Etn1960 Vol06 24

Etn1960 Vol06 24

',TRACKNEWSlETTE ,\:, . I. j 1 1*· ~ll&(lfawisW; , ,J:bl •-,~~i \ 1- · (OFFICIALPU0LIC1'ilON OF iRKK ~s Of TuE ~®.\.t>, \)~"le.) _ ~ . Vol. ,6, Np. 24 July 27, 1960 Semi-Monthly $6 per year by first class mail . Edited by Hal Bateman NEWS NATIONAL DECATHLON c;HAMPIONSHIPS: Eugene, Oregon, July 8.:9: Johnson (SC Striders) (10.6, 24'9¼'', 5~\ 5 110"., 48.6, 14.5', 170 16"~ ,13'.¼", 233'3", 5:09.9)' 8,f:>83pts. 1 ~- • C < "'(world record):-Yang(Republic of'Chmar(l0. 7{ 25''5""';·"4·6·'7f"r5 ·'6'', -4~;0, 14-;-l·;- 1'sa ·5~", - 13'10½", 233'2½", 5:09,3) 8,426pts. (alsqbetters recognizedworld ·record); .tylulkey (Memphis T&FC) (11.2, 24'4", , 49'9½", 6'¾'\ 51.9, 14,.5, 133'2½", 13'10½'~, 191~7", 4:57.3) 7,852 pts.; Edstrom (Or.egon)~(l0.8, 24'3", 49'6£'', 5 1 10", 49.6, 14.9, 144'11", 11'¼", 213'1", 5:08.3) .7,530pts.; Klein (Santa8arbaraAC} (10.7, 23'9¾'', 43'1f', 5'10il, 51.0, \ 15.3, 144'10½", ,. 11'7", . 189'11", 4:tl4. 7) 7,185 pts.; Herman (NYPC) (10. 8, 26'3", ,13'6¾'', 612", 53. 3, 14. 6, 130'6", 11':U¼", l,71'9", dnf) 7,092pts.;Anderson(EEAA) (10.7, p5'9' !, 41,'4½", 5'10", 51.5, 15.0, 138'1½", 11'5", 180'1½", 5:27.1) 7,018 pts.; Waddell (Boston AC) 6,9t.l:5 PtS\; McIntire (Emporia St) 6,921 pts; Freudenthal (SC Striders) -6, 764 IJ!s; P. Herman (una) 6,593 · pts; Wotruba (una) 6,553 pts; Pauly (OSC ,Rooks) 6,494 pts; Ross (SCVYV) 6, ~8'9 pts; Gutowski (USMC1 6,070 pts; Carolan (Idaho) f:i,062 pts; Kuhns (SC Striders) 6,036 pts. WOMEN'S NATlONA,L AAU, Corpus Christi, Texas, July 9: l0Qm, Rudolph ~(Tenn. St) ... 11. 5, 200t, Rudolph 22. 9 (world record); 400, Robertson (Spartan WC) 57.1 (Ameri .c.§lnrecord); 800, Daniels (San Mateo, Calif/ 2;17. 5 (American citizen's record); 80H,1 Te 'rry (Tenn. St} , 11. 4; ~ White (Chicago) 19'1~"; Smith (Chicago) lf 1"; . Terry .18'9". HJ, ~;rosefson_ {S~rtan · · AC) 5 54 "'; Rogers (J'uskegee) !?'4". SP, Brown (una) 49'8½". DT, Connolly (~partan NG) . 159'6¾''; Brown 152'3¼": Kurrell {Laurel TC) 146'¼". fr:, Larney (Queens Mercureftes) 151'1'Q¾"; Mendyka (San Fernando Vall9y Club) 150'5¾'\ 400R, Tenn. St. A 46.1. S00R, Tem. St. A 1: 47. -3. " - ...,· , WOMEN'S OLYMPIC TRIALS, Abilene, Texas, July 15-16: 100m, Rudolph (Tenn St) , 11. 5 (ties Arn,erican record); Jones (Tenn St) 11. 6; Hudson (Tenn St) 11. 7; Williams (Tenn St) ' -11. 7. 200, Rudolph 23. 9; Williams 24. 3; Polla:r..ds (Chicago) 24. 5. f.?00~Daniels (Sa:n Mateo, .. -..,....,,....___~ Ca-lift2; 15_..&,fA-m~an --cit-i.z~~:rdn-hevetaee (Clevelana- --Roor-eatc~i:.J.5"-~ Severcts-Oll- c·,,,._;,,.~ -(Tacoma, Wash) 2: 17. 6. 80mH,_ Crowder {Tenn St) 11. 4; Terry (Tenn St) 11. 4; Robertson , · · 1 "· (Spartan ' WC) 11. 4. ~ White (Chicago) 20 4½" (American record); S. · Smith (Chic~go) ',18'.8"; , 'i · · ·' · - . A: Smith (Tenn St) 18 1 611 ."HJ, Rogers (Tuskegee) 5'4"; Brown (NYPAL) 5'2¾". SP, Brown, (Spar- tan WC) 50'10}"; Shepherd (Mapleton, Oregon) 45'10". DT, Brown 176'10½" {Amctican .citi- t zen's re~ord); ·Connolly {Spartan WC) 172'4½"; Kurrcll (Laur .el TC~ 15!ts". JT, Oldham (San , Diego T&FA) 163'5½' 1 (American citizen's record); Scholler (Queens Mcrcurettes) 154'6¼" . STANFORD, CALIF., ALL-COMERS: July 9: Cobb (USN) 14. 6; Cassell (Houston) 9. 9, 21. 3; Peake (SCVYV) 1:53. 0; D 1Ri-0rdan (Idaho St) 9:12. 3 (2 miles); Balcomb (SCVYV} 14'; ~ Jongew9-ard (SCVXV) 175'9" . (HT); Daniel13 (SJS) 161'. July 16: Peake 4:_1•1:,-,9; Brown (SCVYV) , 4: 15. Sn; Palmer (SjS) 9. 7; Cassell 9. 7n, ·21. 3; Nieder (USA) 64'2" (64'10'' ~extra trial); Sil- - vcster . (USA) 60'9¼", 184 15"; ,Lewi~ (Oxy) 55'1", 160'1"; Jongewaard 175'1½"; Kimmell (SJS) 1 ' l 14'6"; Mattos (SCVYV) 14'6"; Wyatt (SCVYV) 6 9". July 23: Brpwn (SCYYV)A:12. 7; O'Riordan_ · 14:48. 9, (5,000); Silvester 60'2", 184'8"; Jongewaard 180'1" (HT); Mattos 14 16"; Wyatt -6 18". \l, ; . ORANGE COAST COLLEGE ALL-COMERS, Costa Mesa, , Calif., July 9: Soth (Stri.- ·""-.. ders) 4:22. 5, _ 14:35. 7 (3 miles); Wilkinson (Redlands) 243 11!"; Faust (Oxy) 6 16¾'\ r . -\ :,- ; LOS ANGELES ALL-COMERS, July 15: Robertson (Stridcrs) 4:21.1 , 9:31, 2;'Sermour 1 1 1 (Striders) 2~2J½'•~Faust .(Oxy) ,6 4"; Babka (Stridcrs) 188'2"; Humphries (Striders) 55 84 ", 186'8"; · Gorilicn (StridefS) 183~6½". · , , -.. ,_ LONG BEACH $fATE ALL-COMERS, Long Beach, Calif~, July 16: Smith {Oxy) 9. 7, , -~ r 1 ) ' .. '\·,,-\' . /l , ,:·1..,,. ,.,.· .. ,ii•'/'~"·' ,, ·, .~ ,) ~- n;" r·· . .. ,,e·•..\_\.;ifl"·,i t--l'Y'V.. /,•---1 '\.i<'~/\\ c,;··. > )' ·.,, ' I' .\':.'/ •. \. " ' (,:_ \ './ . !'•··,:<.,__\.,.·,.~:·;_:(-_ •, .' , .' , f I'. , l 'f _ 'J, / ~ \ _ f ,:·, ) · . •• \ " . ' . ; . - ·, I i . I . V . '- \' f' , , . j f ' • .\ \ , ' _, , _ \ I• ...I; ' • ' r '_,_ ~',-'· ' . l .<--\ 1 . i ; 22. •"1; -Soth·(Striders) 4r~_7. 4, 9.05. 2; Doofoy ..'.(Okla. ~$t) 15'; ·HW11phr~ys: (Strider -s)).S5 4''; Van , , ~ , .·: Kirk (Strider~ .) 23'7"; Ulric~ (UG-LA) 224'8". July ·23: So~h 13:46. 7 .(3 miles); ·'~ooerts9!1 (Stri- , 1 ,;:t ' • · 1 1 ~ , ,;, } _de~'sl}4: .22. On; Humphr~~ 55'9½", l78';t' '.; D6ole}' ~5'1"; -Ul#ch 2,2,0 2'\~ t ~j\.ndr ws _·(~ttide'r$) : ·• 1 I . 48,62 •, . ,, · 1 , . , .7 . 1 ,,._ . ' . , :,, r-· \· 1 ' ,l , , · ,, ' LO,S ANGELES ALL~COMERS, E. Lps Angeles .Stadium, July 22: Gordien (Sttiders) - . " .' _ :187'l_D.";hlurn~hre .ys (Striders) 54'8£'', !83' _1" (190'8" extra trial); Jµs:t (Stdders). _164'1!'; Pagani ~ , · ) · (NYAC} 186'.32 " (HT)., 54'11½"; Women's DT, Olga Gonnol~y 172'3½". Wilson Field, _ July 22: , r_ ;; ·•', / .1Wilspn (St:riders) 9. 8~ 2~. 5; Robertson (Striders) 9:18:4; Faust (Oxy) f4"; ;Morris -(Striders) 1 '\" . .. 14'6" S (S" 'd · )' 215'1':" • · , ," ' · -~ • ,,_1, ) ; · eymour .1.ri ers . a• • . ,.- , : ,.. .. ·.. _\· •1 .""/r. CANADIAN CHAMPIC>NSHIPSANI.} OLYMPIC TRIALS, Saskatoon, July 15-16: .lOOm, ' ', .r' Jerome 10; o (ties w9rld recm;q); Eves 10.4; Sho;r:t 10. 4 (10. 2w heat); Fisher-Smith 10. 5 (1-,0~4 ' ,. heat). 200, , Jerome ·21. 2, 400, Tobacco 46. 8. _ 800, Ohleman ,1:.51. 5; Leps; Mullins. 1500, ija-le~ (Great Britain) 3:4(V2; Irons 3: 51. :6; Kidd 3: 53. 5. 5, ·ooo, Ealc -sl.4:29~ 6. 10,000, ,Kyle-' 1 1 • ·,\t\<' ..c 32:25.7;Dick_son ,-~2:29. ,6~HSL_Smyth47:4'\ · .. · ~ · ,r,1 1 ( '• .DUISBURG;. GERMANY, Jtµy ~O: Kinder 47. 5; Lauer 14. 9; Janz 52. 3, . ,r-, l ' ' \ WORMS, GERMANY, July 9-10: Hary , 10.7; ..tca:ufm _ann 21,1; ,Schrniqt 1:1;7.6,. •. 1 1 FLENSBURG, GERMANY,July 9-10: Balke 1:51.2; Blatt l:51.6n; von '.\raltfer 3:47.4; Bohme 8:52. 8;.Riebensahm 6'7f'; Will -238'1½". · · ..- "' < Q ROSTOCK, ''GERMANY, July 10: 100m, Foik (Poland) _l0 ,.7. 200, Foik2}.,3. 400, ,C-su- - ~-tc toras (Hungary) 41. 3; Kl~rnbt 47. ~; ·storpr 4,7 .,5. aoo,Mafu~chcwski . 1: 5,2. 7;, Patsch ·(lI~ngary) 1 , i ~ 1:5~. 7; Makorn1~ski (Poland) 1:62. 8, -15PO, ..Rozsavolgyi (Hungary) 3:41\\1.; Hermann ~:41·. ~; ✓- qrodQtzki '3:41. ~; ,Kovacs (Hungary) 3:43. 2; Orywal (Poland) 3:43. 5.;.Jochman (P9land} 3:45. 5. .c • 5, ooo, Krzyszkowiak (Poland) 13;51. 8; Szabo (Hungary) 13:53. 4; Zirnny,(Poland) J3:57. O; ."' Honicke ! 13:58. 8. PV, Preussger 14'9f" • .Nz_Kropidlowski (Poland) 25'7½u; Gr~owski (Poland) . 25'¾". HSJ, Schmidt (Polan.d) 54'9tfl; Malchcrczyk (Poland) 52'. SP, Varju (Hungary) 60'4"; , Sorsgornik (Poland) 59'10t''; Nagy (Bungary) 59 1 5¾'', DT, Szescenyi (Hunga:cy) 191!4½"; Piat- • 'kows .11+(Poland) 186'½11;Grieser l 78t3½'\Begicr .(Poland) 178 '3"; Ku~l t 75'7½"; l<Iics (Hung~ry) . .,1 1 171'8 2 ". HT, Z~ivotzky (Hungary) 215'1 2 ''; Cscrmak (Hungary} 210 82 ", lJ¾Kruger 254 ~2 "; · Kulcs~r (Hungary) ~52'5 ;'; Ahrend 251't1½"~ Radziwonowicz (Poland) 249'4 2"; Sidlo (Poland) ' C 248'1.0½". 3000SG/Doring 8:46. 6; Dorner 8:49, 4; Chromik (Poland) 8: 51. 8; Sztwiertna (Poland) · · ., , -8: 52. 6; Hecker 8: 56. 8, · 1 ,./ _,_ . RUSSIAN CHAMPIONSHIPS, Moscow, July ~5: 10, 000., Bolotnlkov 29:·16 6; Desy ·atchik ~,v --~,,·\\,. 5 ·, .2-9:.18, O; Zalqlarpv ?9:19. 6;_Yefimov 29:21. 6; Zhukov 29:~2. o. BL_ Bolshov 6'10'8 "; Shavlakadze· 1 1 ~;; 6'8¾ll~Bulkin 6'8¾''; Khoroshilov 6'8¾!'-~ Lipsnis 57'4~"; Sprenk 56 7½'\J~ly 16:; 100m, 1 ' Osolin 10. 6; Bartenyev 10~ 7. 400, Grachev 47. 5; Matsulevis:h 47. 6. 1500; ' Mariphev 3;4Jl..9,; Artinyuk 3~47. 4·; Momot .kov 3:47. 6. Marathon, Yor.obye'{ 2:2~:16; Rumyanzev .2{29:59;:Sn:i1ipov 2: 30: 06. llOHH, A., {vtikhailqv 13.18; ijerezutsld.y 14. 2; Batrukh _14. 3 • ..filt_Te~-Ovannesyan ·, 1 25'7_½";.Bonctarenko -~5'6¼"; Cp,cn 2~'1'0_i". H11 Ru_de11~0v~ ,20'10u; Sanlot~v,cf:ov 213'5" ,; Boltov- ,, vr , · , skiy 21Q'2"; Ni~uli~ 209'-10½''; Bakarinov 207 3'\ July, 17: 3QOOSC,, Sokolov 8:36. 4~ Rznishchin ,., 8:36. 6; Konov 8: :n.O; Yevdokimov 8: 38. O; Ryepin 8:4'2. ·1. PV, Krasovskis 15'3-a'' (European l~ '. i ~ , -:i;ecord); Bulatov l,;l:'9t''; Gari:ri 14'5¼"; Cben10ba,y 14'5¼".

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