The September 1, 2020 God Bless America American Indian Tribal News * Ernie C. Salgado Jr., CE0, Publisher/Editor Remembering September 2001 10,000 Americans Killed or Wounded My View: Ernie C. Salgado, Jr. On September 11, 2001 the United County, Virginia, and the Flight 93 States of America was attacked by from Natonal Memorial in a field in the Islamic terrorist group called al– Stonycreek Township near Shanks- Qaeda. ville, Pennsylvania. A total of 2,996 people, including It has been NINETEEN YEARS the nineteen hijackers, were killed and once again America finds itself and more than 6,000 others injured. under attack. This time the terrorist It was the deadliest incident for fire- are from within. fighters and law enforcement offic- Masquerading as “Peaceful Protec- ers in the history of the United tors” under the façade of social jus- States, with 343 and 72 killed re- tice thugs are rioting, beating up any- spectively. one that dares to oppose them, de- In 2004 bin Laden claimed respon- stroying public and private property sibility for the 9/11 attacks. He cited under the protection of the Socialist U.S. support of Israel, the presence Democrat mayors, city councils, gov- of U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia and ernors, U.S. Senators and House sanctions against Iraq as motives. Representatives. In May 2011, after almost a decade The Marxist black lives matter racist in hiding bin Laden was located and group, antifa thugs (the American sent on his way to meet Allah by Socialist Democrats version of Hit- U.S. Navy SEAL Team Six. ler’s Brown Shirts) and the 7/24/365 A couple of points of interest: 1) main stream media distorted news in Vice President, Joe Biden didn’t an attempting to bring about the America. They voice Anti-Semitic Another concern is that while we support the operation. 2) President “Transformation of America” to a idiom, support Islamic terrorist and the people, honor and support the Obama gave Osama bin Laden a Socialist Country. are welcomed with open arms by the U.S. Constitution the Socialist Dem- full traditional Muslim burial. Why? Vice President, Biden called the anti- Socialist Democrats. ocrats don’t. Numerous memorials have been fa thugs patriots. They join the Socialist Democrats in On September 11, 2001 America constructed, including the National We have elected Islamic extremist opposing all efforts by President declared war on terrorist. September 11, 2001 Memorial and with 14th century mentalities to the Trump to combat Islamic ex- On November 3, 2020 America can Museum in New York City, the United States Congress that have tremiist, domestic terrorist and to declare war on Socialism and do- Pentagon Memorial in Arlington openly expressed their hatred of secure our borders. mestic terrorism. YOU NEED TO KNOW THIS AS YOUR FREEDOM DEPENDS ON IT! What is Agenda 21? Who is George Soros? Who was Saul Alinsky? What did Bill Ayers do? What does Cloward-Piven mean? Benghazi, Libya - Cover Up September 11, 2012 On September 11, 2012 at The Washington D.C. politi- Benghazi, Libya, Christopher cal machinery went into its Stevens, U.S. Ambassador to full bullsh*t mode with mara- Libya along with three other thon hearing finger-pointing And to this day no one has brave Americans were aban- and blaming that ended going been held accountable. doned to be murdered by the nowhere. Secretary of State, Clinton Secretary of State, Hillary shared her feeling on the mat- Clinton and the Obama ter during the House on For- White House . eign Affairs Committee hear- Ambassador, Stevens was an ing on January 23, 2013, she enrolled member of the Chi- said. "What difference, at this nook Indian Tribe in the point, does it make?" State of Washington. This folks is the bottom line. Sean Smith, U.S. Foreign The Obama Administration This is the truth of how the Service Information Manage- even went so far as to arrest Democratic/Socialist mob ment Officer. and imprison an innocent a really feels about the hard Glen Doherty, a former Navy man that produced a video working people of American. SEAL& CIA contractor. showing the Islamic faith in a And let’s not forget that Joe negative light claiming it was Biden is a major part of this Tyrone Woods former Navy the cause of the violence. SEAL& CIA contractor. anti-America team. The September 1, 2020 Page 2 of 8 Porky The Pig Pelosi Wants More Pork During one of her weekly news The argument is trying to bridge the conferences, the question of how gap between the Senate Republi- the relief negotiations got a ridicu- cans’ $1 trillion HEALS Act and lous response: “I don’t know, when the House’s $3.4 trillion HEROES they come with $2 trillion. When Act. they’re ready to do that, we’ll sit She called for a 30-day summer down.” recess and is back at her San Fran- The disrespectful speaker had the cisco multi-million dollar mansion nerve to say GOP members do not eating $15 gourmet ice cream bars care about the American people. while out of work Americans try to When the Pelosi was asked why she feed their families. thought the Republicans “meet in Because of Pelosi’s stubborn ac- One Seriously Badass Family! the middle,” Pelosi said, “Perhaps tions, President Trump signed an you mistook them for someone executive order which in part gives The photo above pictures the ten Lusenko brothers at a family who gave a damn.” $400 in extended unemployment relief. reunion in 1982. The brothers fought in World War II and The GOP has been attempting for weeks to get the Democrats on But, it all Trumps fault because he they all survived. board to help citizens across the want to help the American people This is the America the Democrat-Socialist, social justice mob country but the left has been stone- and not Pelosi’s Porky Pig friends. and black lives matter Marxist terrorist want to erase. walling them. Romney-Sores MittMoney Romney JoinsTies black Exposed live matter Lies, Deceit & Hypocrisy Source: thegoptimes.com July 6, 2020 RINO Senator Mitt Romney has So could America first stifles John been caught red-handed, taking siz- McCain and Mitt Romney been able donations from globalist influ- plants to ensure Obama’s two con- encer billionaire George Soros’ or- secutive presidential wins? ganization. Some would call this a blatant con- Romney welcomed a minimum of spiracy theory, but looking back on $17,500 from Soros Fund Manage- the two Trump loathers’ history, it ment, a radical left-wing agenda op- has made some in the GOP Par- eration funded by Soros. ty question this. OpenSecrets.org revealed that the When Romney is not taking money Romney-Soros financial Ties Run from Soros’s swamp money pot, he Deep. can be found taking aim at Presi- Romney’s ties to the elite billionaire dent Trump and marching with go back years, with Soros claiming Black Lives Matter protestors. in 2012 that he saw little difference For a man who claims higher reli- between Romney and now former gious values seems to be more of president, Obama. an imposter and hypocrite. CNN personality Don Lemon whether or not prisoners “like “Young people are stupid” the Boston Marathon Bomb- er, on death row, people who profits, energy companies, and par- Americans to vote at age 16, Har- are convicted of sexual assault de- ents, but not violent gang members ris said that she was “really interest- served the right to vote,” she re- or criminal illegal aliens. Now, she ed in having that conversation,” plied, “We should have that conver- wants to turn America into San RealClearPolitics reported. sation.” Francisco.” ““What else do we know about this In another segment shared by Citi- But do you think CNN, MSNBC, population, 18-24? They are stu- zen Free Press, Harris can be heard or any other mainstream media out- pid,” Harris declared to a wave of telling late-night television host Jim- lets hoping Biden will force Presi- laughter and applause from her au- my Kimmel that she was “open to According to The Hill: House Mi- dent Donald Trump out of office dience, as shown in video shared by the discussion of eliminating the nority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R- will be admitting Harris’ far-left Citizen Free Press. “That is why we Electoral College system of selecting CA) said that the Democratic sena- views any time soon? put them in dormitories and they our nation’s president every four tor’s “record would immediately Harris’ political life has been char- have a resident assistant,” the Dem- years.“ disqualify her to any moderate, acterized by a certain malleability ocrat continued. “They make really Later still, Harris announced that steady-handed candidate.” and willingness to say whatever her bad decisions.” she would support removing the McCarthy added: “While serving as audience of the moment wishes to Of course, the California senator’s Senate filibuster in order to facilitate San Francisco district attorney and hear. This tendency is perhaps best comments on young voters are far passage of the far-left Green New California Attorney General, Harris exemplified by her remarks at a from the only prior musings of Har- Deal championed by the likes of used her office’s prosecutorial pow- CNN town hall event in March of ris that may well come back to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D- ers for political purposes. She led last year. When asked by an at- haunt her during this election sea- NY). assaults against conservative non- tendee if she supported allowing son.
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