PAGE EIGHTEEN FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1 « « ^anrl|i?8tpr Enttthtg If^rallt AYtrafiB Daily Net Preea Run For tlM Week Baded diM B, IM l Fair, eeeler tonigM. eariy i About Town 13,330 ing fog Ukely. Lew Rite « . N Mrs. Sedrtck Strmgtuui. duitrict Meeeker ef the Audit lEuptittin UpraUi moetly aiBlay wiOi pleaaaat deputy president of the Rebekahs, | Bareaa et Oreelatlea peratoree. High 35 to 88, end Mrs. Jessie Wallace, marshal, Manchester— A City of Village Charm made an official visit to Welcome Rcbekah lodpe in East Hartford Wednesday nlpht. VOL. LXXX, NO. 225 (T ^ L V E PAGES—TV SECTION)^ MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1961 (CleiUfled AdTertfelng ee Pace 10) John E. Anderson. 109 Pine St HOUSE appeared at a first meeting of creditors Wednesday in a petition laaten to Kathv before L’.S Referee of Bankrupt­ Godfrej-. WINF- Plugs for H^rse Meat State News cy Saul Seidman m bankruptcy CBS, Manclies- court. His assets are listed as ter. 10:10 a m. JIOO. and liabilities $1 b74..'>l Monday thru Sat­ Roundup urday Conte.'t President Ponders Action Manchester Grang'- memtvrs Everv Day. Nikita Pledges went on a mystery ride Wednes­ day to the summer home of Mr. &HALE and Mr? Charles Krob at Aniston, Lake, .ymston. Conn There \m11 be Milk Price no meeting of Manchester Grange WE'RE "SELL-A-BRATING" OUR FIRST ANNIVERSARY WITH TWO BIG STORES on July fi. The Grange has been Boom in Soviet Up IV^ Cents Invited to reigtiboi with Plymouth Grange next Wednesday, June 2S FILLED WITH BIG, BIG SAVINGS ON FRESH, NEW, MERCHANDISE FOR THE HOME AND FAMILY To Halt Ship Union Strike Man-heste-- Grange will meet July Mostoi^Nbine 24 (A])—Pre-f envisaged.’’ he diselose<’ to an IP '.vhen motion pictures of the applauding, capacity crowd in the P e r Quart Grange Building in Washington. mier Khrushchev reiterated Alnia Ata Opera Hall, ‘"nie light P C . "nil be shown. today that he intends to sign and food industries will develop Hartford. June 24 {IP)—The a peace treaty with East Ger­ rapidly, side Jsy side with heavy price of milk for fluid use sold f ' "4- /t V,, The Manrhe.-ler Jtmior Sqiare many in the “near future.” At Industry." Pance Club wall spon.sor a dance The massive development, be by farms will rise by 1 < o Possibility for members only at the >\ est SPECIAL GROUP OF LADIES' the same time he promised an said, would be outlined in drafts cents a quart July 1—and ap­ Side Recreation tennis court.s to­ early boom in Soviet economy. of a new program and new rules parently the consumer-will be night at 7.30 It was erroneously Khrushchev termed the Gerirjui of the Soviet Communist party to asked to pay the full cost of Strong for reported In The Herald >e.sten1a> peace treaty issue ope of the be published soon. Horse meat and the increase. that the danoe was to be sponsored mens "most difficult problems of our American com -might figure In by the Manchester Square Panre day'* and linked it with disarma­ Industry sources said yesterday 2 NATIONALLY ADVERTISED new food production plans, he add­ ment in a 2-point slate of action. that la was likely that state dairies T-H Ruling C3ub. ed. andi stores w’ill pass on to the con- He spoke over a nationwide ra­ He emphasized rapid economic dio hookup from Alma Ata. capital BUfner the full cost of the boost, Nutmeg Forest. Tall Cedars of development was, to his thinking, w'hich Is 'i per cent more than the Washington, June 24 of the Virgin! Islands Republic of Russia'.s most formidable weapon Lebanon will hold its meet­ usual increase for the date. President Kennedy today oT'* ing before summer recess Monday sport coats Kazakhstan which is observing its for winning Capitalist countries A spokesman for H. P. Hood and at 7 30 p m. at the Masonic Tem­ 40th anniversary. over to communism. Sons Dairy said his firm will prob­ dered a government study of ple. Strawberry shortoake refresh Lait Wedne-sday, he told a Krem­ This is why the draft program ably raise its prices the full effects of the maritime s l ^ e ments wall he served hv Fieri lin rally Russia will sign a sep­ devotes so much attention to the amount of the Increase. Officials to help him decide on Monday L<ew1e, chief steward. arate peace treaty with East Ger­ economic development of the So­ at other major dairies said they whether to invoke the Taft* many at the end of the year. If viet Union, to ensure its unques­ did not know yet what course their Hartley law. 4 Miss Joyce Halinran 39 Bran the West continues refusal to sign tionable superiority over all lead­ firms would take. ford St . has rcrcivcd a diploma swim one with both Qermanys. ing Capitalist powers.” he added. Usually, the Connecticut farm in merchandising from the Ray- The Soviet leader took note of Khrushchev made only brief ref­ milk price, which is set by the Washington, June 24 (IP)— Vogue School in Chicago. III. sale food shortages troubling his na erences to foreign policy matters. state's federal milk price order. President Kennedy today con­ tion, then \told of sweeping plans The German and disarmament ferred with Secretary of La­ Mrs. Nora Addy Drake and stu­ to boost production. problems, he said, must be settled year's added ’j cent is attributed bor Arthur J. Goldberg on the dents wall e.xhibit paintings at her "A tempestuous growth of all to the late production among the studio, Ripley Hill Rd., Coventry, Regular $25.00 branches of the national economy (ConUnoed on Rage Six) herds. government’s next move to next Wednesday. June 2S, .starling The increase will bring the price end the 9-day maritime strike. at 4 p.m. All present and former farmers get for the portion of their The poasibillty of invoking tho students are invited to exhibit. suits Taft-Hartley Law emergency pro­ July milk assigned to fluid use to about 13*4 cents a quart. vision was heightened by union re­ Anderson Shea Au.xiliary. VFW. At present. Hartford area jection yesterday of a government will sponsor a public .strawberry j Tractors, Captives stores sell milk in gallon Jugs for settlement formula. .94 PRE-TICKETED TO SELL Goldberg called on Kennedy at dessert-teind coffee tonight at fi 30. j 68 and 70 cents a gallon. followed by a public card party Prices for home delivery vary i the White House around 10 a.m. at S at the VF'W Post Home. j FOR 8.98 to 19.95 somewhat. Apparent low levels for | to give him an up to date report Proposal Dropped homogenized vitamin D milk are | on the maritime strike. ’The con­ at Lutz Junior Mu- 83 cents a gallon. 48 cents a half-: ference took place In the Presi­ seum Sunday from 2 to 5 p m. gallon, and 27 cents a quart. dent's living quarters. will be Mrs William Moore and Cool, lijfhtvveiffht. Wash and Wear Detroit, June 24 tflh—The pro-^' no way of determining how much The White House gave no details Mrs. John Mattem. of the meeting. blends of 65'r Dacron and 35 posed I swap of American tractors money was sent In to P.O. Box Student Kills Self It was believed likely that Gold­ tor Cuban invasion prisoners is Freedom here. Ridgefield, June 24 i/P)—A 17-' berg may tr>' alternate peace Cotton. F^.xpertl.v tailored in three- dead, and the Tractors for Free­ Tractors for Freedom Inc., was button models with center vent. year-old high school Junior has ap- i moves before the government ac­ dom Committee accused Cuba’s organized at the suggestion of paiwntly committed suicide over | 671 Receive Diplomas at MHS tually seeks a court injunction un­ L T. WOOD CO. Hand.some Plaids, neat Checks, Fidel Castro of killing the deal. President Kennedy. But Kennedy his poor report-^card. ll'Tsld photos bv Ofiara and Pinto der the Taft-Hartley Law. muted Stripes, .“^izes 37 to 46. Rejf- The committee in a bluntly- made it clear the U.S. government Neal Arthur Nichols was found j The labor secretary scheduled a worded statement last night said would play no part in any ex­ by his mother, Mrs. Robert B. | news conference on the strike. ICE PLANT ulars and Ixmjrs. Perfect summer It was folding up because Castro's change. Nichols, lying in the garage yes­ r~' i . i SI BISSELL STREET sport coat at a terrific saving. demand for $28 million in cash, The committee dismissed Cas­ terday by his car at thetr home a t ' Unions have turned Goldberg Beautiful new 1961 swim suits in the sea­ credit or tractors could only be in- 12 Adams Rd. The motor of the c a r! down cold on his proposal for a Turn East From -Main St. tro's proposal of yesterday in these 60-day strike truce to let govern­ At State Theater terprMed as a move "calculated words: was running. 1 son’s most exciting styles. Inclti^ing Knits, to destroy the possibility of agree­ Dr. Joseph Sloan Bell. Ridge- j ment factfinders study the dispute "The latest proposal by Dr. Cas­ issues—including a demand for Lastic, Cottons. All the important fashion ment." tro that a delegation of prisoners field medical examiner, said the | The committee aaid Castro's pio- whom he holds captive under the youth died of carbon monoxide i bargaining rights on American- ] ^ a l for a delegation of prisoners poisoning and ruled the death an : owned foreign flag vessels—and colors ajid patterns.
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