6668 .CONGRESSIONAL _RECORD-SENATE_ MAY 1 old-age and social-insurance bill <H. R. 2827); to the Com­ 8186. By Mr. SHANLEY: Petition signed by Chairman P. mittee on Labor. Dun1ay, of the United Spanish War Veterans; to the Com- 8171. Also, resolution of Veterans of Foreign Wars of the mittee on Pensions. · United States, Gogebic Range Post, No. 1823, Ironwood, 8187. Also, petition of the State of Connecticut, regarding Mich., petitioning the President of the United States and United States Veterans' Hospital at Newington; to the Com­ Congress to authorize and appropriate sufficient moneys to mittee on World War Veterans' Legislation. build a Veterans' Administration hospital of 500-bed capac­ 8188. By Mr. SMITH of Connecticut: Resolution of the ity in the Detroit area; to the Committee on World War General Assembly of the State of Connecticut, urging Con­ Veterans' Legislation. gress to appropriate the necessary funds for the completion 8172. Also, resolution of Joint Council of Women's Aux­ of veterans' hospital at Newington; to the Committee on iliaries, organization composed of women relatives of mem­ World War Veterans' Legislation. bers of the trade unions in St. Louis, Mo., urging support of 8189. By Mr. TREADWAY: Resolutions adopted by Celtic the Wagner-Connery labor relations bill and also the Black­ Social Club, of Holyoke, Mass., urging the issuance of a spe­ Connery 30-hour-week bill; to the Committee on Labor. cial commemorative postage stamp in honor of Commodore 8173. By Mr. MERRIT'l' of New York: Petition of the Barry and the designation of Barry Memorial Day; to the Customs Tailoring Workers' Independent Union of New Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads. York, condemning the proposed sedition laws of the Mc­ 8190. By Mr. TRUAX: Petition of the Toledo Typographi­ Cormack-Dickstein congressional committee; to the Commit­ cal Union, of Toledo, Ohio, by their secretary, Roy G. Wool­ tee on the Judiciary. ford, requesting the support of House bill 7172, known as the 8174. Also, resolution passed by the Executive Council of "Mead substitute bill", and also the support of House bill the United States Cavalry Association, protesting against 6990, which provides for a 40-hour week for all postal em­ proposed legislation for Air Corps officers, before the Mili­ ployees; to the Committee on Labor. tary Affairs Committee, as being unjust to officers of other 8191. Also, petition of the Toledo Typographical Union, of arms and services, etc.; to the Committee on Military Toledo, Ohio, by their secretary, Roy G. Woolford, requesting Affairs. the support of the Wagner labor-disputes bill; to the Com­ · .8175. Also, resolution of the members of the board of the mittee on Labor. National Federation of Textiles, Inc., respectfully requesting 8192. Also, petition of the Joint Council of Women's Aux­ that the President of the United States extend the functions iliaries of St. Louis, Mo., by their secretary, Mrs. R. E. Mc­ of the Cabinet committee appointed to study the cotton-tex­ Clanahan, requesting support of the Wagner-Connery labor­ tile industry to include a similar study of the problems exist­ relations bill and the Black-Connery 30-hour-week bill; to ing in the silk- and rayon-textile industry; to the Committee the Committee on Labor. on Agriculture. 8193. Also, petition of David H. March and numerous·other 8176. By Mr. MILLARD: Petition of Ossining Aerie, No. citizens of Beverly Hills, Calif., requesting favorable action 1545, Fraternal Order of Eagles, supporting the social-secu­ on House bill 6628, to provide employment for the blind; to rity bill (S. 1130); to the Committee on Ways and Means. the Committee on Labor. 8177. By Mr. PFEIFER: Petition of the Allied Printing 8194. Also, petition of the United Association of Journey­ Trades Council of Greater New York, concerning the Gray men Plumbers and Steam Fitters, Local No. 268, of St. bill CH. R. 7442); to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Louis, Mo., by their secretary, G. A. Richards, requesting the Commerce. passage of the Wagner-Connery labor-relations bill and the 8178. Also, petition of the New York Typographical Union, Black-Connery 30-liour-week bill, because they feel sure if No. 6, New York City, concerning Senate bill 1629, providing these bills are passed they will be a great help in securing for the regulation of transportation by motor carriers; to the employment; to the Committee on Labor. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. 8195. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the Columbia Lodge, 8179. By Mr. RABAUT: Resolution of the Gogebic Range No. 85, I. B. P. 0. E. W.; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Post, No. 1823, of the Veterans of Foreign wm·s, of Ironwood, Mich., ·signed by Joseph Ebli, commander, and Leo Vigue, adjutant, petitioning the President of the United States and SENATE the Congress of the United States to authorize and appro­ WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1935 priate sufficient money to build a Veterans' Administration hospital of 500-bed capacity in or near Detroit; to the Com­ <Legislative day of Monday, Apr. 15, 1935) mittee on World War. Veterans' Legislation. The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration 8180. Also, resolution of St. Joseph's Lodge, No. 1, S. C. U., of the recess. a fraternal society composed of copper miners, signed by THE JOURNAL John Somrack, president, Peter Pasich, secretary, and John On request of Mr. ROBINSON, and by unanimous consent, .Denick, treasurer, favoring the enactment of such legisla­ the reading of the Journal of the proceedings of the calen­ .tion as will effectively prohibit the importation of foreign dar days Monday, April 29, and Tuesday, April 30, 1935, was copper in the future; to the Committee on Ways and Means. dispensed with, and the Journal was ~pproved. 8181. By Mrs. ROGERS of Massachusetts: Petition of the .City Council of the City of Lowell, Mass., urging the elimi­ CALL OF THE ROLL nation of the processing tax on textiles; to the Committee on Mr. ROBINSON. I suggest the absence of a quorum. Agriculture. The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. 8182. By Mr. RUDD: Petition of Allied Printing .Trades The legislative clerk called the roll, and . the following Council of Greater New York, concerning House bill 7442, Senators answered to their names: introduced by Mr. GRAY of Pennsylvania; to the Committee Adams Capper Gore McKellar Ashurst Caraway Guffey McNary on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Austin Carey Hale Minton 8183. Also, petition of the New York Typographical Union, Bachman Clark Harrison Moore No. 6, New York City, concerning Senate bill 1629, for the Balley Connally Hastings Murphy Bankhead Coolidge Hatch Murray regulation of transportation by motor carriers; to the Com­ Barbour Copeland Hayden Neely mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Barkley Costigan Johnson Norris Bilbo - Couzens Keyes Nye 8184. Also, petition of the Transport Workers Union, New Black Dickinson King O'Mahoney York City, concerning the Lundeen bill CH. R. 2827); to the Bone Dieterich La Follette Overton Committee on Labor. Borah Donahey Lewis Pittman Brown Duffy Logan Pope 8185. By Mr. SADOWSKI: Petition of the United Action Bulkley Fletcher Lonergan Radcliffe Committee, composed of 21 Czech and Slovak societies of Bulow Frazier Long Robinson Burke Gerry McAdoo Russell Detroit, Mich., endorsing House bill 2827; to the Committee Byrd Gibson McCarran Schall on Labor. Byrnes Glass McGill Schwellenbach 1935 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE .6669 Shepps.rd Thomas, Okla. Truman Wagner By Mr. SHEPPARD: Shipstead Thomas, Utah Tydings Walsh Smith Townsend Vandenberg Wheeler A bill (S. 2727> to authorize the acquisition of land for Steiwer Trammell Va.n Nuys White military purposes in Bexar County, Tex., for use as an addi­ Mr. LEWIS. I announce that the Senator from Connecti­ tion to Kelly Field Military Reservation, and to settle certain cut [Mr. MALONEY] is absent because of illness, and that claims in connection therewith; to the Committee on Military the Senator from Georgia [Mr. GEORGE] and the Senator Affairs from North Carolina [Mr. REYNOLDS] are unavoidably de­ By Mr. THOMAS of Oklahoma: tained from the Senate. I ask that this announcement A bill (S. 2728) authorizing an appropriation for payment stand for the day. to the Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians in the State of Okla­ Mr. AUSTIN. I announce that the Senator from South homa; to the Committee on Indian Affairs. Dakota [Mr. NORBECK] is necessarily absent and that the By Mr. HATCH: Senator from Rhode Island [Mr. METCALF] is absent in con­ A bill <S. 2729) for the relief of Rhuea Pearce; to the nection with a committee of the Senate. Committee on Claims. The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-eight Senators have an­ By Mr. WHEELER: swered to their names. A quorum is present. A joint resolution (S. J. Res. 112) extending the effective period of the Emergency Railroad Transportation Act, 1933; PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS to the Committee on Interstate Commerce. The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a joint res­ WELFARE OF INDIANS OF OKLAHOMA-AMENDMENT olution of the Legislature of the State of California, favor­ Mr. GORE submitted an amendment intended to be pro­ ing the inclusion of the Central Valley project in the na­ posed by him to the bill (S. 2047) to promote the general tional program of work relief, which was referred to the welfare of the Indians of the State of Oklahoma, and for Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. other purposes, which was referred to the Committee on (See joint resolution printed in full when presented by Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. Mr. JOHNSON on Apr. 29, 1935, p. 6507, CONGRESSIONAL RECORD.) WITHDRAWAL OF PAPERS-EUGENE J. PETTUS The VICE PRESIDENT also laid before the Senate the On motion of Mr.
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