GENERAL CHURCH PAPER OF THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS The Blue Mountains of India Calling By E. L. SORENSEN, President, South India Union IGH UP in the Nilgiris, or Blue tribe have a number of different the- the first of the creatures of God, Mountains, of South India, are ories regarding their origin. Some say therefore are superior to others of the H a number of aboriginal tribes. they are from the "lost tribes" of Israel human race. Essentially they are pan- These tribes are most interesting in because they resemble the Jews in theists, although they are slowly their customs and habits. It has been appearance. Others say they are the adopting Hinduism and the worship very difficult to reach them with the descendants of Pandavas because they of Hindu deities. gospel, for they seem to be satisfied practice polyandry, although the The Todas, as well as the other with the way in which they have been practice is now dying out. Others say tribes—such as Badagas and Kodas living for centuries. Among these they are Aryans, but no one has been —seem to be dying out even though tribes are the Todas. They are a tall, able to say exactly where they orig- the government is doing much to pre- well built, light-colored people. Their inated. However, reliable records tell serve these races of people. origin is shrouded in mystery. us that these people have been in Some years ago one of our mission- The anthropologists who have made these hills for more than eight hun- aries, E. D. Wilmott, while working a special study of this interesting dred years, and they believe they are in the Blue Mountains was successful in converting a fine family from among the Todas. Today Pastor Ko- dan and his family are working faith- fully as missionaries to their own peo- ple. Not long ago I received word from Pastor Kodan concerning a man on a tea estate who was very inter- ested in opening a dispensary. So, as soon as it could be arranged, we made (Turn to page 25) 0. W. LANGE PHOTOS This beautiful avenue of betel palms lines the roadway leading into the Blue Mountains of South India, a most interesting and historic section of this country, A group of Todas tribespeople of the Blue Mountains standing in front of their homes. They are a tall and light-colored people, whose origin is shrouded in mystery. VOL. 134, NO. 39 SEPTEMBER 26, 1957 109th Year of Continuous Publication Vol. 134, No. 39 September 26, 1957 FOR THE WEEK o 14 [Based on phrases in well-known hymns.—Enrroas.] COVER The Blue Mountains of India Calling "Christ Is the Path, GENERAL ARTICLES Page 3 and Christ the Prize" Jesus, the Greatest Prophet—On the Religious Front—When Caught in a Bad Business Deal—Moses Young and Others Return "In twenty-five words or less" has been the EDITORIALS Page 9 lure used by national advertisers in their offer A Resolute Remnant of Millerism—A Word of Caution of fabulous prizes to successful competitors SABBATH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Page 10 in their popular contests. The rewards range SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON HELP Page 11 from small fortunes to new automobiles, or Abraham, Friend of God, Part 2 from a trip to Europe to a year's supply of OUR HOMES Page 12 groceries. Hundreds of thousands enter these Teaching Children to Be Quiet in Church—Jerusalem Captured—A Typical contests, but comparatively only a few win Request for Prayer, and an Answer the awards. FOR ADVENTIST YOUTH AND JUNIORS Page 14 E. W. Lawrence in a current War Cry Echoes From Marble Halls—Youth in the News—Believe It or Not—Trapped! points out the interesting thought that the FEATURE ARTICLE OF THE WEEK Page 16 greatest of the gospel texts, John 3:16, holds The Voice of Prophecy Speeds the Message the richest, finest, and most secure reward TO YOUR HEALTH Page 18 ever offered man. Note that it contains only Emotional Maturity—Mental Health twenty-five words, yet presents the utmost ex- NEWS FROM HOME AND ABROAD Page 19 pression of God's best gift to man: "For God Soul-winning Experiences in Nigeria—Progress in the Brazil Food Factory— so loved the world, that he gave his only The Turks and Caicos Islands—Growth at Moulmein, Burma—Texico Confer- begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in ence Camp Meeting—Vacation Bible Schools in Takoma Park, Maryland— Retreat Held for Our Servicemen in Korea—Nebraska Camp Meeting Ordina- him should not perish, but have everlasting tion—Burlington, Vermont, Ingathering Trio—Florida Camp Meeting—West life." Virginia Camp Meeting—School of X-ray Technology—A New Book—In Brief The love that leads to life eternal gave us —In Remembrance—Notices—Church Calendar for 1957 the commandments, that in obedience we POETRY might demonstrate our love to Him who Whisperings Divine, p. 6; The Empty Nest, p. 12 has redeemed us. It was God's love that pro- vided our Example in the life of Jesus on earth. Love provided the sacrifice for sin on Calvary. The scriptures of truth were pre- served by love for man's counsel and com- fort. And in countless ways God's love is demonstrated by His providences in human life. In twenty-five words or less love makes the FRANCIS DAVID NICHOL, Editor invitation: "Come now, and let us reason FREDERICK LEE, Associate Editor KENNETH H. WOOD, JR., Assistant Editor together, saith the Lord: though your sins R. R. FIGUHE, A. L. HAM, H. L. RUDY, Consulting Editors be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow" J. L. MCELHANY, Contributing Editor Paoausz IC.Loss SHERMAN, Editorial Secretary (Isa. 1:18). In a similar complement of SPECIAL CONTRIBUTORS words are couched many of the great prom- ises. No greater prize can we seek than the C. H. WATSON, W. H. BRANSON, W. R. BEACH D. E. REBOK, C. L. TORREY, L. K. DICKSON, W. B. OOHS, A. V. OLSON, E. D. DICK, PRESIDENTS OF ALL DIVISIONS hope of Rev. 21:7: "He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his "IN BRIEF" CORRESPONDENTS God, and he shall be my son." The fleeting, OVERSEAS: AUSTRALASIA: R. R. FRAME; FAR EASTERN: C. P. SORENsEN; INTER-AMERICA: CLYDE 0. FRANZ; MIDDLE EAST: FLORA OSLUND; NORTHERN EUROPE: G. D. KING; SOUTH AMERICA: L. H. OLSON; ephemeral prizes obtained through elimina- SOUTHERN AFRICA: W. DUNCAN EVA; SOUTHERN ASIA: J. F. ASHLOCK; SOUTHERN EUROPE: MARIUS FRIDLIN tive competitions lose their luster in the glow NORTH AMERICAN UNIONS: ATLANTIC: MISS LAURA M. DROWN; CANADIAN: MRS. EVELYN M. BOwLES; CENTRAL: of eternal rewards like these, obtainable by MRS. CLARA ANDERSON; COLUMBIA: DON A. ROTH; LAKE: MRS. MILDRED WADE; NORTHERN: L. H. NETTEBuRC; NORTH PACIFIC: MRS. IONE MORGAN; PACIFIC: MRS. MARGARET FOLLETT; SOUTHERN: MISS ANITA MARTIN; the humblest follower of God. SOUTHWESTERN: H. E. SCHNEIDER H. M. TIPPETT To OUR CONTRIBUTORS As the chronicler of the history of the church, the attend and the name of their pastor or local elder. REVIEW is always interested in reports with pictures All manuscripts should be typed, double spaced. of important happenings—church dedications, camp and with adequate margins. Use only one side of meetings, evangelistic meetings, and other news- paper. Carbon copies are never acceptable. worthy events. Please send reports promptly. An out- In harmony with standard editorial practice, un- of-date report is not news, and is not acceptable for solicited manuscripts cannot be returned unless a publication. Also, the REVIEW, as the church pastor stamped, addressed envelope is sent with them. The in print, is interested in articles that make clear a REVIEW does not pay for unsolicited material. doctrine, offer practical counsel on how to live a holy All manuscripts submitted for publication and all life, et cetera. Copies of manuscripts sent to other communications relating to the editorial department journals cannot be used. Lay members should identify should be addressed to: Editor, Review and Herald, One is never more on trial than in the themselves by giving the name of the church they Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. moment of excessive good fortune.—Lew Wallace. CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT CIRCULATION MANAGER R. J. CHRISTIAN The man whose wants are few is the man one year six months Subscription rate: most likely to be carrying a light heart.-- In United States and Canada $6.50 $3.40 In countries requiring extra postage 7.00 3.65 William Reed Huntington. Make all post office money orders payable at the Washington, D.C. post office (not Takoma Park). Address all business communications and make all drafts and express money orders payable to REVIEW AND HERALD, Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. In changing address, give both the old and new address and allow four weeks for the change. It is a great deal better to live a holy life than to talk about it. Lighthouses do Published by the Seventh-day Adventists. Printed every Thursday by the Review and Herald Publishing Association at Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C., U.S.A. Entered as second-class matter August 14, 1903, at not ring bells and fire cannons to call at- the post office at Washington 12, D.C., under Act of Congress, March 3, 1879. Vol. 134, No. 39. tention to their shining. They just shine.-- Copyright © 1957 by the Review and Herald Publishing Association. Moody. 2 REVIEW AND HERALD Jesus, the Greatest Prophet By LESLIE HARDINGE Moses was the first writer of the of the same; that through death he might Fulfillment: Matt.
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