Fall 2020 Fr. Joe Moriarty, Rector “Back home again in Indiana!” These words have been in the hearts of our 23 returning students, with 10 new stu- dents who started seminary August 17, 2020. These 33 young men representing nine dioceses in the Midwest, are a sign of hope and life that even amid the pandemic, we carry-on. Sadly, last March, we had to bring the semester to an abrupt halt when our country was faced with the difficulty of COVID-19. In light of spirit in our building is strong and the students are the fact that there was not much closure for the delighted to be back even if embracing COVID students who went home in March, we had them norms of social distancing and mask wearing. back the last weekend of June, when the Indiana Due to various COVID protocols, we have numbers were declining, and had a wonderful re- suspended pastoral ministry but otherwise, our se- ception in our courtyard with masks and proper so- mester and formation carry-on. It is our every de- cial distancing. We are grateful to say that no one sire to be responsible stewards in the midst of this got sick as a result of that event and it offered clo- global pandemic but also to not define ourselves by sure to those who had to leave so abruptly in the pandemic but by the hope we have in God. It is March. Jesus Christ who leads us. He is the ever-present Of our 15 seniors who graduated in May mentor in this building bringing joy, hope and 2020, 10 have discerned to go on to graduate-level knowledge of vocation in every aspect of the lives seminary and five have entered the workforce. The of our seminarians. We are glad to be back togeth- er, “back home again in Indiana!” INNOVATION Rev. Eric Augenstein, Director of Seminarians which these seminarians could step away from the Archdiocese of Indianapolis noise and chaos of the world and enter into prayer. Not all priestly formation takes place in the With weekly spiritual direction, conferences on seminary. Each summer, some of our seminarians prayer and spirituality, an eight-day silent directed participate in an intensive spirituality program retreat, daily Mass and Liturgy of the Hours, two called the Institute for Priestly Formation (IPF), daily Holy Hours, and plenty of time for rest and which is housed at Creighton University in Omaha. leisure, the seminarians were given space and time This 10-week program focuses on developing a to be with the Lord without the regular responsibili- deepened friendship with our Lord through prayer, ties of academic work or pastoral ministry. including an eight-day silent retreat and confer- I truly see this spirituality summer as one of ences on methods of prayer and schools of spiritu- the unexpected blessings of the adaptations neces- ality. sitated by the pandemic. We were able to utilize the gifts of some of our own Archdiocesan priests Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the three as spiritual directors and conference presenters. seminarians from the Archdiocese of Indianapolis We were able to connect our seminarians with par- who were scheduled to participate in the IPF pro- ishes and communities here at home. With the gram this past summer were unable to do so; the right structure, support, and staff, spiritual for- entire program was cancelled for summer 2020. So, mation can happen anywhere – and we are blessed as with so much else this year, we adapted by cre- here in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis to have a ating a similar program here in our Archdiocese. strong foundation for forming the spiritual life of Housed at one of our parishes, St. Paul seminarians and priests. Church in Tell City, IN, we developed a setting in Liam Hosty ‘20, Seminarian—Theology I during this summer I rekindled my love for the out- Archdiocese of Indianapolis doors. I was able to spend entire days hiking and exploring the rich beauty Southern Indiana has to Looking back over my growth in spiritual offer. Furthermore, being assigned with an out- formation, there is clear evidence of divine provi- doorsy priest like Fr. Tony Hollowell provided op- dence acting in my life. While certainly no one portunities I would not have had otherwise, such as could have predicted the rock climbing outdoors, or far-reaching extent of the summiting mountains. All of pandemic, I truly believe these activities helped culti- that God, in His infinite wis- vate an atmosphere that dom, desired a summer like was much more receptive to this one for me. Initially prayer and provided me there was a bit of mourning with a change of pace. and bereavement of lost While living in Tell opportunities. However, if City, I was able to experi- there was any summer to ence a small taste of parish slow down and cultivate life in a different part of the holy leisure, the summer Archdiocese than where I before going into St. originate. I think one of the Meinrad was the one to do it. Through this sum- advantages of this summer was that I was able to mer, I experienced in a deeper way what it means continue my formation while staying connected to to have an intimate friendship with Christ. the diocese. By being close to home, we were able While COVID certainly limited the opportu- to have priests from the Archdiocese give presenta- nities we had available, we were able to adapt very tions on how they live out their spirituality as a di- 2 successfully to the circumstances. For instance, ocesan priest. Celebrating the Although the graduation of our senior class is typically one of the most highly anticipated celebra- tions on the Bruté calendar, our Class of 2020 had to put their graduation festivities on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, at the end of June, our men were able to return to the cas- tle with their families to celebrate their achievements and say their goodbyes. We continue to congratulate the Class of 2020 and all of our proud alumni on all of their achievements! 3 Ordinations continue as a sign of hope for the Church Photos: Krista Hall Photography Dcn. Corey Bruns ‘16 Diocese of Owenboro, KY No one could have told me in 2019, when I started preparations for my spring ordination to the Diaconate, that it would eventually be post- poned due to a 2020 global pandemic. No one could have told me that I would have a reserved guest list and have to turn people away at the door due to governmental restrictions. No one could have told me that my vocation director calling me that June 20th had been selected as the new date on that Saturday afternoon was going to lead me for my ordination. Pulling over to the side of the to a deeper faith and trust in the Lord…but indeed road, I began to shed some tears as I realized that it that’s what it was. That’s what it all was. was the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary…my When I found out from that phone call favorite title of our Lady, to whom I had made my that nothing about my ordination was going to be Marian Consecration during my first year in Semi- postponed indefinitely, I went to the statue of Our nary at Bruté, eight years prior. Mom had seen me Lady of Einsideln here at Saint Meinrad and through again. She had helped me to say, “yes” to prayed, “Mom, you’ve seen me through seminary. the Lord’s will and I was gifted with a beautiful day Help me to be strong in this trial, help me not to to celebrate my Ordination. be sad, but instead to find God’s will in it. Help me My Ordination wasn’t what I had hoped or to say once more to God with you, “Your will be dreamed it would be, but it was everything that it done, not mine, but yours.” And I left it there. I needed to be and more. My family and several went back to my studies, finished living the cloister close friends were able to be there, even though a couple months later at Saint Meinrad, and left to they were masked and socially-distanced. The choir begin my summer assignment. I had hoped for and the music I had selected was A week or so later, my vocation director exchanged for several wonderful pieces of organ called me while I was on my way home to tell me literature, and the setting of Psalm 84 I had written 4 to be played while I was vested was moved to Com- munion. Everything happened in different, throughout my vocational journey has been BRUTÉ POLICY BOARD smaller ways, but they were still graced a great grace of Holy Orders. Without the ways. The Church gathered as the Holy wonderful priests on formation staff at Bru- Rev. Msgr. William Stumpf, VG Spirit was called down, Bishop William té who had become real fathers to me, I Vicar General Rev. Msgr. Paul Koetter, VF Medley laid his hands on my head, and I wouldn’t be the man of faith and deacon Pastor, Holy Spirit Parish said “yes” to the vocation I had been dis- that I am today. Rev. Eric Augenstein cerning and praying about for as long as I No one could have told me that my Ordina- Director of Seminarians could remember. tion to the Diaconate would be as eventful Very Rev.
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