fM i .A JL a SUPPORT THE OUTING CLUB ®ht Nntt fenmsbtrr Volume 16.— Issue 17. DURHAM, N. H., FEBRUARY 4, 1926. Price, 10 Cents LITERARY CONTEST WINTER CARNIVAL SPIRIT GRIPS H00PMEN BEAT PLANS UNDERWAY A WORTHWHILE INVESTMENT UNIVERSITY AS EVENT DRAWS NEAR SPRINGFIELD “Y ” Inter-Collegiate Competition Opens The drive for membership in the New Hampshire Outing Club New Field for Literary Activity— is on. It has been withheld, pending the arrival of an honest-to- Outplay Opponents in Vermont, Maine and New Hamp­ goodness snow storm. The snow has come and is here to stay, for Enthusiasm Increases as Plans Near Completion shire Co-operate Close Speedy Contest the carnival at least. The one question in the mind of the Outing Transportation Facilities to and from Ski Jump Club is “Will the Club receive adequate financial support from each LOSE TO MASS. AGGIES Plans are now being made for an and every individual ? TRIANGULAR SKI AND SNOWSHOE MEET FEATURE intercollegiate literary contest in The Carnival Committee has made extensive plans for the biggest New Hampshire Men Drop First which the undergraduates of the Uni­ and best Winter Carnival ever held here. One of the main attractions Carnival Expected to Draw Biggest Crowd of Year— Athletes from Dart­ Game of Year— Craig and Davis versity of Maine, the University of will be an Ice Carnival, to be held on the night of the Ball. In mouth, Williams, Connecticut, Mass. Aggies, and New York Uni­ Star on Week-end Trip to Mass­ Vermont and the University of New addition athletes from Williams, Dartmouth, Connecticut, and New versity to Participate in Holiday Events— Gym to Have Set­ achusetts Hampshire are eligible to take part. York will be here to piarticipate in the scheduled events. The pro­ ting of Chinese Temple Rules governing the competition have gram is most complete. Something has been planned for every The varsity basketball team won been drafted tentatively by Professor minute of the two days set aside for the carnival. a hard fought victory over Spring­ Plans for the biggest and best Win­ events. The feature of the holidays H. M. Ellis, of the University of All these things cost money. The Administration Committee field College, Saturday night, at Maine; and as soon as they have been ter Carnival ever held at the Univer­ will be a unique Ice Carnival, to be has already appropriated more money than it can afford for the main­ Springfield after losing to Mass. g- finally approved, they will be pub­ sity are nearly completed. They held the night of the Carnival Ball. tenance of winter sports. At Dartmouth and Williams all winter gies Friday. New Hampshire held a lished. await only the sanction of the faculty Exhibition skaters will be on hand to slight lead all the way in the Spring­ It may be stated at this time) that sports expenses are assumed by the Outing Club. The New Hamp­ committee to become official. Athletes show their wares. The Pond will be field encounter with the exception of the types of writing to be represent­ shire Outing Club does not ask that the students assume the entire from Dartmouth, Williams, Connect­ decorated with lighting effects and the early minutes of play and won by ed in the contest are the short story, expense of the carnival. It merely calls for the support that is icut, New Yory University, and Mass. igloos will be built along the shore. four points, 26-22. The game was the essay, and poetry. needed and asks that the students share in the expense. Aggies will participate in the various Transportation facilities have been Springfield’s first defeat on its home Each of the universities concerned Funds are necessary for a successful carnival. The only way games which will go to make the car­ provided for. Bus service to and floor. has contributed the sum of fifty dol­ that the Club can secure these funds is through the students. An nival a huge success. All that is from the ski jump will begin at The varsity was slow in getting lars toward the purchasing of prizes Outing Club membership ticket will admit the holder to all the winter necessary now is the assurance of the twelve-forty five and will continue started, Springfield running up an enthusiastic and undivided support of for the successful contestants in each sports events that are scheduled at present. The Club is asking until two o’clock. There will also be advantage of 7-2 in the early part. the student body for the Club. of the three fields of writing. for one dollar from every student and every member of the faculty. a special bus service between Dur­ Davis made two baskets before Coach This is the first time that the Uni­ In view of the fact that the two ham and Dover. The dollars should come rolling in without any difficulty. Without Cowell decided to make a shift in the versity of New Hampshire has par­ days set aside for the Carnival have The plans for the Carnival are am­ a ticket the spectators will be charged admission to the various forwards, taking out Bridge and Da­ ticipated in a literary competition been declared House Party days, a bitious. Not a thing has been left events. These single admission charges will exceed the cost of three vis in favor of Cotton and Craig. with its friendly rivals, the Univer­ holiday has been declared by the fac­ out. Not a minute of the days will Craig at once made known his pres­ sity of Maine and the Unversity of membership tickets in the Outing Club. Therefore it is to the ad­ ulty committee. The Carnival will be wasted. There will be something ence by tossing in a couple of one- Vermont; and since all undergrad­ vantage to the student body and faculty to join the club by investing officially begin on Friday afternoon doing from opening time until the handed shots to put New Hampshire uates in our institution are eligible— one dollar in a membership ticket. with the ski proficiency event. A var­ last gun has been fired on Sunday into a 12-10 lead as the first half end­ the students of agriculture and of en­ A financial committee headed by John Cassily, ’26, has been sity hockey game with Mass. Aggies evening. The Ball will be the social ed. He continued his brilliant work in gineering as well as those of the lib­ appointed. The fraternities and dormitories will be canvassed. has been added to the schedule of event of the season. The Shepard the fast second half, caging two more eral arts—the contest seems worthy Audited accounts of the money handled will be made; you are assured Colonial orchestra has been secured. field goals and two fouls. Later in of genuine support. that the money will be expended both efficiently and economically. The gym will be decorated in a Chi­ the same half Davis again entered It behooves every student to line up squarely behind the Club in its OUTING CLUB nese Temple effect, the affair will be the contest as a back, when Nicora strictly costume, and no stags will be biggest enterprise and lend support by buying a ticket and joining was put out on four personal fouls. allowed. the organization. His first act was to drop in a long and 1927 GRANITE OUT STARTS DRIVE The committee has even gone to difficult shot. The varsity scored an BY FIRST OF APRIL The Outing Club needs the cooperation, the whole hearted support the trouble of providing entertain­ of everyone. COME ACROSS. ONE DOLLAR buys your way to eight-point margin and led, 23-18. Dynamite and Artillery ment for the visitors in case the car­ Springfield rallied but could not over­ Earliest That Year Book Has Ever the best time of the year. nival cannot be held due to the lack come the edge. Appeared— Junior Write-ups Near­ Feature Opening Night of sufficient snow. Tea dances are Coach Cowell’s team outplayed the ly Completed— Wit and Original­ scheduled for Friday and Saturday Bay State men in all departments in ity Features CARNIVAL NEEDS FUNDS afternoons. A special picture will be the second period. Their passing shown at the Franklin Theatre. and shooting was better. They were The 1927 Granite is progressing COxMMONS FIRE Support Must Come from Student Costumes for the Carnival Ball can alert in breaking up the Springfield’s steadily, and every indication tends to CHAMPIONSHIPS CAUSE FOR SCARE Body if Carnival Is to Be Success— be secured through the local agents passing game. The entire contest was show that the year book will be Lake Placid Trip Not Yet Paid of the Brown Co. of Portland, or fast from start to finish. The de­ ready for distribution by the begin­ AT WILLIAMS Smoking Oil Stoves Start General For Hooker and Howe of Haverhill. fense and offense of both sides form­ ning of the spring term. This will be Stampede— No Serious Develop­ A word to the wise is sufficient. the earliest that any Granite has ever ing quickly, with the result that ments in Incident The Outing Club membership drive Buy your tickets early to the gala appeared on the campus. there was action every minute. Cap­ Winter Sports Team in started with a bang at 8.30 Monday event of the year. Only a limited The Junior write-ups are practical­ tain Crawley of Springfield played Qualification Events On last Wednesday night, between night. Students were rudely dis­ number will be sold as extensive pre­ ly complete and according to those in (Continued on Page 3) 9 arid 9.30, there was much alarm and turbed from their studies by explos­ parations have been made for dec­ close touch with the work they will CHANCES HURT BY WEATHER moi-6 excitement at the Commons.
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