University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Evening Herald, 1914-1922 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-9-1921 The veE ning Herald (Albuquerque, N.M.), 09-09-1921 The veE ning Herald, Inc. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_eh_news Recommended Citation The vE ening Herald, Inc.. "The vE ening Herald (Albuquerque, N.M.), 09-09-1921." (1921). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_eh_news/2381 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Evening Herald, 1914-1922 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. HTOUK HOHBKD ' fM,a-a-. TRY Tim ON TOCS VIW. fMK f ANOJCKWt, v --On ml a UH dept. Thrw timta it rcriAln nua-,h- to I vulinl nt RTtt.ACfl wees taken Vy tun - Inra night from the etore of Pat- more ihnn 4 tlm- fntirth "f th" terson and comprint, decorators, ac- Mm tanbfr Wi-a- i la l.- - umVr" cording tn reporta mud'' to lht pollen today. tetuita Anawr tn yniat.rrt)' V It. ir ViiU'MK VO. 12 IMOUMTtD PUN TH NBWH THR DI M Mil Hit 1(1. 1 MRVIOI ALBUQULRQUE, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1921 IT IPI'Mfl STORMY TIME Boys in World Will Explore Grandma Only 28; U. S. NAMES Luckiest Grandpa is 22; Girl Married 1 3 The Antarctic With Shackleton 10 DIRECT FUTURE at AT HEARING DELEGATES TO - ! Hfpt luikteal T Mr A. Kin.. Hcpt How due The It o he a grandmother hnya In llw world ure the two M re it ttir Hli Krn tig" of tt? Keouln who will minmiKin) l et Mm. Kthoi I'nt.lnot. ihamphm HI1111 fuinoun Amirtntle BILL htt.e BTindmothar. npeag for hei - MEET er. on h la ee ond oynn tn elf: eolith polr Mi t rertntnty f lira a N K. Moon y. IT, am proud The hoy lire Eamon De my of Valera Will When daughter's ;.ti baby nnd J. Sr. larr. 1. hoth imtlfea girl wnn born. It Wax the happleat Op- the north of They ume Not be on Conference of my life. Senator Hitchcock erv-Ire- nioment Underwood, Root, Lodge down tn Lnndon lo offer their "line -- tn ut. Sof tn my family. un rahln hoy on hoarl ihekle-tun'- Committee I ulwaya a Invar big t have been of pose Revision Plana ejael. Ihe QtWM. nr of thm fnmlllen. I have thm other chil- And Hughes to be hud never aeen n panMenier Ifftlti un- dren myaelf. And when our little Of Republican til he made thin journey nmUV S.,,t. 9. (By Anno, grandchild came well, I gunao I Big H - Four Ten thousand other Hoy out" rial wl Prman CotivncHlimi of foot t ttke any other new grand- had aathered for the name purpoe-- - mother would fool " m net iin cut Mil hoy. hut more M privntf anaftbag f the Irish Mm. waa WAHiriNornv. y prooo-Mi- I'oulnot married, the hii pei hill ti he off oh the OM p.i a in n for iirxt first time, whin she woo IS. Her WASHINGTON Mrpt. t). s. n;rnSJta Ink-an- . for repeal of Ihe no hoy had eer hafore Hrit-ig- drHightor, Mra. Krnnrln w j Hough, mM I Weiliieaday In eonaldor the ator Oncnr V'ntUrwnod, Klihn . and i4. m. lion, of the Income rur Mooney and Man were hi and mother of the grxndrhlld. fat - personally esbtedt to n lu were attacked today by Henn lucky onea. Hhackleton mvitatinn only It. Root, Hiialor anrl 8o?rv-lar- Picked Ihem. Klv dayn hefor the ar- t mi tin Irish tuenf inn at lor m.i. k in the first statement "I wanted to hike nil the mono. rived. Mm Pnulnot wan married to Hugh-f- will he th four on ttixen to the dmo-i-rn- t im I could not do LnwiMtda HiBt lb If 29 nan lt oecond huntuind. making from Hhackleton, "but her him of tlio TnitMl Htatan aide or the senate. ao, iheaa two are to i with me. mi this hy u a grandfather, hy marrUMte, at II. of my trip i Orandpa proposal do away with The Immadlaie ohjert meet. of Ottil nvor Irandmn and Poulnnt at th Wanhinirtoii conference on The iu ta to explore the anion known a" tig thr rabinrt. oelkav that the honor they aharfl ihe HMM profit a tax a nd wtih nil the Kndertty Quadrunt. u leaion uUich HU nu 11 prtaitlal. la h record. limitation of irnamrnU, it wnn mu'taxea over percent on Individ-mi- l url Ilea led d hv the cpl t Me..: Anaofl-- . officially annnnnoort today. Income," Mid Henotnr Hitch- era. f n,.,.. it ! Imiiihw then- I'L'HI.IN. I. fSy the no eat IiIockm 01 in on to in eas a moor was current In Tho .1' mil In my very fan ri t of nation cock '! opinion, line?, Ihe explorer thnt it U neghil-ed- . Hlhn Klen Ire en here today thai If To make the i nh nlpoienilarlea are nppolnted to pro- - COLORADO FUEL CO. partieipatina; in th rnnfarrneo, penl of prOflte la retro- "II la of a loot imar.il. Oaad to (ttvrrnenn to confer with ho the ialon committer of the Brlilah ahtnet in all probability, it nan Haiti, will lo hint Januar add to the acreeud from lew hy ureal wall active my In et named to deal with the Irish uueaOon, Ut of Ice. and joh lo hehiml th-- limitfd to fonr mistake. t to Bainoiin HeValera. republican tlt.il wall mill ee whut here la CLAIMS BIG loiter la waa The In the etra to paid le aeen." lender does nl dent re to tie one of LOSS learned that an adrea them. Ielng willing to leave Ihe con- ment has reached among the hy Individuals tilth huge incomes duct of itegottntlona with Arthur It if . natlonn to limit their dnhrgatea to H retai) Ate Inn jiropise-- to atop Idaho Congressman flth. the Hinn rein foreign minister. four. No limitation, howavar, will ha pioi d increasing i he rate aa aoon an it In any caae Mr. lrlifltb will tv the IN PAST 7 MONTHS upon , percent That In to nu Commends Work of chief Hguie In Ihe negoilnthnm finro the numbor of advdaai-a- In tho iohn '' actunl hualnena la npproacheil. e of thn i.itcd Ktauax. II Van said Hi MM having $.'. v0 lOcOlx u Bui sum for West iWtnonil ttlngerahl. 8lnn Fain would pay If percent on atajiy mlnimer of proimgandn. nalil lodny h that theae would pmhahly bo It. In mr cluding army, navy, a thing above that amount regardless AmiiMon T Hmllh Idaho expected no unneceaaorv delay In the aronn.nl leal, halrman of the sir I in. i, ,hrlrmi UHl Hie II O) s,,,,,!- - M... f)l bMmmmtU IIIhi rep to Mr Lloyd "leorge. General Manager Says economical and political apoclallntn uf the lii-- W;.t 1 00 or Ma, whether hoitne ronimlllee oit ulcohnllc liquor n til. mill Hi Ihr s uit I. INmV. I m mm I Wa Cut Was f l.oiionet, think the graduation truffle Mfl in in lie r of (he Imparl J. U Mnrr. Russian Children hhuwH continue upwards until the ,int omiullteen on puhllc Innda nnd Necessary Huvh vaal Ii riant ton of arM httiiln. nun wi i;,t nu'hea iwnvui. n to Itepuhlh au Revel in Pudding uaia ax u or fanned be 1ter th WOMEN ACTIVE NARCOTIC ... hot in whhh h- OFFICER IVpt. naed we in ome. They urn infrH) committee At Relief Kitchen WAItKNIlt'lUl. (Vn I the wmk of Henntm Itui I By the Aanoclated I'reaa A looa i ii pita I lm rcaaea An nUch hey iidd of muunly year lo tin- wemllh auni and urRet. hla l lion The flt7.4fy.:0 waa horn hy the mine tioi each a: VKTHlMiHAH. Kiinala. ftcpt. I My com- LAWYER SHOT WHEN u They are control y to ihe leller an) t of the ruel nnd Iron of few wlnh you tn know t hu t t he BIDDERS (he mm pany In j.uhh liil renin and "light to bg OOO f OR ENDS LIFE AFTER 7 I inlid Pradn The first Colorado during tho first It piildh ana In hi am hre af foitd wan h r. yenteT-da- v n d to polio) loth ill Amerlran aerved seven months of tail. cording lo ri otilrnry public .id. (iMiaioan aie lookliiK with th- keen-ea- t to 20t Itiiaalan children, who teatlmony given he fore the atabx In They t un M Untiled and i est net ed luterent on th- vnllunt tlaht you in rice pudding, corn nnd duntrlal eommlanfoit here today by K. INSTREET CAR kg tuxutlun." are leadlna; to elect Honoruhle II ON white rolls prepared In the initial H. WeltBel genernl mutingei of Ih Nil III) KHion. Hurnum nn t'nlted rtaten aenntor AUCTION BLOCK ARESHOT IN RAID kitchen of ihe American relief ad- company. There Were nurfu'e Indications fraaa New Mealco am ministration in the heart of the city. Mr. u gave teatlmony tendlog (hut the senate n committee reprenenmtlvn n. my lo- - my fifth term Ither kitchens will he opened speedilv to ahow thnt the high coat of rool had a nloi rarfl In i ft am h ISftlM dint tie und hv I'm lion liowden. who directing.
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