Annual Education Report Equality, Opportunity, Prosperity July 2017 In Cornwall... 73,508 students attend 267 state funded primary, secondary and special schools. Out of those 267 schools, 163 are academies. Collectively, we have 23 Multi-Academy Trusts (MAT), with 20 schools as part of the largest MAT and just two in the smallest. 64% of all students attend academies. 2 Cornwall Education Report July 2017 Contents Page Foreword 04 Foreword - Cornish translation 06 Partnership Priorities 08 Priority 1: Championing world class 08 education opportunities Priority 2: Widening opportunities for all 10 Priority 3: System-wide, school-led 12 improvement Priority 4: Mental and physical 14 health and wellbeing Cornwall Education Report July 2017 3 Foreword Jane Black, Service Director, Education and Early Years, Cornwall Council This is the first In Cornwall 73,508 students attend 267 state funded primary, secondary and special schools. Out of those Annual Education 267 schools, 163 are academies. Collectively, we have Report for Cornwall. 23 Multi-Academy Trusts (MAT), with 20 schools as part of the largest MAT and just two in the smallest. It has been written 64% of all students attend academies. to celebrate the We are committed to the four priorities of Cornwall’s successes and Education Strategy 2016-2020: 1 To champion world class education opportunities achievements of for all children, young people, families and our children, young carers and ensuring that the needs of vulnerable children and young people are met; to provide people, and educational settings over isolated and disadvantaged adults a quality the last 12 months. In our continual second chance opportunity when they are unable to benefit first time around. drive to offer world class education, to 2 To secure high quality provision, widen local work together, to learn and develop, opportunities and promote equalities. this report also outlines what we will 3 To develop system-wide school-led improvement and facilitate the conversion of locally maintained be doing over the next 12 months settings to academies and Multi-Academy to improve and to help children in Trusts, for those wishing to convert, in a period of transition for both maintained and academy Cornwall achieve the best possible schools. outcomes at every stage. 4 To promote, protect and improve our children and young people’s mental and physical health and wellbeing in educational settings. 4 Cornwall Education Report July 2017 We are also leading the way with two further key Forming strong partnerships to work together strategies which will support children and young towards the same goal is at the heart of what we do, people to reach their full potential and prepare them and will continue to do, for our children and young to succeed in adult life: people in Cornwall. It is important to note that each education setting or key partner needs to take it upon Cornwall Careers Offer itself to champion world-class education in Cornwall, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly and Employment and to work proactively and in collaboration with each Skills Strategy other, across different age ranges and circumstances. We need to think and work differently in this ever- Across the education and wider children’s workforce changing environment if we are to succeed. in Cornwall, we have committed and passionate workers, supporting families and carers to help It is our responsibility as leaders in education, as children and young people to succeed in their parents, as carers, and as local employers to foster an education. Through working together, we know that ethos in which every individual matters equally and is we can make a real difference to the life chances of encouraged to aim high and achieve his, or her, very children and young people and to Cornwall’s future best. For us, achieving the national average is not economy, providing we collectively aspire to let none enough and we aspire to offer our children and young slip through the net. people in Cornwall some of the very best educational opportunities available locally, nationally and globally The education landscape is changing, with an in order to enhance their future life chances. increasingly diverse range of providers in Cornwall offering opportunities to children and young people from early years through to adulthood. Our partnerships are evolving and roles and responsibilities are changing to better meet the needs of children and their entitlement to the nest possible life chances that prepare them for success in adulthood. A recent example of this is expressed in the One Vision Partnership Plan to transform children’s education, health and social care services. Forming strong partnerships to work together towards the same goal is at the heart of what we do, and will continue to do, for our children and young people in Cornwall. Cornwall Education Report July 2017 5 Raglavar Jane Black, Lewydh Servis, Adhyskans ha Bledhynnyow A-varr, Konsel Kernow Lewydh Servis, Yn Kernow, 73,508 studher a attend 267 skol kynsa, nessa hag arbennek. A’n 267 skol na, akademi yw Adhyskans ha 163. Yn kuntellek, yma 23 Trest Lies-Akademi (TLA), Bledhynnyow A-varr, gans 20 skol avel rann an brassa TLA ha marnas dew y’n byghanna. 64% oll an studhyoryon a attend Konsel Kernow. akademiow. Hemm yw an kynsa Omres on ni dhe’n peswar ragwir a’n Strateji Derivas Adhyskans Adhyskans Kernow 2016-2020: 1 Dhe skoodhya spasow adhyskans skwir ollvysel Bledhynnyek rag rag fleghes oll, tus yowynk, teyluyow ha Kernow. Skrifys re gwithoryon ha surhe bos kollenwys edhommow fleghes goliadow ha tus yowynk; dhe brovia beu rag solempnya sewenyansow tevesigyon enyshes ha anlesys spas chons nessa ha kowlwriansow agan fleghes, tus ughel y gwalita pan na allens kemeres prow kynsa prys a-dro. yowynk, ha sedhesow adhyskansel 2 Dhe fastya provians ughel y gwalita, ledanhe dres an diwettha 12 mis. Yn agan chonsyow teythyek hag avonsya parderyow. lewyans anhedhek dhe ri adhyskans 3 Dhe dhisplegya gwellheans ledan an system ledys gans an skol hag esya treylyans sedhesow skwir ollvysel, dhe gesoberi, dhe dhyski mentenys leel dhe akademiow ha Trestow ha displegya, an derivas ma a linenn Lies-Akademi, rag an re na a vynn treylya, yn oos tremenyans rag skolyow ha mentenys hag ynwedh an pyth a wren ni dres an akademi. 12 mis nessa dhe wellhe ha gweres 4 Dhe avonsya, gwitha ha gwellhe yeghes brysel ha fleghes yn Kernow dhe gowlwul an fisegel agan fleghes ha tus yowynk ha’ga sewena yn sedhesow adhyskansel. gwella sewyansow possybyl orth pub kamm. 6 Cornwall Education Report July 2017 Ynwedh, yth eson ni ow ledya an fordh gans dew Owth omfurvya keskowethyansow krev rag kesoberi strateji an moyha posek pella a wrons skoodhya war-tu an keth amkan yw kresel dhe’n pyth a wren ni fleghes ha tus yowynk dhe dhrehedhes aga hag a wren ni pesya dhe wul, rag agan fleghes ha tus galadewder leun ha’ga fareusi dhe seweni yn yowynk yn Kernow. Bysi yw dhe verkya bos edhomm bewnans tevesik: dhe bub sedhes adhyskans po keskoweth moy posek omgemeres dhe skoodhya adhyskans skwir ollvysel Ro Resegvaow Kernow yn Kernow, dhe oberi yn strik hag yn kesoberyans an Strateji Soodh ha Sleynethow Kernow ha Syllan eyl gans y gila, a-dreus oosow ha studhow dyffrans. A-dreus an gweythlu adhyskans ha fleghes ledanna Yma edhom dhyn prederi ha oberi yn tyffrans y’n yn Kernow, yma gweythoryon omres ha gans kerghynnedh ow chanjya bynitha mar sewennyn, passyon, ow skoodhya teyluyow ha gwithoryon rag ensampel, dre weythresans sewen Towlen dhe weres fleghes ha tus yowynk seweni yn aga Keskowethyans Unn Welesigeth. adhyskans. Der oberi warbarth, ni a wor ni dhe allos Agan charj yw avel hembrenkyasow yn adhyskans, gul dyffrans gwir dhe chonsow bewnans fleghes avel kerens, avel gwithoryon, hag avel arvethoryon ha tus yowynk ha dhe erbysieth devedhek Kernow, leel dhe vaga ethos mayth yw peub posek ynno ha hedre vettryn yn kuntellek na asa denvyth skapya bos kennerthys dhe vedra yn ughel ha kowlwul y, po der an roos. hy, gwella dres eghen. Ragon ni, nyns yw kowlwul an Yma an tirwedh adhyskans ow chanjya, gans kadon kresek kenedhlek lowr ha ni a wra medra dhe ri agan moy ha moy divers a provioryon yn Kernow ow ri fleghes ha tus yowynk yn Kernow nebes an spasow chonsow dhe fleghes ha tus yowynk a-dhiworth adhyskyansel gwell kavadow yn leel, yn kenedhlek bledhynnyow a-varr bys dhe vos tevesik. Yma agan hag yn ollvysel rag gwellhe aga chonsow bewnans keskowethyansow owth esplegya hag yma rannow devedhek. ha charjow ow chanjya, derivys a-gynsow yn Towlen Unn Welesigeth dhe dreusfurvya adhyskans, gwith ha gonisyow yeghes dhe vetya yn kwell edhommow fleghes ha’ga gwir dhe jonsow bewnans an gwella possybyl a’ga fareusons rag sewen yn oos tevesik. Owth omfurvya keskowethyansow krev rag kesoberi war-tu an keth amkan yw kresel dhe’n pyth a wren ni hag a wren ni pesya dhe wul, rag agan fleghes ha tus yowynk yn Kernow. Cornwall Education Report July 2017 7 Championing world class education opportunities Priorities Priority 1 Key Reasons to be proud Areas we’ve identified for improvement 82.6% of children in Foundation The Adult Education Art and Media Stage reached expected levels provision has been assessed as in communication and language outstanding, with success rates development in 2016 – this is above 6.4% above national averages. national average. Recruitment to basic English and Maths 51% of children eligible for Free School programmes for Adult Education is becoming Meals at Foundation Stage achieved more challenging, and this appears to be a national a Good Level of development in 2017 picture (1,040 learners in 2014/15, 948 in 2015/15).
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