See Page 33 $1.00 WWW.5TJT.COM VOL. 9 NO. 32 28 IYAR 5769 rcsnc ,arp MAY 22, 2009 INSIDE FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK KULANU’S VERY KOOL EVENT MindBiz BY LARRY GORDON Esther Mann, LMSW 31 Live And Learn Backing Beis Din Hannah Reich Berman 33 World Of Real Estate These are challenging and tions for subjects to focus on Anessa V. Cohen 34 difficult times that we are and stories to cover. Many are navigating our way through. I self-serving or promoting this Praying With Feeling suppose that only the few or that cause. Some, however, Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow 44 realists among us have come strike a chord, with clear rele- P h to grips with the adage—and vance and application to the o t o s City Of Unity B now the reality—that nothing state of the overall Jewish y I r Larry Domnitch 60 a T stays the same forever. community and the times we h o m a s As a publication that is read are currently enduring. C r e a t i far and wide, both on paper Over the last few weeks I’ve o n s and on the Internet, in the held discussions with a few Last Sunday in Cedarhurst Park, the Kulanu Fair was enjoyed by thousands course of any given week we of children and adults alike. This annual Kulanu Torah Academy benefit field a wide array of sugges- Continued on Page 10 featured rides, entertainment, and great food. See Page 75 A TIME FOR CHANGE HEARD IN THE BAGEL STORE On 90 And 60 A Shavuos Perspective us, as well, to prepare at least 30 days before the upcoming Mesivta Ateres Yaakov BY RABBI ARYEH Z. BY LARRY GORDON Annual Dinner. See Page 38 GINZBERG yom tov, for otherwise we may CHOFETZ CHAIM TORAH CENTER not be ready to maximize the yom tov experience. Yet the I asked Milton Kramer of “Preparation is everything.” only yom tov for which more Far Rockaway the other day How many times in our lives emphasis is made upon the what it feels like to be 90 have we heard that age-old preparation than on the yom years old. He hesitated for a cliché from parents, teachers, tov itself is the upcoming yom moment and said, “Well, I mentors, and at times even tov of Shavuos. don’t really think about it. I from spouses? Without proper For 49 days we are instruct- just get up in the morning and preparation, we usually just ed to count each and every go about the things that I can’t get it right. day in anticipation of the yom have to do.” When it comes to yomim tovim, our Chazal instructed Continued on Page 11 Continued on Page 18 Rita and Milton Kramer 5 Towns Rosh Chodesh event in memory of the Holtzbergs, obm. See Ad, Page 18 Far Rockaway To The IDF All In The THAT TIME Family OF YEAR B Y RABBI AVI SHAFRAN Another Mother’s Musings BY PHYLLIS J. Even with the surfeit of LUBIN silliness passing these days for “Torah commentary”—the It’s time once again to manufactured “midrashim,” plant the vegetables outside “original interpretations,” and and watch them grow. Biblical passages turned on Traditionally, we plant Murray Forman and Abel their heads—I was flabber- around Mother’s Day. We try Feldhamer enjoy election victory. gasted to read a homily dis- to vary our “crops,” but most See Page 24 paraging the Chofetz Chaim. of the time we gravitate The Chofetz Chaim, Rabbi around tomatoes and Kirbys CANDLE LIGHTING Shmuel Leibtag (DRS ’06) has completed his basic training in the IDF. He Yisrael Meir Kagan, was while we try to test various May 22 – 7:53 PM is in the tank corps and was awarded the honor of Chayal Mitztayein. renowned for his saintliness others, such as peppers, Shmuel was chosen out of more than 600 soldiers for this award and is one of May 28 – 7:58 PM the few Americans so honored. He credits DRS-HALB and Yeshivat HaKotel and sagacity, and for his mon- corn, and string beans. May 29 – 7:59 PM as well as his rebbeim for being instrumental in teaching him the proper derech. L–R: Sheila Leibtag, Shmuel Leibtag, Chaim Leibtag. Continued on Page 16 Continued on Page 15 2 May 22, 2009 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 22, 2009 3 4 May 22, 2009 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 22, 2009 5 6 May 22, 2009 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES CALENDAR LUACH May 21 – May 30 ZIP Code: 11516 28 Iyar Friday, May 22 Yom Yerushalayim Daf yomi: Bava Metzia 27 Z’manim*: Earliest tallis/tefillin: 4:28 am Sunrise: 5:32 am Latest Shema: M. Av. 8:35 am Gr’a 9:11 am Candle Lighting: 7:53 pm 29 Iyar – Shabbos Saturday, May 23 Shabbos Parashas Bamidbar Blessing of Chodesh Sivan Omer: 44, Avos: Ch. 6 Shabbos ends**: 9:01 pm 72 min. 9:25 pm 1 Sivan Sunday, May 24 Rosh Chodesh Sivan 5 Sivan Thursday, May 28 Erev Shavuos – Eiruv Tavshilin Candle Lighting: 7:58 pm 6 Sivan – Yom Tov Friday, May 29 Erev Shabbos, 1st day Shavuos Daf yomi: Bava Metzia 34 Earliest tallis: 4:22 am Sunrise: 5:28 am Latest Shema: M. Av. 8:34 am Gr’a 9:10 am Candle Lighting: 7:59 pm 7 Sivan – Shabbos Saturday, May 30 2nd day Shavuos Yizkor Shabbos/Yom Tov ends**: 9:08 pm 72 min. 9:31 pm * from MyZmanim.com ** add a few minutes for tosefos Shabbos according to your minhag Municipal Calendar For 5 Towns and NYC Thursday, May 21 & Friday–Saturday, May 29–30 NYC alternate-side parking regulations suspended. Monday, May 25 Memorial Day. Public schools closed, local post offices closed, no garbage col- lection. Transit: Sunday schedule. NYC parking regulations suspended except where in effect 7 days a week. For the next issue, deadline for reserving ad space is Monday, May 25 at 5:00 P.M. All graphics for ads must be in by Tuesday, May 26 at 5:00 P.M. Call 516-984-0079 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 22, 2009 7 8 May 22, 2009 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES May 22, 2009 9 FROM THE EDITOR ly judicial process in the civil court sys- Continued from Front Cover tem, they agree to go to a beis din, a FEATURES recognized rabbinical court—or at businesspeople and rabbanim about an least they select a panel of rabbis P.O. BOX 690 LAWRENCE, NY 11559 issue that has been around for a long acceptable to both parties to act as a Around The Five Towns 47 516-984-0079 time but that has risen to the fore and beis din—to effectively arbitrate the [email protected] [email protected] become increasingly prominent of late. dispute. Classified Ads 70 The issue is the fashion in which The reality is that the civil court LARRY GORDON ESTA J. GORDON Publisher/Editor Managing Editor observant Jews—shomrei Torah system itself prefers that these dis- YOSSI GORDON, YOCHANAN GORDON u’mitzvos—seek to resolve and adjudi- putes be adjudicated in beis din, The Dish Sales Managers cate any business disagreements or because it helps clear the congested Elke Probkevitz 28 CHANA ROCHEL ROSS conflicts they may have. court schedules. The process allows Editorial Assistant It started a few weeks ago when a for a hearing from fair-minded and SIDI BARON Insights On The Torah YAKOV SERLE JERRY MARKOVITZ Rabbi Lazer Gurkow 36 Sales Representatives SHMUEL GERBER MICHELE JUSTIC “If a seiruv is issued against you in R’ Ben Tzion Shafier 42 Chief Copy Editor Copy Editor CONTRIBUTING EDITORS these communities, you cannot do a The Legendary . Hannah Reich Berman, Anessa V. Cohen, Rabbi Aryeh Z. Ginzberg, Toby Klein Greenwald, Rabbi Yair Hoffman, Miriam Horowitz, shidduch, and your children are . Danny O’Doul 62 Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky, Shmuel Katz, Phyllis J. Lubin, Esther Mann, Rochelle Miller, Martin Mushell, Elke Probkevitz, Naomi Ross, frequently not allowed in yeshiva.” Letters To The Editor 58 Rachael Schindler, Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow, Eli Shapiro, Ari Sher Luach 7 DOV GORDON, ELISHEVA ELEFANT Staff Graphic Artists local businessman came up to my impartial people who perhaps come IVAN NORMAN, IRA THOMAS office asking that we highlight a situa- equipped with a greater sensitivity to MindBiz Staff Photographers tion in our community that he believes the nuances and even idiosyncrasies FRANKEL & CO. is bordering on chaos. of the community. Esther Mann, LMSW 31 Design & Production Genuinely Torah-abiding Jews, he The specific case that this busi- pointed out, are shomer Shabbos; they nessperson was referring to was a real- TALIYE CORLEY Real Estate Art Director keep kosher; they send their children estate deal that he had brokered for a SARAH GREENBAUM to yeshiva; and they live their lives property in the city. The deal had Anessa V. Cohen 34 Assistant Art Director according to halachah. This means closed and he was waiting to receive The Five Towns Jewish Times is an independent weekly news- submitting all aspects of one’s life to his commission of several hundred paper. Opinions expressed by writers and columnists are not Jewish law. Therefore, when there is a thousand dollars—in many circles a That’s The Way It Is! necessarily those of the editor or publisher. We are not dispute over a business matter, he stat- nice chunk of change, a sum much responsible for the kashrus or hashgachah of any product or Hannah Reich Berman 33 establishment advertised in the Five Towns Jewish Times.
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