' I farmers Name Delegates •• To· Pick PMA Committee· Thelngha m Co · In mall balloting Inghnm with r•ertnln c!Xr:t•rtlrmH, can lc· Ninety-Fifth Year, No. 34 Mason, Michigan, Thursday, August 26, 1954 · 4 Sedions - 26 Pages frlrmor~ chose township eommlt· gaily servo fo1· mbrr. thnn :~ con· teeM at'ld pld<ed dol(lgatcs to elect senutlve lm·ms, In c·a~c~~ wlwrc n county PMA committee. nhldlng by th~ ruin will moan a · '!'he r((lleg-ntos will meet In Mn· complotoly new mmmlttcr. ono ·Fair Pa.ys Way s.on MonrltlY to name the county man· can rcmnln. In Ingham nil Ballot Recount committee, Undnr new regula· :1 momiK•r·s of lhc rnunty com· tlons no c·ounty commit tc!omnn, mlllr•f"! lwvo snrvorl nt lcnst :J -- ------------ --·- ·---------..--- ennsc!r.tttlvc terms. Ralph Glynn, With $2,000 For Prosecutor the 1'111drmnn. hns server! for 10 yertrs, C. C. Niswonger and 0. J, Jurors Chosen lleclwr am thr. other 2 m(lmbers, Left as Profit Starts Monday nfllV 1!1'1, 0f tJ,, rnrrh~lM fl'rlll• " ... , ..... ,,, ......... n n11 .... 11 -.ln tn vrdfl l1n. Rovonuo from tho county fnlr Recounting of Repuhllcan hnl· For Service in ·turned their !mllots, Township was onough to pay all current Jots fol' prosecutor Is scheduled !'IJ,.Hnlllecs nomlnntc!l 10 men In bflls nnd even some left from last to stnrt nt Mnson Monday. Thn cac:h township for Jocnl PMA y(lnr, reported Socrctary .Toy 0. canvass of votes gave CIHtr•Jes E. l'ommlttees nnrl the nominating Davis Wm.Incsday. He estimated I Chamberlain u lend of 150 votes Circuit Court c:ommll1ec canvnsscd the ballots, that $2,000 might be loft when nil over· the Incumbent, Paul c. Drawn by lot al Mnson 'fhurs· A lotr~l of fi;-)7 vniPs wns reported, the entries are mndo in the rec· Youngm·. The to1nls were 8,02fi lillY noon wc!n' tho names of 7{) :about the same number cr~st In ,ord bo()l<s. for Chambcrlnln and 7,875 for· prospoetlve .Jurors. They arc 1o the rnc!r.nt ar:rcagc control refer· Attenrlanco was up and so wore Yotmger. servo at ·lhc Seplr!mher term of enrlum. ~clmlsslons, Thore was ]List one Younger clemnnrlod n rceount court, which Is ltclrl In Lansing. If stale PMA offic-Ials r·rmslc!P.r ~low night, the first nig-ht, when In 'l:i of the county's 112 pre· 'l'hc jurors nrc being surnmono'l rt township voto so low ns not to the granctslanrl show lost $500. clncts. The Jist lnr:ludes 20 Lan­ to ·report nn Mrmr!ny, Soplcmhor· be rcpre~enlnllvo, new olocllons Attendance at. night racing 'rues· sing precincts. The 2:1 out·r·ounly 20. That's tlw seconrl Monrlny of can be caller!. ' dny, Worlnesclay ;ind 'J'hursdny proclncts Include 2 from Lansing­ the term, the date sc}lf!rluicrl for I~nc•h loenl eommlllrc clccterl n nlghls averaged 2,000, That same township, 4 from Delhi, ·1 from the beg-Inning- of criminal trials. f'ilfllrmnn, vir-r.·dlllir·mrtn, regulnr 2;ooo crowd went through 1he Mcrldlnn, 4 from East Lnnslng, 2 f~·orn Mason, ami Bunl<or IIIII, Sheriff Willard P. Barnes read / mP.mher, IIIHI first nnrl ser·nnrl nl· granrlstand tumslllcs for lh(l Frl· off tho nnmes of jurnrR as County lm·nnlcs. 'l'iln c:halrmen will snrvc day night talent show a111! the tnghnm, Leroy, Leslie, Locke, Clork , C. Ross Hilliard rtrcw as rleiPr;atros anrl the vlee-ehnlr· Saturday night thrill show. Onondaga,, Star.l<hrlclge, Vevay, Williamstown nnd 1hc dty of them from llw box .•Justices of mr.n as alternates at Mnmlay's Ilorsc-pulllng ~ontests Thurs· Williamston. In all of them the the P1mce Wllllnm s. SPr!lyc and m"ellnt~ at wllieh llw county day anrl Friday afternoons and Roy \v. Adams of Ma~on In· PMA eommillec Is rloclr.d. motorcyde races Saturday after·· canvass showed Chamberlain the winner over Younger. .' · scrihcd tho names, Thn names 'l'hnsc ehnscn fnr lncnl com· noon ~lrcw smaller erowrts than wr.rr. son! In hy trJwnshlp super· mlltror.s, will~ llw first named to usual, Davis said. In Mason Mr,mlay the hnarrl 'or canvassers, County Clark C. RosH vlwrs anrl city assl"ssnrs. sP.rve as r:hnrrman, tho sceoncl as Part of tho Dnanclal success Th(l 70 whnsr! nl mcs were vlee·cllalrman, the ihlrrl as rP.gll· Hilliard and roprcscntallvcs of 1 can bo crcdltod to lowered taxes, the 2 cnndldales confcrrod. ll.s· rlr.1wn 'rtlllrsday wPre: Eugr.n" htr member; t!lC' fourth as first Davis said. In some years the Tyler, Gertr·uclc Rnhlnson nnd allernalc, and the flf1h as sec:· llslnnt Prosel'ulor Frands .J. fair has had to pay $1,500 in Wcry represented Younger, and Luvlna Wilson, Alnlcrlon; Pl"~rl onrl altr.l'llalc, wcrr.: amusement taxes. This yoar, If Bullen, Hl"len Rnsr!hur·.v and Alnlrrlon, Allan Ascltlno. IInrr·~ Joseph F. Lavey appeared for the admission tax Is paid, tho Chamherlaln. Peter J. Trclenvcn, Dnlsy .'>mil h, , A urPJins; Br.t h L. Allrn, IIownrcl RLtrgess, Rtlsse!. tal<c will be only nhout $700; due Rnwror, Wilma 1Jirrw and Lela Brenner. nne! .Junior Rrnwnllclr!. who alrled Chamberlain In tho to lower ra1cs. Thera Is a strong camJ:>nlgn, was alsrr'}lrcscnt. M:ir!ln. Runk"r JJIII; Alhertn L. , ll.11rehu~ ..Lynn Haynes, Lloyd possibility that the lux on grand·. James B. Mcintee of Btinl<er .John~on, n. r.. Meeso anrt Arlena Clarl< .. Wrlltam Fnnson, ~lrlney stand admissions may be walvod, Hill Is chairman of the hoard of Lnn~lrors. Delhi; llm~!ons anrl. C!el11s Stric!<lmg. Davis explained, because people canvassers. Howard A. McCowan Enrl D a vi rl s 0 n. Henrirlla Rltnl<er H11l, Wl!llam Frier· can look over the fence without of Mason, a Jnwyor, anrl Mrs. Rouse and Ami 'l'r.rrltl, rn~hilm; mulh, Wl!llnm Wtlson, Ed~::ar paying grandstand admission. Leon Schneohr.r.Q"cr, Robert WI!· Dt,~·lll~· WI tllram Garner and Don That may prove to be an cxcmp· Eleanor.$mith of Lansing arc the • other 2 members. .s on a nc l Cl 1nrI es · F.•.. B roo 1<s, · J.. , m. ID mgih' mm.G K h . 'II 1 t!on, Davis said. ' sing township; Mn\' Silshv. Mel· e 1• enrge a res, · ug 1 'rhe canvassers, Hilliard and vln Oesterle ami Henry MnlhiP· Ell~wnrlh, Byron Wiegman, Ted The general gate came to about the lawyers went over tiJC pro· son. Loro.v·, Frcrl Banr..roft, CJif. Remar und Robart Ricd. $9,000, according to Davis, with l\IASON'S BY-PASS registered another crash Monday aftel't1oon. Jesse Loudenslaget· ccdurc used in the 1950 and 1!)52 · R M' L Inghnm, Law r en c c Curtis, the attendanco estimated at 50,. took this picture with his Speed Graphic as ;Elmet· D. Franklin was being placed on a recounts. They decld(ltl to use 3 f 1 W 1 1 p · . or< arr anr {)y mr.r, Cs· '"'tvv 1 t , Ll 1 I-T· h J B 000 Chill d h'bll1 t lie· I Ill Inn Grahn~ Clnro 0 arts n.vr •• ty ne, , . , c ron an ex ors gc Two Cars Collide stretcher. He was placed in an ambulance arid taken to a Lansing hospital. On their way recount crews. Each crew paid by ' " ' ' ',.,, ' nc Dalton and Arthur Pollok. free admission. Grandstand ad· to the Mason General hospital in another ambulance when this picture was taken were 4 the county will includo a C;lllor Bcnnelt and Lila M. Lutz. Locke; Lansing-Morirlian, Ralph Hud· missions amounted to about Jacl~son men. Loudenslager, who lives just east of the intersection of US-127 and South ~nd 2 tnlllors. Chamberlain and N. Irene· Prall, Hazel F. Mo?l· son, o. J. Becltor, Fred I<alscr, $7,000. At South Street Younger will each ho en t Ilied to ter nne! Wanetta Melnick, Mcml· Gaylord Smith anrl Heber Hulett. Midway rovonuo ran about street, heard the crash, grabbed his camera and. ran to the scene to take pictures, after see- ing what he could do to aid the injured. l a challenger and a Ialiier at eaclt j;,~;. W:tltcr · Dlsonroth, Morrell Leroy, Hayes Alchln, Roy $8,000 for the Majestic Shows Crossing of 127 of the a (abies, and each candidate Hrtl<c;q .tnd Rut_IJ Brown, ,Onon· IJagg, Morton Rice, Archio House which had the concession. '!'here can have a lloor manager, too. rlnga., Grover Srngleton, Rrch~rd anrl Kermit Pierce. were several vacant spots along Trunkllne spood coupled with 111 A list of 18 applicants· for Lnnghltm ~ 1 Curtis Whrte. Leslie, Arthur Fogg, Fred the midway, That's the result of the failure of another driver to talllcrs and clerl<s will llo suh· Stocltb.rlrl~::o • Mary Barltcr, Iron: Rut hig, Kcnnoth Balter, Lnrl< tho ban on bingo, girl shows and judge that speed sent 5 man to School Merger Multip,lies District mltted to the candidates, Hilliard &lcs and Dorothy Lyo~, Vova.v • Ambs and George Higdon. gypsies, Davis declared. hospitals Monday. said. From that Jist 9 will he Lillian Forc~nn, Vermtn Chick Loc)<e, Russell Gregory, .Estel Elmer D. Franl<lln, 78, Mason, By a vote of 11 to 1 Tuesday,, 'It ·was agreed In pre-merger qualify an elector as a school cliosen to worl> at the 3 tables.
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