VICTORIA CtlO:-JS \,i.\r-.RRS—These six Catiadians are holders of the coveted Victoria Cross for conspicuous bravery in the face of the enemy. They were all decorated for action in the Second World War.—(CP Photo) Wooden Cross Vety Often Accompanies The Victoria Cross across 500 yards of open (By the Canadian Press) country to capture German jective."' They lost his medical file positions in the Hochwald "Our road was one long: for 10 years and when it was Forest. Calvary from start to finish," found, x-rays and other docu• he recalls. "We suffered loss• WIN IN POLITICS es at almost every step." ments were gone. Two officers captured at Now district manager for "That injury I got in train• Dieppe went on to post-war MacMffllaa Sales (Que.) Ltd., ing isn't mentioned and I political success. he lives comfortably at Lac can't prove it now," said They were Presbyterian Beauport. a resort north of Frederick Topham, 47, who Ch^lain John Weir Foote, Quebec City. earned the Victoria Cross at now 62, of Cobourg, Ont., He is president of the Que• the Rhine in 1945. Conservative member of the bec Lumbermen's Club and "I could if I could drum up Ontario legislature for Dur• active in the Inteiprovincial some of the men in my outfit ham from 1948 to 1959, and Student Exchange Service. but that's impossible." Lt.-Col. Cecil Merritt, now 57, John Keefer Mahony, now His outfit was the 1st Cana- Conservative MP for Vancou• 55, of London, Ont., was dian Parachute Battalion, ver Burrard from 1945 to wounded twice in 1944 defend• 1949. ing the Mefla River bridge• 'dropped by mistake into Mr. Foote, minister of On• head in Italy against two enemy lines in G e r m a ny tario reform institutions for counter-attacks. when an Allied transport ov• 10 years and now sheriff of Then a major, he retired ershot its mark March 25, Northumberland and Durham from the army three years 1945. counties, says he can't re• ago with the rank of lieuten• Sixteen Cana&ans won the member the VC action very ant-colonel. Victoria Cross during the Sec• well. As executive director of ond World War and eight died "Dieppe was such a long Junior Achievements of Lon• in the process. Topham came time ago." don Inc., he helps high school perilously close to a wooden He spent eight hours on the students learn how to run a cross himself. beach helping the wounded. business by establishing their He was among VC survi• He refused evacuation in own small manufacturing vors interviewed by The Ca• order to stay with them. He companies. nadian Press in a Cross-Can• spent the rest of the war nee• He says the VC may have ada Survey. dling Germans as a prisoner. had some intangible effect on After two medicai orderlies Lt.-Ool. Merritt won his VC his life but nothing he can were killed trying to reach Aug. 19, 1942, encouraging his pinpoint. one of the Canadian wounded, men to cross a bridge thick Ernest Alvia (Smoky) Topham went out to the man vidth Can.idian dead and lead• Smith, 52, was a private with under heavy fire. ing attacks on pillboxes. the Seaforth Highlanders KEPT ON THOUGH HIT Though twice wounded, he when he earned his VC in He was shot through the stayed behind to cover the Italy in 1944 by knocking out nose while giving the witiidrawal of his men. Taken a tank and two guns and driv• wounded soldier first aid, but jrisoner, he escaped in 1943 ing back 30 German infantry• carried liie man to shelter )y tunnelling under barbed men with an anti-tank gun. and kept working until the wire but was recaptured after He and a companion held a casualties were evacuated. four days. He was liberated position for two days untl Later, he rescued three by Americans in 1945. reinforcements bridged the men from a burning, explod• He was elected to Parlia• river behind them. ing Bren gun carrier under ment two months later. How did the VC affect his but it is the injury he re• Brig. Paul Triquet, now 57, post-war life? ceived in training at Fort was a captain with the Royal "That's a hell of a ques• Benning, Ga., that causes 22nd Regiment in late 1943 tion," said Smith, who with him to miss work occasion• when told to lead an attack his wife owns a part interest ally. on Germans entrenched at in a Vancouver travel He gets a disabihty pension Casa Berardi. agency. for a war-connected heart at• He recalls that both Ger• "Sometimes it was a great tack suffered in 1959 but the mans and Canadians stopped help, others it was a bloody training injury, not being doc• shooting to allow a young nuisance. umented, has brought nothing Italian woman_with two child• J^'A11_I can say is that it did but lost time. ren "to emerge breaffing' make al)ig diference in my" He is employed by Toronto from that earthly inferno." life but it's hard to put it into Hydro as ar emergency LOST 72 MEN words brandi worker. Like many other VGs, he Only nine of his 81 men sur• "I think I'll leave it all that. wouldn't discuss the award- vived the five-day battle that His wife Esther says winning action. For some, it ended .in success. Triquet wounds suffered in other bat• has become a dimming mem• wasn't scratched. tles don't bother him particu• ory they would like to forget. When he found his men sur• larly "but every once in a Lt.-Col. David V. Currie oc• rounded, he told them that while he picks some shrapnel casionally wakes at night, a the "surest path is to our ob- out of his chest." long-forgotten battle scene framed vividly in his mind. He cut off an escape route for Germans retreating from the Falaise pocket in France in a battle that lasted three > Your Stars %. days and four nights. By SIDNEY OMARR 'r ^ At the end, he fell asleep on Run August 18, Friday, 1967 WML opportunity, success. Invest \n your his feet. Saturday, August 19 own ideas, talents, products. Social The post-war period has "The wise man controls his destiny contacts prove fruitful. Astrology points the way." SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21): Ac• been kinder to Col. Currie ARIES (Mar. Jl to Apr. 19): Not cent on quick decisions, action. But ele• and other VCs than it has to wise to depend upon promises or ment of deception is present. Measure friends. Sticl< to familiar course. Those words. Don't commit yourself too quick• Cpl. Topham. loyal in the past remain so. Some who ly. Finalize deal which has been pend• Col. Currie, now 51, became approach with wild schemes should be ing. cast aside. Be sensible. the $17,450-a-year sergeant- SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21): at-arms m the House of Com• TAURUS (Apr. 20 lo May 20): Be Day features movement, journeys mes• conservateve. Take no unnecessary sages. Make meanings clear. Some tend mons in 1960, a job reserved chances. Don't gamble possessions. to misinterpret motives. Moil no letters for war heroes. Play cards close to chest. Accent on in anger. Some confusion exists among responsibility, obligations. Do what is relatives. LOST BOTH LEGS necessary. Maj. Frederick Tilston, now GEMINI {May 21 to June 20): Re• CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19): member health resolutions. Take care Avoid extravagance. Set good example. 60, was shot in the back, while of basic needs. Avoid extremes. Be You recently made money request. Now training in England and moderate. Long journey could well be others expect you to fulfill promises. put off to personal benefit. Means don't Do so. Advice from source at home blown up when his jeep ran reach too far afield. proves valid. Follow it. over a mine in France—all CANCER (June 21 fo July 22): Be AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18): Get before the VC action in Ger• honest with yourself concerning funds, ready to meet tests, challenges. Some investments. Know how far you want try to weigh you down with burdens. many that cost him both legs. to go, when to stop. Relations with But assert your freedom, independence. member of opposite sex require review. Those you helped in past try to take But the war proved to be no Key is to be realistic. advantage of you. more th.^n an interruption in LEO (July 23 to Aug. 22): Your de• PISCES (Feb. 19 to Mar. 20): Be dip• a successful business career. sire to expand is commendable. But be lomatic. If you extend hand of friend• sure you have necessary material. ship it is accepted. Otherwise you in• He retm-ned in 1946 to Stir• Showmanship is fine. But you also re• vite difficulties. Special activity with ling Drug Ltd. of Windsor, quire solid backing. Some close to you associates, co-workiers is favored. Ont., and became president of may be hesitant. Find out now. IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22): May he you ore forceful, dynamic and indepen• the firm in 1957. dififcult to put finger on basic project. dent. Follow through on original ideas. Both his legs were amputat• Some things appear to slip away. Be That's your road to fulfillment, success. patient. What you seek tends to come Current cycle favors romance, travel.
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