e Officinas: Redactor Responsável. Redacção; Administração 55-57, Rio de Janeiro. H. F. WILEMAN. Rua Camerino WSktmti% 1ntáltan «j SHIPPING A WEEKLY JOURNAL OF TRADE, FINANCE, ECONOMICS, AND 6 RIO DE JANEIRO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1927 SÍfflSgl N. VOL. 18 ' ~~ ;;;w^fi;__i_i_-_— --'' j&áf -_~4- T0NS GROSS M.V. ALCÂNTARA2*000 l_M 3S3 THE ROYAL MAIL & PACIFIC LINES REGULAR SERVICE of MAIL & CARGO STEAMERS BETWEEN 01 BRAZIl/EUROPE __H ALSO TO RIVER PLATE & PACIFIC PORTS ft m THE WORLD'S LARGEST SUPER-MOTOR L1NER "ALCÂNTARA" TONS DISPLACEMENT 22,000 GROSS TONS 32,00O LQ* TO EU ROPE 1921 -- FROM RIO, „ APRIL, 1921 (_y£Sr\ FROM SÜOS, M APRIL, IS» FROM. PASSAGE RATES AND FURTHER INFORMATION RIO DE JANEIRO SUL Steam Packet Do. RIO GRANDE DO The Royal Mail VICTORIA EPi SANTOS BAHIA Steam Navigation Co. PERNAMBUCO SÃO PAULO The Pacific II WILEMAN'S RRAZILIAN REVIEW. February 10, 1927. iimwfimin-tf —mi n¦-'—«_ J O /-J Vlarca Registrada "Locomotiva" WATSR PROOF CANVAS R0TPR00F. FOR ALL PURPOSES AWNINGS, HATCH COVERS, SAILS, TSNTS, BOAT OOVERS, RAILWAY WAGGON COVERS, CART COVERS, TRAMOAR BLINDS, MOTOR-CAR HOOPS, SUNBLINDS, FILTERS for SUGAR FACTORIES, ETC. MAMUFACTURED BY The São Paulo Alparoaías Co y SOLE SELLING AGENTS EDWARD ASHWORTH & Co. RUA S. BENTO, 26, Caixa 675. RIO DE JANEIRO. SÃO PAilLO BAHIA PORTO ' • ' ¦ ALEGRE , r-,t¦ _S___ Rua do Carmo, 13 i-ua Portugal, 5-1.° Andar Rua dos Andradas, 259-261 CAIXA 559 CAIXA 43 CAIXA 399 THE BRITISH BANK OF SOUTH AMERICA, LIMITED. -( ESTABLISHED IN 1863 )- CAPITAL' AUTHORISED AND SUB5CRIBED IN 100,000 SHARE5 OF £ 20 EACH — — ²£2,000,000 WITH POWER TO INCREASE CAPITAL PAID UP — ²£ 1,000,000 RESERVE FUND - £ 1,000,000 HEAD OFFICE. 4. MOORGATE, LONDON, E. C, 2, RUA DA ALFÂNDEGA, OFFICE IN RIO DE JANEIRO 23, 25, 27 RUA BUENOS AIRES, 22 : : : Branches at: MANCHESTER—PERNAMBUCO—BAHIA—SAO PAULO—POTCTO ALEGRE.—MONTEVIDEO —BUENOS MERCEDES (Sub-Branch to Moate Video.) AIRES— PERGAMINO (Sub-Branch to Buenos Aires.) Affiliated to The Anglo-South American Bank, Ltd. with 6 Branches in Spain and 22 Branches in South America. Correspondents in ali the principal Cities and Tovras in Europe, in the United States of America and in South and Central America. Also in Austrália, Canada, New Zealand South África, índia, &c. Drafts issued on the Bank's Branches and Correspondents. The purchase and sale of Funds undertaken a» also the receipt of Dividends, the issue of Letters of Credit, the negotiation and collectlon of Bills of Exchane-é Drawn Bòndç and Coupons, Cable Transfers. and ali other legitimate Banking business.' Dépos-ts received at interest for fixed periods, the terms of which may be acertalned on application. February 10, 1927. WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. III The GOUROCK RüPEWORK EXPORT CO., LTD, Rio de Janeiro Lighterage Co,, Ltd. RUA PRIMEIRO DE MARÇO, 119 Lfghterage Contractors, Stevedores, Tug and 110 DE JANEIRO Launoh Owners, Salvage Operators. (FACTORIBS AT PORT GLÁ.SGOW, GRBSNOCK, LANARK) Lstabllahed 17X8 Flaet—Over 200 Lighters: 22,000 tons total capacity. SOLE SPINNERS, WEAVERS, MAKERS & PATENTEES OF RAPID HANDLING OF GARGD GUARANTEED. "BIRKMYRE^" Salvage Tug "Emily" equipped with Modem Salvage Applíances. | CjvLEbrated WATER PROOF & ROTPROÜF RIO DE JANEIRO COTTON fr FLAX 75, Rua Visconde de llaborahy, 75 C A N~V~~Ã~S P. O. BOX 1164. for Tents of ali descriptioris, Tarpaulins TELEGRAMS ~ "LIGHTERAGE RIOJANEIRO Katch Covers, Wag-g-ou Covers, Codes~BENTLEY'S. À.B.C. 4th Ed., LIEBER'S, A. 1 Cart Covers. ROPES, TWINES, CORDS, STEEL WIRE ROPES — Dashwood House, New Brood Street, E. C. 2 LONDON COTTON NETS ENQUIRIES INVITED. AND TRAWL NETS ALL AI QUALITY. saaawS TH LEOPOLDINA BAILWAY COMPANY, LIMITE Central Office, RUA DA GLORIA, 36 —RIO DE JANEIRO Telephone Central 2404 — Cable Address: LATESCENCB Direct communication between the States of Rio, Espirito Santo and Minas Geraes, Length of Line, 1356 mUes, with 291 statiions serving an área of 200.060 square miles. TRAFFIC IN 1925. Passengers, No. 20,923,345.Parcels and Luggage, Tons, 110,648.Goods. Tons, 1,446,649 TRAINS LEAVE FOR THE INTERIOR. From Nictheroy. 6.30—Express—Campos, Miracema, Itapemirim, Porciuncula and branch lines, daily. 7 00—Express—Friburgo, Cantagallo, Macuco and Portella, daily. 15.35—Passeio—Friburgo, Cantagallo, Saturday. 21.00—Night Express—Campos, Itapemirim and Victoria, Mondays and Fridays. Return from Victoria Sundayi and Thmrsdaya. 10.15. Electric illumination and ventilation. Single fare Nictheroy/Victora 64$300. Return fare, 103$900. Sleeper cars between Nictheroy and Campos. Upper Eerth, 15$300, Lower Berth 201300. Lunch and dinner lerved on retta_rant car* between Campos and Victoria. 21.00—Night Express—Campos only, Wednesdays until further notice. From Campos, Tuesdays 21.50. Single, 29$400. Return 481600. From Barão de Mauá. Mondays and Thursdays. 20.10—Night Express—Petropolis, Entre Rios, Ricas, Furtado de Campos, Ubá and Ponte Nova, de Mauá Ponte Nova 48$500. Return Return from Ponte Nova Wednesdays and Saturdays 15.10 Single fare Barão Berth 25$400. fare 74§700. Sleeping car between Petropolis and São Geraldo. Upper Berth 20$300, Lower - .— ' ' ¦¦¦-¦"¦'_-p_-___i-_--B-_^_____ww_w___e ——ww———-——------- . i WINTER. RIO — PETROPOLIS.SUMMER. April. From lst May to 31st October. From lst November to 80th WEEK DAYS. WEEK DAYS.^ B. IDA.A. B. __ 20.10 Barão de Maua, Dept. 6.00 8.35 12.00 13-30 16.30 16.30 17.30 20.10 Barão de Maua, Dept 6.00 8.35 12.00 13.30 16.30 17.30 - Dept. ... — 6.10 7.35 8.40 10.10 12.30 16.55 19.30 'etropolis, Dept 6.10 7.35 8.40 10.10 15-55 19.30 Petropolis, HOLIDAYS. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS. SUNDAYS AND 20.10 iarão de Maua, Dept.... 6.00 7.30 8.35 10.30 16.30 17.30 20.1® arSo de Maua, Dept 6.00 7.30 8.35 10.30 15-30 17.30 20.30 Dept 6.10 7.35 10.05 15.06 17.00 10J0 36J(> 'etropolis, Dept 6.10 7.35 10.05 15.05 17.00 19-30 Petropolis, only. A. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays only. B. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday» EXCURSIONS SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED. views during trip; 1 hour, 40 minutes, lst ela»s Petropolis.—2,700 feet above sea levei, magnificent climate, beautiful return 7$400. Stone ballast, no dust. 6fa60 to MonAay). Frlburgo.-2,800ft. above sea levei, 3h. 25min. by passeio train. Fare 11$100 lst class return, single (Satnrday useful information rc: müeage books *nà GUIDE BOOKS A.ND TIMETABLES published half-yearly:—Price ?300—containing ComS»any,i Agencies in Rio; free storage time and demurrage eharges an prices; reduced fares for excursions, pienies, etc.; and in this Guide; Deiivery to d^iSi**»; timber; illustration and price of model poultry eoops; rates of advertising at stations tnap of L. R. svstem: advertisements, views. and sundry otker articles of interest. IV WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. February 10, 1927. LAMPORT & HOLT LINE "DE THE LUXE" SERVICE FAST MAIL AND LUXURIOUS PASSENGER STEAMERS BETWEEN NEW YORK, BRAZIL AND RIVER PLATE Th» tteamers forming the famous " V " fleet were ali speclally deslgtied and buílt for travei between North and South America, and •fter the maxímum comfcrt Large alry cabins, brcad long deeks, cymnasiums, permanent tennis courts, lounges, dining saloont, smoke rooms, and verandafi cafés are particularly adapíed for tropical cruising. "VAUBAN" "VESTRIS" TRAVEL TO NEW YORK VIA TRINIDAD AND BARBADOS ON THE "VANDYCK" "VOLTAIRE", OR " EXPECTED SAILING _SL FROM NEW YORK FOR NEW YORK VAUBAN... 7th Feb. VOLTAIRE. 20th Feb. VANDYCK. 20th Feb. ¦ -¦¦''¦'^êèê.""¦.;•-V ,•¦•:¦¦:* ¦¦¦, VAUBAN.. ôth Mur. \ ¦-.¦•-¦¦ . VESTRIS... 7th Mar. ¦-•-- ' • wm ••:•¦¦ I "¦ 20th Mar. ¦ ;••',' . • VANDYCK. VOLTAIRE. 3rd April \ &z3: VESTRIS... 3rd April VAUBAN.. 17th April lst May ,--v.: ._SrrX-gvr__-_;^---_r^^'*^^g"^=^&jÇg]?¦,¦£*•'•.<-¦ >';;? VOLTAIRE. VANDYCK. lst May VAUBAN.. 15th May VESTRIS... 15th May VANDYCK. 29th May —i iiL»—¦—¦—___¦—i—__¦__»___¦¦¦¦___------>-¦¦_¦¦_¦¦¦_¦¦¦_¦____________—_iW-a——ii w i iii"!¦¦ "VOLTAIRE" and "VANDYCK" call at Pernambuco Northbound. L&mport & Holt, Md* Pernambuco : WILLIAMS a Co. São Paulo; F. S. HAMPSHIRE • Co. Ltd. ¦atila : F. STEVENSON * Co., Ltd. RIO DE JANEIRO Montevideo: M. REAL DE AZUA Santos : F. S. HAMPSHIRE a Cs.. Ltd. Avenida Rio Branco, 21-23 Buenos Aires : LAMPORT • HOLT, LTO. TEL. N. 8671 THE NOEWEGIAN SOÜTH AMEE1CA LJNE Kegnlar eeryke between, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Baltic Ports, Brazil, River Plate & vice versa — FOR RIVER PLATE: ^!v _—. -^^^ FOR DENMARK, NORWAY, FINLAND & BALTIC PORTS: m/s CRUX—expected Rio 4th Feb. from Norway. m/s BAYARD—loading Rio 13th Feb. m/s COMETA—lst March. s/s LISTA—loading Santos and Rio end February. m/s SALTA—2nd half March. m/s CRUX—loading Santos and Rio about m/s BORGLAND—early April. middle March. Fop further partieulaps apply to the Agent RÜADE sàopedro no. 9, mo de janeiro. FRFÍIRIKri.LfJJlUÍY LnuLLimniFNÍ1FÍ HART~ RUA 16 DE NOVEMBRO 172, SANTOS. REDERIAKTIEBOLAGET NORDSTJERNAN LINE FLEET: 14 MOTOR SHIPS, TOTAL TONNAGE, 91,000 TONS. Regalar fterrice between: — Finland, Sweden-Brazil. Finland, Sweden-Rirer Plate. Finland, Norway, Sweden-Ohile and Peru. Sweden, Norway-North Pacific, and rice-versa. SAILINGS FROM SWEDEN: SAILINGS FOR SWEDEN & FINLAND: Suécia — 14, January. due Rio 9, February. San Francisco — 27, January, due Rio 22, February. Valparaiso — 19, February. Lima — 19, February. Pacific — 27, February. K. Margareta — 4, March. Suécia — 25, March. For further partieulars apply to the Agents:—Williams & Co-, Pernambuco; H. Gueudeville & Co., Bahia; Johnson Line Agencie8» Santos; Edward Wigg & Sons, Rio Grande; or LUIZ CAMPOS»4* Rua visconde inhaúma. g4, rio de janmbo. m í;-^S_L/ ¦¦-¦•: . ::^0W- '-'¦ *S i*$ ,# QtíÍTYltt <V!_?t*<3_ftl UiLitlP_lt'__flt £ _Kf_t_*ilt_ttt fí ectettí A WEEKLY JOURNAL OF TRADE, FINANCE, ECONOMICS, AND SHIPPING Vòl.
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