KATAffAH PUBLIC LI3RARY 165 " A L ’} ST. !.'ATA.VA‘i. N .J. 07747 Story, In th is e d itio n : Sh o re’s Su p erstar g rid team art work Page 2 2 % \ i t U a t a t e n J o u r n a l Member M e m b e r 104th YEAR - 25th WEEK ,Ndtion;il Newspaper Association MATAWAN, NEW JERSEY Thursday, December 14,1972 15 CENTS PER COPY f New Jersey Press Association O pposition to p ort , pipelin e m ounts By CHET BEAMAN a series of public meetings has been held. One of these public Hook Bay area or in the Atlantic Ocean off Long The Atlantic Highlands Planning Board was the first bearings will be held on Thursday night, Dec. 21, in the B ran ch . municipal agency lo go on record as opposed to the project. MIDDLETOWN auditorium of Middletown lligh School. “ The Monmouth County Planning Board previously Al a meeting lasl Thursday night the board adopted a Whether the proposed deepwater port is located off Long Foremost among the organizations opposing the proposal expressed its opposition at a hearing in New York City resolution slating its position in opposition after hearing Branch or in the waters of Raritan Bay, provided it is located is the Monmouth County Planning Board. Robert D. Halsey, on May 25. A copy of the statement presented at that Mayor Richard C. Stryker stale that the Council's position anywhere at all, the entire Shore area will be affectcd. director of county planning, last week addressed letters to hearing is attached hereto. will be made clear al the forthcoming meeting. U.S. Sen. Clifford !J . Case and llarrison A. Williams Jr. and “ It would appear that this earlier objection was not Stryker said that a proposed 27-acre superport would That is the opinion of many officials who during the past Hep. .James J . Howard urging them to oppose the proposal. sufficient to block this project, since a hearing is now aanille from six to eight tankers daily. He cited oil spillage, week have been calling for organized resistance to any plan Text of the letter follows: scheduled for both sites on Dec. 21, at the Middletown which would cause havoc at area beaches, as only one reason of the Arm y Corps of Engineers to establish such a purl in High School. In view of ibis continued effort on the why such a porl should not be permitted in Ihis locality. which huge supertankers may discharge their cargoes of oil “ At its last regular meeting on Nov. 20, 1972, the part of the Corps of Engineers, the Monmouth County The Spring Lake Heights Borough Council on Monday night for New York, New Jersey and Delaware. Monmouth County Planning Board directed me to Planning Board is requesting your assistance in went on record as unalterably opposed to the port project and write to you and reiterate the board’s opposition to the opposing the construction of a deepwater port facility expressed its support of Ihe county planners 111 opposing it. A selection from among six sites is expected in March after location of a deepwater port in the Raritan-Sandy in the Monmouth County area.” Dr. Lyndon C K ibler. chairm an of the .Middletown Environmental Commission, said last week that "more is at STUDENTS SEE THEM SELVES stake’ than just the location of a deepwater port in Mon­ mouth County. He said that also being considered are maps showing ram ifications of the plan which have not yet been Teevee part of classroom released to either Ihe officials or newspapers. I hese maps show. he said, that from a proposed unloading MATAWAN TWP. year when she worked with a group of area I.I miles off Long Branch a 411-inch submarine pipeline Do you remember how you learned the children with learning disabilities, that she would carry oil to a 2 1 0 -acre tank farm planned for the Earle difference between up and down, right and began lo think about experimenting with Am munition Depot pier at lx,*oriardo. left, near and far? Probably not. video in the classroom. She discussed il with The pipeline would come ashore at Sea Hrighl, cross under her daughter and plans started lo take shape. The children in Mrs. Josephine Klein’s the Shrewsbury River in the vicinity of lhc Sea Bright bridge, kindergarten class at the Strathmore The program, funded by a mini-grant from proceed through Rumson in a northwesterly direction and Elem entary School are learning those things the state Department of kducation, given to cross under the Navesink R iver near the Oceanic Bridge to now, and they should remember it later, Mrs. Klein under the Teacher Innovation Locust. From there il would proceed through the llartshorne because they do it in a rather unusual way — program, has been under way since Sep­ Woods to the oil storage facilities at Ix'onardo. by seeing themselves on television. tember and will continue through March. Furtherm ore, he slated, the sam e map calls for two SC-inch The television equipment is used in the The 22 children in the class, most of them pipelines to run southwest from the tank farms through classroom as part of the curriculum to em­ five-year-olds, were not specially chosen for Middletown, llazlet and Marlboro Townships on their way lo phasize development of perception and to this program , but a type of evaluation of the oil refineries on the Delaware River. coordinate skills. It appears especially group was undertaken in order to find which Another 48-indt pipe line would run north through Kean­ helpful for slow learners. of the children needed to be worked with the sburg, Union Beach, Keyport and Matawan Borough and most. "B y seeing themselves on the screen, the Township 011 its wav to refineries in northern New Jersey. One boy in the class who didn’t talk at all children learn to understand where they end when he started kindergarten has learned Said Dr. Kibler, “Remember the 25-foot swath the con­ and the world begins," says Sami Klein, who with the help of the television camera. Others tractors cut to install a mere H indi sewer line in Middletown. is helping her mother with this experimental who were very shy at the start are now quite Vou can imagine what will happen to all these towns when p ro g ra m . active students, according to the teachers. they start putting through 48-inch and r.fi-incli oil pipelines.” "The greatest use for television is in They note that it appears that the ones who education, no doubt about it," continues really need to be worked with also enjoy it the It is still unknown w ho would build the port or how il would Sami, a graduate of Matawan Regional lligh most. VIDEO EXPERIMENT — Stephen Osborn, left, and David Lamie, both five-year-old be operated but the corps expects to suggest answ ers tu these School, who became interested in video a Others, found to have great dram atic student* fat Mrs. Josephine KlelnN kindergarten class at the Strathmore Elementary School in questions in June when a financial feasibility study is tQ he. couple of years ago, white working nt thv abilities are using the camera for making Matawan Twp., pose in front o f television camera operated by Mrs. Klein's daughter Sami, Global Theatre in New York’s Greenwich theatrical dramatizations, and a special tape completed. The cost now is estimated at about $200 million. V illa g e . for teaching the alphabet is in the making. who brings her ow n video equipment to the class room where it is used in a special program Edward P. Wisniewski, an economist with the corps, said io develop perception and coordinate skills. that :i.20l) notices for the meeting have been sent out lo every She is now a member of a non-profit Tapes from sessions in this class will be public official and environeimital group lhat has expressed organization called Television Arts for shown to other educators, to illustrate the interest 111 the project Popular Education. One of her partners is opportunities available to teachers by using currently working with graduate students at video equipment. W isniewski saiii that tankers weighing ISn.ooo Ions nr more Columbia Teachers College, on video Video allows the teachers to create Iheir Plan board delays action are going to be transporting oil to North Am erica because oil techniques for teaching autistic and retarded own television program, as an alternative to supplies at home are dwindling and the I'nited Slates must ch ild re n . network produced shows, and to further rely upon imports These super tankers will not hr able to Mrs. Klein has been teaching in the develop techniques for teaching children with as agencies fail to act navigate existing waterways, he said, pointing out that the M atawan schools for ten years, and it was last learning disabilities. new ships will draw 70 feet of water while the channel 111 th e Arthur Kill, between New Jersey and Staten Island, is only 35 MATAWAN TWP. received by the applicant homes would be built. feet deep A lack of recommendations Reports are still needed from Student sh ow from the slate transportation Among those who oppose the deepwater port is IC Donald from township agencies and department for restaurant several township authorities. Sterner, chairman ol tin* county planning board, who was Classes in arts, sciences individuals regarding ap­ entrances and exists onto A public hearing on the among thr first to express an objection He called upon follow is two days plications pending before the lite 35 application drew no ob­ opponents to be prepared to fight oil powerful interests lhat planning board resulted in a Action was also withheld jections from the audience ■M ATAW AN and 10 between 3 and 4:;i0 MATAWAN delay of action on a number because tin- site plan has not In other action, the board s\ an t th e |>orl h e re Classes in the arts and p.in Students at Matawan of applications at lasl week’s been revised to show approved a site plan for a 770 sciences which are geared to Ke^ional High School will meeting recommended changes by Ihe s q u a re foot a d d itio n to the lion aid lias \owril lhat mi deepwater port will Ik * b u ilt the development of special New courses offered this present a winter concert iu Action on an application by police department.
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