Tile Blac:ll Stade ■ t Voice of North ... ter■ U■iveaky December 1, 1976 IHIMIRGII Black vote DfVICIOIY elects -Carter ~-of macart formcandldm 1 CAATVI~ fOR0· - · ..... rs· by 2,07 1,506 and also dcfca1ed the most powerfu l weapons by Anlhony Je nkins PVtN SYLVANLI. President Ford in the elccloral against Republicans. Republicans Onyx Starr I 00 11111 collegi; by a very slim margin. can no lo nger afford to over look -a Presiden t-elect Caner rcteived blacks in any areas. Presiden1-clect Jim my Caner Ford won 550'/o of the white OHIO many co ngrat ulations from we ll It is a lso reasonab le 10 say that lost the white popll1ar vo1e 47 .6'1o I U!IE!I wishers whi le President Ford, who had President Ford payed more vote in the Sou 1h, yet Caner's 11 to 51.30'/o IN THE Nov. 2 maintained his pro ud image after attention 10 blacks he might have massive b lack support i n that area MISSOURI Prcsideritial Eteccion, but he won made the South solid for him. losing to Caner, works diligen1ly picked up more votes from the I Ml ►m minori1ies th8.1.could have cu1 the roughly 92'lo of the 6.6 m illion The 52-year-o ld former Gover­ D 10 help make a smooth tra nsition black votes.ct,st and will become nor fro m Plains, Ga. defeated the ,.... to the ortice of 1he presidency fo r 2,000,000 vo1e ddici1 to win 1he the 39th Prcsidcm of 1hc United incumbent President after he I I I!} - President-elect Caner. popu lar vote. _, Black polilicia States because of his black served his country for 1wo years in The election was wo n for ns wanted hope, support. the White House . Both Preside nt ........ Jim my Caner by blacks and ot her pro mises and verba l com mit• The figures compi led by Wash­ c:::Jlllllll- mems; they got 1 hat from Caner, Ford and P resident-elect Carter -- II minorities who supp lied outs1and­ ing1on's Joint Center they did n't get them from for Po litica l ended tlfeir campaign tr ails weary, MlSSIU IPPt ing support for P resident-elect Studies show that Caner wo uld but both pledged 10 serve 1heir Caner. It is es1imated 1ha1 92% of President Fo rd and that was 1 he cm.-"' deciding facto have lost 1he states of Pennsy l­ country 10 their highest capaci1y. all blacks tha1 vo1ed, gave 1heir r. Ncxc 1ime Repub­ vania, Ohio, Missou ri. Tell:as, President-e lect Carter defeated IIU.IIYLAND vote 10 the Caner-Mondale ticket. lican politicians and campaig n Louisiana, Mississippi and Mary­ Pre,;ident Ford's bid for re-elec­ ~ It also remi nded the Republican strategists will be forced 10 thi nk­ land without the overwhelming --•-II ..,,.,..,..,.._ qui1e differen1ly . pany that the black vote tion to the preside ncy by winning ___ in this support of blacks. 1he majori1y of the popular vo1e country, when unified, is one of Carte r. p. 4 B.U. HOST TO NSCAR CONVENTION lri1h independe nce activist Bern a­ trial for her !iQ n. ~ . ' ,, . by Monroe Ha rris J. de1tc Devlin McAliskey, J uani1a "Jack Peebles," Oar)''s lawyer, Ony• Starr Tyle r, mo ther of Gary Ty ler and "argued for a new trial o r else a Clyde Bcllacoun of t he American Students from ail walks of life release an d the s 1atre ( Lou isian a) Indian movement , was temporari­ argued t hat Gary sho uld remain in on the Nov. 19 10 21 weekend ly held up beca use of a bomb ga1hered a1 Boston U niversi1y 10 prison. J am still waiting fo r the scare. No bomb was fou nd. decision," s){'e said. discuss and take stands on issues Othe r speakers included Tho­ involving racism, sexism and Tsieui Mashinini, 19 year-old mas Atkins, Rohen Allen, editor central leade r of the Soweto South Africa . of Black Scholar, Tom Turner, The occasion was che third Student Represen1a1ive Council in Joe Madison, e,cecu1ive director Sou1h Africa also spoke Friday Nacional Conference of 1he of the Dttroi1 branch of the Na1ional Student Coali1ion night and panicipa1ed on a panel NAACP, Luis Fuentes , lmani discussion on opposi1ion 10 Against Racism (NSCAR) in Kazana and Herbcn Vilakazi. B.U. 's Hayden Audi1orium. apanheid Satu rday morning. When she arri...ed in Bos1on a The Saturday workshops, · The initial night of the day before lhe confe rence began, conference. in which iniernation­ Jua nita Tyler indicated 1ha1 she is NSCAR. p. 2 allv known civil rights leader~ like wailing fo r a decision on a new NS CAR S upporters Juanita Tyler: A star is born 'Free my son By Connie Hailh Gary.' Onyx Staff Juanita Tyler has spent two " I feel like I'm a messenger or some kind and whal talent I have, by Turi Ca ldwell long years 1rying to free her son I have to share it with people around me;· said the man who OnyxS 11fr Gary, 18. fro m jail i n Louisiana orga nized and conducts t he firty-piece orchestra and choru!i better where he has been in prison since know n as t he 'Post-Pop Space -Rock BeBop Gospel Tabernacle age 16 for al legedly shooting a Orchestra and Chorus: white youlh. This group prod uces one of the finest musica l sounds around "I'm in Boslon to te ll the today and undoubtedly this successfu l sound renecls a talented s1uden1• at fhe N.S.C.A.R. musician, whose years or hard work have developed into convention wha1 is happening something special lo hear. The man responsible is Webster Lewis. wi1h Gary's fighl to get a new trial The sound WL"bsler Lewis crea~CI is all the music that he·s ever and be set frCt". heard and played: jau, blues, rock n' roll complied into one. He '' I am asking you 10 help fight firsl learned to have an ear for music in a church in Baltimore. for Gary's release, because lhe where his mother wn an organist. frame-up of Gary Tyl,e:r could be At a very early age ho started taking piano lesson s. "I knew I one of you,'' said Jlie1,u1aTyler at was interested in playing," said Lewis, "but I didn't know at that a rallv sponsored by N.S .C. A.R. point what options were open to me. As far as I knew al that time it was just playing the piano. Juanila Tyler Tyler, p. 2 Webster a( J ordon Hall U:wis. p. 19 Rho nd a Cato : a by Mkhoc l K. Frl~bl 'beautif ul person ' On), Slaff Springfield • Thi, i\ 1hc type of aiming a1 her male rriend . For 17 Bu1 for Rho nda 1he strugg le for person inside and out, her fnends small, almost rural city, in which days she lay motib nless m Beth life was against un~urpassab le say. "She was fun. Someone you news cravels quick ly from one Israel Hospital, fighting for her odd~. The bullet had passed ,ou ld become friend~ with and she black family to another For the life. through her aorca and her brain would always stick by you,·· silid past four weeks, the news ,pread Her friends from Boston and had been deprived of b lood. Fay Thomas, a Nor1hea~tern in barbenhops .1nd ha.irdre1sers Springfield, came 10 1he hospital Doc1ors trea1ing her gave liule student, who has bCt"n close to brought tears to many a pa1rons· 10 be wi1h her family 10 pray and chance of recovery. On Tuesday, Rhonda and hrr fami ly, since she eyes. hope 1ha1 she could pull 1hroueh. Nov. 161h, she died and people in was in 1he 7th grade. On Oct. 31, Rhonda Cato, a "\Ve have n'! leh 1hi\ wailing Bosion and Sp ringfield, mourned "If s he disagreed wi1h you, she Springfield residen1, was ~hot in room all week."'. said her brothtt the loss of a 21-year~ ld woman, would let you know, a'nd if yo u the chest by a gunman in Bosto n. Rohen, "she is s1ill hangi ng in who never harmed anyone. a.sked her o pinion, Jhe would Jct It matters little that the man there.' ' was Rho nda Ca to was a beau tiful Cato, p. 2 Page 2 THE NORTHEASTERN ONYX A sad day in• Springfield you know it. Anything you been so fiUcd with cars that the nc_eded her for, if she could help line st rung from the church two out she would, wi thout cxl)CCling miles to the cemetery. Man y anything in return . She was n't people, young and old, ;oined sclfish," said Thomas . behind the family as Rhond a rode Thomas said during her fresh­ 10 her resting place . man year at Northeastern s he a nd In Boston, Martin Palm er, 39, Rhonda ~pen! some of their best of Roxbury was arraigned o n a days together, as they explored first degree murder charge in Boston for the first time and Roxbury District Court. enjoyed 1he new atmosphere. According 10 Tom ,Keough of Thoma s s aid Rhonda' s goal the Metropolitan District Com­ may have bttn to make it in life to mission Police, Rhonda Ca10 was a poin1 when! she wouldn't have a passenger in a car driven by 10 struggle anymore.
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