PLAINTIFF'S I EXHIBIT • CER-535 era:mlC~ OFFICERS Prnidtnt Howard P. Bonebrake Pittsburgh, Pa. ulletin Pr~sid~nI-Elut George J. Bair Corning, N. Y. October 1965 J/itt Pr~sid~nlS Raymond E. Birch Pittsburgh, Pa. Loran S. O'Bannon Articles Columbus, Ohio A. E. R. Westman Sights Raised to $285,000 for Building Fund Campaign. .. ..... 753 Toronto, Ont., Canada TrlllSur,r Henry H. Blau Columbus, Ohio Dickey Builds Clay Pipe Research Center. ................. 755 G~1Urill Surdary and Editor F. P. Reid Columbus, Ohio Name Change for White Wares Division?. ................ 759 Commitlt~ on PUblications W. J. Smothers, cluJirmiln Howard F. McMurdie J. P. Poole Nominations for Officers, 1966-67. ...................... 760 Seymour L. Blum • P. Reid • naging Editor James S. Welch Ass;stant Edilor Roster Emmoline R. Jamra Ati~"t;s;ng Manag~r Membership Roster. ................................... 761 Arthur S. Koschny Ad~"t;sing R~pr~stnlali~~s William T. Mohrman, Jr. Institute Roster. ....................................... 892 437 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. 10016 Phone: Murray Hill 5.5633 James K. Millhouse Palmolive Bldg. Departments 919 North Michigan Ave. Chicago, Ill. 60611 Phone: 642-6625 In Print for Cerdmists .. 5d Advertisers' Index .... 38d Glenn Ulfers, Inc. 7885 Graves Rd. Persondl Notes ....... 6d Coming in the Journdl 751 Cincinnati, Ohio 45243 Phone: 561-5210 Sections, ...... 754 Galavan, Hatfield & Kittle Meetings Cdlenddr ... 22d 3376 West First St. Los Angeles, Calif. 90004 New Members. 756 Phone: Dunkirk 5-3991 Out of the Kiln ...... 31d Schools ....... 757 Offices Consulting Services 28d, 31 d Exuut;~~, ~tiitorial, lind 1Iti~". Ndmes .............. 758 tis;ng: 4055 North High St., C1dssi~ed Ads ....... Columbus. Ohio 43214 ...........34d, 35d, 36d Necrology ........ 759 Phone AMherst 8-8645 •&T. Teletype 614 759.0014 UbUcillion: 20th & North­ • pton Su., Easton, Pa. 18043 .MERICA:-; CERAMIC SOCIETY BULLETIN. October 7.1965, Vol. 44. No. 10. Pub1isbed montbly by Tbe American Ceramic Society. Printed in tbe :nited States of America. Publicalion Office: 20tb and Northampton Sts.. Easton. Pa. 18043. A.ddress all corrt5pond,." to th, Ed.toroal and Subscrlpllon office' 'be American Ceramic Soci.')', 40.';5:-; Higb St.. Columbus. Ohio 43~14. SUbscription 56 00 a year; Foreign postage 5~ 00 additional. SlOgle copies 5200 plu ostage SecoDd-clas~ postage pai.d at Easton. Pa.. Allow six wE."eks fur address changes. © Copyright 1965 by Tbe American Ceramic Society, Inc. Nominations for Officers, 1966-67 The American Ceramic Society I'ice Chairman: W. K. BURRISS, International Minerals Div. International Minerals & Chemical Corp., Skokie, Ill. • President-Elect: J A~IES S. O\\"E~S _ Champion Spark Plug Co., Ceramic Div.', Detroit Secreta,,·: RICHARD O. HOMMEL O. H(lmmel Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Fire Presidents: ARTHUR J. BLU~(E American Olean Tile Co., Lewi~port, Ky. Refractories Division EDWARD C. HE:"R\', General Electric Co. Chairman: G. REGI:"ALD RIGBY Space Sciellce Lah., '-alley Forge, Pa. Canadian Refractories Ltd., Grenville, Que., Canada HARRY W. THIEMECKE . Fiee Chairman: THEODORE J, M. PLANJE Homer Laughlin China Co., ~ewell, W. \'a. University of Mis'ouri at Rolla Treasurer: LORA:'> S. O'BA:'>:"IO~ Secretar;:: JOSEPH H. HANDWERK Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio Argonne Kational Lab., Argonne, Ill. Basic Science Division Structural Clay Products Division Trustee: J- H. WESTBROOK Trustee: GILBERT C. ROBINSON General Electric Co., Schenectady, ~. Y. Clemson University, Clemson, S. C. Chairman-Elect: D. H. WHITMORE Chairllla11-Elert: H. HOWARD LUND Northwestern Lniversit~" Evanston, Ill. Pomona Pipe Products Co., Greensboro, S. C. Vl€e Chairman: A. E. PALADINO Vice Chairman: ROBERT B. HOCKADAY Raytheon Company, ·Waltham, Mass. Acme Brick Co., Denton, Texas Secretary: Serreta",: ROBERT W. RICHARDS STANLEY B. At:STERMAN Richards Brick Co., Edwardsville, Ill. Korth American lH;ation, Van l'\uys, Calif. RALPH CARTER White Wares Division General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Chairman-Elect: FRED G. SIMMEN CYRUS KLI:"GSBERG Hall China Co., East Liverpool, Ohio Office of ~aval Research, Washington, D. C. Vice Chairman: MILA~ YUKOVICH, JR. Edward Orton Jr. Ceramic Foundation, Columbus, Ohio Ceramic-Metal Systems Division Serretan: WILLIAM B. CAMPBELL Lexin'gton Laboratories, Cambridge, Mass. Chairman: HAROLD C. WILSON \'itreous Steel Products Co., Nappanee, Ind. Vice Chairman: JACK E. BURROUGHS, SR, National Institute of Ceramic Engineers General Dynamics Corp., FOlt Worth, Texas President-EJect: WILLARD E. HAurn, JR. • Secretary: CLIFTON G. BERGERON AC Spark Plug Div., General Motors Corp., Flint, Mich. University of Illinois, Urbana Via President: ROBERT J. BBALS Counselor: JESSE D. WALTON Argonne ~ational Lab., Argonne, Ill. Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Seeretarv-Treasllrer: MURRAY C, GAUTSCH M & l' Chemicals Inc., !'"ew York, X. Y. Design Division Kot available Ceramic Educational Council President-Elect: DAVID R. WILDER Iowa State University, Ames Electronics Division Vice President: ALFRED W. ALLEN Trustee: ALEXIS G. PINCUS, General Electric Co. University of Illinois, Urbana Research & Development Center, Schenectady, N. Y. Secretar\'-Treasurer: WILLIS G. LAWRE:"CE Chairman-EJect: RAYMOND]. BROWN State'University of Xew York College of Ceramics at Alfred Brush Beryllium Co., Elmore. Ohio University, Alfred Vice Chairman: GILBERT GOODMAN Vitramon, Inc., Bridgeport, Conn. Secretary: "ICTOR J. TE:-INER\' Nominations and Elections Vniversity of Illinois, Crbana The above nominations an' published in accordance with the Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules of The American Ceramic Society. Reference may be made to the rules for this procedure Glass Division in the BULLETI~ for Feb., 1952, p. 62. Chairman: \VILLIA~I R. PRI:-IDLE, American Optical Co. Ballots for the election of officers of The Society and for the Research DiY., Southbridge, Ma.~s. election of trustees and officers of The Divisions will be mailed First Vice Chairman: CHARLES L. McKI:":-IIS, Owens-Corning to each Member in good standing the first day of December. Fiberglas Corp. Technical Center, Granville, Ohio They must be returned to be received in The Society offices before the first day of January. Second Vice Chairman: DELFORD A. McGRAW Article B VII 2 provides: "The names of the Trustees' nom­ Owens-Illinois, Toledo, Ohio inees, together with this By-Law, shall be published in the Secretary: FAY \'. TOOLEY A~IERlCAN CERA)IlC SOCIETY BULLEn:" on or before the fifteenth University of Illinois, Crbana day of October. Any twenty-five voting members in good stand­ ing may, by signed petition, nominate any additional candidate for one or more of the offices, provided: the signed petition, to­ Materials & Equipment Division gether with assurance of assent of the candidate or candidates, reaches the General Secretary of THE SoCIETY on or before the Trustee: JOHN McLAREN fifteenth day of Xovember following the publication of the • Bell Operations, East Liverpool, Ohio Trustees' nominees. The petition may be in multiple copies and Chairman-EJect: FRANK J. ZVANUT the General Secretary shall, if such be the case, certify that at 2 Country Club Acres, St. Charles, Mo. (Cabot Corp.) least twenty-five signers are eligible to vote," 760 CERA~IIC BULLETIN American Ceramic Society Membership Roster .hiS Roster is published onl~' ior the com'enience oi members of The B-Basic Science Division .\merican Ceramic Society. Its use as a mailing li~t is in YioJation of federal C-Ceramic·Metal Systems Division copyright. D-Design Division E-Electronics Division Listim;s arc in alphabetical order. ~ew members r('c('j\'l~d too late to F-Fellow of the American Ceramic be included are listed in the .\ddenda on page '''~;-a. .\ separate Rnster for Society thl ~ational Institute uf Ceramic Engineers, showing grades of membership, G-Glass Division is on page S!l~ of this issue. I-National Institute of Ceramic Engi· neers J-Junior Member These listings giYe the member's preferred mailing address. \\'here M-Materials & Equipment Division this is not his business address his company connection is shown in paren­ theses. Divisions and other Society affiliations arc indicated in parentheses P-Ceramic Educational Council following each name, in accordance with the code gi"en at the right. The R-Refractories Division absence of any such designation indicates that the member is from outSide S-Structural Clay Products Division the United States or a student member, neither of whom has DiYision affilia­ W-White Wares Division tion. X-No Division affiliation © Copyright 1965 by The American Ceramic Soci.ty, IDc. A AC SPARK PLUG DIV. :\GETT, A. H. (G) GENERAL MOTORS CORP. :\merican Saint GODain Corp. ABBOTT, Charles E. (DP) (Karl Schwartzwalder) Box 929, Kingsport, Tenn. 37662 Massachusetts College of Art Engr. Bldg.• 1300 K. Dort Hwy. :\GRON, Albert M. (C) Brookline & Longwood Aves. Flint, Mich. 48556 Pfaudler Permutit Inc. oston, Mass. 02215 ADAMS CLAY PRODUCTS CO. Taylor St., Elyria, Ohio H03j (James A. Cunningham) .A.Gl'ILAR. Raul (C) TT. Russell W. (G) Box 32, Martinsville. Ind. Ferro Enamel de Mexico, S. A. • ibbey·Owens-Ford Glass Co. :\I):\~IS, Edward F. (R) Oriente 171 No. 450, Colonia Aragon 1701 E. Broadway, Toledo, Ohio 43605 Hickock Rd., R. R. 3 Mexico 14. D. F. ABERNETHY, Lonnie L. (XIP) Corning, N. Y. 14832 .\H~IAD, Iqbal (B) Texas Western College I Corning Glass \\'orks) Waten-liet Arsenal School of Engineering ADA~IS, Edward M. (S) ~Iaggs Research Center EI Paso. Texas 79999 American Olean Tile Co. \\'atervliet, ~. Y. 12189 ABOAF. Joseph (B) Lewisport, Ky. 42351 AIKEN, Donald B. (R) International Business Machines Corp. ADAMS. Frederick W. (G) 905 Carter Dr.. Grand Island, N. Y. Thomas J. Watson Res. Center, Box 218 269 S. Prospect Ave. (Carborundum Co.) Yorktown Heights, N. Y. 10598 Clarendon Hills, Ill. .\I:\S\\'ORTH, John H. ABRAMS, John C. (Continental Can (0., Inc.) 700 E. 12th St.. Rolla, Mo. 65401 28 Walsh Lane AD.UIS, L. A. (M) :\TTKEX. Edward A. (B) Westbury, L. 1.. N. Y. 11590 Aluminum Co. of America General Electric Co., N.M.P.O. ABRAMSON, Isaac Box 300, Bauxite, Ark.
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