1 2J, 1010 -..:::::: Hawkeye, Fair, Warmer ~nds Dlamonclmen WID Fourth Stral,ht, IOWA: GelleraUy lair &oday. 10-0: sli&'bUy warmer ew aDd celltral See Story on Pate 3 portlolll toiQbt: tomorrow clolllb'. 'o",a City'. Mornin, Ne""paper FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1940 VOLUME XXXVIII NUMBER 329 Parents Philosophical After New X.Ray Disclosure-- Only ONE Baby for Mrs. Callahan MIAMI, Fla., Marfh 12 (AP) -A 22-year-old expectrant moth­ er, who thought she miaht bear quintuplets, learned today that ,he may expect the birth of only *** *** *** *** *** one child. Mrs. Emory Calla11an, wnose husband is a furniture fac~O'cy French Body Not Fully Satisfied woodworker, based her belief on what she thought was an X-IP~ examination. LA W.BREAKER -FROM PARIS- Actually, the Miami Herald Britain Counts New Losses; Shakeup of Cabinet said tonight, she submitted to diagnosis by a fluoroscope and TlUS BIDDY GOOD COHORT misunderstood the comments of Anticipated as Government Calls Easter Recess FOR BOOTLEGGER E. Daladier'~ the examining physiclan, W!lO noted her unusual siz!!. -f------------------------------- GREENVILLE. Miss., March Ministers Not Jut Oqe Cblld Leading Members Billion-Dollar Farm, Bill Almost Ready 21 (AP) - Two searches John S. Knight. pubJ1sher of I Speak Harshly Over through a suspected Negro's the Herald, announced that a new For Passage; Economyites in Retreat premises lalled to disclose any In Full Accord medical examination s howe d Cabinet Divisions there would be only one Child. illega 1 whisky. but on the third The fluoroscope-a machme WASHINGTON. March 21 (AP) usual accompaniment of a unani­ try raiding officers found a Withhold Attitude mous roll call vote, it endorsed that shows through the body that """IFROM LONDON- -With economy advocates in full caclle 01 14 half pints-under $85,000,000 tor the removal or Until New Government does not make a picture a8 an retreat, the senate today ad­ farm surpluses through distribu­ a setting hen. X-ray does-was used when r.:·:s. LONDON. March 21 (AP)-A vanced the billion - dollar tarm tion to the needy and through Ha Chance To Act Callahan visited a clinic for per­ Curious German air assault and bill almost to the point of passage, exporl subsidies. sons of moderate means. The By JOHN LLOYD sporadic submarine attacks hit 11 but then became snarled in a It also voted to direct the RFC physician who oPtTated it said British and neutral ships and took Italian Paper PARIS, March 21 (AP)- The that he believed she might haVe dispute over sugar payments and to make ~40,OOO,000 of loans to at least 39 lives in the last two recessed until tomorrow. the rura I electrification adminls­ quickly-created Paul Reynaud a multiple birth but that he did days, late British reports showed "push the war" cabinet of France not expect quintuplets. The chamber approved, 0 n e Ira tion, and approved a provision Dubious About tonight. after another, Increases Its ap­ for $50,000,000 in loans to help headed Immediately into trouble Earlier he had announced that The 1,654-ton Danish motorship tonight, with some doubtful head­ the Herald would provide medical propriations committee had made farm tencmts acquire farms of Algie!" was torpedoed jn the At­ in the house bill. To the un- their own. Soviet Plans hakin, In French parUamentary care for Mrs. Callahan in ex· lantic last midnight without warn­ quarters a to it chances of sur­ change for exclusive rights to ing and sank in three minutes, 20 vival. her story lind pictures. survivors who reached shore after Vatican City Organ Acting r pidly to suit the de­ "The cost of Mrs. Callahan's 10 hours in a lifeboat said. Four U. S. Newspapermen Discover ee ew Aggr iv mand that. France be spared B medlcal and hospital care will crew members and a woman pas­ I ngthy period without a govern­ continue to be paid by the Her­ senger were lost. Purpo es in Ru ia ment, Reynaud, finance minister ald just as though today's exam­ The extent of damage in a Ger­ Little Damage After Srlt Raid in Edouard Daladler's regime, put ination had supported the previ­ man air raid on a British convoy VATICAN CITY, March 21 an end to the original cabinet ous belief Ihat site was to be the last night remained a mystery. (AP)-The Vatican City news- crisis in a Bln,le day but fell short mother of quintuplets." Knight Mrs. Emory Callahan of Miami, IX-rays reveal she'll have only one The admiralty said German German Air Base Newest Scene War of satisfying the whole cro -sec­ Fla:, above, according to a physi- baby, in the normal manner. In- claims of having sunk nine war­ paper L'Osservatore Rom,ano \0- will be said. Airplane Hangars Still tion of French political opinion. cian whose name was undisclosed, set is George C!allahan, her hus- ships and merchantmen were "in day Interpreted Soviet Rus JU S Publlc The Herald said a physician ar­ I It wal neither a small, compact reading ranged new X-rays today which had expected to give birth to quin- band, a furniture factory worker. excess"; that three ships first re­ Intact. Says Steinkopf veto of the (:I,'oposed Finnlsh- government Reynaud produced showed only one embryo. The tuplets within two months. New ported bombed "now are safe"; Norwegian-Swedish defense pact nor a complete national union birth, in a normal manner, is ex­ --------------------------- and that two others were dam­ EY&WITNESS as evidence of further aaress!ve government to take in all parties pected some time in June. but actual iy misunderstood her home in one room ot a small aged but reached port. desllDS of the Soviet in that area. rrom right to left. • • • physician. bungalow the Callahans share Five crewmen were killed and By ALVIN J. STElNKOPF L'Osservatore said it was not The new cabinet has 22 mlnls· Parents Philosophical The Herald publisher had ar­ with two vther couples. six injured when a plane bombed necessary to be a prophet to fore- ters-three more than the D la­ the British steamer Barn Hill otf HORNUM. Island of Sylt, The Callahans - center of the ranged a private hospital room The 22-year-old bride of eight March 21 (AP)-Three Ameri­ see the future course of even~s dier government which resigned sensational story of an expected and Mrs. Callahan had spent one I)'lonths and her 32-year-old hus­ the southeast coast last night. The in that pbrt or Europe. yesterday and two powerful (See BRITISH, Page 6) can newspapermen, 1erried to this multiple birth that occurs only night and one day" there -- al­ band, a woodworker in a furni­ German air base by Field Marshal "The conclusion is very simple." rightist iroup are not cooperat­ one In 57,000,000 times - took though against her will and only tUre factory, said they were sat­ Hermann Goering's own plane and said the paper. "Russia reco,- Ing. the news of their probable liillJlle on her physician's warning that isfied with one instllad ot the by special train from the main­ nizes hC'l'SeU as a typical agares. Much of the parliamentary child philosophically. the excitement of her neighbor­ expected five - althougl). tlley land across the Hlndenburg dam, ~ive country, since she considers furore th t brought on the fall of Knight slid he was convinced hood might be dangerous. were just a little puzzled by the You Figure tonight viewed the results of a automatically du·ected aaainst her the DaladJer aovernment was for the Callahans intended no hoax, Tonight she returned to hel' whole thing. 6-houl' British bombing raid. any de!enslve alliance whIch can a small, wieldy cabinet. ------------------------------- Oilly two of the buildings which only be directed DgBlnst an ag- A possible sop to thl demand This Out-- we saw showed sigos of exten­ iresSor precisely because it is was Reynaud's creation within the Divorce Suit Bogs; sive damage. We did not see evi­ defensive." cabinet of a "wac committee" State Official Grothe Opposes dence of direct hits on hangars. A statement of Tass, ol1iclal made up of himself, Camille California County nor were we able to discover, on Russian news aiCOcy , that the Chautemps. who retains the vice­ our inspection trip aCross the proposed alliance is di-rectcd premiership he held In the prevl­ Line Troublesome dam, indications that any Brit- This Central Press map shows lo­ against the Soviet, L'Osservatore ous cabinet; ex-Premier Edouard Rhodes' Death COllllllutation ish bombs had hit the causeway. cation of the Island 01 Sylt where said. "made clear that henceforth Daladler, who remains as mWs­ SAN FRANCISCO, March 21 Quiet Remains British bombers retaliated Cor nazi all defensive meflsures or Sweden tcr of national defense; Georges .------------------------------------------~~ (AP)-Mrs. Bessie Halnes' divorce German authorities say that air attack! on Scapa Flow. and Norway may be considered Mandel. new mlnister of coloni ; suit acainst Theodore Haines was three civilians were hurt by bomb 'provocations' by Russia. Lucien Lamourcux. ncw minister Files Argument Np Candidate Nou) in the'Running in somewhat of a muddle tonl&'ht splinters in the raid. A section "Consequently when Russla ha of linance; and Raoul Dautry. ar­ because the San Francisco-San of the civilian population of Sylt. adequately equipped hE.T' new 11a- moments minister. Daulry's name . Can Get Democratic Nomination-Ickes Mateo county line ran rllM be- mostly women. children and men Plane Falls In val base which she obtained In waS added to the committee late Of 6 Reasons .
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