THE SOJOURNER Proudly serving the cause of Patriotism. VOL. 94, No. 1 January - February 2017 MARYLAND SOJOURNERS EXPERIENCE HISTORY. Baltimore #7 and Patuxent #522 collaborated together to make history as they initiated 7 new members October 27, 2016 in the Library of the Scottish Rite Temple in Baltimore. The historic aspect of this joint meeting is that the Grand Master of Masons in Maryland and most of his Grand Line were initiated and attended this meeting. After a delightful lunch provided by the Scottish Rite; Baltimore #7 initiated three new members including the Deputy Grand Master Gus Vourlous, Senior Grand Deacon Doug Ports, and Junior Grand Steward Eric Harvey; Aberdeen #221 initiated Bro. Bill Gunn, and Patuxent #522 initiated three including the Grand Master Kenneth S. Wyvill, Junior Grand Warden Terry Royce and Grand Standard Bearer Jon Simpson. The Deputy Grand Master Elect, Bro. Richard Neagele could not attend so Baltimore #7 initiated him earlier. Bro Ed Ford, Pres. #7 opened the Joint Meeting by inviting the Color Guard to present the American and Bennington Flags. Bro. John W. Leroy, #522 provided the Toast to the Flag. After introductions and a short business meeting, Bro. Ed invited Bro. Randy Geck, Pres. #522, to preside over the Initiation. Bro. Geck introduced Bro. Bill Sanner, Pres. #364 and Natl Secr/Treas; as Initiating Marshal and Bro. Dan Roberts, Sec., #7 as Initiating Secretary. The Sojourner Medal Lecture was provided by Bro. Jerry Phillips of Aberdeen #221 and Bro. Geck led all in the National Sojourner Obligation and American Creed from memory. Bro. John Ertel of Annapolis #121 provided the Sojourner Lecture wrapping up the initiation ceremony. Bro. Geck invited the Grand Master to speak who praised the National Sojourners and said how proud he was that he and his Offi cers, were now Sojourners.Bro. Marlin Mills was presented with a Certifi cate of Appreciation for the superb support of the Scottish Rite. PURPOSES PRONOUNCEMENT The Purposes of National Sojourners, Incorporated shall be to organize current National Sojourners believe in God as The Supreme Architect of the and former members of the uniformed forces of the United States and Honorary Universe. Members, who are Master Masons, into Chapters, for the promotion of good fel- We hold that political, economic and social problems are subsidiary to lowship among its members, for assisting such as may be overtaken by adversity and ever separate from that steadfast belief in God. or affl iction, for cultivating Masonic ideals, for supporting all patriotic aims and We maintain that God must motivate man if present day problems are activities in Masonry, for developing true patriotism and Americanism throughout to be solved and we urge active participation in maintaining that Govern- the nation, for bringing together representatives of the uniformed forces of the ment for which our forefathers fought. United States (past and present) in a united effort to further the military needs Sojourners remember that George Washington once said, “When we of national defense, and for opposing any infl uence whatsoever calculated to assumed the soldier we did not lay aside the citizen.” weaken the national security. SUBMISSION DEADLINE INTO THE NEXT SOJOURNER IS 20 FEBRUARY. MID-WINTER MEETING, ORLANDO, FLORIDA, 12-15 JANUARY 2017 97th ANNUAL CONVENTION, JUNE 2017 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF NATIONAL GRAVE VISITS SOJOURNERS, INCORPORATED As your National Commander I have had the rare op- THE SOJOURNER is published bi-monthly for portunity to visit a couple of our older Heroes of 76 that $10.00 per year by National Sojourners, Inc., a non-profi t organization, many of you have only the chance to read about. POSTMASTER: Send address changes On a recent trip in October, 2016 to the Area encamp- to THE SOJOURNER, 7942R Cluny Court, ment in Tennessee, I visited the graves of two of the Springfi eld, VA 22153. Heroes of 76 founders, Bros. E.B. Jones and Thomas J. EDITOR: WILLIAM R. SANNER. Names and addresses included in this publi- Flournoy. cation shall not be released for any commercial Bro. E. B. Jones, as all HEROES know, is the founder or charitable enterprise without the express writ- of the Heroes of 76 Degree. He is buried in Paducah, KY. ten authority of National Sojourners, Inc. “The There is a beautiful monument erected to him by Masons opinions or assertions contained herein, unless of KY and National Sojourners. His grave is located at Oak otherwise noted, are the private ones of the writers and are not to be construed as offi cial or Grove Cemetery not too far inside the main gate on the refl ecting the views of National Sojourners, Inc., left. By the way E. B. stands for Edward Beach. or any branch of the Federal Government.” Bro. Jones passed the degree to Bro. Thomas J. Flournoy. According to the History of Heroes of 76, he died NATIONAL LINE OFFICERS in Rockmart, GA. With some help from brothers in GA, JUNE 2016-JUNE 2017 we discovered that he is buried in Princeton, KY, about 50 miles from Brother Jones. Bro. Flournoy is buried in PRESIDENT Cedar Hill Cemetery. In case you were wondering, the J. CWO4 James A. Baker P O Box 733 is for Jefferson. Liberty Hill, TX 78642-0733 Both brothers have a large bronze Heroes medallion 512-413-0135 permanently erected on their grave site. Email: jimbakernsi@gmail.com The third signifi cant member of this historic trio is Bro. PRESIDENT-ELECT Christopher VanDeventer. I did not get the opportunity to Lt Col Ronald D.R. Sortino visit his grave site in Knoxville TN, about four hours east 212 Edgewood Lane Jacksonville, NC 28546-9200 of the other two brothers. 910-347-1660 His grave should also have Email: ronaldsortino1@gmail.com a Bronze medallion. FIRST VICE PRESIDENT Our ancestry as an or- Col Edward W. Nolte ganization comes from 4702 Windcrest Drive Papillion, NE 68133-4767 these three men. Bro. 402-592-0184 E.B. Jones is the Great Email: ewn@cox.net Grandfather of Heroes of SECOND VICE PRESIDENT 76; he wrote the original Lt Col William H. Haynes ritual. Bro. Flournoy kept 621 Prices Drive Cresco, PA 18326-7891 the degree alive and is 570-595-3333 the Grandfather. Lastly, Email: whhaynes@ptd.net Bro. VanDeventer brought THIRD VICE-PRESIDENT it to National Sojourners COL Robert W. Roth and so is the Father of the 525 W. Ravenswood Hills Circle degree as we know it. Brookfi eld, WI 53045-3509 262-782-3922 The degree has been Email: bobrothw@mac.com added to and modified SECRETARY-TREASURER over the years but these MAJ William R. Sanner three men are the roots of Heroes of 76. 7942R Cluny Court Article by: Carl Diamond, National Commander, Heroes of 76 Springfi eld, VA 22153 703-765-5000 / FAX: 703-765-8390 Email: hq@nationalsojourners.org Website: www.nationalsojourners.org CONFERENCES CHAPLAIN COL R. Thomas Davies, III 2017 Mid-Winter Meeting will be held 12-15 January 2017 at the Doubletree Hotel One 7th St. #1004 in Orlando, Florida. Registration forms and additional information is available on the Augusta, GA 30901-1364 Email: Moht2053@bellsouth.net website. ENCAMPMENTS NATIONAL COMMANDER SCPO Carl J. Diamond The 37th Annual Federal Area Conference and Encampment (FACE) will be held 11677 Douglas Street on the weekend of August 22, 2017 at the Kena Shrine Temple in Fairfax, Virginia. Omaha, NE 68154-3128 402-691-8207 More information will be forthcoming. POC: Randy Geck, rgeck@xecu.net or 301- Email: carldiamondrn@cox.net 758-0768 (cell). The PAC Beach Encampment will be held 6-8 October 2017. More information will be forthcoming. NATIONAL PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE in the new year. I remember New Year’s was which side of the magazine the other Eves in the past, some with too much to was seeing. drink, but mostly very special. The one Often, what we think of a statement we before we were married, Kay and I spent hear, something we see or become aware going from 1990 to 1991, in prayer, with of, can be neither good nor bad; it is only many others who belonged to our church in how we perceive it. If we have learned Alexandria, Virginia. That was an amazing through our lives that we should not do experience. As we could hear the fi reworks something, because it is bad or evil, then outside, we were engaged with our Lord, we usually refrain from doing it. If we have asking for His guidance in the New Year learned that it is good, we tend to do it. Hav- ahead. If you have never had a similar ing said this, our perceptions can change experience, I offer it to you as a possibility over the years, as we receive more informa- in the future. tion, mature and develop new beliefs. So, Regardless of how you celebrated New as you hear, see or think of things, keep Year’s Eve, I hope it was meaningful, safe your perceptions in mind and understand and enjoyable. In recent years, Kay and I that your thoughts may be affected by how What Are Your New Year’s Resolutions? have watched the ball fall in Times Square, you perceive the thought, sight or event. It is hard to imagine that a 2016 has because it is an hour earlier than our time Bertie Charles Forbes was a Scottish- already passed. I hope each of you had a zone; we then kiss and wish each other a born American financial journalist and wonderful Thanksgiving, as did Kay and I Happy New Year, turn off the TV and lights, author who founded Forbes magazine.
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