20—MANCHESTER HERALD, Friday, Sept. 22, 1989 Panel urges solutions Bakker’s supporters defend his work CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) — Fbl- the 3'/2-week-old fraud trial got park. grandchildren. lowers of television evangelist Jim under way. to rising health costs Bakker said they were happy they James Johnson, who bought eight Under questioning by defense at­ Bakker is charged with oversell­ partnerships in Bakker’s chureh, torney George T. Davis, she paid $1,000 for partnerships in his ing the $1,000 lifetime partnerships ministry and didn’t think he said he always was able to get reser­ described the atmosphere at By Deborah Mesce puts its ideas on the table. — which bought their owners three vations when he called PTL, and Heritage USA. belonged in court. nights of kxlging each year for life The Associated Press “1 don’t see why it should take didn’t believe the partnerships were “I want to say it’s heavenly, but I so long,” Gradison said. “We’re Elizabeth Sacco, a former PTL — and diverting $3.7 million of the employee who was laid off in 1986, oversold. don’t know what heaven is like,” WASHINGTON — Members of not experts in this, but you arc.” proceeds to finance his lavish life­ “The only regret I have is that I she said. “We do share your sense of ur­ testified Thursday that she’s still style. a blue ribbon commission on loyal to Bakker “and I’m proud of it. don’t think this should have been “It did not take a mastermind to gency,” Sullivan told the commis­ If convicted of all 24 fraud and health care arc pressing Health brought before tliis court,” Johnson see that Jim and Tammy were telling sion, formally called the U.S. I feel loyalty because I’ve seen what conspiracy counts, Bakker could Secretary Louis Sullivan to speed this man built. A greedy man said. “The church should have taken the truth,” Atlanta builder and Bipartisan Commission on Com­ face 120 years in prison and more up plans to relieve the worsening care of it.” businessman Sam Gasaway tes­ prehensive Health Care, which was doesn’t have his hair turn gray in than $5 million in fines. burden of health care costs for five years. Louise Grimes, who operates a tified, referring to Bakker and his Americans. created by Congress last year. Prosecution witnesses had tes­ gas station in Hopkins, S.C., said the wife. “The purpose of the ministry is “I wouldn’t have taken his job for tified they had difficulty booking “We cannot continue sitting Several witnesses showed the $10 million a year.” money she sent to PTL for six to reach out and help people.” around here ... looking at the rooms at PTL’s Heritage USA needs of the uninsured and those partnerships was well spent. “1 found them to be upright problem. We’ve got to find some Ms. Sacco, who answered cor­ theme park near Fort Mill, S.C. The who require long-term care by respondence for the ministry, was She said she had used the partner­ people, truthful in what they said,” solutions,” Sen. David Pryor, D- government alleges that Bakker sold recounting their own medical hor­ one of the first witnesses to testify ships several times to book rooms at Gasaway said. “They’re not the kind Ark., a member of the Pepper ror stories for the commission. more than twice as many partner­ the Heritage Grand Hotel, some­ for Bakker as the defense phase of ships as there was room for at the of people who should be accused of Commission, told the secretary at a Pamela Young of Dickson, times visiting with her what they are accused of.” hearing Thursday. Term., told the commission that in With $31 million worth of 1983, when her husband was un­ studies conducted for the Depart­ employed and uninsured, the University drops tradition of pre-game prayer ment of Health and Human Ser­ couple separated so she and her vices last year “there’s enough children could qualify for ATHENS, Ga. (AP) — The going to have to discontinue it.” evidence, enough statistics for you Sanford Stadium public address sys­ legal grounds. Medicaid to help pay medical bills University of Georgia will end its Bowers said he believed a recent to make recommendations” within tem before last Saturday’s Baylor- “The pre-game prayer has been a because of her daughter’s kidney “grand tradition” of public prayer U.S. Supreme Court decision ban­ six months, Pryor said. Georgia football game, and Knapp condition. Three months later, before football games because of the ning pre-game prayers at high longstanding tradition at the Univer­ The commission, comprised of had said the invocations would con­ when the girl’s condition im­ likelihood it would not withstand a school athletic events also applied to sity of Georgia, but it has also been 12 members of Congress and three tinue unless he was advised other­ proved, her husband moved back court challenge, the school’s presi­ colleges and universities. a great national tradition all across White House appointees, is sup­ wise by Bowers or a court. in with his family. dent said. “I must conclude that the the counu-y. I’m disappointed the posed to report its recommenda­ “It seemed wrong to have the President Charles B. Knapp made Georgia Athletic Director Vince pre-game prayer will no longer be Ulattrliffitpr Merald likelihood of successfully defending tions for a comprehensive health Dooley said he was dismayed by the government foot that bill, but it the decision Thursday, hours after the pre-game prayer at the Univer­ part of our football and athletic and longterm care plan by March decision, though he supported it on tradition,” Dooley said. was the only way we could think Attorney General Michael Bowers sity of Georgia is very slight,” 1, 1990. of to assure that Mary would get Newsstand Price: 35 Cents advised him a threatened lawsuit by Bowers said in a letter hand- Manchester, Conn. - A City of Village Charm Sullivan told the commission he the medical care she needed to the American Civil Liberties Union delivered to state university system Saturday, Sept. 23, 1989 has asked department officials to make her well,” Ms. Young said. probably would succeed. Chancellor H. Dean Propst. bring him recommendations by Greg Nugent of Phoenix, Ariz., “I personally believe in the pre­ Knapp said Bowers told him that October 1990 on changes in health told of trying to get care for his 3- game prayer,” Knapp said. “I replacing the prayer with a moment and long-term care financing. ycar-old son who had a malignant thought it was a grand tradition at of silence would run the same risk But Rep. Bill Gradison, R-Ohio, tumor in his head. Nugent was ^ the University of Georgia, and I’m as invocations. said there is no reason Sullivan’s self-employed but couldn’t afford very, very saddened that we are A student read a prayer over the FALL recommendations can’t be ready at insurance when the child was diag­ IRVING BERLIN DEAD the same time that the commission nosed in 1986. IS FOR PLANTING Renowned EXTRA SPECIAL Spring and Summer Blooming songwriter We’re having our annual ROACHES Perennials Buy One CetOne if CHICKEN ARE CARRIERS OF DISEASES FREE ' was 101 Besides being unsightly and unsanitary ROACHES are vectors of 6 known diseases and can cause extreme allergic reactions. (Particularly in people •Quality •Selection •Service NEW YORK (AP) — Songwriter with respiratory ailments) Bliss can effectively control these pests Irving Berlin, who celebrated his AND TAG SALE! we’ve been doing so since 1882 adopt(^ homeland with memorable melodies and simple but heartfelt Saturd^, September 23,1989 PHONE; lyrics in such standards as “God Rain Date: To Be Announced W hitham Nursery 12:00 noon to 4:00 p.m 649-9240 Bless America” and “White ^ Route 6, Bolton — 643-7802 Christmas,” died Friday night He 119 Woodland Street- Manchester was 101. Opr-n Daily and Sunday 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. /idults $6.00 • Kids 10 or under $4.00 Seniors $5.00 Berliri died in his sleep at 5:30 'If you can’t find it elseewhere Call for Info after 5:00 p.m. 6 4 9 -8 1 5 1 p.m., said his son-in-law, Alton E. check with us!” Paid lof by the Republican Town Committee, Raymond Buckno, Treasurer, BUSS Peters. Asked if Berlin had been ill, i CXTERMfN/lTORS P i Peters said^ “No, he was 101 years -s c - THE OLDEST AND LARGEST IN CONN. old.... He just fell asleep.” Peters said nurses were with Ber­ lin when he died but no family members were present. An actor, singer, and songwriter, Berlin began his career in the early days of vaudeville and his songs for a time so dominated the stage and MiSl" screen that the late composer, Jerome Kern, said: “Berlin has no EVERY PIECE OF FURNITURE place in American music. He is American music.” Bill Hartgrove, evening manager at the Frank Campbell funeral home Weakened hurricane fizzles out in Manhattan, said services would IS NOW ON SALE... CHARLKTON, S.C. (AP) — Hurricane be private. Desks ^ Hugo pimched this city of antebellum man­ th ^ o rs t disaster. I’ve ever seen anywhere.” Berlin, along with 11 other O n s ^ ’ Hugo, downgraded to a tropical storm at 6 Emergency Preparedness and Berkeley sions with full fury and killed at least 11 County Coroner William Smith.
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