EAST PORTLAND NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION NEWS October 2009 News about East Portland Neighborhoods vol. 14 issue 4 Your NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATIONS Argay pg.pg. pg. pg.5 pg.6 pg. Neighborhood Association 33 4 6 12 Centennial Community Association All about East Portland Glenfair Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Association News … Hazelwood The East Portland in outer East Portland that events, graffiti cleanups, and tribution with positive, far- Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Association make up the EPNO coalition tree plantings. reaching results. News (EPNAN) isn’t a news- (our alliance individual neigh- As you look through our The volunteers of the East Lents paper in the traditional sense. borhoods) – know more paper and see how your Portland Neighbors Inc. Neighborhood Association It wasn’t created to compete about this sanctioned system neighbors are making a real Newspaper Committee thank with community, city or of neighborhood organiza- difference in their neighbor- you for taking a few minutes Mill Park national news outlets – nei- tions, recognized by City gov- hood, perhaps you’ll be to discover more about what Neighborhood Association ther in content nor for adver- ernment. encouraged by their efforts. your neighbors are doing, tisers. So, the stories and photos Then, possibly you’ll decide and how you can help outer Parkrose Heights EPNAN is the way the East you see on the pages inside to take as little as one hour a East Portland be an even Association of Neighbors Portland Neighborhood are about volunteers and month to participate in your nicer place to live when we Organization (EPNO) reach- organizations that are work- neighborhood association work together. Parkrose es out to you, our neighbors. ing to help to improve the activities, programs and Finally, remember that when Neighborhood Association quality of life in our area. efforts. You’ll find that by get- you “buy local” from outer Allow us to explain: In this issue, for example, ting involved with your neigh- East Portland merchants and Pleasant Valley The volunteers who put out you’ll find stories about the borhood association or other service providers – whether Neighborhood Association this paper aim to help you – many neighborhood associa- organizations, you’ll get the or not they are EPNAN spon- the people who live here with- tions that hosted National satisfaction of knowing that sors – you help strengthen Powellhurst/Gilbert in the thirteen neighborhoods Night Out Against Crime you’ve made a genuine con- our community. Neighborhood Association Russell Neighborhood Association East Portland Wilkes Community Group residents enjoy Woodland Park Neighborhood Association concerts at Are you on our free mailing list for the East Portland Ventura Park Neighborhood Photo by Linda Robinson By Linda Robinson fine perform- Krebsic Orkestar performs at Ventura Park concert on August 19. Association News? For the second year in a row, residents ance by Krebsic Orkestar and the gypsy dancers. butions from the following sponsors: If your name does not of East Portland enjoyed free summer If your name does not The weather was still quite warm (but Oregon Cultural Trust and Multnomah appear above your concerts at Ventura Park (SE Stark much cooler) the following week when County Cultural Coalition, Classique address, you are not. Call between 113th & 117th). On Wednesday, Floors, Hazelwood Neighborhood us at 503-823-4550 to August 19, with the high temperature Po’ Girl performed before a larger crowd, Association, REX Heating & Cooling, make sure you get every soaring into the upper 90s and relatively estimated at 300 or more. Adventist Health Medical Clinic, American issue.issue. high humidity for Portland, a crowd of at The 2009 Concerts at Ventura Park were made possible by generous contri- least 200 people listened (and watched) a continued on page 3 Soft surface walking PAID US POSTAGE PORTLAND OR PERMIT NO. 653 NONPROFIT ORG path completed for West Powellhurst Park By Elaine Medcalf . c n I would like to take the time to ay a special “Thank I , You” to Doug Brenner and staff of Portland Parks & s r o Recreation; Larry Kotan with Hands On Greater e b u h Portland, Barry Manning, Bureau of Planning and 0 n g 2 e i Sustainability; West Powellhurst School Principal 2 v e 7 A N Allen Browning; and Powellhurst-Gilbert neighbor- 9 h d t R n hood residents for making it possible for the walking 7 a O 1 l t , path at West Powellhurst Park to be completed. 1 r d o E n We are hoping to get a master plan for West P a N l t t 7 Powellhurst Park for other needed improvements can r s 1 a o 0 be made. We have been working closely with PP&R. P E 1 Volunteers completing the walking path at West Powellhurst Park. continued on page 2 Meet your Portland City Commissioner: Amanda Fritz By David F. Ashton on it diligently for three weeks, county; and oversees Portland Last November, Amanda three months, or three years.” Community Media and Metro Fritz was elected to the East Media communication Portland City Council. When City agencies overseen centers. she took office, she became by Commissioner Fritz the “Commissioner of Public Bureaus, offices or agencies Office of Healthy Working Utilities”. In this interview, at in City government are super- Rivers – This office seeks Portland City Hall, Fritz talks vised by Portland City ways to create more industrial about why she ran for office, Commissioners. Here are the jobs along the banks of the how she governs, and the agencies for which Willamette and Columbia bureaus she oversees. Commissioner Fritz is respon- Rivers – as well as doing envi- sible. ronmental restoration. Fritz’s philosophy of governance Office of Neighborhood Asks for citizens’ input “I have found that the rea- Involvement – Providing a To contact her, the best way sons that I ran for office were central staff and services that is via Internet, Fritz says. “I the right reasons,” Fritz support neighborhood associ- read and respond to all of my begins. “I know how to do this ations and coalitions. own e-mail. [job] because I’ve been active “We respond to regular mail in citizen involvement for 18 Office of Human Relations as well. In some ways, e-mail years here in Portland. My – It encompasses the Human provides an easier method to concept of government is: ‘By Rights Commission and the pass along the message, in the people, and for the peo- Community & Policing the person’s own words. And, ple.’ This is why I ran for Relations Committee. It pro- calling on the telephone also Photo by David F. Ashton Portland Commissioner Amanda Fritz says she sees holding a office.” vides services to Portland’s works really well.” immigrant and refugee com- governmental office to be public service. munity. Shares secrets to get- About being in office whatsoever.’ I understand tell me about your concern, “The best part about being a ting action on issues they’re angry; something what you’ve tried to do about Commissioner is having a Bureau of Emergency “People should understand unfortunate happened to it, and what you’re asking me vote, and providing a voice for Communications – They that staff does most of the them, they want something or my staff to do.” our citizens. After the testimo- operate the 9-1-1 Center, and actual work in any elected offi- fixed. The most constructive ny is closed, I am there on the provide county-wide emer- cial’s office. They shouldn’t and helpful approach is if you City Council to say what I gency police, sheriff, fire and feel dismissed – instead, they believe citizens want me to medical dispatching services. should feel honored – when a say. staff person contacts them to Contact information “Most challenging thing Office of Cable follow up on an issue.” Communications & And she concludes, E-mail: [email protected] about being Commissioner is Internet contact form: www.Portlandonline.com/Fritz not having enough time. I Franchise Management – “Sometimes, using whatever Telephone: (503) 823-3008 don’t have the capacity [I had] Administers utility franchises mode of communication, a as a citizen activist to take a for the City of Portland and person starts with ‘You are an US Mail or delivery: 1221 SW 4th Avenue, Suite 220, particular problem and work cable TV franchises for the idiot, and have no principles, Portland, Oregon, 97204. What would you like to see on the Advertiser listing street where you live? A.R. Moss . page 5 Bike Gallery . page 7 By Carol Williams hood board and discuss these and food. Our sincerest thanks types of things could help to our partner, the Parkrose Classique Floors . page 12 What would you like to see on the street where you live? improve the streets of Parkrose United Methodist Church Men’s Daycare for Doggy. page 5 Would you be willing to give a Heights. Give it some thought Group for their culinary expertise eastPDXnews.com . page 4 couple hours a month to get and think about joining us. We in cooking and serving the free would love to have you as part of hot dog dinner! Everyone Eastport Plaza . page 12 together with other neighbor- hood people to work to improve the solution to this visual part of enjoyed their efforts and they Friends of Trees. page 9 your neighborhood? Property neighborhood livability. were really great! Jose Mesa Auto Wholesale . page 7 values are affected by the way Our National Night Out was a Our next General meeting will tremendous success! Thanks to be January 26, 2010 at 7 p.m. at Junk Away Hauling . page 3 our neighborhoods look and homes are kept up.
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