16 — MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday, July 8. 1986 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 MANCHESTER FOCUS 1 M KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE ®by Larry Wright Committee nixes Hot food appeals Lawyers capture I CARS lAMyTRUCKS/VANS I » 2 | f OR8ALE youth move idea BUSHifSS & S E I^ FOR SALE when it’s steamy TOwivJourney 1977 Dodge B200 Van. p a g e 3 13 _______^ A Custom Interior, rusty. ... page 12 m Needs minor work. 649- page 15 1985 S-10 Blazer 2x2. Auto 2013. __ trans, AM -FM radio, air CWLOCMI cond., beige with tan Inte­ MOTORCYCLES/ rior. Under 14,000 miles In I I m o p e d s w ill do babysItNng In my Corpantry chkI r$ m «M - Poeerfy •ratherg — 1 0 - excellent condition. $9,800 home, oges 3 and up. Any ing ttrviCM — CbrrfgMg ttirgpm raRiodslM; |n- or best offer. 633-2468. hours. Sacond and thlrV' home ragairs odd ratno- OrtOTlon^wWar wwws» 1982 Yamaha Heritage shlfts waleama. Cali 6 0 - dating. Quality work.TU«- gorboga Osgaaois} toucal NQ«citiuMg6f>4rjvra9a 1970 Dodge Challenger - Special-Bought new fast, 6912. arancas, llcanaad and in- ragahre.66M S W .v 6 e /M - tW>TMBndbaitair, C T. 440 mag. New paint and year. $800 or best offer. swad. Coll 6464MS. of6rConi^ much more. $2800 or best Call 649^2530.____________ A. Hanry ParaanellMdi offer. 649-2013. Ramadallng/Cargantry Lawn CararCamglata I MISCELLANEOUS ICLEANIIIS Work. Addmans, dadn kmm com ooO tewMsoDr 1979 Cadillac Seville - SERVICES and repatrs.lnaurad. Coll Ing. Proa etUmctas, fuftr White, fully loaded! Low I AUTOMOTIVE iHaiirlipalrr Hrrali'i Oovid Cormlar, 6464SI6. Insured, oil worli gworon- mileage. Economical Die­ Manchester — A City o( Villane Charm .feed, sanler ^ftaana <Na- sel. SharpI $4795 or best Truck Cap - 6' x 8' x 4' Will do houteclaanlng •6i weakly or bl-waakly. Call cowda. 6 6 y -l»» '' offer. Call 646-3824 after Wood Cop. Fiberglass 5:30pm. window, fits full size for free estlMotas.. 681- \ f m m Odd fobs. Tracking. Masonry ft . Rapolrs. 2350. \ f m m Home repairs. You noma pickup. $200. Negotiable. Wednesday, July 9,1986 it Stucco. Cement SiolM. For sale - 1974 Buick 647-1349. 25 Cents it, wa do It. Ihwa astt- Stone drywalls. Carpen­ Electra. 66,000 miles. Name your own grtea — metas. IhsuratL 64I4384. try AltereHens. Coll 643- Needs alternator. $500. For Sole -1982 Oldsmoble I CARPENTRY/ Father and son. Fast, 0888 or 649-5635. Call 646-4890 (after 4pm). Toronada. Excellent Con­ REMOOaiNB dapandabla aarvlea. Howkas Tree Service — ' dition.Complete luxury Bucket Truck 1 Chipgsr. Arty Ught Trucking • Feinting, Fogarlianglng Csllors, attics, gdragos 1976 Buick Century. 4 car. $10,000. 1904 Ford it Ramovet. CajldMETil. Wumg Rsmovat.Frsa IS- door, V8, air, power I HOMES Forrond Ramodallng — ttaMtas. Spadat constdar- ctaonad. Junk hauled- F150 Explorer 4x4. Low I CONDOMINIUMS Coblnats, roofing, gut­ Fundture ond oppUoncas breaks, power steering, mileage, excellent condi­ Directors, FOR SALE Hava you reed today’s otion for Elderly and Hon- automatic, rebuilt trans­ tion. Must see. $10,000. FOB SALE ters, room additions, dCOPgad. 647-7581. moved. Odd lobs. Vary decks, all types of remo­ iClosslflad section? Itoon- honest, dapandabla mission. Needs paint.' 1976 Chevy Blazer. Excel­ r talns hundreds of IrttarasF $1875. Call 649-9137 after lent running condition. Government Horties from 5 Room Townhouse Con­ deling and rapolrs. FR EE Oallvaring claon farm worker. 25 vamrs expo- estimates. Fully Insured. ingoftaFS.6iO-3911. jianca In moving. 6469669 5:30 dally. Saturday and Good soltd truck. Rigged SKU repair). Delinquent dominium - 2 bedrooms, loom; I yorda iTSpluslax. Sunday anytime. for plowing. $5,000. 1982 tax property. Reposses- 1'/3 baths, full bdsement, Talaphone 643^17, after Also sand, stone, and onyttma. 6om, 647-8509. Ford E250 Van. Good lion. Coll 805-687-6000. air conditioning, all ap­ grovel. Coil 6434584. Honda 1980 civic. 5 speed. condition with racks. Ext. H-9965 for current pliances, pool, $75,000. By Odd Jobs By Student - candidate lE lK T R C A t, Hades dipping, window $1,400 or best offer. 649- $5,000. 1972 Audi IDOLS. repo list. owner. 647-7940. 9388. 1978 Audi Fox, 1978 Flat daonlng, pointing, ony- ■ thing. Call Mark. 64948(9, 128, All best offer. Good Manchester Pine St. South Village Condomini­ Dumas Electric •— Having 1972 Dodge Dart - Fair terms on all vehicles. No Older 8 room Colonial. 2 ums. 3 room condomi­ Independent Construc­ Elactrlcol Froblams? D 1 D Landscaping. Voca­ Mornings, Iota evenings. tion Co. General Contrac­ condition. Dependable. money down to qualified full baths. 4 to 5 bed­ nium. 165 South St. No.42. Need a fares or a small tion cutHngs, hedge trtm- $600. Call after 8pm.649- buyer. Private seller. Call rooms. new furnace. Rockville. Asking $45,900. tors, custom homo build­ Repair? wa Spadollta In mlong, Prunings, flower WORTH LOOKINGInto... 9572, ask for Mike. 643-1021. Needs work. Flexible fi­ Inquire at premises. ing and ramodallng, Rasidantlal Work, Joseph ft shrub itfontlngt. Free the many borodns of­ arrested nancing or lease with siding, excavation, etc. Oumcw. Pblly Ucansad. estimates. Coll «9 M M $ fered for sole every dov In option available. Owner A Practical Solution...To Coll 456486$ or 456-7215. Free EsHfnatss. 6466W3. o f ^ 5:30pm. the dosslflad eotumnsi LEGAL NOTICE agent asking 84,900. 644- paying renti Adorable 4 TOWN OF ANDOVER By Alex GIrelli the Board of Directors; William J. PUBLIC HEARINO OF PLANNING B ZONING Associate Editor 0139.____________________ room Townhouse Condo, COMMISSION ON PROPOSED RESUBDIVISION PLAN Diana. 49, the board’s minority 2 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, full Nice Cope. 3 or 4 bed­ leader; and Elsie Tartaglia, 60, private basement, cherry The Planning & Zoning Commission of Andover, Connec­ Two Republican members of the who works as a secretary for rooms. Many bullt-ln fea­ ticut will hold 0 Public Hearing In the lower level of theTown cabinets, fully appllanced Manchester Board of Directors, Nathan G. Agostinelli, a Republi­ tures. Large reck room. kitchen, plush carpet, Office Building on Monday, July 14,1986at 7:30 p.m. on the Molor appliances In­ 10 9 ^ APARTMENTS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS following petition; the secretary of a prominent party can state central committeeman built In 1984. $79,900. Jack- Merchandiso leader and a candidate for-the cluded. Nice fenced-ln son & Jackson Real Est­ I I FOR RENT FOR SALE FOR SALE GILEAD/TO W NSEND ROADS - Petition of Edward Pel­ and former Manchester mayor. yard with above ground ate, 647-8400 or 646-8646.0 letier, Harold and James Webb, owners, for final resub- Legislature are facing criminal Tartaglia faces a felony charge, pool. Bower school area. Rockville - Excellent Hedstrom 3-ln-one carrla- Century 200 car seat. In­ dlvlson approval. ' charges as a result of a police while arrest warrants charge the 895,900. By owner. 643- neighborhood. Remo­ ge/car bed/stroller. Ex­ Property Is bounded on the North by property N/F of investigation into an aborted GOP other three with misdemeanors in FURNITURE fant to toddler. Like new. Pelra Findlay, bounded on the South by Gilead Road, 1 9 1 1 . ________________ Manchester-Spacious Im­ deled 2 bedroom oport- cellent condition. $45. 646- $35. Call 649-1403. primary effort. connection with the attempt to put 5645 after 5:00.o bounded on the East by Townsend Road and property Vernon. New listing. maculate condominium ment. $450 plus utilities. N/F of Wayne & Elizabeth Besaw, and bounded on the Three were arrested this morn­ a slate favoring GOP gubernator-, $157,500. Striking contem­ featuring 3 large bed­ 644-1882 after 6pm. West by property N/F of Robert A. Manglllo. ing after turning themselves in, iai candidate Gerald Labriola on rooms, formal dining Queen size mattress. At this hearing. Interested persons may appearand be heard while the fourth — the minority porary on secluded 3.6 Good condition. Foam the town ballot in a May 20 delegate acres I Very unique home room, full basement and Free For The Taking - 14 TAB SALES and written communications will be received. Maps dated leader on the Board of Directors — primary. The slate withdrew after central air. Pool, tennis sections, 6 foot high stock­ King - Sized bed. Firm rubber. $50. Call 649-7951.0 I 6/2/86 showing the above proposal are on file In the office of that must be seen to be mattress. Two twin box the Town Clerk, Town Office Building. ■* was expected to turn himself in irregularities in the petitioning appreciated, new carpet­ courts, clubhouse. Im­ ade fence. To take as Is. springs. Frame. Excellent Picture wlndow- On Going Tag Sale - Dated this 1st and 8th day of July, 1986, at Andover, Connec­ later. process came to light. ing, lots of bullt-lns, ap­ maculate grounds. Of­ 649-6478. fered at S91,900.Joyce G. condition. Will be sold thermopane. 68"x48". Starting Friday July 4th. 2 ticut. The four who face charges are As of noon, Wilson, Ferguson and pliances, fantastic floor to with 2 complete sets of Still on house. $75 or best weeks, all day and (there ANDOVER PLANNING 8i ZONING COMMISSION Edward Wilson, 61, an independent celling fireplace, home Epstein Real Estate 647- Rockville - 3 rooms. In­ Tartaglia had turned themselves cludes heat. $375. Referen­ sheets, 1 bedspread. All offer. Call 643-1680.O after ,after 4pm). No offer KENNETH LESTER, CHAIRMAN candidate in the 13th Assembly can easily accomodate a 889AP_________________ ___ refused. 139 Hollister st., SUZANNE DOWER, VICE-CHAIRMAN in at police headquarters on East ces and security, Call for $220, or best offer. District; Thomas H. Ferguson. 28. Middle Turnpike. Diana, a lawyer large or small family, BECAUSE YOU never Manchester.
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