iili!81iii*#«- ifB§§! <Mm ^iiSS/K©fiSSltfSSifgififiyiSi!^ '*' •!,:/«8!; »« «SS!i£!6«Wto:5":»:"S-1. •• m Ministry Ministryls the international journal of the Seventh-day Adventist Ministerial Association and lias been published since 1928. Association Secretary James A. Cress Editor Emeritus J. Robert Spangler How shall we keep the Sabbath? Editor Jesus© view of Sabbath and Sabbathkeeping and its implications Willmore D. Eva International Advisors Assistant Editor A. Abdulmaitd, Alejandra Button, for contemporary Christians Julia W.Norcott Jaime Castrejon, Oae Yuti Cho, Walton Whaiey, Ekkehardt Mueller, John Brunt Editorial Assistant Joel Musvosvi, Peter Roenfeldt, Sfseiia Draper William 0. Scales, Jr., Heikki Silvet, © Professional Growth and John Willmott, Eric Winter Inter-clmrch Relations Nikoiaus Satelmajer Pastoral Advisors Leslie Batimgartner, S. Peter - Contributing Editors Campbell, Michael Cema, Jeanne lashed to the mast Sharon Cress Hartwell, Mitohell Henson, Greg . Rex D. Edwards Nelson, Morma Osborn, Leslie Continuing education feature: why and how to W. Duncan Eva Pollard, Dan Smith, Steve Misey.© Walter L Pearson, jr. remain pastoring when you feel like leaving Joel Sarli Advertising Kit Watts David VanDenburgh Ministry Editorial Office Pastoral Assistant Editors John C. Cress Cover Design Fredrick Russell Trent Truman - -; Maylao Schurch 13 Loren Se/oold HAD Subscriptions Steve Hanson Sabbath: nailed to the cross? Consulting Editors A provocative and enlightening expository study of Colossians 2:14-17 Matthew Bediako, Bob Bretsch, Overseas Subscriptions Ben Ciausen, Raoul Dederen, Mrasfry Editorial Office William E. Richardson Teofiio Ferreira, Ron Flowers, Robert Folkenberg, John M. Book Reviews: Andy McRae Fowler, Roland Hegstad, Kathleen Resources: Catherine Payne Kuntaraf, Robert Peach, Seorge Special Protects: Martin Weber 16 Reid, Angel Rodriguez, Penny Tape ot the Month: Norman Yeargen, Shell, William Shea, Russell Cover Photo: Joel Springer The Sabbath and salvation (part 1) Staples, Richard Tibbits, Edward ZinKe Insights into how Old Testament Sabbath typologies To Writers: We welcome unsolicited manuscripts. Editorial evoke images of God©s redemptive work in Christ preference is to receive manuscripts on diskette with name, address, telephone number, fax, and Social Security number Samuele Bacchiocchi (if US citizen). Send all editorial correspondence to 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Soring, MD 20904-6600. Telephone: 301-680-6510; Fax: 301-680-6502; E-mail: 19 74532,2425 or 74617,3610 (editorial offices). Writer©s Guidelines available on request. Gospel and the Sabbath Subscriptions: US$26.95 or $39.95 (airmail) for 12 issues Themes of the gospel portrayed in the heartbeat of the Sabbath worldwide, single copy US$2.50. To order, send name, address, and payment to Subscription Desk, 55 West Oak John M. Fowler Ridge Drive, Hagerstown, MD 21740 or to the Editorial Office. Subscription queries and changes of address: Call toll-free 1-800-456-3991 Or 301-791-7000, ext 2436, or fax 301- 22 791-5018 The meaning and role of the Sabbath Ministry, (ISSN 0026-5314), the international journal of the ©. An interview/conversation on the redemptive meanings of the Seventh-day Adventist Ministerial Association 1997, is published monthly by the General Conference of Seventh-day Sabbath and the Sabbath©s role in the life of the church Adventists and printed by the Review and Herald Publishing Will Eva with Roy Branson, Andy McRae, and Charles Scriven Association, 55 West Oak Ridge Drive, Hagerstown, MD 21740. Member Associated Church Press. Standard mail postage paid at Hagerstown, MD. This publication is available in microfilm from University Microfilms Interna 26 tional. Call toll-free 1-800-521-3044. Or mail inquiry to: The forgotten key to effective leadership University Microfilms International, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, Ml 48106. PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. Second in a five-part series on pastoral leadership Vol. 70 Number 5 Doug Burrell Bible credits: Scripture quotations marked MASB are from the Hex American Stanford Bible, copyright The Lodcman Foundation 1960, 1962,1963,1968,1971,1972,1973,1975,1977. Bible texts credited to New Jerusalem are from The New Jerusalem Bible, copyright 1985 by Carton, Longman & Todd, Ltd., and Qoubleday & Company, Inc. Reprinted by permission. Texts credited to NIV are from the Holy Bible, IN EVERY 1 S S U New International Version, copyright 1973,197S, 1984, International Bibie Society. Uses" by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers. Bible texts credited to Pniliips are from J. B. Philtrps; The Mew Jestsment iff . Modem Enffsh, Revised Edition. ©J. B. Phillips 19SS, 1960; 1972. Used by permission of Macmillan Publishing Co. Bible texfs.credtted to RSV are.. from tBe Revised Standard Version of the Bibie, copyright J946> 1952, 3 Letters 28 Pastor©s pastor 1971, by the Division of chrisfiarrEdueatiffli of ©tfte tMiomlSoimfil©ol tfer©© Churches of Christ En the USA Used by permission. Texts credited to RV 1 are from the Revised Version, Oxford University Press, 1311/Sdnptafe 4 Editorial © quotations credited to CEVare frontthe Contemporary English Version,©- ©©. 30 Resources " copyright American Bible Society^ 1991,1995. Used by permission.. -> © Texts credited to NKJV-are from the New KIn$ James VersioRr Copyright , .1979,1980,19S2, Thomas-Nelson, Inc., Publishers: © © © - 2 Ministry/May 1997 Homosexuals and the church articles that appear in it are very disturb A partnership in ministry I am very impressed with your ing. Homosexuality may be a staggering Before Rex Edwards composes November 1996 issue. I believe it presents problem in the U.S.A. However, because another article dealing with partnership a balanced, compassionate viewpoint. Ministry is an international journal, it in ministry (March 1997), it is vigorously Thank you for your courage! should address only issues that are suggested that he peruse the Vatican II May I, however, be allowed to push at international in nature. To us in India, Decree on the Apostolate Of The Laity if the boundaries? I have to say I sensed a talking about homosexuality itself is a he plans to draw any conclusions about willingness to extend the ministry of the shameful act. Even ordained ministers the Roman Catholic approach to the church to those homosexuals who are speaking openly about [a] homosexual life subject. The reference he makes to St. wanting to live by biblical principles, but does not speak well of our church. Pius X, as well as to Yves Congar, O.P., not the desire to reach out to those who, We have no such problem either in the requires recognition of context. The because of their particular pain, confu Christendom or the outside world. I do not retort of a certain monsignor to Cardinal sion, and feelings of alienation, are not at say that it is absent, but it is not a necessity Manning in 1857 hardly qualifies as a that point. I am thinking especially of the for pastors to be exposed to this issue. theological criteria.—Robert Buholzer, many wonderful people I know who are I am happy to see the articles that are pastor, St. Mary's Parish, Palmyra, part of Kinship. Many of them have been found in the December issue. We like to Wisconsin. deeply hurt by the church, or by their read more articles on eschatological issues parents in the name of the church. Yet than on the mechanics of Christian life.— Feed my different sheep they still long to be part of the church. S. Paulraj, Director, Stewardship Minis I'm always wary of personality True, we cannot compromise our moral tries, Karnataka section, South India groupings but was a little stunned when I beliefs to accommodate their lifestyle, but Union Section, Bangalore, India. got to the Phlegmatics—largely me to a T must we treat them as the "enemy"? (January 1997). I nearly looked at the It seems to me that by refusing to speak • The November articles on homosexual author's name again to see if he knew me! to them when we have prison ministries ity offered a beautiful balance between the The article left me thinking. And I'm sorry and other outreaches of that type, we send twin necessities of loving the sinner and not to have promptly congratulated you on a very clear signal that they are not wanted hating the sin. The Kinship philosophy as the music articles last year. The finest set by the church. It is because they perceive well as the civil intolerance of the I've read.—John, a layperson from the themselves as despised outcasts that they Religious Right were equally opposed. United Kingdom. turn to organizations like Kinship or join I am fascinated, however, by the local other churches where they can find the impact of this discussion on the long- Empty churches or ministering centers? unconditional love they so desperately debated issues of sin and salvation within Just a note of appreciation to Ministry need. We must learn to meet them where the church. The following statement by for the inclusion of Will McCall's article, they are and love them into the church. John Cress was typical: "Only in the arena "Empty Churches or Ministering I also want to say that the cover moved of moral choices and behavioral responses Centers?" (January 1997). Our church me deeply. I had to tell you that because to one's inclination is sin or the resistance could be cited as Case Study No. X I'm sure you will get plenty of criticism for of it possible by God's grace. Inclination among those the author included. After it!—Kate McLaughlin. alone does not constitute sin" (p. 8). 30 years of smalmess, our congregation is Perhaps the long-term benefit of these facing some very difficult decisions. At • I just want you to know how great (and articles is that more than one taboo subject times like these it's difficult to separate needed!) the whole November issue was.
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