOVEMBER 15, 1940. PRICE, THREE CENTS Mitchell to Play Low Represents Military Society in Washington for Mortar Board Stan Low of Dover, captain of the University of New Hampshire Religious Groups Meet in Informal Dance Marks company of Scabbard and Blade, Official Opening of New honorary military society, left to­ Auditorium to Students day for Washington as the official delegate to the national meeting of Tom orrow night, for the first time Anniversary Conferences the organization. This convention since its doors were flung wide to the will continue through Saturday Delegates from Colleges public, proud New Hampshire Hall evening. will hear the soft swish of skirts, the of New England Discuss Stan has been active in college skip-sliding sound of shuffling feet, affairs for the past three - years, Religion and Democracy and the jingling rhythms of modern and now a senior, he is a high melodies, as the Mortar Board spon­ One hundred and twenty-five dele­ ranking student in Advanced Mil. sors its annual informal dance. This gates from the eastern colleges of New Art. and heads Scabbard and Blade. is the first dance to be held in the England will convene here this week­ newly rebuilt and renovated auditor­ end, November 16 and 17, to attend ium, and the committees in charge the Religious Wreek-end Celebration hope that their enthusiastic efforts will Doyle, Kirk Chosen of the 75th anniversary of the found­ boost it into shining annals of univer­ Class Presidents ing of the university. Registration will sity history as one of the most joy ­ take place Saturday afternoon in Bal­ ful inaugurals ever known. Martin, Brunei Chosen lard hall, and in the evening the Jew­ It was thought for a time that this ish and Protestant groups will hold important annual student affair would ice Presidents; Madeline their first meetings. be relegated to celebration in the Papachristos, Secretary Dr. Herbert L. Seemens, college di­ Commons, since New Hampshire Hall rector of the National Conference of is scarcely finished enough to do jus­ Raymond Doyle and Jack Kirk were Christians and Jews, assisted by Mur­ tice to the occasion, but Jate this chosen by their junior and senior fel- ray Branch, a student at Boston Uni­ week permission was granted by the lowmen Tuesday to lead their respec­ versity and chairman of the New Eng­ administration, and work on the lob­ tive classes as president for the com ­ land Student Christian Movement, will by is now being rushed so that con­ ing year in a poll run by the Student lead the Protestant group. Other speak­ Council. Preparing for conference registrations. ditions may be favorable for the com ­ ers at the different conferences will plete enjoyment of the customers. Since Jack’s graduation from Bay­ be the Honorable Charles S. O ’Connor, Sweet and swing dancing rhythms ard High School, Bayard, Nebraska, Student Aid Shows Sororities Start clerk of the Suffolk County Superior will be projected by Jack Mitchell, he has been very prominent in under­ Court of Boston and former member his trumpet and his band. Jack play­ graduate activities having been pres­ Increasing Volume Formal Rush Week of the Boston school committee; Lau­ ed at the Alumni dance at the Hotel ident of Sphinx, and active in Student rens Seelye, for many years president Carpenter in Manchester after the St. Council and Scabbard and Blade. He University Offers Part Sorority Pledging Nears of the St. Laurence University of Can- (Continued on page 4) is also a member of Blue Key and Time Jobs, Scholarships, As Campus Fraternities continued on page 4) this fall captained the cross country Student Loans, Grants Hold First Open House Cheerleaders Plan Huge team. Honorary Societies Unite Raymond Doyle was president of The advancing standards set for em­ Formal rush week for the sororities Rally for Final Game his class last year and vice president ployees and the scarcity of work open begins Monday, November 18 with the In Anniversary Banquet Planning for the largest rally of the of Student Council last year and this. to inexperienced and untrained young Kappa Delta luncheon and banquet. A banquet will be given for the cam­ year to precede the final game of the He is president of Mike and Dial and people has increased college enroll­ Other luncheons and banquets are as pus and alumni members of the honor­ season with Connecticut, the university a member of Tau Kappa Alpha. ment considerably during the past follows: Phi Mu, November 19; Alpha ary societies of the university on Dec. pep-cats and cheerleaders announce Other senior officers elected are few years. Boys and girls entering Chi Omega, November 20; Pi Lamb­ 16. The banquet will be the honorary that President Engelhardt will be the Horace Martin, first vice president; college today represent more and more da Sigma, November 21; Chi Omega, societies’ contribution to the Univer­ featured speaker o f the mammoth Wilson Brunei, second vice president; a cross section of the population, and November 22; Theta Upsilon, Novem­ sity’s 75th Anniversary Celebration; gathering to be held in New Hamp­ Madeline Papachristos, secretary; and consequently many of them need finan­ ber 23; and Alpha Xi Delta, Nov. 25. its aim to bring to attention the schol­ shire Hall Friday evening at 7:15. Stanley Low, treasurer. Members of cial help in order to be able to go The day of silence is November 26 arship of the university. Prexy has always stressed school spirit the executive committee, who are to college. The universities and col­ and that evening at 6:00 the girls sign Professor Anton de Haas, teacher of as essential to a team, and now he . chosen from those candidates ranking leges have met this problem by in­ their preferences. International Trade of the Harvard will practice his doctrine by donating second for the offices of president, creasingly offering students part time Fraternity rushing started Wednes­ Graduate School of Business Admin­ his pep talk to those of Coach Sauer vice president and secretary, are Max jobs, tuition grants, scholarships, and day, November 13 and will continue istration is to be the guest speaker of student loans. and Rip Jones. Gowen, Dorothea Bancroft, Jean Hal- until Wednesday, December 4. The the evening. Mr. de Haas has written A skit will be presented in which pin and Charles Craig. An examination of the first two pay­ entertainment of prospective pledgees on the subject of educational problems rolls of the current year show that in the houses will take place from 4 ‘Natty-the-napper” New Hampshire Junior officers elected are: Harold as well as on his more familiar sub­ federal and university funds together p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday and will clean up “ Cantankerous-the-ill- Hall, vice president; Elinor Doyle, jects of international trade and busi­ are now making it possible for about Thursday evenings during this period one” Connecticut in a bout that will secretary; and William Rudd, treasu­ ness administration, and will base the 30 per cent of the students on this with the exception of Thanksgiving last until rigor mortis sets in for one rer. Members of the junior executive text of his speech on one of these campus to earn a share of their col­ Day. There will be a silent period of the pugilistic maulers. Everything committee are: Harold Lanyon, Win­ subjects. lege expenses. During the first pay­ from 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. goes in this bantam versus heavy­ ifred Kennedy and Roger Judkins. Members of twelve honorary socie­ weight battle. roll period, September 17 to October 4, to 5 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 5. ties on campus will attend the ban­ Head cheerleader Stan Low is in 15, 282 N Y A students received a total After 5 p.m. on Thursday, December quet; invitations are being sent to'the Poultry Science Club Washington representing the UNH of $2,645.70. At the present time there 5, .the entertainment of prospective New England alumni residents; and R O T C unit, so his place will be filled The regular meeting of the club will are 311 N Y A students working, and pledgees in fraternity houses shall not the new initiates of the societies will by Ed Richardson. Mr. Richardson be held Monday, November 18, at 7:30. an estimate of about $4,400.00 has been be allowed until February 10, 1941. be pledged in time to participate. Phi states, “ W e hope to see everybody out A technicolor film on “The Control made for the second payroll period No bids shall be given nor shall any Kappa Phi is planning its initiation im­ for this, the cheers, the huddle cheer, of Poultry Diseases,” will be shown. which ends on November 15. In ad­ person be pledged during this period. mediately preceding the banquet. Since dition to this, the university itself em­ and the football cheer. This will be a An important business meeting will Before Thursday, December 5, at there are over 300 members on the rally of rallies.” follow. ployed 253 students in September who any time during the rushing period campus alone, a large attendance is earned $3,141.65. The October pay­ (November 13 - December 4), a fra­ expected. roll showed an increase with 288 stu­ ternity may extend bids to prospective In charge of the occasion is Dean O’Neil, Sailor and Bum, Found dents earning $4,843.29. pledgees on regulation cards signed Ruth W oodruff; chairman of the Com­ Varied Employment by the president.
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