Laguiole, anoutstandingterritory… Bangkok, Mars 2013 1 Laguiole, France Bangkok, Mars 2013 2 Bangkok, Mars 2013 3 Aubrac Plateau 4 5 Bangkok, Mars 2013 6 Laguiole Aplateau… 1200metres Avillage… 1200inhabitants Alegacy… 200yearsofhistory Bangkok, Mars 2013 7 EMSMarketing &Communication Aknifeanditsterritory Aubracregionanditspeasans Theshepherdandhiseverydaytool 8 EMSMarketing Laguioleknifestory &Communication 1828:M.Casimir-AntoineMoulinisthefirstcutlermanblacksmithinLaguiole ThefirstfoldingknifethatwasproducedinLaguioleinthe1820swasthe« LAGUIOLE DROIT » (straight Laguiole) thatwas a knifewithout decorated bee and a forced notch. The handle made fromboneorivory,finishesbentin« corbinbeak».Thebladehada« bourbonnaise» shapewith centeredpoint.ThismodelwasmadeinLaguioleuntil1900. Between1850and1860,ThebladecurvedupslightlyintheYataganshapeandthehandlehasan elegantshape. Sincethe1820sallthecutlermenlocatedinLaguioleusedtoforgethebladesandthespringsof their knives by hand. The steel was coming from Pyrénées and Tarn regions . The blades were temperedintothevolcaniccoldwatersof«LaViolette» (localspring)tohardenthem. The knives madein Laguiole duringthat periodwere full handle models made from Aubrac cow hornorbone,plentifulmaterialsinthisbreedingarea,orfrom ivoryformorepreciousknives. In 1900, the Laguiole knife manufacturing is at its highest level and employed 30 persons in Laguiole. The same year, during the Universal Exposition in Paris the cutlermen Pagès and Bangkok,Mars2013Calmelsreceivedagoldenmedal. 9 EMSMarketing Laguioleknifestory &Communication In1909thefirstbeeappearedonLaguioleknives(theyreplaced flowers) Theivoryhandlesaresculptedtogivetheformtohorsefoot,rattlesnaketail,ram,butterfly, clover... TheFirstWorldWar(1914-1918)willleadtothedisappearanceofthecutleriesinLaguiole. Fromtheendofthisconflict,mostofLaguiolekniveswereproducedinThiers.Onlythreecarftmen continuedtomanufactureaverysmallquantityofLaguioleknivesinLaguiolevillage.Allthe remainingshopsorderedknivestofactorieslocatedinThiers. In1985,ateamofelectedpeopleandofpassionatesreintroducedthefabricationofthisfamous knifeinitscradle:itisthereturnoftheLaguioleknifetotheplaceofitsbirthandthecreationof Bangkok,Mars2013FORGEDELAGUIOLEin1987. 10 Forge de Laguiole 104employeeswhomakestheknivesbyhand Severalcraftsmanships:metallurgist,blacksmith,CNCoperator,welder,cutlerman(assembly, chiselling,sculpting,polishing)etc.. Severalmaterials(carbonesteel,Damas,titanium,leather,magnesium,horn,ivory,coral,precious woods,gems,etc.) Aknife,THELaguioleknife,manufacturedinourvillagesince1827!! 11 Bangkok, Mars 2013 Craftmanships...somephotos Bangkok, Mars 2013 12 Craftmanships...somephotos Bangkok, Mars 2013 13 Craftmanships...somephotos 14 Bangkok, Mars 2013 Craftmanships...somephotos 15 Bangkok, Mars 2013 Designseries Morethan10newproductseachyear designedbymorethan30creators: PhilippeStarck,AndréePutman,OraIto,Jean-MichelWilmotte,etc. designedby/forartists: AlainDelon,FannyArdant,… SoniaRykiel,Courrèges,etc. 16 Bangkok, Mars 2013 FourrangesofProducts Restaurants Furnitureorinterior Collection Traditional Hotels designshops exception/ cutleries Cobranding • Morethan80%of3 Partnershipswith starFrenchChefs Hermès,Montblanc, • Famoushotels Baccarat,etc. worldwide 17 Bangkok, Mars 2013 Laguioleknife...somephotos Bangkok, Mars 2013 18 Laguioleknife...classic Bangkok, Mars 2013 19 Laguioleknife...Moderne Bangkok, Mars 2013 20 Laguioleknife...Exceptionnel Bangkok, Mars 2013 21 Laguioleknife...Bijoux Bangkok, Mars 2013 22 Laguioleknife...Collector 23 Bangkok, Mars 2013 Laguioleknife...Cobranding MONTBLANC HERMES Bangkok, Mars 2013 24 Asectorincrisis 2007 : bankruptcy of the last manufacture in Laguiole A declining job Bangkok, Mars 2013 25 Recoveryfollowingbankruptcy Abandonmentofmachines Humansizedworkshop 104employees,mostofthemareskilledcutlermen Knivesproducedbyhandonlyandcustomizedonrequest 26 Bangkok, Mars 2013 Vision / values A legacy, an authenticity Refinement, aesthetics, exceptional products Modernity Recognition of a rare know-how Figurative elements The shape of the knife The logo The symbol: the bee The workshop, the craftmen, the forge Famous creators and designers Strategyfollowingbankruptcy To manufacture high quality knives in France Creation of a label, certificate of authenticity, signature of the craftman Fight against counterfeiting Skills Ancestral knowledge A symbol of our region and our legacy Proofs Photos, TV shows, vidéos Free guided tours of our workshop The knife, an object that we can touch, and appreciate the quality Bangkok, Mars 2013 28 No protection for the LAGUIOLE origin … (global market) 29 Bangkok, Mars 2013 No protection for the LAGUIOLE origin … (global market) Aboothpresenting: - TheFrenchcutlery, - Acraftsmanshipandknow-howofExcellence - TheFrenchmappresenting3culeryareas,includingtheLaguiolevillage Allthesepresentedwiththeblue,whiteandredflags Thisisanexampleofthe« Madein France » usedtodayforlackaflaw. Everybodycandowhathewantsandtell Blue,whiteandredknife whatwantstotheconsumers. displays. BoothontheAgriculturalfair « Laguiole » knifes… inParis picturesfromFebruarythe 24th,2012 Andanauthenticitycertificatewhichguaranteestheknife Blue,WhiteandRed - ForgedeLaguioleknifepictures colours -A« TrueLaguiole » statement « CutleryfromFrance » « TrueLaguiole » « Authenticitycertificate » Bangkok, Mars 2013 30 OnlyknivesimportedfromPakistanwerepresentedonthisbooth. Made In France NoFrench,EuropeanandWorldLaw Anybodydoeswhathewantsinitsfirm TheL121.1articleisnomoreenforcedafterthedecisionofthe Economyministeryin2010. Onlythe34articleoftheCustomscode(Annex9)canbeused =Anybodydoeswhathewantsdealingwithitsownmoralcode Attheend,itisthefinalconsumerwhoisdeceived/misled! Weareallpotentialconsumers… Bangkok, Mars 2013 31 Protected Geographical Indication (PGI)=it is the name of the place of origin of the product The geographical indications are names of places The image of the Laguiole municipality is not only used to identify the products made in this same linked to the high quality products manufactured by place. its craftsmen, but also to its localisation. There is no strict law for the geographical indications The Courts judged that a geographical name cannot and the marking of the products is not compulsory. be used as a brand designating its geographical area, or either its product made in this same area. There is no national or european definition of the A brand is considered as null and void if it designates rights for the local authorities to preserve their name the geographical provenance of its products or if it and the use of their name made by the a third party. misleads the consumer about the origin of its products. The Courts considered that the « Laguiole » name was There is no national or european precise definition of more used to identify a knife shape (generic name) the rights for an origin indication for manufactured than a municipality name. As a consequence, anybody products and of the use of this orgin indication made can make a Laguiole knife anywhere in the world. by a third party (unlike the food products). There are 106 LAGUIOLE Gilbert SZAJNER has patented brands, the most almost a monopole on A private person can patent the name of a local of them belong to people the use of the authority (a village name) as a brand and gain the outside the Laguiole area « LAGUIOLE » brand. exclusive rights to use it. (third parties). There is a clash between the private rights on a Gilbert SZAJNER systematically objects to the patented brand and the rights of the local authorities « LAGUIOLE » brand patent by the « LAGUIOLE » on their name (village name for instance). municipality and its citizen. Bangkok, Mars 2013 A global market…. for a French SME (Small and Medium Size Entreprise) Asovereignfunction: Tocreatevalues Togooverthevalueattachedtotheuse Toenforcealegitimacy, Toaddemotions,feeling,symbolicvalues Tohelpinnovation Amilitantfunction: Toguaranteetheoriginandthequality Todifferenciatefromworldwidecompetitors(withoutlegitimacy) Toprotectagaintscounterfeits Protectandbetterinformtheconsumers Aevolutionistfunction: Toperpetuateaknow-howandtoenhanceanheritage. Todevelopnewrangesofproducts. Togainnewmarkets. Bangkok, Mars 2013 33 Whatshouldbecreated: AProtectedGeographicalIndication:PGI ThisPGImustbevalidformanufacturedproductsandfortheknow-howlinkedtoa specificgeographicalarea. APGImustbeaguaranteesymbol: - Moreguaranteesconcerningtheoriginofproducts(linkedtoaspecial geographicalarea), - Ahigherquality, - Agoodtraceabilitytoinformconsumersandpreservetheknow-howand technologicalattainments. =Topreservelocalemploymentandheritage. Bangkok, Mars 2013 34 The standard product for a PGI Theproducthastobeknownasacommunnameforyears ineverybody’smind.Thisnamehastobedefinitivelyidentified regardingtheotherproducts. Linkedtoaproductionarea:Thisgeographicalarea,where themanufcaturingislocated,hastobecerifiedonalongterm period. Only the manufacturers and industrial producers locatedinthisproductionarea defined by the PGI can join thisPGI.ThisgeographicalareafdefinedbythePGIcannotbe locatedoutsidethenationalterritory. Bangkok, Mars 2013 35 PGI : who regulates? AnindependantstructurewillhavetobecreatedtomanagePGI. This organisation, that will represent manufacturing and industrial sectors concerned by the product willing to join PGI, will propose,present,hostinitiativeandproposalofthe creation of PGI . This professional organism should be the priviledged interlocutor of authorities, during the procedures necessaryforthecreationofaPGI.Thisstructurewillalsobe
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