1942 CONGR;ESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 8703 Mr. KNUTSON. Will the gentleman REPORT ON PERSONNEL OF THE LAND FORCES withhold that until I can reply to his SENATE A letter from the Secretary of War, report­ ing, pursuant to law, relative to the personnel intemperate remarks? THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1942 Mr. RANKIN of Mississippi. No; I de­ of the land forces; to the Committee on cline to yield for further offenses. I The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown Military Affairs. make the point of order there is no Harris, D. D., offered the following ADDITIONAL HOSPITAL FACILITIES IN THE DISTRICT quorum present. prayer: AND METROPOLITAN AREA A letter from Han. Guy Mason, Commis­ BILL PRESENTED TO THE PRESIDENT "Eternal Father, strong to save, sioner of the District of Columbia, submitted, Mr. KIRWAN, from the Committee on Whose arm hath bound the restless pursuant to Senate Resolution 302, relative Enrolled Bills, reported that that com­ wave, to steps being taken td provide adequate hos­ mittee did on October 29, 1942, present to 0 hear us when we cry to Thee pital facilities in the District of Columbia and For those in peril on the sea," the Washington metropolitan area, agreed to the President, for his approval, a bill of on the 13th ultimo, reporting that "the Board the House of the following title: and in the air, and on the land, wherever of Commissioners of the District of Columbia H. R. 7675. An act to amend the act en­ the far-:fiung battle line·of freedom faces beg tci advise you that the report of General titled "An act to incorporate the American the ruthless might of tyranny. Con­ Fleming, Director of the Federal Works Ad­ Legion," approved September 16, 1919, so as scious of the subtle temptations which ministration, to the Senate under date of to extend membership eligibility therein to lurk in our national privilege, fervently October 29, 1942, encompasses all the infor­ certain American citizens, honorably dis­ we pray, oh, hear us when we cry to Thee mation the Commissioners have on the sub­ charged from the active military or naval for those in peril in this dear homeland ject matter of the resolution"; to the Com­ forces of the United States, or of some country of ours, throned in richness, between the mittee on the District of Columbia. allied with the United States during World DISPOSITION OF EXECUTIVE PAPERS War No.2. seas. From the peril of putting comfort above conscience and of selfishly refus­ A letter from the Archivist of the United ADJOURNMENT ing to match with our own self-d(mials States, transmitting, pursuant to law, lists of papers and documents on the files of the De­ Mr. RAMSPECK. Mr. Speaker, I move the valor and sacrifice of those who partments of the Treasury, War (7), Navy that the House do now adjourn. fight; from the peril of the fatal delusion (2), Interior, Agriculture (10), The National The motion was agreed to; accordingly that we can long enjoy the material Archives (3), Federal Security Agency, Secu­ (at 12 o'clock and 16 minutes p, m.) the fruits of democracy unless we nourish its rities and Exchange Commission, District House adjourned to meet, in accordance spiritual roots; from the peril of the false Court of the United States for the District of with its previous order, on Thursday, assumption that we can build the bright Columbia, National Housing Agency. War November 5, 1942, at 12 o'clock noon. Production Board (2), and The Panama Canal new world of our dreams on the love of which are not needed in the conduct of busi­ power, rather than on the power of love, ness and have no permanent value or h is­ EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC . good Lord, deliver us. Oh, hear us when torical interest and requesting action looking we cry to Thee to make us fit to set men to their disposition (with accompanying pa­ Under clause 2 of rule XXIV, executive pers); to a Joint Select Committee on the communications were taken from the free. We ask it in the Name above Disposition of Papers in the Executive De­ Speaker's table and referred as follows: every name. Amen. partments. 1983. A letter from the Acting Secretary of NAMING A PRESIDING OFFICER The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ the Navy, transmitting a draft of a proposed The Chief Clerk (John C. Crockett) pore appointed Mr. BARKLEY and Mr. bill to provide for the reimbursement of cer­ tain Navy personnel for personal property read the following letter: BREWSTER members of the committee on lost as a result of the disaster at the east UNITED STATES SENATE, the part of the Senate. base, Antarctica, on March 21, 1941; to the PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, LEITER BY JAMES I. WENDELL TO PAR­ Committee on Claims. Washington, D. C., November 5, 1942. ENTS OF BOYS AT THE IDLL SCHOOL 1984·. A letter from the Archivist of the To the Senate: United States, transmitting a list of papers Being temporarily absent from the Senate, Mr. BARBOUR. Mr. President, while for disposition by him· from the Post Office I appoint Hon. ELBERT D. THOMAS, a Senator I am taking the liberty of doing so with- Department; to the Committee on the Dis­ from the State of Utah, to perform the duties out the permission of the author, I am position of EXecutive Papers. of the Chair during my absence. very sure that Dr. James I. Wendell, CARTER GLASS, headmaster of the Hill School, Pottstown, President pro tempore. PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Pa., where my boy is at school, would have no objection to my including in the Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public Mr. THOMAS of Utah thereupon took the chair as Acting President pro tem­ RECORD at this point, as a part of my re­ bills and resolutions were introduced and marks, his letter of October 22 to the par­ severally referred as follows: pore. ents of the boys in the upper forms of By Mr. MILLS of Arkansas: THE JOURNAL his school. H. R. 7754. A bill to provide that interests On request of Mr. HILL~ and by unani­ This letter, I feel, not only brings to 1n real property, acquired on behalf of the United States for war purposes, shall be ac­ mous consent, the reading of the Journal the fore very sensibly and clearly the quired by lease except when the use of such of the proceedings of Monday, November problems which confront the boys of this method would impede the war effort; to the 2, 1942, was dispensed with, and the age in this period of emergency but at Committee on Military Affairs. "' Journal was approved. the same time the advice given and sug­ By Mr. PITTENGER: gestions made are timely, pertinent, and MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT­ H. R. 7755. A bill to provide for the ap­ constructive. pointment of an additional district judge APPROVAL OF A BILL There being no objection, the letter for the district of Minnesota; to the Com­ was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, mittee on the Judiciary. Messages in writing from the Presi­ By Mr. PATMAN: dent of the United States were commu­ as follows: H. R. 7756. A bill to coordinate Federal re­ nicated to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one THE HILL SCHOOL, porting services, to eliminate duplication and of his secretaries, who also announced . Pottstown, Pa., October 22, 1942. · reduce the cost of such services, and to mini­ To the Parents of Our Fifth-Form Boys: that on October 31, 1942, the President As your boy has probably told you, there mize the burdens of furnishing reports and had approved and signed the act (S. information to governmental agencies; to the has been a good deal of concern among the Committee on Expenditures in the EXecutive 2794) to provide for adjusting royalties members of our fifth form relative to their Departments. for the use of inventions for the benefit future, and whether or not they will be al­ of the United States, in aid of the prose­ lowed to finish their school course. On Tuesday night I met with the form in PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS cution of the war, and for other purposes. a conference session relative to the inter­ EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. pretation of the present law and just how I Under clause 1 of rule XXII, felt it would affect their future status in the Mr. DAY introduced a bill (H. R. 7757) for The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ school. I told them that it was my belief the relief of Donna Pittel, which was referred pore laid before the Senate the following that among the number of tbings to be con­ to the Committee on Claims. letters, which were referred as indicated: sidered, following the passage of the bill, 8704 · CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE NOVEMBER 5 would be that of permitting boys in their last acceptable men in the furnace of adversity." AMENDMENT OF LAW RELATING TO year of school to finish their course. Such Our boys are going to face trial by fire at an OVERTIME PAY IN INDUSTRY permission has already been provided in the age when they are perhaps less geared to bill for boys of 18 and 19 years of age who are · hardship and situations requiring extreme Mr. O'DANIEL. Mr. President, today now in their senior years in high schools or fortitude than those older men who have had our great Nation is faced with many ex­ fndependept schools such as ours. With this some experience in the world of business and tremely serious problems.
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