KJ W|. i--■ ; 1 - ■ *■', Wj-mx Wf- r j I /■ 11 Fl ■ J ■ ■' 1 ..J Beautify America. Ijjy^jll^Beautiful clothes. ----------—■">, tend $1.00 to Landlubber Poster #5 C, Box 8006, Boston, Mass. 02114. Vol. 5 No. 8 August 1971 CIRCUS-ARTICLES POCO DELIVERIN’ FROM THE INSIDE 4 Bud Scoppa talks to the group about things other than the Buffalo Springfield. THE CONTINUING EVOLVEMENT OF EMERSON, LAKE AND PALMER 8 Keith Emerson explains his musical background and the group’s future. THE PROBLEMATIC CAREER OF PROCOL HARUM 26 The group’s peculiar fame story explained by Danny Goldberg. THE RISE AND FALL OF GOD AS TOLD BY IAN ANDERSON 29 Ian draws a more clear picture of "Aqualung” and knocks rock journalism. A NEW SOUND FROM A NEW TEAM: PAUL AND LINDA McCARTNEY 32 Where they live, what they eat and how they feel by Danny Goldberg. MAKE WAY FOR THE ROOTIN’ TOOTIN’ JAMES GANG 54 Richard Meltzer explains everything you could ever possibly want to know about the James Gang—and more. MICK’S (Sob sob) WEDDING PICTURES 58 A look at Mick’s wedding, his bride, etc. BLACK SABBATH ............. 60 The cirttish English band storm the States with a new album. FEATURES LETTERS 12 Sound-off time. TDG get blasted. NATIONAL SCENES 15 A listing of local events throughout the country. POETRY 18 Seven poems by Kathy Dorrite. RECORDS 20 Danny Goldberg reviews the latest releases. ON THE HORIZON .. • 38 Teegarden and Van Winkle, Detroit and Weather Report. Keep your ears open. HOT WAX 42 What your local FM stations will be playing. MOVIES 44 Paul Ringe discusses the new films. OUR BACK PAGES 48 Tidbits and gossip from the music centers of the world. COSMIC CHARISMA Alan explains the Leonian fable. See back of poster. Publisher: Gerald Rothberg Editor: Danny Goldberg; | Managing Editor Ronnie Finkelstein; Art Director Norm Jacobs? Contributing Editors: Tony Glover, Richard Meltzer, Bud Scoppa; Advertising Director Nor­ man Harris; Assistant to Publisher Art Ford; Regional Correspondents: London: Debbl Smith; West Coast: Jacoba Atlas; Cover Design: Arnold Genkins. CIRCUS Magazine Is published 12 times a year by Circus Enterprises Corporation. 866 United Nations Plaza, New York,York. N. Y. 10017, 21221: - 832-1626. Return postage must accompany all unsolicited manuscripts, drawings and photographs. Entire contents Copyright T by Circus Enterprisesirises CorporationCorp 1971. All rights reserved. Reproduction or use without written per­ missionin of editorialedlt< of pictorial matter in any form is prohibited. Printed in U.S.A. Sub­ scription rates: 12 Issues for $9.00. Cover Photo by Linda McCartney XIHI) •JfAXEq E 8){EJ -jod XpAijisuas ‘asjnu ajEUoisssduioa Xaqj jbjje ssbjSuoj jo jduiajuoa joj s ’ • • ji qSnojqj jis jng -qSnojqj e uaqAx sjuaiuoui SuijsjidjEd asoqj LV6\ u! p^Jio afdoad aiAOUi jo dnoj3 e oj qnoijjip si jsqj ajq jo ajnj ui luiq apisaq ajs bax puy •Xjioi[duiis ‘uajL pooAvXqoH aqj jo auo ‘oqiunjjQ d Jajjiq s pauoiqssj ssq oquinjjL pus Xjsauoq sji ui Suqpduioo ‘jssd UOJ|EQ SEAX joqjns SJJ H JE^, p[J0M •ojaq jno siq ibbaoj smsajp paonpui-BAijEpas siq ajojaq ‘6561 u! uanuM seax pajdEps si u aq Jijun sjbaxsue Suiuqsq aqj ys se uiiq qjpx ajs ba\ ’Uiiq oj juajsd uqy aqj qaiqAx uiojj jfooq aq_L jps q aq jqSnoqj oqAx jsuqQ paxajdjad -ds sauiooaq X|axo[s uoijipuoo siq jo -ji uoijay aqj se jnjaajoj se bje ung se Xjax si pusjjaqjns ppuoG -Xjnj JOJJoq aqj se puiui siq apisui bje a^s S!H l°D £uui{O[ jnoqs sjoej aqx aa jno jo sjeax qjounuBUJ aqj Xq jno •jajjaq Axoujf oax jng qpAx se suoij •a^Bj j4upip jsnf ‘jeax ,.jsnr„ aqj ssqd XysnjjiA puijj aqj ‘ueuj ajduns -ouia jnoqjiAx aq oj uiiq BAaipq sjoj ‘I JBA\ PIJOA\ papipnui Jo papunoAx je juayaaxa si aj-j -uos siq jo smsajp -oop aqjL 'aacj ou ‘s3a[ ou ‘suije ou j q3nojqj siusajjs aq se spooui ‘payijuapiun—assa ja^ssq e sujnjaj uoiyitu OS I PUB pa|l!X uaaq 3ABM uaiu uoiyiui 08 ‘uisujai^ oj j je^ bSuej pEOjq s sassEdmoaua jaqjsj puE jeax oj jjo sao8 oqAx uelu SunoX P[joa\ uiojj jsqj sjjodaj ung sift jog j se spjEqoH uossf -sjunotu JOJJoq E jnoqs SI NH0 SIH -lOD ANNHOf £uuqo[ jo pua aqj je ajou y -tuEujaiA 1 ss qajid snojjsuom X|3uiziuo9b ui uoijEjSsyuoa pisjaAOJjuoa ajoui samnssE qaiqAx aaiOA snojnpajaui •uaajas aqj oj s^ooq siq jo pus juajjno aqj 3uunp aasjd sa^Ej auo jqSnojq pue jojaajip paujnj ssq is uiqj e sasn ‘aiSajdEjpsnb e se b[oj (anASUEJjJ yuig-voH pus „‘sjeax ys iijas jsjy siq ui ‘suiojjoa Xqjouii_L oqmnjjL ‘axon ‘ajixa jEaX uaj siq 3ui pua oj jeax aqj,, ‘j jba\ p[JOM 3uunp •jeax ui ajsdpijJEd oj sn ja3 -jnp oqainjjL Xq pasn stuXuopnasd aqj jas si (uoijEuiaui^) ung siy jog pa^OAUi aq uie3e yiAx saimouoaa jo auo sbax qaiy jjaqoy jEqj paujEaj &uuqo[ -jeax jo yoj aqj oj saApstuaqj is uoi3ipj ‘lusyEUoijsu pajjaAjad ssajpps suqy axbu jnjjaAxod oaxjl jbje[ seax ji -pjEAXJoj paddajs qaiy jja qj 3uyaaj aqj qjiAx jja[ ajs a/^ *3ui •Xjo[3 ojqSijj si pjauaS s pus uiE|dEqa e -qoy on '(aug 3ADJ8 ai{l) Xiqduaajos -JEAX pUE SBOjaq [EUOTJipEJJ pjbaxoj unu aqj ‘Xoq aqj Suiajoaui aauanbas [eui3ijo jsaq aqj joj jauuiAx paiusu apnjijjE axbu e joayaj *jE[naijjEd ui uy aqj^ -ajEoiunujiuoa oj 3uijduiaj seax qojH J-iaqoH *£561 J° saiuomajaa *jsaA\ PIO PUB JEM jnoqs suqij t si ooj aq jsqj sazipaj aqs uaqAx pjBAxy XiuapEay SuunQ -sjsiu •jajjEUi jaafqns jo juamjEajj Suusp ie ‘jsaqa siq uo s-s-ui-j-s-i-j-q-Q -nuiuioQ uaaq pEq Xaqj ji sapiAijay ajoui SuiSsjnoaua aq oj sjsad y i-j-a-yq sbbejj *isjs/\ bubiq Xq paXsjj tiEOiJauiy-ufi asnoj-i 3q) IPI oj pasnjaj -ds ajaqdsotujE juajnqjnj s.Xspo^ | y *3J0qM •aoej ou ‘s3a| ou 'swjb ou—uaq) 'aiueq jo ojsb) b iNflS SIH 105 ANNHOr sb Jspi3 alley pue ‘oaijyod Xj2 mq-Xauoui e sb djeg «bXm ‘JaiHM I|S e sb uaas Aepiyen □□□ :300 □I hS 10313* L Ik t-- / J > HDNIH lAVd SM3IA9J 3IA0UI iJO George Grantham: Poco’s drummer. Poco's Deliverin' From the Inside Any group that calls itself a rock’n’roll band had better come on mean and surly or get off the stage. But these boys ain’t scared to come on cute and cuddly before they machine-gun you down. r g 'I here are always a few performers strings poppin' all over the place, that's A around who move people to extreme exactly the reaction Poco had in mind. reactions. Example: you can only love More specifically. Richie Euray had a dearly or violently .hate Melanie crystal clear concept of the group he wanl- (bleccchhh) or Procol Harum (bravo /ed to start way back in 1968. But it took gents) or Alice Cooper (I'm scared to until last autumn for Furay to be com­ look. I’m just trying to get you into the pletely satisfied with his group. It was at spirit of the thing, so if you wanna clap or that time that Paul Cotton, singer, guitar­ jeer, help yourself.) ist. and songwriter formerly of the Illinois Considering their talent alone though, Speed Press, joined Poco. how anyone could hate Poco -and there “I think right now. the sound 1 had en­ are those who do — I can t understand. I visioned for Poco from the very beginning can understand, however, how people can is now getting real close to what I fail to understand Poco. thought.” Richie explained recently. “It See. any group that calls itself a seems strange that it’s taken three years to rock'n'roll band in this day’n'age had bet­ like—I knew that it would happen, and 1 ter look mean and surly or get off the knew that it was gonna take time to get stage. The standards for rock'n'roll band the right people. Man. it's real hard to get images was set long ago. But Poco doesn't the people to play the music who under­ feel limited by sub-cultural norms—the stand what you're feelin'. And we all feel group isn't interested in following any pre­ it together. In the beginning, it was to be conceived notions (not even those created as strong vocally as it was instrumentally, by the Buffalo Sjyingficld). Nope. These and we were a little weak on the boys ain't scared to come on cute and cud­ rock'n'roll part of it then. But it's all to­ dly just before they machine-gun you gether now. Paul (Cotton) adds that down. If ther's an archetype, consider rock'n'roll thing. The group right now Pretty Boy Floyd or Billy the Kid. not the is more secure than ever. And because of Stones or the MC-5 or Rasputin. this, we’re able to do more of the things If it's unsettling at first to see a bunch we've always wanted to do. Like the of ^choir boysjhard boppin’ with guitar people are closer within the group, and h <11X1* 5 that makes the group so . .’ so impor- down.< ” Richie looked slightly uncomfortable tant.” Furay nodded. “Except musically. Be­ “Well. I don't know about that.” he said, Furay wasn't overstating his point cause musically we all got to express what looking down. “You know. Stephen about closeness. The strongest feeling you each song meant to each of us. we got to (Stills) and I really sang good together in get about Poco.
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