Nov. 21 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2005 and Afghan citizens who defied the terror- has established to assist countries that gov- ists to cast their ballots. We see it in the ern justly, invest in their people, and pro- bravery of ordinary Lebanese who waved mote economic freedom. My administration cedar flags and drove an occupying power is committed to working with your country from their borders. And we’ve seen it in to complete a Millennium Challenge com- the daily courage of the Mongolian people pact as soon as possible and to help the who claimed their freedom 15 years ago Mongolian people continue on the path of and are now standing with others across reform. the world to help them do the same. Next year, your country will celebrate the As you help others secure the blessings 800th anniversary of the founding of Mon- of liberty, you continue the work of build- golia. There’s a legend of a Mongolian ing a free society here at home, and as woman who gave each of her five sons an you travel this path, the United States walks arrow. She told each to break the arrow with you. Earlier this year, I announced in his hand, which they did. She then tied a new Solidarity Initiative to provide finan- the five arrows together, and told each to cial assistance to nations like Mongolia that try and break the bundle. None could do are standing with America in the war on it. And she told them, brothers who stand terror. Mongolia will receive $11 million alone like single arrow shafts can be broken under this initiative, critical funds to help by anyone, but brothers who stand together you improve your military forces so we can like a bundle of arrows cannot be broken. continue working together for the cause of Today, Mongolia and the United States are peace and freedom. standing together as brothers in the cause Mongolia has undertaken political and of freedom. And if free nations remain economic reforms. You have now held nu- united, no force of tyranny or terror will merous free elections and two peaceful break us. transitions of power from one party to an- I’ve come here to thank you for your other, which is a sign of a successful de- contributions to freedom’s cause and to tell mocracy. This year, Mongolia ratified the you that the American people appreciate United Nations Convention against Corrup- your courage and value your friendship. tion, and I urge your Parliament to pass And on behalf of all Americans, ikh the anticorruption legislation needed to im- bayarlalaa. And may God bless your won- plement that treaty. After decades of cen- derful country. Thank you very much. tralization, you privatized more than 80 percent of Mongolia’s state enterprises, and the Mongolian economy grew at a rate of NOTE: The President spoke at 2:13 p.m. in more than 10 percent last year. the Conference Hall at the Government In recognition of your progress, Mongolia House. In his remarks, he referred to Presi- has been named a country eligible for as- dent Nambaryn Enkhbayar and his wife, sistance under the Millennium Challenge Onongiin Tsolmon, and Prime Minister Account, a new program the United States Tsakhia Elbegdorj of Mongolia. Joint Statement Between Mongolia and the United States of America November 21, 2005 President George W. Bush and President longstanding friendship between the United Nambaryn Enkhbayar today reaffirmed the 1758 VerDate Nov 24 2008 15:10 May 27, 2009 Jkt 206693 PO 00000 Frm 00590 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\206693A.020 206693A cprice-sewell on PROD1PC72 with HEARING Administration of George W. Bush, 2005 / Nov. 21 States of America and Mongolia and com- The two presidents reviewed the work mitted to defining guiding principles and being conducted under the Trade and In- expanding the framework of the com- vestment Framework Agreement (TIFA) to prehensive partnership between their two promote bilateral trade and investment, and democratic countries based on shared val- expressed the hope that this will lead to ues and common strategic interests, as de- a closer bilateral economic and trade rela- clared in the Joint Presidential Statement tionship. of July 15, 2004. Recognizing the potential threat to On behalf of the American people, Presi- human health posed by avian and other dent Bush expressed his appreciation for forms of influenza, the two presidents the outpouring of sympathy and generous agreed on the importance of bilateral and financial assistance from the government multilateral cooperation in the International and people of Mongolia for the victims of Partnership on Avian and Pandemic Influ- Hurricane Katrina. President Bush wel- enza. comed Mongolia’s progress toward becom- President Bush and President Enkhbayar ing a mature and stable democracy, which underscored their strong commitment to observes human rights and civil liberties, fight terrorism, which undermines inter- and a private sector-led free market econ- national peace and security. President Bush omy. applauded Mongolia’s participation in the He congratulated the people of Mon- stabilization and reconstruction of Afghani- golia, on behalf of the American people, stan and Iraq, including its peacekeeping for qualifying for eligibility for the Millen- commitment to the Multinational Force in nium Challenge Account, and looked for- Iraq. The United States and Mongolia ward to the successful conclusion of a agreed to continue working to advance Compact that will reduce poverty through Mongolia’s contribution to international economic growth and reflect the Govern- peace support efforts. ment of Mongolia’s commitment to contin- They also agreed that the establishment ued political and economic reform. Mindful of a free, democratic Iraq is important to of the role that rule of law, good govern- democracy, peace and stability in the Mid- ance, transparency, and public sector ac- dle East and the United Nations should countability play in building democracy and play a leading role in the process. The two prosperity, the two presidents welcomed leaders underlined the importance of multi- Mongolia’s recent ratification of the UN lateral cooperation and, in this context, Convention Against Corruption. agreed on the need to pursue reform of The two presidents agreed to work to- the United Nations as a means to improv- gether to facilitate Mongolia’s participation ing its effectiveness. President Bush and in regional and international political, eco- President Enkhbayar also emphasized the nomic and financial structures. They also importance of implementing the September agreed to enhance their cooperation against 2005 Joint Statement on the all forms of organized, transnational crime, denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, to include trafficking in people, counter- issued by the members of the Six Party feiting, money-laundering, and terrorist fi- Talks. nancing. President Bush welcomed Mongo- The two presidents affirmed the value lia’s support for the Proliferation Security of educational and cultural exchanges to en- Initiative to halt the spread of weapons of hance understanding between the citizens mass destruction (WMD) and for its com- of the two countries and agreed to promote mitment to sign and ratify the UN Conven- people-to-people exchanges and educational tion against Transnational Organized Crime. cooperation. President Bush also expressed 1759 VerDate Nov 24 2008 15:10 May 27, 2009 Jkt 206693 PO 00000 Frm 00591 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\206693A.020 206693A cprice-sewell on PROD1PC72 with HEARING Nov. 21 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2005 appreciation for the ratification of the bilat- of the U.S.-Mongolia relationship, based on eral International School of Ulaanbaatar mutual respect and equitable partnership, Agreement which will help to ensure the and reaffirmed that such growth will be availability of high quality, U.S.-accredited in the national interest of both countries. education for its students. The presidents noted the successful and positive contribu- tion of the Peace Corps program in Mon- golia. NOTE: An original was not available for The two presidents stated their expecta- verification of the content of this joint state- tions for the continued and steady growth ment. Memorandum on the National Flood Insurance Program November 21, 2005 Memorandum for the Secretary of the Treasury in excess of $3.5 billion, but Homeland Security not to exceed $18.5 billion, for the National Subject: National Flood Insurance Program Flood Insurance Program and am hereby granting approval for you to do so. I have reviewed your request for ap- proval to issue notes to the Secretary of GEORGE W. BUSH Remarks at the Thanksgiving Turkey Presentation Ceremony November 22, 2005 Thank you all. Welcome to the White I’m going to grant a pardon this after- House. Thank you for coming this after- noon, and the pardon I grant comes with noon. It’s a pleasure to be able to introduce a new measure of responsibility and fame you, soon, to the National Thanksgiving for Marshmallow and Yam. In the past Turkey. His name is Marshmallow. [Laugh- years, the turkeys I spared went on to lead ter] The alternative turkey’s name is Yam. lives of leisure at Frying Pan Park in the [Laughter] He’s around here somewhere. State of Virginia. This year is going to be He’s not going to be in this room. He’s a little different. Marshmallow and Yam in a pickup truck hanging out by the South were a little skeptical about going to a place Lawn. [Laughter] called Frying Pan Park. I don’t blame them. So I’m proud to announce that This is what we call—the White House Marshmallow and Yam will serve as hon- is called the people’s house, and we’re orary grand marshals at Disneyland’s going to call Marshmallow and Yam the Thanksgiving Day Parade.
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