•~ ll ese rt Ridges" Louis .J . Parke r, Rochester The above pictorial monoe hrornc print won the George Eastman M edal, hig hest award in the 19th Koda k Inte rnational Salon of l,hotog raphy. For re productions of other award winners , see pages 6 and 7 dn J!us &sue----. Page New Camera-Company announces Kodak Chevron Camera, a precision-made model with outstanding features l Elected Director-D. C. Kerr elected director at meetings of Canadian Kodak Co., Limited and Canadian Kodak Sales Limited 1 Retirements-four long-service men leave Kodak to devote time to leisure activities 2 Safe-Driving-truck drivers get recognition .for years of careful driving -'~ · Anniversaries-four men achieve the quarter-century mark at Kodak Heights 5 Award Winners-reproductions of some top pictures in the 19Ut Kodak International Salon of Photography 6 Photo-Patter-some hints .for getting outdoor scenes .from indoors 8 They Tell Us-news .from here and there throughout the plant 9 K.R.C. Doings-Kodak people in sports and other entertainment 10 ••&:ODAK" IS A TRADE-MARK Vo!umc 10 March 1954· I'UBLISHED BY CANADIAN KODAK CO., LIMITED, TORONTO, ONTARIO Company Announces l(odak Chevron Camera H E COMP ANY has announced the K o d a k C h evro n TCamera, a precision-made camera designed fo r the ad- . vanced photographic worker. As such, it is the answer to many requests for a roll film camera combining Kodak's finest lens and shutter plus a spli t-field rangefinder. It has been engineered for depend­ abili ty and hi gh quali ty under the most rigorous use. The negative size is 2;i in ches squ are and a roll of 620 fi lm provides twelve exposures. The lens is a 78mm Kodak The new Kodak Chevron Cnrncra Ektar f / 3.5, giving excellent definition and uniform illumination over the distances from 3,Y2 feet to infini ty and a negative area. depth of fi eld scale is located next to it on the Faste~t Shutter camera body. The Kodak Synchro-Rapid 800 Shutter­ An eye-level viewfinder of the enclosed the fastest between-the-lens shutter avail­ optical type has parallax correction over the able-gives the new camera great versa­ complete foc usin g range. It also has a built­ tility. This shutter is of the gear-train re­ in eyepiece suitable for use with glasses. tard, pre-setting type with continuous­ Another notable feature of this camera action blades. It offers a choice of ten speeds model is that it can be adapted for 828 size ranging from one full second to 1/ 800 second film. The viewfinder is equipped with a and "B" for long exposures. There is a mask to reduce the fi eld of view accordingly. large, smoothly operating shutter release The list price of the Kodak Chevron lever on the camera body. Built-in flash Camera is $257 and the carrying case a nd synchronization at all shutter speeds em­ 828 adapter list at $24 and $6.25 . ploys Class F, Class M and electronic fl ash lamps. D. C. Kerr Elected Director The spli t-fi eld rangefinder is precisely At the annual meetings of Canadian Kodak coupled with the lens and focusing scale and Co., Limited and Canadian Kodak Sales it incorporates V-b earings for the moving Limited, held on February 26, Donald C. mirror to eliminate all play in the system. Kerr was elected a director in addition to A smooth, firm movement of the focusing hi s new duties as assistant general manager 1·ing is ensured by its mount ing on sixty and secretary upon the retirement of steel ball bearings. The ring is cali brated for W. E. Appleyard, March 1. Business Careers Completed by Retirement money were presented to him by Harold Tate, on behalf of associate:;. Alf's association with the Company goes back some forty years to the time he was employed by the con­ tracting firm in charge of building Kodak Heights. As the work neared completion, he joined the Yard & Caretaking Department at Kodak on July 6, 1916. Transferred about a year later to the Power House, where he subsequently became general fore­ man, his long career there covered the period in which almost all of the present Power House equipment was installed. Alf's immediate plans for retire­ ment include a motor trip, devoting more time to his hobbies of me­ chanics, boating and fishing, and an early season move to his summer W. E. Appleyard receives re tire m e nt g ift of Kodaslide Table Vie we r from j. W. Spe n ce on behalf of K.D.M.C. ussociatcs cottage at Victoria Harbour. The autumn may find him bound for Eng­ ECENT retirements have removed four iand to visit his sister and brother and see well-known men from active association his home town, Liskeard, Cornwall. Rwith the Company, and the farewell Jim Garrison, who was absent from work expressions of friendship which marked the due to illness for some months prior to end of their service indicate that each en­ retirement, was presented with farewell joyed much popularity with Kodak people. gifts at his home by Bill MacKenzie, on W. E. Appleyard was guest of honor at a behalf of associates. The parting tokens of farewell dinner held in the King Edward friendship were: a Kodak Pony 828 Camera, Hotel1 at which time E . S. Currie presented a field case, ftasholder, projection screen, him with a Kodak Signet 35 Camera, a field case and a ftasholder, on behalf of associates. A noon-hour luncheon was the occasion for another parting token of esteem, when J. W. Spence made the presentation of a Kodaslide Table Viewer, Model A, from members of Kodak Department Managers' Club. Mr. Appleyard began his career at Kodak Heights in 1921 as a chemical engineer with the E. & M. Department. In succeeding years he received several appointments, and for some time prior to retirement held the positions of director, assistant general man­ ager and secretary. He plans to take up residence in California. Alf Abbott was honored, shortly before his retirement, at a party held by the Power House staff in the home of Ed Mann. Fare­ well gifts consisting of a one-half inch portable electric ~rill and a wallet containing Alfred Abbo tt 2 Jarncs Ahner Garrison Jo~eph Harker and a Kodaslide Compartment File. duties in the same department, latterl y in After spending his early years in Northern the capacity of stock-keeper. Ontario, Jim worked in a munitions plant at Keenly interested in singing, Joe took an Parry Sound for two years during World active part in entertainments at Kodak War I before coming to Toronto and joining Heights during past years, and was a Kodak on August 20, 1917. Following about member of Kodak Choral Society through­ three years' service as a mechanic's helper out its existence. Now a member of the in the Film Spooling, he was transferred to Philharmonic Choral Society, he looks for­ the E. & M. tool room. There, his duties \vard to devoting much time to its activities included helping to assemble semi-automatic in the leisure of retirement. lathes for the Film Spooling and an ice Six Weeks Remain machine for the Power House. In 1926 he was transferred to the Cine Film as a set-up for Filing Tax Returns man, and the following year was made fore­ An unexciting but necessary job is at hand man, Cine Maintenance, in which capacity again- the preparation of income tax re­ he served until retirement. turns for 1953. The last day for filing with­ Jim is well on the road to regaining health out penalty will be Friday, April30. It is an and he plans to spend the first year or so of advantage to get the return in well before retirement quietly and then to devote part that date, especially if a rebate is claimed, of his time to motor trips. because delays are unavoidable when the Joe Harker received a hearty farewell on Income Tax Office becomes very busy. his last day of work, when associates in the T4 Wage Slips Film Coating gathered to extend good The Pay Office distributed T4 Wage Slips wishes and to witness a presentation by Ron last month. With a Wage Slip on hand, Boyle on their behalf. The parting gifts plus receipts for deductible expenditures, it consisted of a travelling bag, a cheque and a is usually a fairly easy job to complete the box of cigars. income tax form. In the event that further .Joe began his Kodak career on April 29, information is required in some instances, 1920, when he came to Kodak Heights seek­ the Income Tax Department has introduced ing new employment after working for about an Employee's Income Tax Guide to aid in ten years on the Toronto Street Railway. the correct completion of returns. Copies of Joining the Film Coating, he spent his entire the Guide are available from your super­ service of almost thirty-four years at various visor. 3 Archie S haw ~ Charlie H art rece ive safe-driving award!'\ from Ken Rurgcss Bob McAuley Kodak Truck Drivers with surprising speed and accuracy con­ Get Safe-Driving Awards sidering that the players compete only on ce a year and the games were keenly contested. Three Kodak truck drivers were awarded When it was all over, the victorious four medals by the Ontario Safety League, re­ were Ron Boyle (skip), Bill MacKenzi e cently, in recognition of their safe driving (vice-skip), D.
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