Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) with Three Newly Recorded Species in Korea Daseul Hamp1, Mathias Jaschhof2, and Yeon Jae Baec3

Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) with Three Newly Recorded Species in Korea Daseul Hamp1, Mathias Jaschhof2, and Yeon Jae Baec3

Checklist of mycophagous gall midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) with three newly recorded species in Korea Daseul Hamp1, Mathias Jaschhof2, and Yeon Jae Baec3 1 Korean Entomological Institute, Korea University, Seoul, Republic of Korea National Institute of 2Stiation Linné, Ölands Skogsby 161, SE-38693 Färjestaden, Sweden 3Division of Environmental Science and Ecological Engineering, College of Life Sciences, Korea University, Seoul, Republic of Korea Biological Resources [email protected] Abstract Materials and Methods The mycophagous gall midges belonging to the family Cecidomyiidae contain 1,365 described • Adult specimens were collected by malaise traps, light traps, and sweeping in species in 114 genera six subfamilies worldwide. In Korea, 64 species were added, and one the Korean Peninsula (fig. 1). species was excluded from the Korean checklist of mycophagous gall midge by Bae, Ham, and • All samples were cleared in creosote reagent or potassium hydroxide(KOH), and Jaschhof from 2016. Now, 70 species in 32 genera from four subfamilies (Lestremiinae, Micro- made slide preparations under a stereomicroscope (Olympus AZ51, Tokyo, myinae, Winnertziinae, and Porricondylinae) are listed in the Korean checklist with three Japan) using canada balsam or hoyer. unrecorded species (Campylomyza abjecta Mamaev, 1998, Micromyia lucorum Rondami, 1840, • Microscopic images of the specimens were taken using an optical microscopy and Porricondyla gemina Jaschhof and Jaschhof, 2020). We provide the list, Korean names of all (Olympus BX50), with the aid of a microscope-attached camera (Nikon D750, the species, and diagnosis characters of newly recorded species. Tokyo, Japan). • The terminology used in the present study generally follows Jaschhof and Introduction Jaschhof, 2013 • Cecidomyiidae is divided into three groups, phytophagous, predaceous, and sapro-myco- phagous gall midges, based on feeding habits of larvae (Yukawa 1971; Harris, 2004). Malaise trap • The mycophagous cecidomyiids contain 1,365 described species in 114 genera from six subfamilies worldwide (Gagné and Jaschhof, 2017). • In Korea, 64 species were added, and one species (Lestremia yasukunii; nomen dubium) was excluded from the Korean checklist of mycophagous gall midge by Bae, Ham, and from 2016 (Ham and Bae, 2016a; 2016b; 2017; Ham et al., 2018; Jaschhof, Ham, and Bae, 2018; Ham and Bae, 2018; Ham, Bae, and Jaschhof, 2019; 2020). • In Korea, 70 species in 32 genera from four subfamilies (Lestremiinae, Micromyinae, Winnertziinae, A B and Porricondylinae) are listed in the Korean checklist with three unrecorded species (Campylo- Figure 1. A: Topography of the Korean Peninsula, Gariwang mountain, B: myza abjecta Mamaev, 1998, Micromyia lucorum Rondami, 1840, and Porricondyla gemina Malaise trap installed in the middle of Gariwang mountain (photographed Jaschhof and Jaschhof, 2020) by Sung hwan Park. Results * Newly recorded species Campylomyza abjecta Mamaev 1998 (fig. 2-A, B) Order Diptera 파리목37.Peromyia maetoi Jaschhof, 2001 얇은어리애혹파리 38.Peromyia montivaga Jaschhof, 2001 앙증어리애혹파리 Diagnosis: According to Jaschhof & Jaschhof, 2017, Campylomyza abjecta is Superfamily Sciaroidea 버섯파리상과 39.Peromyia neomexicana (Felt, 1913) 영양애혹파리 distinguished by the following characters. Gonostylus ovoid; apical point soarer Family Cecidomyiidae 혹파리과40.Peromyia photophila (Felt, 1907) 뾰족어리애혹파리 41.Peromyia pumila Jaschhof, 2001 꼬마애혹파리 than shoulder, dorsal processes directed anterodorsally with subtriangular Subfamily Lestremiinae 마혹파리아과 42.Peromyia spinosa Jaschhof, 2001 어리애혹파리 sclerotized point on tegmen. Genus Anarete Haliday, 1833 짧은마혹파리속 43.Peromyia trifida Jaschhof, 2001 장갑어리애혹파리 Remarks: Korean C. abjecta is a little different from Swedish C. abjecta for the 1. Anarete angusta Mo and Xu, 2009 좁은가리개혹파리 44.Peromyia valens Jaschhof, 2001 센어리애혹파리 following characters. Dorsal processes shorter, anterolaterally bulging almost at 1 Genus Anaretella Enderlein, 1911 둥근날개혹파리속 right angle with sclerotized ridge on tegmen (↑ ). 2. Anaretella defecta (Winnertz, 1870) 둥근날개혹파리 Subfamily Porricondylinae 곧은혹파리아과 3. Anaretella iola Pritchard, 1951 쌍뿔둥근날개혹파리 Tribe Asynaptini 나무곰팡이혹파리족 Micromya lucorum Rondani, 1840 (fig. 2-C, D) Genus Asynapta Loew, 1850 나무곰팡이혹파리속 Diagnosis: Body 1.15 mm in length. Antenna slightly longer than head. Male Genus Lestremia Macquart, 1826 마혹파리속 45.Asynapta groverae Jiang & Bu, 2004 나무곰팡이혹파리 4. Lestremia cinerea Macquart, 1826 잿빛혹파리 flagellomeres 7 segmented; terminal flagellomere constricted at middle; necks of 5. Lestremia leucophaea (Meigen, 1818) 흰혹파리 Genus Camptomyia Kieffer, 1894 긴머리혹파리속 flagellomere almost absent; palpus 3 segmented; pedicel globular, enlarged; tg9 46.Camptomyia corticalis (Loew, 1851) 떡갈나무혹파리 narrow; gonostylus without apical spine; tegmen slipper-shaped; genital rod simple. Subfamily Micromyinae 애혹파리아과 47.Camptomyia flavocinerea Panelius, 1965 큰집게혹파리 Tribe Aprionini 48.Camptomyia heterobia Mamaev, 1961 느릅나무혹파리 Remarks: According to Jaschhof, 1998 (244p: Abb. 93a-n), usually, gonostylus has Genus Aprionus Kieffer, 1894 고랑애혹파리속 a small spine apically or subapically. However, there are also cases where the 6. Aprionus adventitius Jaschhof, 2009 덧고랑애혹파리 Genus Larimyia Fedotova & Sidorenko, 2007 갈래곧은혹파리속 7. Aprionus heothinos Jaschhof, 2009 동쪽고랑애혹파리 49.Larimyia lavalis Fedotova & Sidorenko, 2007 끝세갈래혹파리 spine does not exist due to individual variation. 8. Aprionus laevis Mohrig, 1967 저라고랑애혹파리 9. Aprionus pseudispar Jaschhof, 1997 나도고랑애혹파리 Tribe Dicerurini Porricondyla gemina Jaschhof & Jaschhof, 2020 (fig. 2-F) 10.Aprionus separatus Mamaev & Jaschhof, 1997 가시고랑애혹파리 Genus Dirhiza Loew, 1850 집게곧은혹파리속 Diagnosis: Porricondyla gemina is separated from Porri. nigripennis complex (fig. 11.Aprionus spiniger (Kieffer, 1894) 톱니고랑애혹파리 50.Dirhiza abludentis (Mamaev, 1998) 널부리집게혹파리 2-E) by Jaschhof & Jaschhof, 2020. Porri. gemina is distinguished by following 2 Genus Mycophila Felt, 1911 Tribe Holoneurini characters: gonocoxal processes apex short, barely rounded (↑ ) vs. gonocoxal 3 12.Mycophila speyeri (Barnes, 1926) 버섯혹파리 Genus Coccopsilis Meijere, 1901 알혹파리속 processes apex with tiny spikes conspicuously (↑ ) (in Porri. nigripennis); narrow 51.Coccopsilis obscura (Mamaev, 1964) 긴끝수염알혹파리 ventrobasal portion of gonostylus short, broad vs. long, narrow (↑4) (in Porri. Genus Tekomyia Möhn, 1960 사시나무애혹파리속 52.Coccopsilis paneliusi (Yukawa, 1971) 참알혹파리 13.Tekomyia populi Möhn, 1960 사시나무애혹파리 nigripennis); parameres tapering to point vs. parameres bulging inside at sub apex Tribe Porricondylini (↑5) (in Porri. nigripennis). Tribe Bryomyiini Genus Bryocrypta Kieffer, 1896 이끼곧은혹파리속 Genus Bryomyia Kieffer, 1895 이끼애혹파리속 53.Bryocrypta indubitata Mamaev, 1964 참영월혹파리 Remarks: For certain studies, there is a need for more additional samples for the 14.Bryomyia apsectra Edwards, 1938 새새이끼애혹파리 following reasons. The Korean specimens of Porri. nigripennis complex show the 15.Bryomyia bergrothi Kieffer, 1895 오대이끼애혹파리 Genus Cassidoides Mamaev, 1960 동글곧은혹파리속 intra-specific characters between Porri. nigripennis and Porri. gemina. For example, 16.Bryomyia gibbosa (Felt, 1907) 이끼애혹파리 54.Cassidoides fulvus (Kieffer, 1896) 동글곧은혹파리 Korean Porri. nigripennis has evenly rounded claw on gonostylus and Porri. gemina Genus Heterogenella Mamaev, 1963 앙증애혹파리속 Genus Cryptoneurus Mamaev, 1964 둥근곧은혹파리속 has barely rounded gonocoxal processes apex but, with tiny spikes inconspicuously. 17.Heterogenella cambrica (Edwards, 1938) 앙증애혹파리 55.Cryptoneurus muscicola (Kieffer, 1896) 솔이끼혹파리 Tribe Campylomyzini Genus Divellepidosis Fedotova & Sidorenko, 2007 따로혹파리속 Genus Campylomyza Meigen, 1818 옷깃애혹파리속 56.Divellepidosis separata (Yukawa, 1971) 두발톱혹파리 18.Campylomyza abjecta Mamaev, 1998* 갈산옷깃애혹파리* 19.Campylomyza appendiculata Jaschhof, 2015 끝둥근애혹파리 Genus Parvovirga Jaschhof, 2013 작은막대혹파리속 20.Campylomyza furva Edwards, 1938 검은애혹파리 57.Parvovirga latostylata Jaschhof, 2013 넓은발톱혹파리 21.Campylomyza flavipes Meigen, 1818 옷깃애혹파리 22.Campylomyza spinata Jaschhof, 1998 거스러미애혹파리 Genus Porricondyla Rondani, 1840 곧은혹파리속 58. Porricondyla gemina Jaschhof and Jaschhof, 2020 나도깜장곧은혹파리* Tribe Catochini 59.Porricondyla nigripennis (Meigen, 1830) 깜장곧은혹파리 1 Genus Catocha Haliday, 1833 다발애혹파리속 23.Catocha latipes Haliday, 1833 다발애혹파리 Genus Spungisomyia Mamaev & Zaitzev, 1996 수염곧은혹파리속 60.Spungisomyia aberrans Jaschhof, 2013 둥근수염곧은혹파리 Tribe Micromyini 61.Spungisomyia media (Spungis, 1981) 수염곧은혹파리 Genus Anodontoceras Yukawa, 1967 끝소매애혹파리속 24.Anodontoceras saigusai Yukawa, 1967 끝소매애혹파리 Genus Stomatocolpodia Mamaev, 1990 구멍혹파리속 A B C 62.Stomatocolpodia decussata (Yukawa, 1971) 꼬인혹파리 Genus Micromya Rondani, 1840 꼬마혹파리속 25.Micromya lucorum Rondani, 1840* 짧은꼬마혹파리* Subfamily Winnertziinae 타슬혹파리아과 3 Tribe Diallactiini 2 Genus Monardia Kieffer, 1895 왕애혹파리속 Genus Loboplusia Jaschhof, 2016 기둥혹파리속 26.Monardia (Xylopriona) atra (Meigen, 1804) 큰왕애혹파리 63.Loboplusia coreana Jaschhof & Ham, 2018 고려기둥혹파리 27.Monardia (Xylopriona) furcifera Mamaev, 1963 작은왕애혹파리 Genus Japoplusia Jaschhof, 2016 한일타슬혹파리속 Genus Polyardis Pritchard, 1947 수풀애혹파리속 64.Japoplusia honshuensis Jaschhof, 2016 한일타슬혹파리 4 28.Polyardis bispinosa (Mamaev, 1963) 뾰족수풀애혹파리 Tribe Heteropezini 4 Tribe Peromyiini Genus Leptosyna Kieffer, 1894 희미한혹파리속 Genus Peromyia Kieffer, 1894 어리애혹파리속 65. Leptosyna nervosa (Winnertz, 1852) 희미한시맥혹파리 29.Peromyia borealis (Felt, 1920) 영양어리애혹파리 30.Peromyia boreaphila Jaschhof, 2001 북어리애혹파리 Tribe Winnertziini 31.Peromyia brevispina Yukawa, 1967 난장이애혹파리 Genus Winnertzia Rondani, 1860 타슬혹파리속 32.Peromyia curta Jaschhof, 1997 작은어리애혹파리 66.Winnertzia discretella

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