6,250 subscribers www.TML1.org Volume 63, Number 13 August 27, 2012 TML policy process Metro-Nashville union: underway for 2013-14 a celebration of 50 years The Tennessee Municipal be viewed on the League’s website, League has launched its annual at www.TML1.org. Please read the policy process to determine the information carefully to become fa- BY VICTORIA SOUTH League’s legislative agenda for the miliar with the new elements of the TML Communications Coordinator 2013-2014 legislative sessions. process. Pursuant to recommendations The TML policy process is open adopted by the TML Board of Trust- and proposed legislative initiatives It was the best of times; it was ees and approved in the annual busi- for the 2013 and 2014 sessions of the the worst of times; a time of great ness meeting held during the Knox- General Assembly are being ac- contention, and a time of tremen- ville conference, the TML policy cepted through Sept. 21. All ideas dous progress. However people process has been revised. One of are welcome and TML encourages choose to remember the union be- the key changes in the process re- member-municipalities to submit tween the city of Nashville and quire that each completed proposed any initiative(s) of interest that ben- Davidson County; it was nothing legislative initiative form must be efit municipalities. Municipalities short of revolutionary, as recorded signed by at least three eligible local are reminded that only fully com- by historians and the political mov- officials of the sponsoring munici- pleted submissions will be consid- ers and shakers of that day. th pality. However, if a municipality’s ered. Upon the 50 anniversary of governing body is comprised of A completed and signed pro- Metropolitan Government of Nash- four or fewer members, then only posed legislative initiative form ville and Davidson County, the sys- the signatures of two eligible offi- must be received by TML no later tem still serves as a model of consoli- cials are required. “Eligible local than 6 p.m. CST on Sept. 21. Forms dated government throughout the Charter commission members meet in 1962. From left: Dan May, R.N. official” means any member of the may be submitted by the following nation. Consolidation is a merger of Chenault, Charlie Warfield, and Cecil Branstetter governing body and/or the city man- methods: by email to mlawrence a city and county governments and ager or administrator of the spon- @tml1.org ; by fax to 615-255-4752; the services of each, representing tion in November; and April 1, 2013, a touching tribute to former Nash- soring city. or, mailed to 226 Capitol Boulevard, creation of a new government entity, the implementation of Metro gov- ville Mayor Richard Fulton, the sec- A more detailed description of Suite 710, Nashville, TN 37219. not the taking over of one by the ernment. ond mayor to take office following the revised TML policy process can See POLICY on Page 5 other. “Fifty years ago, Nashvillians the city/county consolidation. Chosen by voters in an election decided to do something different “The forward thinking decision on June 28, 1962, metro government than the rest of the country and be- to make us a “metropolitan” form of came into being on April 1, 1963. come a more efficient government government has saved us money and Comments needed on Since that time, two other Tennessee and a stronger community by con- resources over the years and is the metro governments have been solidating our city and county gov- reason cities from all across the TDEC biosolids rule formed—Lynchburg-Moore ernments,” said Nashville Mayor country call us to learn more about County in 1988 and Hartsville- Karl Dean, who spoke recently how it is done,” Dean said. The Tennessee Water Quality land apply Class B biosolids, sub- Trousdale County in 2001. Accord- alongside Tennessean Chairman While consolidation “opened Board has initiated the rulemaking jecting public water treatment facili- ing to data provided by The National Emeritus John Seigenthaler, an edi- the door for business,” Jenkins said, process to promulgate rules for the ties to two sets of rules, resulting in League of Cities, to date, there are tor at the newspaper in 1962 when it it didn’t come easy, Cate recalls. “It land application of Class B little or no enhanced benefit to the only 14 city-county consolidations endorsed the measure. was a battle to the end,” he said. biosolids, which are solid organic environment. in the United States. Among them The pair kicked off a panel dis- Research documents by Metro matter recovered from a sewage TML is also concerned about are Indianapolis, San Francisco, cussion where some familiar faces, historian Carole Bucy details a near treatment plant, treated to remove the fiscal impact of the proposed Denver and Philadelphia. including George Cate, Metro post World War II explosion of ur- harmful contaminants, and applied rules. While there are no expressed A nine-month commemoration Nashville’s first vice mayor and two ban areas across the state. Among to land as fertilizer. charges set forth, we need to know of the anniversary is currently under- inaugural council members Judge them, the influx of Davidson County TDEC is seeking comments how the Division will account for the way in Nashville with activities Richard Jenkins and Jim Tuck, met suburbs rimming Nashville’s city from the regulated community, and additional work associated with pro- scheduled around three key dates: together again to discuss some of the limits, thriving, as the city began to the deadline to submit feedback to cessing permit applications and no- the successful referendum creating opportunities and challenges associ- suffer from an eroding tax base. In the Division of Water Pollution tices of intent and issuing the new the Metro Charter on June 28; the ated with the new consolidated gov- Bucy’s A Short History of Metro- Control is Sept. 7, 2012. permits. We have requested a cost first Metro mayoral and run-off elec- ernment. The evening also included See METRO on Page 8 TML has expressed concern to benefit analysis to identify areas the TN Department of Environment where both the Division and the and Conservation (TDEC) about regulated community could poten- Citizens tackle the complexities of city the proposal, as it adds a layer of tially incur expenses. regulation to the existing process. To review the proposal, go to Currently, the U.S. Environmental http://www.tn.gov/environment/ government at Franklin’s Academy Protection Agency (EPA) governs wpc/ppo/ph200400_40_15amd.pdf the land application of biosolids Please submit your comments to BY VICTORIA SOUTH through Title 40, Code of Federal Denise Paige at [email protected] Regulation, Part 503 (40 CFR 503), no later than Wednesday, Sept. 5, Although there’s still plenty of a self-implementing Federal regu- 2012. mysteries to explore in Tennessee, lation. TDEC has issued guidelines TML appreciates those of you Franklin officials are diligently to assist municipalities and utilities who attended the public hearings, working to ensure the mechanics of with compliance. voiced your concerns, or submitted local government aren’t among The proposed rules will require comments. We will continue to pro- them. This year’s 10th Citizens Gov- an additional state-issued permit to vide updates on this issue. ernment Academy kicked off Au- gust 23 with what it does best, offer- ing participants a free opportunity to learn about the wide variety of ser- Courts differ on police vices Franklin provides. Hosted by the city, key agenda items taught by use of DNA database department heads include lessons in planning, finance, public works, and BY MAGGIE CLARK public safety. Participants, who are Participants of Franklin’s 10th Citizens Government Academy, which Stateline.org Staff Writer free to comment and ask questions, kicked off August 23, have the opportunity to network with city officials under the guidance of city officials, while learning the inner workings of local government and its depart- Alonzo Jay King, Jr. was ar- often gain a whole new perspective ments such as planning, finance, public works, and public safety. rested on Maryland’s Eastern Shore on the inner-workings of their local in 2009 for first-degree felony as- government. “In finance, we’re a jack of all fire department was able to save sault and, as is standard practice in “It’s a pretty sophisticated op- trades,” he explains. “We do bud- money on training,” said Christine 25 states and the federal govern- eration and a real eye-opener for our gets, capital planning, pay bills, White, a six-year resident of ment, a sample of King’s DNA was citizens to realize all that goes into crank out payrolls, and audit other Franklin. “It’s impressive to hear taken at the booking facility and sent providing services,” said Eric departments. We also issue bonds about how the city is using that to the state crime lab. After analyz- States have asked the U.S. Su- Stuckey, Franklin city administra- and invest money. We’re over pur- money, learning how government ing the sample and running it preme Court to issue the final tor. It’s also a great opportunity to chasing and have to follow the pur- works, and how our money is through the state’s DNA database, word on the policy of collecting show off our talented staff that chasing rules. And we sometimes sit spent.” police found that King’s DNA arrestee DNA. makes it happen every day. They are in on review teams where an RFP has Part of the savings is reflected matched crime scene evidence from extremely dedicated and care about been issued for a particular product by the city’s Street Department, a 2003 home invasion and gunpoint being challenged.) the city.” or service to make sure someone has where a new infrared patching truck rape of a 53-year old woman.
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